%%% File: EulConc.tex
%%% Contents:
%%% Macros that load the `AMS Euler' and `Computer Concrete' classes 
%%% of fonts and switch mathematics and text to these fonts.
%%% This file is a modification by Arvind Borde of Donald Knuth's `gkpmac.tex' 
%%% file; that file contained macros for the book `Concrete Mathematics', and 
%%% all of the really hard work involved in preparing this package was done 
%%% by Donald Knuth there.
%%% WARNING: This is an experimental file; no responsibility
%%%          is assumed for any of its contents.

% First check to see if the file has already been used as input (if it has, 
% then we go no further):
% A warning:
\def\error{\message{ WARNING! You've got other fonts in places I want.}}

% Fonts for regular text:
\font\textrm=ccr10                 % roman
\font\textit=ccti10                % italic 
\font\textsl=ccsl10                % slanted 
\font\textbf=cmbx10                % bold: this is just Computer Modern
\font\textcsc=cccsc10              % caps and small caps
\font\oldsty=ccmi10                % for equation numbers
% Fonts for regular math
 \skewchar\mathlet='177 \skewchar\mathsublet='177 \skewchar\mathsubsublet='177
 \skewchar\mathsym='60 \skewchar\mathsubsym='60 \skewchar\mathsubsubsym='60
 \skewchar\mathscr='60 \skewchar\mathsubscr='60 \skewchar\mathsubsubscr='60
 \skewchar\boldmathlet='177 \skewchar\boldmathsublet='177 
% Fonts for small type:
 \skewchar\gmathlet='177 \skewchar\gmathsublet='177 \skewchar\gmathsubsublet='177
 \skewchar\gmathsym='60 \skewchar\gmathsubsym='60 \skewchar\gmathsubsubsym='60
 \skewchar\gmathscr='60 \skewchar\gmathsubscr='60 \skewchar\gmathsubsubscr='60
\font\gtfont=cmmi9 % for the \t accent
% Normal text conventions
\catcode`\@=11 % borrow the private macros of Plain.tex (with care)
\def\wlog#1{}  % don't put allocation info into the log
\let\smc=\sc              % For compatibility with AmSTeX.
\def\textindent#1{\noindent\hbox to\parindent{\bf#1\hfil}\ignorespaces}
\def\exitem{\hangindent2\parindent \textindent}
\def\Bf#1{\hbox{\bf#1}}  % For bold text in math (not bold math letters).

\textfont1=\mathlet \let\tfont=\teni
\def\it{\fam\itfam\textit} % \it is family 4, defined in PLAIN
\newfam\scrfam \ifnum\scrfam=8\relax\else\error\fi % family 8, script
\def\scr{\fam8 }
\newfam\frfam % family 9, fraktur
\def\frak{\fam9 }
\newfam\euexfam % family 10, substitions for euler symbols
\newfam\boldletfam % family 11, bold math letters
\def\bf{\fam11 \textbf} % Therefore different effects in text and math.
\mathchardef\braceld="A7A \mathchardef\bracerd="A7B
\mathchardef\bracelu="A7C \mathchardef\braceru="A7D
\mathchardef\leftrightarrow="3A24 \mathcode`\^^W="3A24
\mathchardef\leftarrow="3A20 \let\gets=\leftarrow \mathcode`\^^X="3A20
\mathchardef\rightarrow="3A21 \let\to=\rightarrow \mathcode`\^^Y"3A21
\def\uparrow{\delimiter"3A22378 } \mathcode`\^^K="3A22
\def\downarrow{\delimiter"3A23379 } \mathcode`\^^A="3A23
\def\updownarrow{\delimiter"3A6C33F }
\def\Uparrow{\delimiter"3A2A37E }
\def\Downarrow{\delimiter"3A2B37F }
\def\Updownarrow{\delimiter"3A6D377 }
% Note: this is OK since we don't use all characters of euex in 
% subscripts/superscripts; otherwise we'd have to make euex7 and euex6.
\scriptscriptfont\euexfam=\mathsubsym % Only for \mathchoice.
\mathcode`(="4928 \delcode`(="928300
\mathcode`)="5929 \delcode`)="929301
\mathcode`[="495B \delcode`[="95B302
\mathcode`]="595D \delcode`]="95D303
\mathchardef\Relbar="303D % We need the old `=' to match \Arrows.
\let\varsigma=\sigma \let\varrho=\rho % Euler doesn't have these.
\def\rbrace{\delimiter"5867A09 } \let\}=\rbrace
\def\lbrace{\delimiter"4866A08 } \let\{=\lbrace
%\mathchardef\equiv="3811 \let\cong=\equiv % lowres bars weren't spaced right
%\mathchardef\leq="3814 \let\le=\leq  % Where are they???
%\mathchardef\geq="3815 \let\ge=\geq  % Where are they???
\def\vert{\delimiter"86A30C }
\def\backslash{\delimiter"86E30F }
\setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height9pt depth4pt width\z@}%
\newbox\bigstrutbox \newbox\biggstrutbox
\setbox\bigstrutbox=\hbox{\vrule height11pt depth4pt width\z@}%
\setbox\biggstrutbox=\hbox{\vrule height17pt depth10pt width\z@}%

\newmuskip\normalthick \normalthick=5mu plus 5mu
\newmuskip\normalmedmu \normalmedmu=\medmuskip
\newmuskip\displaythick \displaythick=10mu minus 3mu
\abovedisplayskip=8pt plus 3pt minus 2pt % there's 2pt more (opened up)
\belowdisplayskip=10pt plus 3pt minus 2pt
% displays not centered; all have capability of \eqalign
   \openup2pt #1\halign\bgroup\span\preamble\cr}}
\jot=\z@  % we do our own opening up
\def\tablepreamble{\bigstrut\hfil$##$\hfil\ &\vrule##&&\quad\hfil$##$\hfil}
\def\xbox{\qquad\hbox} % for third column of explanation
\def\eqno{\global\advance\eqcount 1 \global\everycr{\makeeqno\thiseq}}
  \setbox0=\hbox to\displaywidth{\hfil#1}%
  \backup=\prevdepth \advance\backup\ht0
  \setbox0=\vbox{\kern-\backup\box0}\ht0=\z@ \dp0=\z@
  \setbox0=\vbox{\box0}\unvbox0}} % that puts equation number on prev line!
\def\EightpointEC{% set up eightpoint style
 \baselineskip=9.6pt \lineskip=0pt \lineskiplimit=0pt
 \textfont1=\gmathlet \let\tfont=\gtfont
\scriptfont\euexfam=\gmathsubsym % OK since I don't use all chars in this size
 \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height7.25pt depth2.75pt width\z@}%
  \left#1\vbox to7.25pt{}\right.\n@space$}}}
% Math operators
\newmuskip\lessfortimes \lessfortimes=-2mu minus -2mu
 \vcenter{\hbox to\wd0{$\hss\scriptscriptstyle/\hss$}}\kern-\wd0
 \vcenter{\hbox to\wd0{$\hss\kern.5pt\scriptscriptstyle/\hss$}}\kern-\wd0
\def\spec{\mathop{\rm Spec}}
\def\rp{\mathchar"323F } % relatively prime
\def\lcm{\mathop{\rm lcm}}
\def\And{\quad{\rm and}\quad}
\def\?{\hbox{!`}} % subfactorial
 {}{}}  % used only in D and T styles
%\def\hypk_#1{\mathop{F{}}_{#1}\nolimits\hyper} % confl with mFn convention
 {}{}}  % used only in D and T styles
 {\bigl(\!{#1\choose#2}\!\bigr)}{}{}} % only D and T styles
\def\hypstrut{\vphantom{_1\_^k}} % if there's another denominator with \_^k
\def\deg{\mathop{\rm deg}}
\def\Bscr{{\scr B}}
\def\Escr{{\scr E}}
\def\Fscr{{\scr F}}
\def\Pscr{{\scr P}}
\def\adj{\relbar\joinrel\relbar} % adjacent in a graph
\let\<=\langle \let \>=\rangle
\def\Pr{\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits}
\def\Mean{\mathop{\rm Mean}\nolimits}
\def\Var{\mathop{\rm Var}\nolimits}
\def\between{\big\vert\hbox{\vphantom)}} % \between_a^b
{\catcode`\'=\active \gdef'{^\bgroup\mskip2mu\prim@s}} % more space before '
\newbox\phihatbox \newbox\scrphihatbox
\setbox\phihatbox=\hbox{$\phi$} \ht\phihatbox=1ex
\def\mathsize#1{\hbox to\wd\mathsizebox{\displaymath#1$\hss}}
\setbox\sqrtstrutbox=\hbox{\vrule height10.5pt width\z@}
\newbox\Sqbox % for sum of squares
\setbox\Sqbox=\vbox{\tenrm\hrule height.6pt\kern-.6pt
  \hbox to1.5ex{\vrule height1.5ex width.6pt\hss\vrule width.6pt}\kern-.6pt
  \hrule height.3pt depth.3pt}
\def\CMtext{% To switch back to Computer Modern text.
  \normalbaselineskip=12pt \normallineskip=1pt \normallineskiplimit=0pt 
  \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height8.5pt depth3.5pt width0pt}%
