About 5 years ago I developed  some TeX files for  economics working papers and journals.  My model at the time was AMSTeX. I use a variant of these files for my own working papers, but I've supplemented my files with various additional macros.  

These files really aren't fit for public distribution but I've had so many requests for them that I will release them anyway.  One of these days I might find time to get back to this package and do it right.

If I were starting over I would probably use LaTeX and bibtex, but perhaps it would make sense to wait for LaTeX 3.0.

Have fun with the files.  Note that they are completely unsupported; don't ask me any questions about them.  However, if you make significant enhancements or bug fixes I would like to see them.

                                        July 25, 1992

-----------original readme file

Here is release 1.0 of VerTeX.  Please note that there are two sets of
"standard" TeX fonts, the "Computer Modern" (CM) versions and the "Almost
Modern" (AM) versions.  Users are encouraged to switch to the final
release of the CM fonts, rather than stick with the outmoded AM

In VerTeX I have  \font loading statements for both the CM and the AM 
fonts.  You should comment out the font definitions that you are not using. 
The \font statements are at the start of vertex.tex, ppt.sty, etc.

Good luck.