% This file is public domain. % Originally written 1992, Don Hosek. % This declaration added by Clea F. Rees 2008/11/16 with the permission of Dan Hosek. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Resume macro file for plain.TeX. % % To Use: % \input resumemac % \magnification=\magstep0 % (Or whatever size is desired) % % Setting \magnification is optional. % \name{Your Name Here} % \address{Separated by \\ % Type your address\\ % In this space.} % \date{Either type it yourself, or use \today} % \tag{Whatever the category is} % Information for this item... % . % . % . % \endtag % Repeat \tag...\endtag as necessary. % Inside of \tag...\endtag, you may use \(dates)what happened then\\ for % itemized lists. % % To set the heading format say: % \centerheading (for centered headings) % \leftheading (for left justified headings) % \rightheading (for right justified headings) or % \specialheading (for a special ``letterhead'' style heading.) % Before you enter the heading commands % % Use \magnification to modify text sizes. % % Written By Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.BITNET> % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% Initializations... %%% \catcode`\@=11 \newskip\interTAGskip \newbox\TAGbox \newbox\INFObox \newdimen\TAGboxhsize \newdimen\INFOboxhsize \newdimen\INFOboxlength \newdimen\DATEhsize \newdimen\DATEINFOhsize \newdimen\@datesepamount \hsize=6.5truein \vsize=9.0truein \interTAGskip=12pt \parindent=0pt \TAGboxhsize=0.9truein \INFOboxhsize=5.3truein % Take care that TAGboxhsize + % INFOboxhsize = hsize - 0.1in \DATEhsize=.75truein \DATEINFOhsize=4.4truein % Take care that DATEhsize + \@datesepamount=.15truein % DATEINFOhsize is <= % INFOboxhsize \let\wheretoputit=c \let\\=\cr \nopagenumbers %%% %%% Fonts... %%% Change am.. to cm.. if you are using that series of fonts. %%% System wizards may modify this section to conform to system needs and %%% user desires. %%% \font\NAMEfont=cmbx10 scaled 1200 \font\TAGfont=cmbxsl10 \font\smallADDRESSfont=cmr9 %%% %%% The top macros... %%% %%% First off is the ever-popular \today macro... %%% (cribbed from LaTeX's Letter format.) Basically a long \ifcase on the %%% \month register. %%% \def\today{\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi \ \number\day, \number\year} %%% %%% \specialline is a special version of \line that permits you to select %%% centered, right or left adjusting via an option in []s. We call this in %%% the right-, left-, and centerheadings styles. %%% \def\specialline[#1]#2{ \ifx#1l\leftline{#2} \else\ifx#1r\rightline{#2} \else\centerline{#2} \fi \fi} %%% %%% \name, \address, \date put the parameter information into \@ whatever %%% \def\name#1{\def\@name{#1}} \def\address#1{\ifx\@address\undefined % allow multiple addresses... \def\@address{#1} \else \def\@@address{#1} \fi} \def\date#1{\def\@date{#1}} %%% %%% Now for the meat and potatoes macro: \tag...\endtag %%% %%% \tag %%% Check to see if this is the first tag... If it is, then we want to %%% print the header information at the top. %%% We put the first parameter in \TAGinfo, to be used later, and then %%% begin to put the remainder of the text in a box (the box will be removed %%% later on for flexibility in making page breaks). %%% \def\tag#1{\ifx\@headerprinted\undefined % check to see if this is the first tag \let\@headerprinted=X %change status of @headerprinted \printheader % print the header \fi \def\TAGinfo{#1} % Communication to \endtag \setbox\INFObox=\vbox\bgroup\hsize=\INFOboxhsize} %%% %%% \endtag %%% \endtag finishes off the box begun by \tag and and prints the entry %%% in the resume using valign. %%% \def\endtag{\egroup \vskip\interTAGskip \setbox\TAGbox=\vbox{\hsize=\TAGboxhsize \raggedright\hyphenchar\TAGfont=-1 \tolerance=20000 % Don't get uptight about lines. \hbadness=10000 % And don't talk about it either. \TAGfont \TAGinfo \vfill} \valign{##\vfill\cr \unvbox\TAGbox\cr \noalign{\hfill} \unvbox\INFObox\cr}} %%% %%% Now that wasn't too bad, now was it? %%% Next we create the \(...)... macro to make a few other things %%% easier %%% %%% %%% \(dates) %%% whatever happened during that time\\ %%% This macro also uses valign to align its text. %%% \def\(#1)#2\\{\par {\tabskip=0pt %change tabskip only inside this macro. \vskip4pt plus 2pt minus3pt \valign{##\vfill\cr \vbox{\hsize=\DATEhsize\leftskip=0pt plus1fill#1}\cr \noalign{\hskip\@datesepamount} \vbox{\hsize=\DATEINFOhsize#2}\cr \noalign{\hfill}}} \par} %%% %%% Heading options: %%% %%% \leftheading %%% \def\leftheading{\let\@hstyle=l} %%% %%% \rightheading %%% \def\rightheading{\let\@hstyle=r} %%% %%% \centerheading %%% \def\centerheading{\let\@hstyle=c} %%% %%% \specialheading %%% \def\specialheading{\let\@hstyle=s} %%% %%% \heading{heading_type} %%% %%% LaTeX-style command for specifying headig type... use something %%% along the lines of \heading{right} to set the heading type. \def\heading#1{\csname#1heading\endcsname} %%% %%% \printheader %%% internal macro for printing the header. Should not be called by user! %%% uses information set by the heading commands. %%% \def\printheader{\ifx\@date\undefined \def\@date{\today} %if date was not specified, use today's date. \fi \ifx\@hstyle s \begingroup \def\\{, } \line{{\NAMEfont\@name}\hfil{\smallADDRESSfont\@address}} \ifx\@@address\undefined\relax\else %two addresses ! \line{\hfil{\smallADDRESSfont\@@address}} \fi \endgroup \smallskip \hrule \smallskip \rightline{\@date} \else\ifx\@hstyle r \begingroup \let\\=\cr \halign{\hbox to\hsize{\hfill##\hfil}\cr \NAMEfont\@name\cr \@address\cr \noalign{\smallskip} \ifx\@@address\undefined\relax\else \@@addresscr \noalign{\smallskip} \fi \@date\crcr} \endgroup \else\ifx\@hstyle l \begingroup \let\\=\cr \halign{##\hfil\cr \NAMEfont\@name\cr \@address\cr \noalign{\smallskip} \ifx\@@address\undefined\relax\else \@@addresscr \noalign{\smallskip} \fi \@date\crcr} \endgroup \else\ifx\@hstyle c \centerline{\NAMEfont\@name} % The easy way to do it. \ifx\@@address\undefined \centeroneaddress \else \centertwoaddresses \fi \centerline{\@date} \fi\fi\fi\fi} \def\@@addresscr{\@@address\cr} %hack to fool ifx \def\centeroneaddress{\begingroup \let\\=\cr \tabskip=0pt plus1fill \halign to \hsize{\hfil##\hfil\cr \@address\crcr} \smallskip \endgroup} \def\centertwoaddresses{\begingroup \let\\=\cr \tabskip=0pt \valign{##\vfill\cr \noalign{\hfill} \vbox{\hsize=.4\hsize\tabskip=0ptplus1fill \halign to\hsize{\hfil##\hfil\cr \@address\crcr}}\cr \vbox{\hsize=.4\hsize\tabskip=0ptplus1fill \halign to\hsize{\hfil##\hfil\cr \@@address\crcr}}\cr \noalign{\hfill}} \smallskip \endgroup} \catcode`\@=12