-- tkz_elements_functions_points.lua -- date 2025/02/26 -- version 3.32 -- Copyright 2025 Alain Matthes -- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the -- conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 -- of this license or (at your option) any later version. -- The latest version of this license is in -- http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX -- version 2005/12/01 or later. -- This work has the LPPL maintenance status “maintained”. -- The Current Maintainer of this work is Alain Matthes. function id () for i,k in pairs(z) do if _G[i]==k then else _G[i]=k end end end function polar_ (radius, phi) return point(radius * math.cos(phi), radius * math.sin(phi)) end function barycenter_ (...) local cp = table.pack(...) local sum = 0 local weight = 0 for i = 1, cp.n do sum = sum + cp[i][1] * cp[i][2] weight = weight + cp[i][2] end return sum / weight end function rotation_ (c, a, pt) local z = point(math.cos(a), math.sin(a)) return z * (pt - c) + c end -- Define the set_rotation_ function function set_rotation_ (c, angle, ...) local tp = table.pack(...) local t = {} for i=1,tp.n do table.insert(t, rotation_(c, angle, tp[i])) end return table.unpack(t) end function symmetry_(c,pt) return 2 * c - pt end function set_symmetry_ (c,...) local tp = table.pack(...) local t = {} for i=1,tp.n do table.insert( t , symmetry_ (c , tp[i]) ) end return table.unpack ( t ) end function homothety_(c,t,p) return c + t * (p - c) end function set_homothety_ (c,coeff,...) local tp = table.pack(...) local t = {} for i=1,tp.n do table.insert( t , homothety_ (c, coeff , tp[i]) ) end return table.unpack ( t ) end function translation_(a , p) return a+p end function set_translation_ (u,...) local tp = table.pack(...) local t = {} for i=1,tp.n do table.insert( t , (u + tp[i]) ) end return table.unpack ( t ) end function random_point_(lower, upper) math.randomseed( tonumber(tostring(os.time()):reverse():sub(1,6)) ) x = math.random (lower, upper) y = math.random (lower, upper) return scale * point (x,y) end function midpoints_ (...) local arg = table.pack(...) local n = arg.n local t = {} for i=1, n-1 do table.insert( t , (arg[i]+arg[i+1])/2 ) end table.insert( t , (arg[n]+arg[1])/2 ) return table.unpack ( t ) end