%     This is the Journal of Economic Perspectives style

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%  Use the following definitions if you have a LaserWriter.
%    The PostScript fonts look much better when scaled.
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%      Headline and footline

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%  Define topmatter style






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%     Big letter to start first paragraph

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%   References


\vskip 75pt plus 5pt minus 5pt\goodbreak
\line{\tenpoint\bf References \hfil\par}
\vskip 20pt

\def\by#1{\setbox\bybox\hbox{\eightpoint\bf #1}}

\def\SetRef{\vskip 2pt
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         \unhbox\publbox , \unhbox\yrbox.\par}\fi

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     {\it \unhbox\bookbox}, ed. by {\rm \unhbox\editorbox}.
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     \ifvoid\pagesbox\relax\else, \unhbox\pagesbox .\fi\par}\fi

     \unhbox\bybox, ``\unhbox\paperbox,'' 
     \unhbox\yrbox, \unhbox\paperinfobox .\par}\fi

%  Set the paper

\def\titlehead{\line{\it\hfil Economic Perspectives\emskip Volume 1, Number 1 \emskip July, 1987 \emskip Pages 63--70}}

\vglue 7pc
\vskip 1pc
\vskip 4pc}


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