%%% File: OutForm.tex
%%% From `Mathematical TeX by Example' by Arvind Borde
%%% (c) 1993, Academic Press.
%%% Contents: The format commands for the `output' pages (i.e., right hand)
%%% of the Examples in Chapter 2 of `Mathematical TeX by Example'.

\input StdPage   % The file containing the standard MTBE page specifications.


% Note: most typeface names used in this file have been defined in `StdPage'.
\font\sevenit=cmti7                       % For book titles in the margin.
\font\ExampleTitleFont=cmbx12 scaled\magstep1 % For Example Titles.
\font\ExampleTypeFont=cmsl12 scaled \magstep2 % For Example Types.
\font\ExampleTypeCal=cmsy10 scaled \magstep3  % For `Cal' in Example Types.  
\font\SmExampleTypeCal=cmsy7 scaled \magstep3 % For scriptsize Cal. 
\font\BigEightsy=cmsy8 scaled \magstep3       % For small Cal. 
                    \let\Eightsy\BigEightsy \ExampleTypeFont}


\def\EnoughAlready{$$\vdots$$ \EndPage}


\newtoks\Author             % To store the name of the author of the source.
\newtoks\BookTitle          % To store the name of the book/journal.
\newtoks\PublishInfo        % To store publisher information.
\newtoks\CopyrightDate      % To store information about the copyright date.
\newtoks\Example            % To store information about the example.
\newtoks\ExampleType        % To store information about the example type.
\newcount\ExampleNumber     % For the example number.
\newcount\StartExample      % Start-of-example indicator.
\newdimen\LMarginOdd        % Left margin on odd-numbered pages.
\newdimen\LMarginEven       % Left margin on even-numbered pages.

\outer\def\NewExample{\hsize\StdHsize  \vsize\StdVsize  \parindent\indsize
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            \dimen1=-\dimen0 \advance\dimen1 by1pt
            \centerline{\vrule width8pc height\dimen1 depth\dimen0
            {\ExampleTitleFont \ \ Example \the\ExampleNumber\ \ }\vrule 
             width8pc height\dimen1 depth\dimen0 }
            \vskip1pc\relax \noindent
            From {\tenit \the\BookTitle}
            \ifx\Test\empty \else \EndLine 
               \LCSmCaps{\the\Author}} \fi
            \ifx\Test\empty \else \EndLine {\tenrm\the\PublishInfo}\fi
            \ifx\Test\empty \else\unskip{\tenrm,\ \the\CopyrightDate}\fi
            \vskip1pc\relax \noindent \ignorespaces}
\def\ShortExample <#1>{\medbreak
       \line{\vrule width.4pt depth2.6pt height.4pt\hrulefill
            \vrule width.4pt depth2.6pt height.4pt}\nointerlineskip
       \leftline{\Eightbf (Page #1)} 
       \line{\vrule width.4pt depth0pt height3pt\hrulefill
             \vrule width.4pt depth0pt height3pt}\medbreak}
          \nobreak\vskip-3pt\relax} % Reduces space.


\newdimen\RMargin          % The right margin size.
\newdimen\BotMargin        % The bottom margin size.
\newcount\ChapIndicator    % For compatibility with BookForm.tex

\def\Volume #1,#2(#3){\def\Issue{{\fivebf #1},#2(#3)}}
\def\lcopyr{\leavevmode\hbox{{\fivesy\char'15}\llap{\fiverm c\kern.3em }}}

        \advance\BotMargin by-24pt\vglue\BotMargin}}
\def\RightMarginStuff{\vbox{\parskip0pt \hsize.75in \advance\hsize by-.4pt
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                    \vbox to 0pt{\vskip-.5in
                    \dimen0=\vsize \advance\dimen0 by \BotMargin
                    \advance\dimen0 by\voffset
                    \vbox to \dimen0{\null \vskip.25in 
                                    \baselineskip 6 pt \fiverm Source:
                                    {\sevenit \baselineskip8pt \the\BookTitle
                                    \smallskip }
                                    {\ifx\Test\empty \removelastskip \else
                                      \let\ZZ=\& \def\&{\:\ZZ\:}
                                      \uppercase\expandafter{\the\Author} \fi
                                    \ifx\Test\empty \else
                                       \lcopyr\ \the\CopyrightDate\break \fi
                                    \ifx\Test\empty \Issue \else
                                        \the\PublishInfo \fi
                                    \advance\dimen0 by-\StdVsize
                                    \vskip\dimen0 \vfill}}}
         \def\makefootline{\baselineskip36pt \line{\the\footline}}%
         \ifnum\ChapIndicator=1 \else\footline={\hfil}\fi
         \ifodd\pageno \dimen0=-\LMarginOdd \else \dimen0=-\LMarginEven \fi  
         \advance\dimen0 by6.625in \hbox to \dimen0
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         \RightMarginStuff }\nointerlineskip
         {\dimen0=\hsize \advance\dimen0 by\RMargin \advance\dimen0 by.4pt
              \hbox to \dimen0{\hfil \BotCornerHrule}}
        \fi}\global\StartExample=0 }% _%
\def\MarkPageCorner{\def\BotCornerVrule{\vrule height36pt width.4pt depth0pt} 
                  \def\BotCornerHrule{\vrule width36.4pt height.4pt depth0pt}}

% Here comes a small cheat:
\def\plainoutput{\ifodd\pageno \RMargin=\LMarginEven \else 
                   \RMargin=\LMarginOdd \fi % Assuming mirror symmetry.
                  \advancepageno \global\advance\RealPno by2
                  \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi}%

% Defaults:

\catcode`\@=14   % Need this in places.