% Module:    ZzTeX Art Facilities
% Synopsis:  This module provides facilities to deal with external art.
% Author:    Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% Created:   7 June 1991
% Copyright 1989--2020 by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% under The MIT License (opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
%                       Art File Root & Placing Control
%                       --- ---- ---- - ------- -------

\def \zartroot {}
\setflag \zplaceart = \true

\def \setartroot #1{%                                   {root/}
  \gdef \zartroot {#1}}

\def \zprependartroot #1#2{%                            {\name}{filespec}
  \edef #1{\zartroot#2}}

\def \placeart #1{%
  \setflag \zplaceart = #1}
%                       Imported Art
%                       -------- ---


%~block art Type
% \abovepenalty = integer               % Penalty above block.
% \aboveskip = glue                     % Space b/b above block.
% \belowpenalty = integer               % Penalty below block.
% \belowskip = glue                     % Space b/b below block.
% \setflag \cliptobb = flag             % Clip art to its bounding box?
% \hfuzz = dimen                        % Horizontal fuzz.
% \hscale = dimen                       % Horizontal scale (in points).
% \leftindent = glue                    % Left indentation.
% \rightindent = glue                   % Right indentation.
% \vscale = dimen                       % Vertical scale (in points).
% \vshift = dimen                       % Vertical shift.


%~ The format of the *file-info* argument is:
%~ *file*,*width*,*height*,*scale*[,*gutter*,*file*,...]&/
%~ The *file* is a file name preceded by |!| or |=|.

\def \art #1#2{%                                {type}{file-info}
  \global\increment \artdepth
  \abovepenalty = \breakgood                    %~default hard
  \belowpenalty = \breakgood                    %~default hard
  \setflag \cliptobb = \false                   %~default soft
  \hfuzz = 1pt                                  %~default soft
  \hscale = 1.0pt                               %~default hard
  \vscale = 1.0pt                               %~default hard
  \vshift = \mindimen                           %~default soft
  \global\increment \artnumber
  \global\artwidth = 0pt
  \global\artheight = 0pt

\def \endart {%
  \global\decrement \artdepth

\def \artformat #1{%                            {info}
  \noindent \zbldartline 0pt,#1,\zmark \endgraf
  \prevdepth = 0pt                              % Nothing better to do.

\def \zbldartline #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6\zmark{%     gutter,file,width,height,scale,...,\zmark
  \if \notp{\emptyargp{#6}}\zbldartline #6\zmark \fi}
%                       Place Art File
%                       ----- --- ----


\def \zbuildartlineb #1#2#3#4#5{%       {gutter}{file}{width}{height}{scale}
  \kern #1\relax
  \zparseartfile #2,0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt,\zmark
  \gcalculate \artwidth = {\artwidth,+,#1,+,\zartwidth}%
  \if \dimgtrp{\zartheight}{\artheight}\global\artheight = \zartheight \fi}

\def \zparseartfile #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6\zmark{% spec,left,right,top,bottom\zmark
  \zparseartspec #1.eps.\zmark
  \zleftslop = #2%
  \zrightslop = #3%
  \ztopslop = #4%
  \zbottomslop = #5\relax}

\def \zcalcartdimens #1#2#3{%                           {width}{height}{scale}
  \if \orp{\andp{\dimzerop{#1}}{\dimzerop{#2}}}
    \if \zgotart
      \zartwidth = 20pc \zartheight = 10pc
    \calculate \zartwidth = {#1,-,\zleftslop,-,\zrightslop}%
    \calculate \zartheight = {#2,-,\ztopslop,-,\zbottomslop}%
  \zcalcartscale #3\zmark
  \calculate \zartwidth = {\zartwidth,S,\zartscale,S,\hscale}%
  \calculate \zartheight = {\zartheight,S,\zartscale,S,\vscale}%
  \calculate \zleftslop = {\zleftslop,S,\zartscale,S,\hscale}%
  \calculate \zbottomslop = {\zbottomslop,S,\zartscale,S,\vscale}%
  \if \forceepsbb
    \advance \zleftslop by \zbbxorigin
    \advance \zbottomslop by \zbbyorigin

\def \zcalcartscale #1#2\zmark{%                        scale\zmark
  \if \codeeqlp{#1}{=}%
    \if \emptyargp{#2}%
      \calculate \zartscale = {\hsize,R,\zartwidth}%
      \calculate \zartscale = {#2,R,\zartwidth}%
    \calculate \zartscale = {#1#2pt,/,100}%

\def \zbuildartlinec #1{%                                         {title}
  \if \dimeqlp{\vshift}{\mindimen}%
  \vtop {%                                      % Place art in a vbox.
    \rule{height \vshift width 0pt}%            % Force the height of the
    \kern -\vshift                              % box to match ascenders.
    \rule{height 0pt width \zartwidth}%         % Force the width of the box.
    \if \andp{\zplaceart}{\zgotart}%
      \rule{height 0pt depth \zartheight width 0pt}%    % Force its depth.
      \vbox to \zartheight{%                            % Force its depth.
        \hbox to \zartwidth {\hss \zannofont #1\hss}%
        \hbox to \zartwidth {\hss \zannofont
          \if \notp{\zplaceart}[not placing]\fi
          \if \notp{\zgotart}[to come]\fi

\def \zplaceartfile {%
  \kern \zbottomslop
  \moveleft \zleftslop \vbox{%
    \special{CTM: push}%
    \special{CTM: scale \thefactor\hscale \space \thefactor\vscale}%
    \special{CTM: pop}}%
  \kern -\zbottomslop}
%                       Duplicates and Missing Art
%                       ---------- --- ------- ---

% Write an art entry into the cross-reference file.

\def \zwriteartinfo #1#2#3#4{%                  {file}{width}{height}{scale}
    \edef \znext {\noexpand\xref{art}{\noexpand\folio}%

% This macro is invoked by \xref. In copy mode, it checks to make sure
% that no art file is used twice.

\def \xrefart #1#2#3#4{%                        {page}{number}{title}{tag}
  \ifnum \xrefmode=\xrefcopymode
    \zxrefarta #2,\zmark

\def \zxrefarta #1#2,#3\zmark{%
  \if \notp{\orp{\codeeqlp{#1}{!}}{\codeeqlp{#1}{=}}}%
    \if \definedp{\zart:#1#2}%
      \warning{dupart}{Art file `#1#2' is used more than once in the book}%

% This macro is invoked at the end of the run.

\def \zmissingartmsg {%
  \if \posp{\zmissingart}%
    \remark{Number of missing art files in this run: \number\zmissingart.}%
%                       Built-In Art Blocks
%                       -------- --- ------

\def \fullpagegraphic #1{%                              {art-spec}
       \leftindent=\if \evenpagep \evenbleedshift \else \oddbleedshift \fi}  
\def \artgraphicdesign {%
  \aboveskip = \noskip
  \belowskip = \noskip
  \setflag \cliptobb = \false
  \hfuzz = 1pt
  \leftindent = 0pt
  \rightindent = 0pt
  \vshift = 0pt}
%                       Glyph Definitions
%                       ----- -----------

% This macro allows the user to define a "glyph," which is an EPS file
% that is treated like a fancy character.  The bounding box must be
% perfect. 

\def \defineglyph #1#2#3{%            {\name}{spec,width,height,scale}{raise}
  \gdef #1{\zglyph #2,#3\zmark}}

\def \zglyph #1,#2,#3,#4,#5\zmark{%     spec,width,height,scale,raise\zmark
  {\zparseartspec #1.eps.\zmark
   \zartwidth = #2%
   \zartheight = #3%
   \tdimena = #4\typesize               % \tdimena = final scale in points.
   \divide \tdimena by 10
   \calculate \zartwidth = {\zartwidth,P,\thefactor\tdimena}%
   \calculate \zartheight = {\zartheight,P,\thefactor\tdimena}%
   \raise #5 \hbox to \zartwidth{%
     \rule{height \zartheight depth 0pt width 0pt}%
     \if \zgotart

%                       Panel Label Block
%                       ----- ----- -----


%~block panellabel Type
% \aboveskip = glue                     % Space b/b above block.
% \belowskip = glue                     % Space b/b below block.
% \bodyfont = {...}                     % Font for text.
% \style = {...}                        % Label style.
% \vshift = dimen                       % Vertical shift.

\def \panellabel #1#2{%                         {type}{label-list}
  \global\increment \panellabeldepth
  \style = {letter in parens}%                  %~default soft
  \vshift = 0pt                                 %~default soft
  \global\increment \panellabelnumber

\def \endpanellabel {%
  \global\decrement \panellabeldepth

\def \panellabelformat #1{%                     {panel-list}
  \zdolabel #1,\zmark

\def \zdolabel #1,#2,#3\zmark{%                         shift,label,...
    \smash{\lower \vshift \hbox{#2}}}%
  \if \notp{\emptyargp{#3}}\zdolabel #3\zmark \fi}
%                       Frames
%                       ------


%~block frame Type
% \abovepenalty = integer               % Penalty above block.
% \aboveskip = glue                     % Space b/b above block.
% \def \backgroundformat ##1{...}       % Background formatter.
% \belowpenalty = integer               % Penalty below block.
% \belowskip = glue                     % Space b/b below block.
% \deferredparams = {...}               % Deferred parameter calculations.
% \framecolor = {color}                 % Color of frame.
% \framewidths = {left,right,top,bot}   % Widths of frame segments.
% \framegaps = {left,right,top,bot}     % Gaps between frame and material.
% \leftindent = glue                    % Left indentation of enclosed material.
% \screencolor = {color}                % Background screen color.
% \width = dimen                        % Width of enclosed material.

% Together, \leftindent and \width specify the position of the enclosed
% text within the text box, not of the frame itself.




\def \frame #1{%                                {type}
  \global\increment \framedepth
  \global\increment \zdivframecounter
  \abovepenalty = \breakgood                    %~default hard
  \def \backgroundformat ##1{}%                 %~default soft
  \belowpenalty = \breakgood                    %~default hard
  \deferredparams = {}%                         %~default soft
  \framecolor = {black}%                        %~default soft
  \leftindent = 0pt                             %~default soft
  \screencolor = {}%                            %~default soft
  \width = \naturalwidth                        %~default soft
  \global\increment \framenumber
  \setbox\zboxa = \vtop \bgroup

\def \endframe {%
    \egroup % \vtop
  \setbox\zboxb = \hbox to \width{%
    \hspace{-\leftindent}\box\zboxa \hss}%
  \edef \zcolorrule {\noexpand\colorrule{\the\framecolor}}%
  \def \zarga ##1,##2,##3,##4\zmark{##1\relax}%
  \def \zargb ##1,##2,##3,##4\zmark{##2\relax}%
  \def \zargc ##1,##2,##3,##4\zmark{##3\relax}%
  \def \zargd ##1,##2,##3,##4\zmark{##4\relax}%
  \tdimenc = \expandafter\zargc\the\framegaps\zmark
  \advance \tdimenc by \ht\zboxb
  \advance \tdimenc by \dp\zboxb
  \advance \tdimenc by \expandafter\zargd\the\framegaps\zmark
  \setbox\zboxa = \vtop {%
    \measureascenderheight{\tdimena}%           % Force the height of the
    \rule{width 0pt height \tdimena}%           % box to match ascenders.
    \kern -\tdimena
    \if \notp{\emptytoksp{\screencolor}}%
      \tdimend = \expandafter\zarga\the\framegaps\zmark
      \advance \tdimend by \wd\zboxb
      \advance \tdimend by \expandafter\zargb\the\framegaps\zmark
%%%      \moveright \expandafter\zarga\the\framewidths\zmark \smashbox{%
        \colorrule{\the\screencolor}{width \tdimend height \tdimenc}}%
    \zcolorrule{height \expandafter\zargc\the\framewidths\zmark}%
    \kern -\expandafter\zargc\the\framewidths\zmark
    \hbox {%
      \rlap{\zcolorrule{height \tdimenc
                        width \expandafter\zarga\the\framewidths\zmark}}%
      \hskip \expandafter\zarga\the\framegaps\zmark
      \vbox {%
        \vskip \expandafter\zargc\the\framegaps\zmark
        \vskip \expandafter\zargd\the\framegaps\zmark}%
      \hskip \expandafter\zargb\the\framegaps\zmark
      \llap{\zcolorrule{height \tdimenc
                        width \expandafter\zargb\the\framewidths\zmark}}}%
    \kern -\expandafter\zargd\the\framewidths\zmark
    \zcolorrule{height \expandafter\zargd\the\framewidths\zmark}%
  \advance \leftindent by -\expandafter\zarga\the\framewidths\zmark
  \advance \leftindent by -\expandafter\zarga\the\framegaps\zmark
  \global\decrement \framedepth

\def \frameformat {%
  \hindent{\leftindent} \rlap{\box\zboxa}\par
  \prevdepth = 0pt                              % Last thing in box is rule.

% This macro is invoked at the beginning of each division.

\def \zframedivinit {%
  \global\zdivframecounter = 0\relax}
%                       Margin Rules
%                       ------ -----


%~block marginrule Type
% \artspec = {...}                      % Art spec for graphic above rule.
% \leftshift = dimen                    % Horizontal shift for rule in left margin.
% \position = {...}                     % Position options.
% \rightshift = dimen                   % Horizonal shift for rule in right margin.
% \rulecolor = {...}                    % Color of rule.
% \rulewidth = dimen                    % Width of rule.
% \vshift = dimen                       % Vertical shift for note.




\def \marginrule #1#2{%                                 {type}{height,depth}
  \global\increment \marginruledepth
  \global\increment \zdivmrcounter
  \rulecolor = {black}                                  %~default soft
  \vshift = 0pt                                         %~default soft

\def \endmarginrule {%
  \global\decrement \marginruledepth

\def \marginruleformat #1{%                             {height,depth}
  \if \vmodep
    \zmrprevdepth = \prevdepth
    \topskip = 0pt
    \moveright \zmrshift \vtop to 0pt{%
      \vskip \vshift
      \zmrrule #1\zmark
  \if \vmodep \prevdepth = \zmrprevdepth \fi}

% This macro sets up variables that specify the position of a margin rule
% according to the \position design parameter:
%   \ifevenpage         Use next position only on even page.
%   \ifoddpage          Use next position only on odd page.
%   \leftmargin         Shift note to left margin.
%   \outsidemargin      Shift note to outside margin.
%   \rightmargin        Shift note to right margin.


\def \zparsemrpos #1{%                                 {options...}
  \global\zmrhpos = 0
  {\def \ifevenpage   ##1{\if \evenp{\marginrulepage}##1\fi}%
   \def \ifoddpage    ##1{\if \oddp{\marginrulepage}##1\fi}%
   \def \leftmargin   {\global\zmrhpos=1\relax}%
   \def \outsidemargin{\ifevenpage{\leftmargin}\ifoddpage{\rightmargin}}%
   \def \rightmargin  {\global\zmrhpos=2\relax}%
  \ifcase \zmrhpos
          {No horizontal position has been specified for a margin rule}%
    \if \negp{\leftshift}%
      \zmrshift = \leftshift 
      \if \evenp{\marginrulepage}%
        \calculate \zmrshift = {-\evenlefttextmargin,+,\leftshift}%
        \calculate \zmrshift = {-\oddlefttextmargin,+,\leftshift}%
    \calculate \zmrshift = {\textmeasure,+,\rightshift}%

\def \zmrgraphic {%
  \if \emptytoksp{\artspec}%
    \artheight = 0pt
    \xdef \znext {\noexpand\art{zmarginrule}{\the\artspec}}%
    \kern -1pt


\def \zmrrule #1,#2\zmark{%                             height,depth\zmark
  \calculate \zmrdepth = {#2,-,\artheight}%
  \setbox \zboxa = \hbox{\vrule width 0pt height #1 depth \zmrdepth}%
  \vskip -\ht\zboxa
  \colorrule{\the\rulecolor}{width \rulewidth height #1 depth \zmrdepth}}

\def \artzmarginruledesign {%
  \aboveskip = \noskip
  \belowskip = \noskip
  \setflag \cliptobb = \false
  \hfuzz = 999pc
  \leftindent = 0pt
  \rightindent = 0pt
  \vshift = \mindimen}

% This macro is invoked at the beginning of each division.

\def \zmrdivinit {%
  \global\zdivmrcounter = 0\relax}
%                       Corner Marks
%                       ------ -----

\def \topcornermarks #1#2#3{%           {box-width}{length}{thickness} 
  \hbox to #1{\vrule height #3 depth 0pt width #2 \hss
              \vrule height #3 depth 0pt width #2}%
  \hbox to #1{\vrule height #2 depth 0pt width #3 \hss
              \vrule height #2 depth 0pt width #3}}

\def \bottomcornermarks #1#2#3{%        {box-width}{length}{thickness}
  \hbox to #1{\vrule height #2 depth 0pt width #3 \hss
              \vrule height #2 depth 0pt width #3}%
  \hbox to #1{\vrule height #3 depth 0pt width #2 \hss
              \vrule height #3 depth 0pt width #2}}
%                       Utilities
%                       ---------

\definecount{\zmissingart}{0}           % Count of missing art files.

% Check that the art file exists and issue remark if not.

\def \zchkartfile #1{%                                  {\flag}
  \setflag #1= \true
  \if \notp{\znext}%
    \remark{Art file `\zartfile' is missing; ignored for now}%
    \global\increment \zmissingart
    \setflag #1= \false

\def \zparseartspec #1#2.#3.#4\zmark{%                    name.ext.\zmark
  \def \zartfile {???}%                                 % Why do this?
  \if \codeeqlp{#1}{!}%
    \def \zartfile{#2.#3}%
  \else\if \codeeqlp{#1}{=}%