%%    FILE calend0.tex
%%    Modificat 9/12/92
 \input calend1.tex\relax}
 \advance\Year by-1900\calculateyearbase}
\def\nextyear{\advance\Year by1
 \multiply\timezone by 1000
 \divide\timezone by24}
% \ifleapyear is set;
% \yearbase is  the number of
% days passed from 1900, Jan 0
% to New year's date;
 {\count0=\Year\divide\count0 by4
 \multiply\count0 by4
 \ifcase\@catch \leapyeartrue\or
 by1461\advance\count0 by3
 \divide\count0 by4
 \advance\yearbase by\@catch
%  Gives the number of days passed
%  at the end of each month.
%  Value returned in \Day
 \@catch=\ifcase\Month 0\or31\or
  \global\advance\@catch by1\fi\fi}%
% Long date of \Month, \Day
% in the year \Year.
% Value returned in \date
 \Month by-1\monthdays
 \advance\date by\Day
 \global\advance\date by\yearbase}}
% Long date MOD 7 gives the week day.
% Sunday is 0 and Saturday is 6.
 \count1=\count0\divide\count0 by 7
 \multiply\count0 by 7
\advance\count1 by -\count0
% Name of week day (Local).
 Sunday\or Monday\or Tuesday\or
 Wednesday\or Thursday\or Friday\or
% (Local)
 \ifcase\weekd Sun\or Mon\or Tue\or
  Wed\or Thu\or Fri\or Sat\fi}
% Gives the usual calendar date for
% a long date in counter \date.
% Returned in \Day, \Month and \Year
 \multiply\Year by4\divide\Year by1461
 {\advance\date by-\yearbase\Month=0
 \global\advance\Month by1\repeat
 {\advance\Month by-1\monthdays
 \advance\date by-\Day
% Name of month \Month. (Local)
 \or January\or February\or March\or
 April\or May\or June\or July\or
 August\or September\or October\or
 November\or December\fi}
% Find the next (previous) day after
% (before) \date with \weekday=#1.
 \advance\count0 by-\weekd
 \ifnum\count0<0\advance\count0 by7\fi
 \global\advance\date by\count0}}
 \advance\date by-7}
\def\snextday#1{\advance\date by1
\def\sprevday#1{\advance\date by-1
% \beginevents...\endevents
% contains control sequences like
% \event or \evday or sequences
% generating these commands.
% 2nd run commands
 \loop\advance\currentdate by1\relax
\def\makeagenda#1{\input #1.sty\relax
% Do not read events