\ProvidesPackage{SASnRdisplay}[2017/12/01 v0.95 by daleif]

\newcommand\SnRversion{v0.95 2017/12/01}

%% $LastChangedDate: 2017-12-01 15:09:40 +0100 (Fri, 01 Dec 2017) $
%% $LastChangedRevision: 1924 $
%% $LastChangedBy: daleif@math.au.dk $

%% This package can be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2003/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Lars Madsen (daleif@math.au.dk).



% we start by messing a little with listings

% this is a direct copy of listings caption key. We just add a toggle
% such we can know when it is being used

% we also need to mess with title, because, if there is not explicit
% caption, we would still like to overwrite the auto title with a
% simple title

% replica of the original caption key without the toggle. We will use this
% internally to be able to auto number our constuctions when there is
% no direct caption.

% This next bit is caption configuration. The code is due to Ulrike Fischer
% we define a text formatting which will eat the caption

% now in the numbered constructions we would like to have 'Name
% number' when there is no caption, and 'Name number<sep> text' when
% there is a caption.
% This can be done using \lstset{nocaption=x,#1} inside our
% constructions, and then after \lstset issuing
%  \iftoggle{capactive}{}{%
%    \captionsetup[lstlisting]{labelsep=none,textformat=gobble}}

% some default colors
\definecolor{SnRBG}       {rgb} {0.94,0.97,1}
\definecolor{SnRFrame}    {rgb} {0.79,0.88,1}
\definecolor{SnRBGGray}   {gray}{0.9}


  % if \chapter is not available specify section instead

% added 2017/12/01 in response to 
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/181110/3929

\let\SnRneedspaceSAScode  \SnRneedspace
\let\SnRneedspaceRcode    \SnRneedspace
\let\SnRneedspaceRoutput  \SnRneedspace




% danishnames
% end danishnames
% englishnames
% end englishnames

    \PackageError{SASnRdisplay}{To use the 'babel' option, please load
      SASnRdisplay after babel}{}


\DeclareOptionX{sweave}  {\toggletrue{SnRoverloadSweave}}


    \PackageError{SASnRdisplay}{SasWeave detected,^^J%
      please use the 'sasweave' option to SASnRdisplay 
      to overwrite the SASinput,^^J%
      SASoutput and SAScode environments}{}


  % #1 dominant countername
    % create counter
    % create \the... part, with dominator if needed

% added 2017/12/01, if option given, then don't create or mess with counters

    \SnRsetupcounters{}% no dominant counter
    }{ % must be after chapter


% This is inspired from the memoir class, it enables us to alias the
% listings counter such that we can have different series
% It will locally make one counter behave like another counter
% it also handles the \the<counter>

    lst.#1-\csname the\@ifundefined{theH#1}{}{H}#1\endcsname

  \ifboolexpr{ not togl{capactive} and not togl{titleactive} }{%


% generator macro
  % #1 = output type
  % #2 = env type

  % #1 = output type
  % #2 = alias output type
  % #3 = env type
  \typeout{Redefining #1#3}

  % #1 = output type
  % #2 = type
  % #3 = extra input listings style
  \expandafter\newcommand\csname SnRinput@#1@#2@normal\endcsname[2][]{
  \expandafter\newcommand\csname SnRinput@#1@#2@starred\endcsname[2][]{
  \expandafter\newcommand\csname input#1#2\endcsname{%


% this is for basic configuration of the inline version
% rinline
  basicstyle = \ttfamily,
  language  = R, % R lang added 2017/12/01
% end rinline
% Spaces above and after, plus caption and internal lineskip (note
% lineskip is marked experimental in listings)
% rvskips
  aboveskip        = 10pt plus 3pt minus 5pt,
  belowskip        = 10pt plus 3pt minus 5pt,
  belowcaptionskip = 7pt,
  lineskip         = 0pt plus 0.1em, % help with blank lines and page stretch
% end rvskips
% basic colors
% rcolors
  backgroundcolor = \color{SnRBG},
  rulecolor       = \color{SnRFrame},
% end rcolors
% basic fonts
% rfonts
  basicstyle = \small\ttfamily,
% end rfonts
% Columns, characters and line breaks
% rcharsandbreaks
  columns       = fixed,  % chars vertivally aligned
  breaklines,             % lines can be broken
  breakatwhitespace,      % at white space
  extendedchars = true,   % special chars allowed, be aware of utf8
% end rcharsandbreaks

  %morecomment  = [s]{\#}{\^^M},  % comment from # to the end of the line

% rmarkup
\lstdefinestyle{r-markup}{        % this only make sense for code
  language     = R,               % R lang added 2017/12/01
  commentstyle = \normalfont\slshape\ttfamily\footnotesize,
% end rmarkup
% rframe
  frame    = single,  % single frame all the way round, box broken at page break
  framesep = 0.5em,   % sep from frame to text
% end rframe
% general stuff from the user, applying to all R
% ruser
% end ruser
% collector style
% rstyle
  style = r-vskips,           % vertical spacing
  style = r-fonts,            % fonts
  style = r-colors,           % colors
  style = r-chars-and-breaks, % special chars and line breaks
  style = r-frame,            % framing
  style = r-user,             % user defined configuration
% end rstyle
% rcode
  style = r-style,
  style = r-markup,           % markup only make sense for code
  style = r-code-user,
% end rcode
% routput
  style = r-style,
  style = r-output-user,
% end routput
% rincludecode
  style = r-code,
  style = r-include-user,
  style = r-include-code-user,
% end rincludecode
% rincludeoutput
  style = r-output,
  style = r-include-user,
  style = r-include-output-user,
% end rincludeoutput
% rcodeuser
% end rcodeuser
% routputuser
% end routputuser
% rincludecodeuser
% end rincludecodeuser
% rincludeoutputuser
% end rincludeoutputuser
% rincludeuser
% end rincludeuser

% just to save some code


% for Sweave

\SnREnvGenerator{R}{code}   % -> Rcode and Rcode*
\SnREnvGenerator{R}{output} % -> Routput and Routput*


    % overload Sweave. There are three envs to deal with Sinput,
    % Scode, Soutput, Sinput and Scode are more or less the same thing
%     \let\Sinput\relax
%     \let\endSinput\relax
%     \let\Soutput\relax
%     \let\endSoutput\relax
%     \let\Scode\relax
%     \let\endScode\relax
%     \csundef{Sinput*}
%     \csundef{endSinput*}
%     \csundef{Soutput*}
%     \csundef{endSoutput*}
%     \csundef{Scode*}
%     \csundef{endScode*}
%     \let\SnRInitialScodeSetup\SnRInitialRcodeSetup
%     \def\SnRInitialSinputSetup{%
%       \SnRInitialRcodeSetup%
%       \lstset{style=Sinput}%
%     }
%     \let\SnRInitialSoutputSetup\SnRInitialRoutputSetup

% a \verb like macro for Rcode in the normal text

% input external R files
% we need something a bit special here. Some options have to be given
% to \lstinputlisting's optional argument. But we also need to know if
% the caption has been set, thus we set the user specified options twice!

\SnRInputGenerator{R}{code}{r-include-code}     % -> \inputRcode(*)
\SnRInputGenerator{R}{output}{r-include-output} % -> \inputRoutput(*)



% sasinline
  basicstyle = \ttfamily,
  style      = sas-more-keywords,
  language   = SAS,
% end sasinline
% sasvskips
  aboveskip        = 10pt plus 3pt minus 5pt,
  belowskip        = 10pt plus 3pt minus 5pt,
  belowcaptionskip = 7pt,
  lineskip         = 0pt plus 0.1em,   % help with blank lines and page stretch
% end sasvskips
% sascolors
  backgroundcolor = \color{SnRBG},
  rulecolor       = \color{SnRFrame},
% end sascolors
% sascharsandbreaks
  columns       = fixed,  % chars vertivally aligned
  breaklines,             % lines can be broken
  breakatwhitespace,      % at white space
  extendedchars = true,   % special chars allowed, be aware of utf8
% end sascharsandbreaks
% sasmarkup
  language     = SAS,
  keywordstyle = \bfseries,
  comment      = [s]{/*}{*/}, 
  commentstyle = \slshape\footnotesize,
% end sasmarkup
% sasframe
  frame    = single,
  framesep = 0.5em,
% end sasframe
% sasuser
% end sasuser
% sasstyle
  style = sas-vskips,
  style = sas-frame,
  style = sas-colors,
  style = sas-chars-and-breaks,
  style = sas-user,
% end sasstyle
% sascode
  style = sas-style,
  style = sas-code-fonts,
  style = sas-markup,        % there is no markup of the output
  style = sas-more-keywords, % has to come after markup when loading styles
  style = sas-code-user,
% end sascode
% sasoutput
  style = sas-style,
  style = sas-output-fonts,
  style = sas-output-user,
% end sasoutput
% sascodeuser
% end sascodeuser
% sasoutputuser
% end sasoutputuser
% sascodefonts
  basicstyle = \ttfamily\small,
% end sascodefonts
% sasoutputfonts
  basicstyle = \ttfamily\footnotesize,
% end sasoutputfonts
% sasinputcodeuser
% end sasinputcodeuser
% sasinputoutputuser
% end sasinputoutputuser
% sasincludecode
  style = sas-code,
  style = sas-include-user,
  style = sas-include-code-user,
% end sasincludecode
% sasincludeoutput
  style = sas-output,
  style = sas-include-user,
  style = sas-include-output-user,
% end sasincludeoutput
% sasincludeuser
% end sasincludeuser
% sasincludecodeuser
% end sasincludecodeuser
% sasincludeoutputuser
% end sasincludeoutputuser


  \lstset{style = #1}%

  \lstset{style = #1}%

  % overload SASweave. There are three envs to deal with: SASinput,
  % SAScode, SASoutput, SASinput and SAScode are more or less the same
  % thing. Since we use the same names, only SASinput is missing


% a \verb like macro for SAScode in the normal text
% SASdisplay had this macro, so we add it, but do not mention it in
% the manual.

% inclusion macros


    \PackageError{SASnRdisplay}{SASnRdisplay cannot be loaded at the
      same time as the legacy SASdisplay package.}{Please remove the
      SASdisplay package}
