




% TODO: Rewrite in Lua.

  \ifdim\dimexpr(\pagegoal-\pagetotal) < \numexpr(#1)\baselineskip


   \Section execute {section}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%


pitex.sections = { sections = {} }
function pitex.sections.increment (type)
  local n = type
  type = pitex.sections.sections[type] or { num = 0 }
  type.num = type.num + 1
  local level = type.level
  if level then
    for name, tb in pairs(pitex.sections.sections) do
      tb.num = tb.level > level and 0 or tb.num
function pitex.sections.counter (type)
  type = pitex.sections.sections[type]
  return type and type.num or -1

  \ptx@lua{pitex.sections.sections.#1 = {num = 0, level = #2}}%


  \ptx@lua{tex.print(pitex.sections.counter ("#1"))}%

%%% Gates in section %%%

\gates new \Section {Section}
\Section list {section} [4]
  (section_break) [2]
  . [section_vmode] [1] ?{conditional = \ifvalue #1 : vmode = true } {\par\removelastskip\penalty0 }
  . [section_clearpage] [1] ?{conditional = \ifvalue #1 : clear = true } {\clearpage}
  . [section_beforeskip] [2] ?{conditional = -\ifvalue #1 : clear = true }
     {% Or skip some lines. The "beforeskip" attribute is
      % the number of blank lines one wants before a section
      % title, afterskip is the same thing after,
      % and "minimum" is the minimum number of lines
      % one wants after the section title.
        -\ifdim\dimexpr(\pagegoal-\pagetotal) < 0pt &
        \ifdim\dimexpr(\pagegoal-\pagetotal) < \numexpr(\usevalueor #1 : beforeskip 0+\usevalueor #1 : afterskip 0+\usevalueor #1 : minimum 0) \baselineskip}
        {\breakpage} % Not enough room.
        {\passvaluenobracesand\vskip #1 : beforeskip \baselineskip{}}}
  [section_advance] [1] {\incrementsection{#1}}
  [section_bookmark] [4] ?{conditional = \ifvalue #1 : link = true } {%
    \passvalueand{\outline[meta = #1bookmark]} #1 : bookmarklevel {[#4]{#3}}{}}
  [section_toc] [3] ?{conditional = \ifvalue #1 : toc = true } {%
    \edef\ptx@temp{{#1}{\ifvalue #1 : number = none {}{\getsectioncounter{#1}}}{\unexpanded{\unexpanded{#3}}}{\the\pageno}}%
  [section_pre] {%
  (section_typeset) [2]
  . [section_number] [2] {%
      \ifvalue #1 : number = none
        {\Section return3 {#1}{}{#2}}
        {\Section return3
           {\usevalueor #1 : numbercommand \unbrace
              {\usevalue #1 : beforenumber
               \ifcasevalue #1 : number
                 \val roman  \makeroman
                 \val arabic \unbrace
               \usevalue #1 : afternumber }}
  . [section_heading] [3] {%
      \Section return2 {#1}{#2\usevalueor #1 : function \unbrace{#3}\usevalue #1 : aftertitle }}
  . [section_addfont] [2] {\Section return {#1}{\usevalue #1 : font #2}}
  . [section_addcolor] [2] ?{conditional = \ifattribute #1 : color } {%
      \Section return {#1}{\passvalueand\color #1 : color {{#2}}{}}}
  . [section_do] [2] {%
      \settovalue\hskip #1 : indent
      \ifvalue #1 : inline = true {}{\settovalue\rightskip #1 :ragged \endgraf}}
  [section_post] {\egroup}
  [section_afterskip] [1] ?{conditional = -\ifvalue #1 : inline = true } {%
    \vskip\usevalueor #1 : afterskip 0\baselineskip
    \ifvalue #1 : removenextindent = true {\removenextindent}{}}

\setparameter metasection :
  clear            = false
  vmode            = true
  minimum          = 3
  inline           = false
  number           = arabic
	afternumber      = "\kern.3em"
  link             = true
	ragged           = 0pt
	toc              = true
  removenextindent = true

\declaresection {chapter}    1
\declaresection {section}    2
\declaresection {subsection} 3
\declaresection {paragraph}  4

\setparameter chapter section subsection paragraph:
  meta   = metasection

\setparameter chapter :
  clear         = true
  number        = arabic
  afterskip     = 3
  indent        = "0pt plus 1fill"
  beforenumber  = "chapitre "
  afternumber   = {\par\hfill}
  bookmarklevel = 1
\setparameter section :
  beforeskip    = 2
  bookmarklevel = 2

\setparameter subsection paragraph:
  font          = \it
  beforeskip    = 1

\setparameter subsection:
  beforenumber  = "\getsectioncounter{section}."
  minimum       = 3
  bookmarklevel = 3

\setparameter paragraph:
  beforenumber = "\getsectioncounter{section}.\getsectioncounter{subsection}."
  minimum      = 2
  inline       = true
  aftertitle   = ".\hskip.333em"
  bookmarklevel = 4

\setparameter chapterbookmark sectionbookmark subsectionbookmark paragraphbookmark:
  meta = navigator



\def\ptx@sectioninfile_do#1 #2 #3 {%
    \input #3\relax
\def\ptx@sectioninfile_gobblerest#1 #2 #3 {}

% Move pending titles if they happen. They shouldn't by themselves,
% but the next paragraph might want more room than available
% and clear the page. Hence this.
% It reads box 255 backwards and move everything with set
% section attribute to the next page. If the first such material
% is a line, a (totally arbitrary) one-line skip is added, unless
% there's already a skip on top of the next page that isn't
% TeX-inserted (e.g. \baselineskip).
% This is probably totally insufficient.
onelineskip = node.new(11)
onelineskip.kern = tex.baselineskip.width
remove_pendingtitles = function (head)
  local item, first = node.slide(head), true
  while item do
    if node.has_attribute(item,\attributenumber\ptx@section_attribute) then
      local nextitem = item.prev
      if not ((item.id == 10 or item.id == 11) and first) then
        node.insert_before(tex.lists.contrib_head, tex.lists.contrib_head, item)
        tex.lists.contrib_head = item
      if item.id == 0 then
        if first then
          first = false
          if not (tex.lists.contrib_head.next.id == 10 and tex.lists.contrib_head.next.subtype == 0) then
            node.insert_after(tex.lists.contrib_head, item, node.copy(onelineskip))
            lualog("A title has been moved from page " .. tex.count[0] ..
                  " to page " .. tex.count[0]+1 .. ".")
      item = nextitem
      if item.id == 0 or item.id == 1 then
        item = nil
        item = item.prev


% ToC: this is an inefficient mess.


    {\ptx@warn{No table of contents.}}

      \rightskip=0pt plus 1fil
      ##2\leaders\hbox{. }\hfill\hbox to .8cm{\hfil##3}\par
