%%^^A%% unimath-symbols.ltx -- part of UNICODE-MATH <wspr.io/unicode-math>
%%^^A%% Listing of Unicode mathematics symbols using a variety of fonts.

% !TEX TS-program = LuaLaTeX

%% List of fonts changed (df).
%% Changes by David Carlisle: https://github.com/wspr/unicode-math/issues/570







  Extension = .otf ,
  UprightFont = *-regular,
  ItalicFont = *-italic,
  BoldFont = *-bold,
  BoldItalicFont = *-bolditalic,

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \fontspec_set_fontface:NNnn {c}

  \tl_set:cn {L#1} {#4}
      {Size=-10, Colour=999999},
      {Size=10-, Colour=#3}}]{#2}
  \fontspec_set_fontface:cNnn {#1} \x {ItalicFont={},BoldFont={}} {#2}
  \tl_gput_right:Nn \FINISH {


\begin{longtable}[l]{@{}l *{\Nfonts}{c} lp{100pt}@{}}
  \textsc{usv} & \Llm & \Lstix & \Lerewhon & \Lxcharter & \Lpagella & \Llibertinus
  & \Lgaramond & Macro & Description \\
  \midrule \endhead
    \RaggedRight\scriptsize #1%

      \USV{#1} &
      \SYMB{#2}{lm}{#1} &
%      \SYMB{#2}{xits}{#1} &
      \SYMB{#2}{stix}{#1} &
      \SYMB{#2}{erewhon}{#1} &
      \SYMB{#2}{xcharter}{#1} &
      \SYMB{#2}{pagella}{#1} &
%      \SYMB{#2}{dejavu}{#1} &
      \SYMB{#2}{libertinus}{#1} &
      \SYMB{#2}{garamond}{#1} &
      \tl_if_in:NnT \PLAIN {#2}
            { \color[gray]{0.7} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (p)} }
      \tl_if_in:NnT \LTXSYM {#2}
            { \color[gray]{0.7} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (l)} }
      \tl_if_in:NnT \AMSSYMB {#2}
            { \color[gray]{0.7} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (a)} }
      \DESC{#3} \\
  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax





\title{Symbols defined by \textsf{unicode-math}}
\author{Will Robertson}
\date{Modified (df) to show XCharter Math symbols}

This document uses the file \texttt{unicode-math-table.tex}
to print every symbol defined by the \textsf{unicode-math}
Use this document to find the command name or the Unicode glyph slot for
a symbol that you wish to use.
The following fonts are shown: (with approximate symbol counts)%
\footnote{Be aware that 48 lowercase latin letters are missing in
  \textit{Script} and \textit{BoldScript} shapes for both Latin Modern,
  Erewhon and XCharter, compared to the other four fonts. In addition,
  XCharter has no lowercase Blackboard Bold (except k).}
\item[\Llm] \mathversion{lm} $\mathup{Latin\ Modern\ Math}$ (\ref{count:lm})
%\item[\Lxits] \mathversion{xits} $\mathup{XITS\ Math}$ (\ref{count:xits})
\item[\Lstix] \mathversion{stix} $\mathup{STIX\ Two\ Math}$ (\ref{count:stix})
\item[\Lerewhon] \mathversion{erewhon} $\mathup{Erewhon\ Math}$ (\ref{count:erewhon})
\item[\Lxcharter] \mathversion{xcharter} $\mathup{XCharter\ Math}$ (\ref{count:xcharter})
\item[\Lpagella] \mathversion{pagella} $\mathup{TeX\ Gyre\ Pagella\ Math}$ (\ref{count:pagella})
%\item[\Ldejavu] \mathversion{dejavu} $\mathup{DejaVu\ Math\ TeX\ Gyre}$ (\ref{count:dejavu})
\item[\Llibertinus] \mathversion{libertinus} $\mathup{Libertinus\ Math}$ (\ref{count:libertinus})
\item[\Lgaramond] \mathversion{garamond} $\mathup{Garamond\ Math}$ (\ref{count:garamond})
Symbols defined in Plain \TeX\ are indicated with {\color[gray]{0.6} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (p)}} after their macro name.
\LaTeX\ follows Plain \TeX, but defines a handful more, indicated with {\color[gray]{0.6} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (l)}}.
Symbols defined in \textsf{amssymb} are indicated with {\color[gray]{0.6} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (a)}}.

Note that this list of fonts is not intended to be exhaustive but I am happy to add new fonts by request if they are distributed in \TeX\ Live.\footnote{Only a single \TeX\ Gyre Math font is shown here by design as they all largely have the same symbol coverage.}


\section{Opening symbols, \cmd\mathopen}

\section{Closing symbols, \cmd\mathclose}

\section{Fence symbols, \cmd\mathfence}

\section{Punctuation symbols, \cmd\mathpunct}

\section{`Over' symbols, \cmd\mathover}
  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
    $\displaystyle #1{\mitx+\mity}$%

\section{`Under' symbols, \cmd\mathunder}
  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
    $\displaystyle #1{\mitx+\mity}$%

\section{Accents, \cmd\mathaccent}

Note that accents will only be properly placed if used with an OpenType font with the necessary information.

  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
    $\displaystyle#1 \mitx$%

% Added (df)
\section{Accents wide, \cmd\mathaccentwide}
  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
    $\displaystyle#1 {\mitx+\mity}$%

\section{Bottom accents, \cmd\mathbotaccent}
  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
    $\displaystyle#1 \mitx$%

% Added (df)
\section{Bottom accents wide, \cmd\mathbotaccentwide}
  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
    $\displaystyle#1 {\mitx+\mity}$%

\section{Big operators, \cmd\mathop}

Of the operators shown below, a subset need to be flagged by \textsf{unicode-math} for \cmd\nolimits\ adjustments.
The limits behaviour as specified by \textsf{unicode-math} are shown with grey subscripts and superscripts.
  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax

\section{Binary relations, \cmd\mathbin}

\section{Ordinary symbols, \cmd\mathord}

\section{Relation symbols, \cmd\mathrel}

\section{Alphabetical symbols, \cmd\mathalpha}

% first read in all \mathalpha symbols into a variable:
\cs_set:Npn \UnicodeMathSymbol #1#2#3#4 {
  \str_if_eq:nnT {\mathalpha} {#3} {
    \exp_not:n { \UnicodeMathSymbol {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} }
  {\char_set_catcode_space:N \ }

% now each time we print an alphabet we remove the slot;
% this ensures we won't miss anything

\cs_new:Npn \SLOTS #1#2 {
  \cs_set:Npn \UnicodeMathSymbol ##1##2##3##4 {
      { \int_compare_p:n {##1 >= #1} }
      { \int_compare_p:n {##1 <= #2} }
  \cs_set:Npn \UnicodeMathSymbol ##1##2##3##4 {
      { \int_compare_p:n {##1 > #2} }
      { \int_compare_p:n {##1 < #1} }
        \exp_not:n { \UnicodeMathSymbol {##1}{##2}{##3}{##4} }


\subsection{Normal weight}

\subsubsection{Upright Greek, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Upright Greek, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Italic, Latin, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Italic, Latin, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Italic Greek, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Italic Greek, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Script, Latin, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Script, Latin, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Fraktur, Latin, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Fraktur, Latin, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Blackboard, Latin, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Blackboard, Latin, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Sans serif, Latin, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Sans serif, Latin, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Italic sans serif, Latin, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Italic sans serif, Latin, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Typewriter, Latin, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Typewriter, Latin, lowercase}


\subsubsection{Bold, Latin, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Bold, Latin, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Bold Greek, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Bold Greek, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Bold italic, Latin, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Bold italic, Latin, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Bold italic Greek, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Bold italic Greek, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Bold script, Latin, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Bold script, Latin, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Bold fraktur, Latin, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Bold fraktur, Latin, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Bold sans serif, Latin, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Bold sans serif, Latin, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Bold italic sans serif, Latin, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Bold italic sans serif, Latin, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Bold sans serif Greek, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Bold sans serif Greek, lowercase}

\subsubsection{Bold italic sans serif Greek, uppercase}

\subsubsection{Bold italic sans serif Greek, lowercase}




% /©
% ------------------------------------------------
% The UNICODE-MATH package  <wspr.io/unicode-math>
% ------------------------------------------------
% This package is free software and may be redistributed and/or modified under
% the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or higher
% (your choice): <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/>.
% ------------------------------------------------
% Copyright 2006-2019  Will Robertson, LPPL "maintainer"
% Copyright 2010-2017  Philipp Stephani
% Copyright 2011-2017  Joseph Wright
% Copyright 2012-2015  Khaled Hosny
% ------------------------------------------------
% ©/

%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
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%%% TeX-engine: luatex
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