%%% File: Utility.tex
%%% From `Mathematical TeX by Example' by Arvind Borde
%%% (c) 1993, Academic Press.
%%% Contents: Utility commands to allow verbatim reproduction of input, to 
%%% allow `"' to be used as an in-line verbatim quoting mechanism, to produce
%%% various logos, etc. 


% The present book is filled with pieces of input files, or even entire input
% files, that are reproduced verbatim. The commands shown here provide
% the basis for this reproduction.

\def\cc{\catcode}   % Abbreviation used when changing category codes.

% The next command reproduces input verbatim by switching off special
% category codes and assigning code 12 to all normal command characters:

\def\Literal {\begingroup \cc`\\=12 \cc`\{=12 \cc`\}=12 \cc`\$=12
    \cc`\&=12 \cc`\#=12 \cc`\%=12 \cc`\~=12 \cc`\_=12 \cc`\^=12 
    \cc`\@=0 \cc`\`=\active \obeyspaces \VFont} % A `space' is now active.

{\obeyspaces\gdef {\hglue.5em\relax}} % Interword spacing.

{\cc`\`=\active \gdef`{\relax\lq}} % To block certain ligatures. 

% The next few lines define the role that `"' plays if it is later made 
% active (it will be used to reproduce in-line input):

\gdef"{\Literal \VQuotingFont \com}
\def\VQuotingOn{\cc`\"=\active }
\def\VQuotingOff{\cc`\"=12 }

\let\VFont=\tt         % Default; may be changed as desired.
\let\VQuotingFont=\tt  % Ditto.

%%% LOGOS:
\def\cal{\fam2 }   % Restore `Plain' definition, in case it has been altered.
\def\AmS{$\cal A\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}\kern-.125em S$}
\font\Eightsy=cmsy8 \skewchar\Eightsy='60
       A$}\kern-.25em\lower.4ex\hbox{\Eightsy M}\kern-.1em$\cal S$-\TeX}     
\def\MF{{\LogoTen META}\-{\LogoTen FONT}}
\def\MFsl{{\LogoTenSl META}\-{\LogoTenSl FONT}}
\def\LaTeX{L\kern-.36em\raise.35ex\hbox{\Smallcaps a}\kern-.15em\TeX} 
\font\Eightit=cmti8 % The logo below is for use in italics.
\def\ItLaTeX{L\kern-.32em\raise.32ex\hbox{\Eightit A}\kern-.22em\TeX} 
\def\ssfTeX{T\kern-.15em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern0em X} % When using sans-serif.
% Just to be complete:
% \def\TeX{T\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125em X}


\def\OnFootnoterule #1{%
 \def\footnoterule{\kern-3pt \hrule width#1 height.4pt \kern2.6pt }}


\def\raggedleft{\leftskip=0pt plus 2em \parfillskip0pt
                \spaceskip.3333em \xspaceskip=.5em\relax}
\def\Raggedleft{\leftskip=0pt plus 4em minus.6em \parfillskip0pt
                \spaceskip.3333em \xspaceskip=.5em\relax}
\def\Raggedright{\rightskip=0pt plus 4em minus.6em \parfillskip0pt 
                \spaceskip.3333em \xspaceskip=.5em\relax}
\def\EndLine{\ifhmode \hfil\break \fi}
\def\:{\thinspace }
\def\T {\vrule width0pt\kern-.1em} % To occasionally adjust spacing. 
\def\Lcase #1{\lowercase\expandafter{#1}}
\def\Sn #1.{\S\:#1.}
