//  Copyright (c) 2012--2018 by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
//  This software may be used on your own computer systems and may
//  be distributed freely to other people. It may not be sold or
//  incorporated into any commercial products.
//  Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
//  Windfall Software
//  978 371-2316
//  paul@windfall.com
//  ZzExplore:  Describe built-in TeX, Plain TeX, ZzTeX, and design
//              file entities for compositors.
//              This is the details phrase file.
//  Created:    7 May 2016

//                      \art Block
//                      ---- -----

.details art_details \art
.template art_details
== The |\art| Block

This tutorial describes the ZzTeX |\art| block, which is used to place
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files on the page. EPS files can be created
with many different applications, the most common being Adobe Illustrator
and PhotoShop.

=== The |\art| Command

The format of the |\art| command is:

| \art{*type*}{*file*,*width*,*height*,*scale*[,*gutter*,*file*,*width*,*height*,*scale*,...]}

The *type* argument specifies the type of the code block and thus its
design. Common examples are |figure| for art in floating figures and
|text| for art in text.

A single piece of art is described by four values in the second argument:

& *file*& The name of the EPS file. See below.
& *width*& The width of the art, usually specified in picas.
& *height*& The height of the art.
& *scale*& The scale factor for the art. See below.

You can place multiple pieces of art, or panels, side-by-side by including
additional values in the second argument. The *gutter* specifies the
horizontal distance between the adjacent panels. The next four arguments specify
the second art file, in the same manner as the first. This sequence can be
continued to place three or four panels side-by-side.

=== File Name

The file name specified in the |\art| command is the name of an EPS file to be
placed on the page. There is no need to specify the extension |.eps|. The
file is assumed to reside in the directory specifed by the |\setartroot|
command in the book's root file. If the name is preceded by an exclamation
point (|!|), then the file is located in the main project directory (this
feature is used for design art).

Occasionally, a piece of art will include spurious whitespace on the edges
of the art, but within its bounding box. This whitespace is called *slop*,
and will result in the art appearing out of position. ZzTeX can compensate
for the slops if you specify them with the file name, as follows:


Note the extra set of braces around the file name and slops. All four slops
must be specified, in this order: left side, right side, top, bottom. If all
the slops are less than 1.5 points or so, there is no need to include them.
We haven't used slops much in the past decade or so; we simply ask the
illustrator to eliminate the whitespace.

=== Width and Height

If both the width and height are specified as zero (i.e., |0pc,0pc|), then the
art will be dynamically sized when the file is processed. ZzTeX inspects the
EPS file to determine the art size. If it cannot find the |%%BoundingBox|
comment that specifies the size, an error results. We use this feature
only for design art.

The ZzSizeArt utility can automatically size the art in a chapter file.
Try |~.facility; sizing art| for more details.

=== Scale Factor

The scale factor specifies the scale at which the piece of art should be
placed, relative to its natural size. The scale factor must always be
specified, even if it is 100. There are three ways to specify it:

* *percentage*&_A  number that specifes the percentage of scaling.
The number may include decimal places.

* |=|&_An equal sign specifies that the art should be scaled
to fit in the prevailing width. The width is usually the
text measure or the type area width.

* |=*width*|&_An equal sign and a width specifies that the art should
be scaled to the specified width.

=== Aligning Side-by-Side Panels

The |\art| command aligns side-by-side panels along their top edges. Sometimes
you want them aligned differently. To shift a panel vertically, specify a
top slop that is positive to shift the panel up or negative to shift the panel

Note that the slops are scaled by the scale factor, so the exact slop
required to shift the panel correctly may not be obvious.
//                      Art Sizing
//                      --- ------

.phrase art_sizing art sizing : text
.synonym sizing art
.synonym zzsizeart
= ZzSizeArt Art Sizing Utility

The ZzSizeArt utility allows you to manipulate the art sizes specified in
|\art| commands in ZzTeX source files. Its two primary capabilities are to set
the sizes of art files by inspecting the Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files
and to replace existing EPS files with new versions.

The ZzSizeArt facility relies on the following conventions for art files:

* The bulk of the art files for a book are stored in the art/
subdirectory under the primary project directory.

* Replacement art files are loaded into the new/ subdirectory under
the art/ directory before eventually being hoisted into the
art/ directory.

* Before an art file in an |\art| command is sized, its width and height are
coded as |20pc,10pc|. This special combination signals that the art has not
been sized.

* ZzTeX supports dynamic sizing by setting the |\art| size
to |0pc,0pc|. In this case, the size is determined by inspecting the
EPS file every time the chapter is processed, rather than being set
statically. Most ZzSizeArt commands ignore dynamically sized files.

== zzsizeart Command

The zzsizeart command has the following syntax:

| zzsizeart *root* *command* *additional-items*

The *root* parameter specifies the root name of the book. It is usually
specified as a period (|.|), which causes ZzSizeArt to figure out the root
name. The command parameter is a keyword that determines which function
ZzSizeArt performs. Its functions are described in alphabetical order
in the following paragraphs.

* |zzsizeart *root* reset *source-file*|

This command resets all the art sizes in the specified ZzTeX source file to
|20pc,10pc|. Dynamically sized art files are ignored unless the |-all| option is
included, in which case they are reset also.

If the |-scale| option is specified, then ZzSizeArt also resets the scale of
the art files to 100.

* |zzsizeart *root* replace *optional-file-spec*|

This command analyzes the replacement art files in the art/new/ subdirectory
to determine whether they are the same size as the existing art files and
can safely replace them. If a *file-spec* parameter is provided, only the
replacement files that match the file spec are analyzed. The command
generates a report about the replacement art files and displays it on the
screen. This reports tells you whether the replacement art files are the
same size or a different size.

If the |-hoist| option is included, then any replacement art files that are the
same size as the existing files are hoisted from the new/ subdirectory up to
the art/ directory, replacing the old art files of the same names. The rest of
the replacement art files are left in the new/ subdirectory. You can use the
PrintEPS utility to generate a proof of the remaining art files, from which
you can read the sizes of those files. Also see the |tell| command below.

If the |-all| option is also specified, then all replacement art files are
hoisted, including those that are a different size from the existing art

The |-epsilon=*w*,*h*| option specifies the epsilon values for the width (*w*) and
height (*h*). If the difference in size is within these epsilons, the
replacement file is considered the same size as the existing file. The
default width and heigh epsilons are both 1.5 points.

* |zzsizeart *root* size *source-file*|

This command sizes the |\art| commands in the specified ZzTeX source file by
analyzing the EPS files named in those |\art| commands. Every art file must have
the size |20pc,10pc|, except for dynamically-sized art files, which are
ignored. Every named art file must exist in the art/ subdirectory. The
source file is modified so that the art files have their actual sizes.

If the |-ifexists| option is specified, then ZzSizeArt will size those art
files that exist in the art/ subdirectory and ignore any other files named
in |\art| commands. *All* art files must still have the size |20pc,10pc|, but any
files that do not exist will not be set to their actual sizes.

If the |-partial| option is specified, then ZzSizeArt will size those art
files whose sizes are |20pc,10pc| and ignore any other art files named in |\art|
commands. This allows you to size art files that were not sized previously
for whatever reason, possibly due to a prior use of the |-ifexists| option.

If both |-ifexists| and |-partial| are specified, then ZzTeX will size any
art file who size is |20pc,10pc| and that exists in the art/ subdirectory.

* |zzsizeart *root* tell *eps-file* ...|

This command analyzes the specified EPS files and displays a report giving
their sizes. This is useful when you need to know the sizes of a few EPS
files in order to update their |\art| commands by hand.
For more details on the |\art| command, try |~.facility; \art|.
//                      Cleanup Report
//                      ------- ------

.phrase cleanup_report cleanup report
.synonym clean-up report
.synonym clean up report
= Cleanup Report for ~.project;

This report describes the chapter cleanup activities for books
in general and ~.project; in particular.

Before reading this report, it's a good idea to read the design
report for ~.project;. Try |~.facility; design report|.

== General Cleanup

=== Clean Up Headings

The heads in sectioning commands (e.g., |\chapter|, |\section|) and
tables, along with the titles in captions, must be formatted according
to the design. This involves

* Captitalizing them correctly

* Adding or removing trailing punctuation

* Ensuring that run-in heads have no blank lines after them

* Adding |\noindent| commands where they might be missing

* Once the chapter is processed, turning multi-line heads with
|\titlenl;| or |\titletl;|

Here are the styles of the various heads and titles.

&= Command& Style
~foreach cmd, style_table;
& ~.cmd;& ~.style_table[cmd];

=== Clean Up Floats

The cleanup for floats involves

* Making sure there is a blank line on either side

* Determining whether the author embedded floats in the middle of 
paragraphs and merging the broken paragraph segments

* Moving floats after the first paragraph of reference (this may be
easier during page make-up)

* Placing the correct file names in |\art| commands.

* Checking captions to see if they need a |\legend| marker.
//                      \code Block
//                      ----- -----

.details code_details \code
.template code_details subclass_set command code
== Code Facilities

This tutorial describes the ZzTeX code facilities. These facilities are
used to produce computer program code examples.

=== The |\code| Block

The |\code| command has the following syntax:

| \code{*type*}
| *line of code*
| ...
| *line of code*
| \endcode

The *type* argument specifies the type of the code block and thus its
design. Each line of code is set more or less verbatim and line breaks
are preserved as they are. Code blocks are almost always set in a monospaced
font so that indentation can be accomplished with spaces at the beginnings
of lines.

=== Verbatim Lines

The degree to which the code lines are taken verbatim is determined
by certain block design parameters. To investigate the design
parameters for a code block, try |~.facility; \code*type* details|.

* |\allowTeXcommands|&_If this flag is on, ZzTeX commands can be
included in the code, as long as they use only backslash and
braces (|\|, |{|, |}|). This flag is on in most code blocks.
To include those characters in the code itself, you must use:
|\\|, |\{|, |\}|.

* |\allowTeXmath|&_If this flag is on, math expressions can be
included in the code, using dollar sign, underscore, and hat (|$|,
|_|, |^|). This flag is off in most code blocks. To include those
character in the code itself, you must use: |\$|, |\_|, |\hat|.
(See |\codemath| for another way to include math in code.)

* |\allowatsigncommands|&_If this flag is on, at-sign commands
can be included in the code and would probably be provided by
the code design. This flag is off in most code blocks. To include an
at-sign in the code itself, you must use: |\@|.

=== |\code| Tools

The following list includes all the tools that can be used within a |\code|
block. You can explore these various commands to learn what they do.

~foreach name, name_set;
* |~.name;|
//                      \enunciation Block
//                      ------------ -----

.details enunciation_details \enunciation
.template enunciation_details
== The |\enunciation| Block

This tutorial describes the ZzTeX |\enunciation| block, which produces
mathematical "enunciations" such as theorems, corollaries, and proofs.
Using the |\enunciation| command is reasonably straightforward,
but defining the various types of enunciations is a bit trickier.

The format is the |\enunciation| command is:

| \enunciation{*type*}{*optional-attribution*}

The *type* argument specifies the type of the code block and thus its
design. The *optional-attribution* argument can have one of three
formats. Note that the second set of braces is required in *all* cases.

# |{}|&_If empty, there is no attribution for the enunciation.
& Theorem 1.1.&_There exist irrational numbers ...

# |{Smith's Conjecture}|&_The specified text is the attribution for the
& Conjecture 1.2 (Smith's Conjecture).&_Let *K* be the *n*th cyclotomic field ...

# |{\title Kleene's Theorem}|&_The text specified after the |\title| marker
is the complete title for the enunciation.
& Kleene's Theorem.&_Every language definable with a regular expression ...

=== Defining an Enunciation Type

Prior to ZzTeX v5.8, each enunciation type had to be defined by
writing a complete design macro, as with other block types. There
are some subtle issues that make this difficult. In v5.8, the 
|\definenunciation| command was added.

| \defineenunciation{*type*}{*association*}{*design*}

The first argument is the enunciation's type. The second argument
can be empty or specify the type of another enunciation whose
number counter is to be shared. Both types of enunciation will be
numbered sequentially with the same counter.

The third argument specifies a design macro for the base design
that is to be used for this new enunciation type. Multiple enunciations
can share the same base design. For example,


There are two base designs for these enunciations: |\enunciationtheoremlikedesign|
for enunciations formatted like theorems, and |\enunciationprooflikedesign|
for enunciations formatted like proofs. Note that the two design macros expect
an argument that is the word to appear in the title of the enunciation (e.g.,
"Conjecture", "Proof").

So defining a set of related enunciations boils down to writing one
base design macro.

=== Base Enunciation Design

Most of the details about enunciation design macros are the same
as other design macros. There are two interesting additions.

  \def \enunciationtheoremlikedesign #1{%
    \aboveskip = \standardskip
    \def \labelformat ##1{%
        {\llap{\colortext{darkblue}{\enunnumbersize\dbf #1 \the\enunciationcomptext}%
               \hspace{10pt}}}% no attribution
        {\llap{\colortext{darkblue}{\enunnumbersize\dbf #1 \the\enunciationcomptext}%
               \hspace{10pt}}##1.\quad}% normal attribution
        {\llap{\colortext{darkblue}{\enunnumbersize\dbf ##1}%
               \hspace{10pt}}}% title override

The first addition is that the design macro accepts an argument that is
the word to be set in the title. The |#1| in the first line represents
that argument.

The second addition is the |\attributiontypecase| command in the
label formatter. It takes three arguments, each of which formats the
title (label) of the enunciation. The three arguments correspond to the
three title argument formats described above.

# The attribution argument is empty.
# The attribution argument specifies an attribution.
# The attribution argument includes the |\title| marker.

=== The |\defineeoedingbat| Command

The |\enunciation| block includes a design parameter named |\autoqed|.
This parameter can specify the name of an "end-of-enunciation dingbat"
that should appear at the end of the enunciation.

  \def \enunciationprooflikedesign #1{%
    \autoqed = {\qed}%

The |\qed| command, which typesets a dingbat, is automatically performed
at the end of enunciations based on the |\enunciationprooflikedesign|
design. To override the position of the resulting dingbat, you can 
specify the |\qed| command explicitly in the text of the enunciation.

An end-of-enunciation dingbat is defined with

| \defineeoedingbat{*name*}{*text*}{*space*}

The first argument is the name of the dingbat command. The second argument
is the text of the dingbat. The third argument specifies how to
separate the dingbat from the final word of the enunciation.

* |{10pt}|&_The dingbat is set 10 points from the final word.

* |{\flushright 8pt}|&_The dingbat is set flush right, but a minimum
of 8 points must separate it from the final word.

So the |\qed| dingbat used above could be defined with

  \defineeoedingbat{\qed}{\colortext{darkblue}{\slug{5pt}{5pt}}}{\flushright 8pt}
//                      Environments
//                      ------------

.phrase environments environments : text
.synonym LaTeX environments
= LaTeX Environments

A LaTeX *environment* is the equivalent of a ZzTeX *block*.
The term environment is not used in ZzTeX.
//                      \eqno Marker
//                      ----- ------

.details eqno_details \eqno
.template eqno_details
== Equation Numbers

This tutorial describes the ZzTeX facilities for setting equation numbers on
math displays. An equation number is set with the |\eqno| marker, which can
appear in three places:

# At the end of a single-line math display, before the closing |$$|.

# At the end of an aligned math display, *after* the close brace of the
|\eqaligned| and before the closing |$$|. In this case, the number pertains
to the entire display.

# At the end of a row of an aligned display, just *before* the |\cr| or
close brace of the |\eqaligned|. In this case, the number pertains to
the row in which it appears.

Almost all book designs call for one of two formats of equation number. In
most cases, the number consists of the chapter composite text and a sequence
number within the chapter, as in "3.17". In a few cases, only a sequence
number is used, as in "17". In the descriptions below, *chap* stands for the
chapter composite text, while *num* stands for the equation sequence number. The
sequence number is derived from the math display counter, in the same manner
as section numbers are derived from the section counter.

You can code an equation number in one of four ways:

| \eqno
| \eqno \tag{*xyz*}
| \eqno *override*
| \eqno *override* \tag{*xyz*}

The optional *override* text is used to override the normal numbering sequence.
A space or line break can be placed before and/or after the |\tag| command to
aid readability. The |\tag| command must appear immediately following its
paired |\eqno| in order to associate the tag with the correct equation

The following paragraphs present the various forms of the *override* text for
overriding the numbering sequence. Each case includes two examples, the
first where the equations are numbered in the common (*chap*.*num*) format, and
the second where the equations are numbered with only a sequence number, as
in (*num*). The examples assume that the chapter number is 2 and the
math display counter is at 4 prior to the display
and also show the counter *after* the equation number is typeset.

* |\eqno|&_&_&_Next sequence number

The math display counter is incremented and its arabic form is used as
the *num* text. This is the common case.

&= Result when& Result when
&= (*chap*.*num*) style& (*num*) style& Counter After
& (2.5)& (5)& 5

* |\eqno +a|&_&_&_Next sequence number; use with suffix

The math display counter is incremented and its arabic form is joined
with the suffix following the plus sign to make up the *num* text.

&= Result when& Result when
&= (*chap*.*num*) style& (*num*) style& Counter After
& (2.6a)& (6a)& 5

* |\eqno ,b|&_&_&_Same sequence number with suffix

The math display counter is *not* incremented. Its arabic form is joined
with the suffix following the comma to make up the *num* text.

&= Result when& Result when
&= (*chap*.*num*) style& (*num*) style& Counter After
& (2.4b)& (4b)& 4

* |\eqno ,$'$|&_&_&_Same sequence number with suffix

This is another example of the preceding case, showing the common use
of a prime after the *num* text.

&= Result when& Result when
&= (*chap*.*num*) style& (*num*) style& Counter After
& (2.4′)& (4′)& 4

* |\eqno A1|&_&_&_Ignore sequence number; use specified *num*

The math display counter is ignored. The specified text is used as the
complete *num* text.

&= Result when& Result when
&= (*chap*.*num*) style& (*num*) style& Counter After
& (2.A1)& (A1)& 4

* |\eqno :A1|&_&_&_Next sequence number; use specified *num*

The math display counter is incremented *but then ignored*. The specified
text is used as the complete *num* text.

&= Result when& Result when
&= (*chap*.*num*) style& (*num*) style& Counter After
& (2.A1)& (A1)& 5

* |\eqno =12;a|&_&_&_Set sequence number; use with suffix

The math display counter is set to 12 and its arabic form is joined
with the suffix following the semicolon to make up the *num* text. Note that
the suffix (|a| here) is optional but the semicolon is required.

&= Result when& Result when
&= (*chap*.*num*) style& (*num*) style& Counter After
& (2.12a)& (12a)& 12

* |\eqno !2B.1|&_&_&_Use specified text for number

The chapter composite text and math display counter are ignored. The text
following the exclamation point is the complete equation number. This
feature is useful when you need to set an out-of-sequence equation number
in something like a sidebar or a chapter appendix.

&= Result when& Result when
&= (*chap*.*num*) style& (*num*) style& Counter After
& (2B.1)& (2B.1)& 4

* |\eqno >{*tag*}|&_&_&_Use equation number associated with tag

The chapter composite text and math display counter are ignored. The equation
number associated with the tag is duplicated for the equation number
of this display.

If you ever need to reset the math display counter, the following command
will do it:

| \setmathdisplaynumber{*num*}
//                      Indexing
//                      --------

.phrase indexing indexing : text
= Indexing Facilities, version 2

This tutorial describes the second generation ZzTeX indexing facilities.
These facilities are used to index a document with embedded indexing commands and
then generate one or more indexes for typesetting.

First, some definitions.

* Locator.&_An item followng a heading that refers the reader to related
information in the book. This is usually a page number or range, 
but sometimes a "See" or "See also." The term *locator* is also used
for the commands that are inserted in the text to create index entries.

* Main heading.&_The heading of a top-level entry in an index.

* Raw index entry.&_A locator command such as |\xpage| generates
a raw index entry in the raw index entry files. The entry contains
unformatted information about the locator.

* Sort override.&_An alternate heading used in place of a regular heading
to specify how it should be sorted, For example, the heading "3-D"
might have a sort heading of "three D".

* Subheading.&_The heading of a second- or third-level entry in an index,
subordinate to a main heading.

== Indexing Locators

Indexing locators are commands that are inserted in the text to produce raw index
entries that ultimately make up the index. This section describes typical
indexing locators. For another overview of locators, try |~.facility;

Most locator commands produce a raw index entry that identifies a page or range of
pages relevant to the headings. 

  \xpage{Automobiles|muscle cars}

Locator commands begin with an |x| and include a type word that identifies
the type of locator produced. The argument specifies one to three
headings, separated by vertical bars (|&||). The first heading is the main heading
and any remaining headings are subheadings.

If the locator allows a page range, then the commands |\x*type*begin| and
|\x*type*end| identify the beginning and ending positions of the range.


Some locators require an additional argument called the "text." This provides
more information about the locator.

  \xseealso{Automobiles|muscle cars}{Automobiles|pony cars}

Such locator commands produce locators that do not include a page number
but rather text that refers the reader to other entries. The additional
text argument is always the first argument of the locator command.

=== Sort Overrides

(To be supplied.)

== Design File

This section describes the commands that appear in the design file to define
locators and their formatting and specify the design of the indexes in the
book. The commands are described in the order in which they must appear in
the design file.


This command must appear at the beginning of the Index section of the design
file. It specifies that version 2 of the indexing facility is being used.

=== Generating Indexes

Multiple indexes can be generated from the raw index entries of a book. Each
index is assigned a name and declared using the following command.

| \generateindex{*name*}

Typical names are |subject|, |author|, and |symbol|. For each generated
index, ZzTeX produces an "index parameter file" with the same name as the
index and the extension |zzp|. A parameter file contains information about
the defined locators and information taken from the design definition for
the named index. This information is used by the index generator to build
the final index file. (See below for a description of index parameter files.)

=== Defining Locators

| \definelocator{*type*}{*attributes*}{*optional-format*}

This command defines an index locator and establishes the indexing commands
used to include the locator in the index. The first argument is the type word that
identifies the type of locator. Typical examples are |page|, |figure|, and

The second argument gives the attributes of the locator. It is a series
of keywords:

* |\page|, |\nopage|&_Indicates whether the locator includes a page number.

* |\range|, |\norange|&_Indicates whether the locator may be used to specify
a range of pages in addition to a single page.

* |\text|, |\notext|&_Indicates whether the locator includes additional text.

Assume that the type is |thing|. In all cases, the following locator command
is defined:

| \xthing{*headings*}

If a range is allowed, then two additional commands are defined:

| \xthingbegin{*headings*}
| \xthingend{*headings*}

If the locator includes additional text, then all commands take a first
argument specifying the text:

| \xthing{*text*}{*headings*}
| \xthingbegin{*text*}{*headings*}
| \xthingend{*text*}{*headings*}

The third argument to |\definelocator| is optional and specifies the format
of the locator in the final index. If the braces are empty, then the
separetely defined format with the same name as the locator is used. To
provide the format, use three sets of braces to specify the second, third,
and fourth arguments for the |\definelocatorformat| command (below). The new
format will be given the same name as the locator.

=== Defining Formats

| \definelocatorformat{*name*}{*rank*.*order*}{*level-1-items*}{*level-2-items*}

This command defines a locator format with the given name for the final index.
The third and fourth arguments specify items that are needed to format
the locator. The level-1-items are used for locators associated with main
headings, while the level-2-items include overrides that pertain to
subheadings (both second- and third-level).

The second argument specifies the rank and order of this locator. The *rank*
determines this locator's position in the overall sequence of locators for a
heading. Typically, the page locators appear first, then the "see" locator,
then any "see also" locators.

The *order* determines the order of the locator within a series of locators
all with the same page number. Typically, plain page numbers appear first,
then pages with suffix 'f' for figure, then pages with suffix 't' for table,

& Mustang, 13, 44--49, 45*f*, 45*t*

Each item list argument is in the following format:

| {*item*:*text*&|*item*:*text*&|...}

There is a sequence of items separated by bars (|&||). Each item consists of
an item tag, a colon (|:|), and some text.  The following item tags are

* |prefix1|&_Text to precede all locators of this rank, when this is
the first locator after the heading. Defaults to empty.

* |prefix2|&_Text to precede all locators of this rank, when this is
not the first locator after the heading. Defaults to |prefix1|.

* |tmplt|&_Template for this locator when there is a single page
or no page (only text). No default.

* |rtmplt|&_Template for this locator when there is a range of pages.
No default.

* |sep|&_Separator between locators of this rank. Defaults to empty.

* |suffix|&_Text to follow all locators of this rank. Defaults to empty.

* |term|&_Text to terminate the entire sequence of locators. Defaults to empty.

The templates |tmplt| and |rtmplt| may include the following substitutors.

&= Substitutor& What is substituted
& |?P|& Single page or first page of range.
& |?Q|& Second page of range.
& |?T|& Text (e.g., for |see| or |seealso| locators).
& |??|& Single question mark (|?|).

The builtin locators can be found in the ZzTeX file zzindexv2.tex. They
are good examples of how locator formats are defined.

== Index Design

Each index of a book is typeset inside an index block whose design is
specified, as usual, with a design macro. The parameters of the design macro
include many common ones, but also a few that are special for index designs.
The following paragraphs describe the special parameters.

* |\def \alphaformat ##1{*text*}|

This parameter specifies how to format the break between letters produced by
the |\alphbreak{...}| command. The macro is passed the argument text from the

* |\divisions = {*div1*,*div2*,...}|

This parameter specifies the book divisions to be included in the index.
The value can be |\all|; a list of division names; or |\allbut| followed by a
list of division names.

* |\locators = {*loc1*,*loc2*,...}|

This parameter specifies the locators to be included in the index. The value
can be |\all|; a list of locators; or |\allbut| followed by a list of locators.
Each locator consists of the locator type followed by an optional colon and
format name. If a format name is not included, then the locator is formatted
according to the format with the same name as the locator.

* |\indexparams = {...}|

This parameter specifies index parameter statements to be included in the
index parameter file. See below for a description of the parameter

* |\position = {*options*}|

This parameter specifies the overall format of the index. It consists of a
sequence of the following options:

&= Option& Meaning
& |\oneup|& Run index in one column.
& |\outline|& Format entries in outline style.
& |\runin|& Format entries in run-in (paragraph) style.
& |\threeup|& Run index in three columns.
& |\twoup|& Run index in two columns.
& |\usetextmeasure|& Use the text measure for the columns.
& |\usetextwidth|& Synonym for |\usetextmeasure|.
& |\usetypewidth|& Use the type area width for the columns.

=== Entry Formatters

(To be supplied.)

== Raw Index Entry Files

ZzTeX populates raw index entry files as it encounters indexing locator
commands in the book files. Each indexing locator generates one raw entry
record in the file whose name is the same as the division with an extension
of |.zzi|. A raw entry record has the following format. The semicolon (|;|)
represents the field separator character hex B8, chosen because it cannot
appear in an index heading.

| *type*;*code*;*folio*;*main-head*;*subhead*;*sub-subhead*;*text*

The *code* is |S| for a single page entry, |B| for a begin page range entry,
or |E| for an end range entry.

== Index Parameter Files

(This material is highly technical and incomplete.)

An index parameter file contains a series of statements that specify
parameters for the index generator (zzindex2.exe). Each time an index is
generated, at least two parameter files are read:

* *index-name*.zzp&_The parameter file generated by the |\generateindex|
command for the specific index being generated.

* zzindex2.zzp&_A generic parameter file included with ZzTeX.

Each statement in a parameter file has the following format:

| [*mode*] *keyword* *item* ... ;

The optional mode is enclosed in brackets and specifies the mode to which
the statement pertains. If the mode is not specified, the statement is used
in all modes. The items are separated by spaces. The statement ends with a

A parameter file may also contain blank lines and comment lines beginning
with |//|. Comment lines are ignored.

Statements that specify actions for tokens in headings include the token for
which the action is to be performed. A token can be one of the following:

&= Token& Meaning
& |SP|& space
& |\SP|& TeX \<space> command
& |\*name*|& TeX |\*name*| command
& |\*c*|& TeX |\*c*| character command
& *x*& any other character

The following statements can appear in an index parameter file.

* |begin-group *token* ;|

The token begins a group and is discarded. The mode stack is pushed with the
current mode.

* |define-format *format-text* ;|

(To be supplied.)

* |define-locator *definition-text* ;|

(To be supplied.)

* |[mode] discard *token* ;|

The token is discarded and does not appear in the canonicalized heading.

* |[mode] discard/u *token* ;|

The token is removed from the heading but suffixed to the canonicalized

* |divisions *divisions-text* ;|

This statement specifies the required divisions from the |\divisions| parameter
of the index design.

* |end-group *token* ;|

The token ends a group and is discarded. The mode stack is popped.

* |include-param *file* ;|

This statement requests that the named index parameter file be loaded.

* |include-raw *file* ;|

This statement requests that the named raw index entry file be included in
the set of raw index entry files.

* |index "*name*" ;|

This statement specifies the name of the index to be generated.

* |[mode] invalid *token* ;|

The token is invalid and an error message is produced.

* |[mode] keep *token* ;|

The token is preserved as is on the canonicalized heading.

* |locators *locators-text* ;|

This statement specifies the required locators from the |\locators| parameter
of the index design.

* |math/u *token* ;|

The token begins or ends math mode. The mode stack is pushed or popped as
appropriate. The token is suffixed to the canonicalized heading.

* |noise/u "*word*" ;|

If the word appears at the beginning of a subheading or sub-subheading, it
is removed but suffixed to the canonicalized heading.

* |[mode] replace *token* "*text*" ;|

The token is discarded and replaced with the specified text, which is not

* |[mode] replace/u *token* "*text*" ;|

The token is discarded and replaced with the specified text, which is not
rescanned. The token is, however, suffixed to the canonicalized heading.

* |root "*name*" ;|

This statement specifies the name of the book's root file.

* |sort *mode* ;|

(To be supplied.)

* |[mode] synonym *token* "*text*" ;|

The token is discarded and replaced with the specified text, which is then
//                      Letterspacing
//                      -------------

.details letterspace_details \letterspace
.template letterspace_details
== Letterspacing

This tutorial describes the letterspacing facility in ZzTeX. All letterspacing
is accomplished with the \letterspace command, which comes in two flavors:

| \letterspace{*amount*}{*text*}

This command letterspaces the specified text. The amount of letterspace is
specified by the first argument, usually in ems.

| \letterspace{*amount*,*space*}{*text*}

This command operates like the first variant, except that the width of a
space is specified explicitly after the letterspace amount.

Note that |\letterspace| commands are usually embedded in design macros in
the design file. Rarely does one appear directly in book files. However, to
code titles that will be letterspaced, the compositor needs to understand
the behavior of the |\letterspace| command.

=== What Happens Automatically

What a title or other text is letterspaced, the |\letterspace| command does
the following things automatically:

* Inserts the letterspace amount between adjacent pairs of keyboarded
characters (e.g, |AB|, |01|, |l.|). A "keyboarded character" is one that
is typed on the keyboard, not coded like |\copyright| or |\alpha|.

* Replaces explicit spaces and tie characters (|~~|) with the space width
derived from the first argument to the |\letterspace| command.

* Recognizes en dashes (|--|), em dashes (|---|), and double quotes (|``...''|)
and does not break them apart with letterspace.

* Does *not* letterspace before or after ZzTeX commands, open braces (|{|), or
close braces (|}|). This means that there will be no letterspacing around
|\copyright|, |\ellipsis|, |\alpha|, |\times|, etc.

=== Explicit Control of Letterspacing

The automatic rules take care of many letterspacing problems. However,
sometimes you need explicit control over letterspacing, so the following
commands can be used within a title that is letterspaced. If the same
title is carried elsewhere (such as into a running head)
but is not letterspaced there, these commands have no effect.

& |\lsp|& Insert a letterspace amount here.
& |\lspspace|& Insert a letterspaced space here.
& |\lspoff|& Turn off letterspacing completely.
& |\lspon|& Restore letterspacing.

=== An Example

The following diabolical example shows the power of the letterspacing
facility. Here is a chapter title that is letterspaced:

  \chapter{Text Access\titlenl; ``Methods''\titlenl;
    \lspoff$a-b'\times c$\lspon\lsp---Why~~Isn't It?}

This produces the following title, where the vertical bar represents a
letterspace and the underscore represents a space:

& T&|e&|x&|t_A&|c&|c&|e&|s&|s
& "&|M&|e&|t&|h&|o&|d&|s&|"
& *a*&thinsp;-&thinsp;*b*&prime;&thinsp;&times;&thinsp;*c*&|---&|W&|h&|y_I&|s&|n&|'&|t_I&|t&|?

If this title is used in a running head or table of contents, the control
commands |\lspoff|, |\lspon|, and |\lsp| are ignored (as well as |\titlenl|,
of course).  Note that the |\lsp| command is necessary to produce a
letterspace before the em-dash, since letterspacing is automatically
supressed after the |\lspon| command.
//                      Runners
//                      -------

.phrase runners runners
.synonym running heads
.synonym running feet
= Running Heads and Feet

Running heads and feet are collectively called *runners*. A design file can
make use of multiple styles of runners. One is built into ZzTeX:

* |blind|&_A style with empty running heads and feet.

ZzTeX assumes the existence of two styles that must be defined in the
design file:

* |normal|&_The style for normal body pages.
* |chapter|&_the style for chapter opener pages.

Specific designs may use additional styles defined in the design file,
for example:

* |part|&_The style for part opener pages.

For each style (except |blind|), the design file contains two definitions,
one for the running head and one for the foot. These macros are responsible
for formatting the header and footer, often using mark information to
obtain chapter numbers, section titles, etc., and using |\folio| to obtain
the page number:

  \def \headernormalformat {...}

  \def \footernormalformat {...}

  \def \headerchapterformat {...}

  \def \footerchapterformat {...}

== Runner Commands

The following commands are used to establish the runner styles
for subsequent pages in the book.

~foreach cmd, command_set;
* |~.cmd;|

Those commands are lovely but rarely used explicitly, except in
the front matter. Instead, runners are established using the |\runners|
parameter of certain blocks.

== |\runners| Parameter

The |\runners| parameter is a design parameter for certain blocks in ZzTeX.
It is usually specified in the design macros for those blocks in the design
file, but you can override the normal styles by using the |\with| modifier on
such blocks.

The following list specifies the blocks that use the |\runner| parameter to
perform an implicit |\setrunners| command. Each entry shows the standard
value of the parameter:

& |\part|& | \runners={blind,normal}|
& |\quasipart|& |\runners={blind,normal}|
& |\chapter|& |\runners={chapter,normal}|
& |\quasichapter|& |\runners={chapter,normal}|
& |\appendix|& |\runners={chapter,normal}|
& |\float|& |\runners={normal}|

Imagine you had a quasichapter and you wanted to suppress the drop folio
normally set by the chapter runners. You simply do the following:

  \quasichapter{Weird Back Matter}

You must remember to specify a second style of |normal| for the remaining
pages of the quasichapter or they will all have blind runners.

You can accomplish the same goal as follows:

  \quasichapter{Weird Back Matter}

The |\float| block uses the |\runner| parameter to perform an implicit
|\overriderunners| command.
The float mechanism arranges to perform an |\overriderunners| with the
style specified by the |\runner| parameter when it is about set a page
containing *only floats*. If you want to suppress the running head on such a


However, see the |\userharea| block modifier for the best way to
accomplish this.

== Some Examples

A book with a two-page-spread chapter opener could use the |\runners|
parameter in the chapter design to set the correct runners for both
opener pages:

  \def \chapterdesign {%
    \def \paging {\freshpage{\short\floats\even}}%
    \runners = {blind,chapter,normal}%

Some books have part pages but Chapter 1 occurs before Part I. If the
running heads include the part number and title, that will probably fail in
Chapter 1 because no part has been established. If the design file provides
a special runners style |normalnopart| for such "part-less" chapters, you
can use it quite easily:

  \chapter{The First Chapter}
//                      \tabbing Block
//                      -------- -----

.details tabbing_details \tabbing
.template tabbing_details
== Tabbing Facilities

This tutorial describes the ZzTeX tabbing facilities. The primary 
tabbing feature is the |\tabbing| block, which replaced the tabbing
capability of the |\text| block in ZzTeX v17.2.

=== The |\tabbing| Block

The |\tabbing| command has the following syntax:

| \tabbing{*type*}
| *line of text*\nl
| *another line*
| &_*of text*\nl
| ...
| *last line of text*\nl
| \endtabbing

The *type* argument specifies the type of the tabbing block and thus its
design. A line in the typeset block can occupy multiple lines in the
TeX file but must end with an |\nl| command. Line breaks in the file are
not taken verbatim. The |\nl| after the final line is optional.

=== Setting Tab Stops

There are two ways to set tab stops for the lines in a tabbing block.
The first is to set uniform tab stops across the line. The distance
between tab stops is specified by the |\defaulttabwidth| design
parameter. If this parameter is a positive dimension, say, |14pt|,
then tab stops are set every 14 points across the line.

The second method of setting tab stops is to include a *template line*
at the beginning of the tabbing block. For example,


The |@C| command clears any existing tab stops. Each |@.| command
sets a tab stop at the current width of the line. In this example,
there will be a tab stop at the width of 5 |x| letters, 10 letters,
15 letters, and 30 letters. The |@D| command discards the line
so it doesn't show up on the page. The line exists only for the
purpose of setting the stops.

=== Tabbing

The |@>| command is used to tab from one tab stop to the next. In this
example, assume that tab stops are set every 14 points.

  $\mvar{scores} = \{\}$\qquad // score accumulator maps doc IDs to scores\nl
  \For $w\in q$ \Do\nl
  @>\For $d, \mvar{count}\in \mvar{Idx}.\mvar{fetch}\_\mvar{docs}(w)$ \Do\nl
  @>@>$\mvar{scores}[d] = \mvar{scores}[d] + \mvar{score}\_\mvar{term}(\mvar{count})$ 
  \Return top $k$ documents from $\mvar{scores}$\nl

The third line is indented 14 points, the fourth line is indented 28 points, etc.

Note that each |@>| command tabs to the next tab stop in the sequence of stops,
regardless of whether the width of the text is beyond that stop. If the width
of the text is beyond the next stop, the text following that stop will overprint
the preceding text.

=== Vertical Adjustments

The are two ways to make vertical adjustments between lines of text.
The first is to code a blank line:

  $\mvar{scores} = \{\}$\qquad // score accumulator maps doc IDs to scores\nl
  \For $w\in q$ \Do\nl

A blank line produces the amount of vertical space specified by the
|\tabbinggapskip| design parameter. This vertical space is usually
less than a full line.

The second method of performaing a vertical adjustment is to use the
|\adjusttabbing| command in between two lines. Try |~.facility; \adjusttabbing|
for more information.

=== Line Numbers

[To be supplied.]
//                      \tabular Block
//                      -------- -----

.details tabular_details \tabular
.template tabular_details subclass_set command tabular
== Tabular Facilities, version 3

This tutorial describes the third generation of the ZzTeX tabular
facilities. These facilities are used to produce tabular material in
text or in a floating table.

First, some definitions:

* Cell.&_The intersection of each row and column is called a cell.
The cell contains the text at that row/column intersection.

* Column.&_Tabular material is organized into vertical columns.
Each column has a particular format, specified in the template.

* Gutter.&_The gutter is the horizontal space between columns. It is
typically 1 pica and can stretch or shrink if tables are
to be forced to a particular width. The gutter between two
columns can be changed on a case-by-case basis.

* Interrow space.&_An extra amount of vertical space that is placed between
rows of tabular material.

* Picture.&_A sequence of characters used to determine the alignment
of decimal-aligned numeric columns.

* Row.&_Tabular material is organized into horizontal rows, with

* Ruled table.&_Tabular material that includes vertical rules.

* Template.&_An argument to the \tabular command that specifies the
number of columns and the format for each column.

=== The |\tabular| Command

The |\tabular| command has the following syntax:

| \tabular{*type*}{*template*}
|  *row* ... \cr
|  *row* ... \cr
|  ...
|  *row* ... \cr
|  \endtabular

The *type* argument specifies the type of the tabular block and thus its
design. The *template* argument specifies the number of columns and their
associated formats (see below).

Each row consists of a series of cells and is terminated by the |\cr| command
("carriage return" or "complete row"). The cells are specified as follows:

| *cell-1*&& *cell-2*&&&& *cell-4*&& ...&& *cell-n*\cr

There is one cell for each column and they are separated by ampersands
(|&&|). It is important to eliminate any spaces *preceding* the ampersands,
although spaces following them are fine. An empty cell is allowed, as with
the third cell above.

In a ruled table, every cell in a row must be specified, although some may
be empty (the cells corresponding to rule columns usually are). In a table
that is not ruled, rightmost cells that are empty need not be specified.

=== How ZzTeX Formats Tabular Material

ZzTeX goes through the following steps to format tabular material.

# The template is analyzed to check it, count the columns, and prepare the
individual column formats.

# All rows are read and each cell is formatted in its own box.

# The maximum width of the cells in each column is determined, and all the
cell boxes in that column are set to the maximum width. (See |\hidewidth| for
an exception.)

# All the boxes in each row are set side by side, with the column gutter
between them. The widths of the rows are forced to the specified overall
table width, if required by the design. The extra space is placed in the

# The rows are butted together vertically, with no extra space between

There are some interesting implications of this scheme:

* Because every cell box in a column, except the widest, will not be filled
with text, the template for each column must include at least one |\hfil|
command to take up the slack. These |\hfil| commands are included in the
builtin templates described below.

* Because there is no extra space between the rows, each row must occupy the
full height and depth of the tabular body font, plus any interrow space.
Otherwise the rows will not be spaced uniformly. It is this requirement that
makes ruled tables tricky.

=== The Template

The template argument to the |\tabular| command is coded as a sequence of
format specifications, one for each column, in the desired order.

| \tabular{*type*}{@*x* @*y* ... @*z*}

The available column formats are specified as follows. Spaces and line
breaks may appear in the template for readability.

* |@l|&_Single line; text flush left.

* |@c|&_Single line; text centered.

* |@r|&_Single line; text flush right.

* |@L{*picture*}|&_Decimal-aligned number; text flush left. See below.

* |@C{*picture*}|&_Decimal-aligned number; text centered.

* |@R{*picture*}|&_Decimal-aligned number; text flush right.

* |@p{*width*}|&_Text set in multiple lines as one or more
paragraphs. The width of the line is specified.
The raggedness, hang, and paragraph skip is
determined by the design.

* |@e{*width*}|&_Empty column of the specified width.

* |@s{*sequence*}|&_Special custom column. See below.

* |@&||&_Column contains a vertical rule whose color and
width are determined by the design. This is a real
column that must be included in each row, but is
normally empty.

* |@!{*color*}{*width*}|&_Column contains a vertical rule whose color and
width are specified.

* |@>{*width*}|&_This template may appear following any of the
above templates. It specifies the exact width of
the gutter between the current column and the next,
in place of the standard gutter determined by the
design. Rule columns are surrounded by gutters half
as wide as the standard, unless overridden with |@>|.
If the width is follow by an asterisk (|&*|), then
the gutter can vary in width according to the
|\columngutter| parameter of the design.

=== Decimal-Aligned Columns

Decimal-aligned column templates include a picture that determines how the
cells are aligned. The picture is composed of the following characters:

& |0|& Represents a digit.
& |.|& Specifies the position of the decimal point.
& |,|& Indicates a comma in the number.
& |$-$|& Indicates that the number may be preceded by a negative sign.
& |(...)|& Indicates that the number may be surrounded by parentheses.

If there is no decimal point in the picture, the cells are aligned on the
right. If there is a decimal point, they are aligned on the point. The
difference between left-, center-, and right-aligned number columns is
irrelevant unless a nonnumeric cell in the column is wider than the widest
numeric cell. In this case the numeric cells are set flush left, center, or
right on those wider cells. This happens when the column heads are wider
than the numbers.

Because ZzTeX splits decimal-aligned numbers at their decimal points, it is
necessary that both halves of the picture and of all the cell numbers
be balanced with respect to braces and dollar signs.

=== Special Custom Columns

A special custom column can be used to construct a complex column that
contains boilerplate material. For example, imagine a left column in which
all entries should be in italic and enclosed in parentheses. This column
could be specified as follows:

| \tabular{table}{... @s{\emph{(#)}\hfil} ...}
| ...& special& ...\cr
| ...& critical& ...\cr

The two cells would appear in italic in this format:

| ... *(special)* ...
| ... *(critical)* ...

Each cell is formatted by replacing the template sequence's sharp sign (|#|)
with the text specified in the row cell, then using the resulting sequence as
the final text of the cell. In the first row above, the final text would be
|\emph{(special)}\hfil|. Note that the template includes an |\hfil| command to
take up the slack and left-align the text. Don't forget the sharp sign and
at least one |\hfil|.

=== |\tabular| Tools

The following list includes all the tools that can be used with a |\tabular|
block. You can explore these various commands to learn what they do.

~foreach name, name_set;
* |~.name;|
//                      \todo Block
//                      ----- -----

.details todo_details \todo
.template todo_details
== To-Do Facility

The to-do facility allows you to place a
reminder in a book file and optionally to typeset '???' to represent text
that is still to come. 

The \todo command has three forms. The first form is used most frequently.

| \todo{This math display needs to be cleaned up later.}

This command displays the message on your console and includes it in the log
file. Processing continues without interruption. A summary of the number of
to-do reminders is displayed at the end of the run.

| \todo{!Cannot continue until this table is formatted correctly.}

This variant includes the message in the log file, but then generates a
warning message and halts execution. You can continue processing by
pressing Enter. Use this variant to force a halt when the division is

| \todo{?cover image credit}

This command is similar to the first variant, but also typesets a triple
question mark (|???|) where the |\todo| appears. You can use this variant to set
the standard triple question mark where text will be supplied later.

To obtain a list of all the outstanding to-dos, try |~.facility; to-dos|.
