tengtex.tex -- TengTeX for the TeX typesetting of Eldarin text
tengtex.sty -- TengTeX for the LaTeX typesetting of Eldarin text
Version 1.00, 22 September 1994

The package contains the following files:

Tira_ni      This file.
tengtex.tex  TeX style sheet.
tengtex.sty  LaTeX style sheet.
tengdoc.tex  User's manual in LaTeX.
vanda.tex    Quasi-copyright oath (in English and Quenya).

Make sure you have either Julian C Bradfield's fount  teng10
or Michael P Urban's fount  tengwar  where LaTeX can see it.
Run LaTeX on  tengdoc.  You'll be prompted to choose a fount
by entering either `\jcb' or `\mpu'.  Do it and print and/or
preview the manual.

Ivan A Derzhanski    (iad@cogsci.ed.ac.uk;  iad@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu)
* Centre for Cognitive Science,  2 Buccleuch Place,   Edinburgh EH8 9LW,  UK