%\input{play.tex} %Modified 11/11/91 Central table \bplay etc
%      bplay, showgame, pc, strip
   bplay command is missing}}
\tabskip1ex plus 1fill
\halign to\hsize\bgroup
 \tabskip1ex plus 1ex minus 1ex
 \global\advance\trno by 1 %
 \hbox to.5\wr{\hss\the\trno\hss}%<=!
 \hbox to\wr{\pc\FIP##\hss}\hfil&
 \hbox to\wr{\pc\SEP##\hss}\hfil&
 \hbox to\wr{\pc\THP##\hss}\hfil&
 \hbox to\wr{\pc\FOP##\hss}\hfil
 \tabskip4ex plus2ex minus1ex&
 \hbox to.5\wr{\hss##\hss}
 \tabskip1ex plus 1ex minus 1ex&
 \hbox to.5\wr{\hss##\hss}
 \tabskip1ex plus 1fill\cr
 %End template line, next is headline
 \omit\hbox to1\wr{\TRICK\hss}\hfil&
   %Note only 3 \omits
}% end \bplay
\def\pc#1#2#3{%      Version 3/3/90
%Function: prints card #2#3 and
%          deletes it from player #1
%#1 the hand N, E, S, W(uppercase)
%#2 colour s, h, d, or c
%#3 card value A K Q ... 2, or x
%(or your (consistent/language) choice)
%%%% 1. Update hand \#1#2; e.g. \Ns %%%
\xdef\hnd{\csname #1#2\endcsname}
%%%% 2. print card in table         %%%
\xdef\colour{\csname #2\endcsname}
\colour\thinspace #3%
% %Needed for immediate postfix mark(s)
}% end \pc
\def\strip#1#2{%        Version 3/3/90
%Function: deletes card value #1
%          from #2, i.e., \Ns, or ...
  %Function: #1 is deleted from argument
  %          in \wis ... \wis and result
  %          is assigned to \hnd;
  %        (last card is replaced by --)
      \xdef\pa{##1} \xdef\pb{##2}
      \ifx\pa\empty {\ifx\pb\empty
         \global\hnd={--}% void colour
   }% end \wis
   \expandafter\wis\the #2\wis
}% end \strip
%Purpose: Shows all cards still active
%       in the play, via \Ns, ..., \Wc,
%  (note use of upper case for players)
%Used: \crdima, \hand, \LFTINF, \RGTINF
%      \Ns, ..., \Wc
$$}% end \showgame
%end input play.tex   % In total: 215 lines