XCharter-Math package

## Description

`XCharter-Math.otf’ is an OpenType mathematical font to be used
with the XCharter text fonts.

## Contents

* XCharter-Math.otf       OpenType Math font
* XCharter-Math-Bold.otf  Bold variant (limited coverage)
* xcharter-otf.sty        LaTeX style file
* XCharter-Math.pdf       Documentation in PDF format
* XCharter-Math.ltx       Source of XCharter-Math.pdf
* unimath-xcharter.pdf    Modified version of unimath-symbols.pdf
                          showing available XCharter-Math symbols compared
                          to LatinModern, STIXTwo, Erewhon, TeXGyrePagella,
                          Libertinus and EBGaramond.
* unimath-xcharter.ltx    Source of unimath-xcharter.pdf
* README.md               (this file)

## Installation

This package is meant to be installed automatically by TeXLive, MikTeX, etc.
Otherwise, XCharter-Math can be installed under TEXMFHOME or TEXMFLOCAL, f.i.
XCharter-Math.otf in directory texmf-local/fonts/opentype/public/xcharter-math/
and fourier-otf.sty in directory  texmf-local/tex/latex/xcharter-math/.  
Documentation files and their sources can go to directory

Don't forget to rebuild the file database (mktexlsr or so) if you install

Finally, make the system font database aware of the XCharter Math font
(fontconfig under Linux).

## License

* The font `XCharter-Math.otf’ is licensed under the SIL Open Font License,
Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at:
* The other files are distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project
Public License from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
Either version 1.3c or, at your option, any later version.

## Changes

* First public version: 0.30
* v0.31:
  - Fixed "Style=" options in xcharter-otf.sty (they didn't work for XeLaTeX).
  - Added glyphs \nleqqslant and \ngeqqslant (U+E09A, U+E09B).
  - Corrected glyphs \varsubsetneqq \varsusetneqq (U+E09C, U+E09D).
* v0.32:
  - all vertical delimiters resized.
  - \mathslash, \backslash and their vertical variants: slope corrected.
  - xcharter-otf.sty now loads realscripts for better superscripts.
* v0.33:
  - xcharter-otf.sty loads XCharter-Math.otf by file name for XeTeX.
* v0.34:
  - Delimiters, integrals, sum, prod etc. are now vertically
    centred by design on the maths axis (required by luametatex).
* v0.35:
  - Experimental Bold variant added.
  - Fixed \wideoverbar (U+0305) which failed with XeTeX.
  - Corrected negative right bearings of some display integrals.
  - Added stretchable integral for U+222B (usable with luametatex).
* v0.36:
  - package now compatible with mathtools’ stretchable arrows.
  - \diagup and \diagdown moved from private area to U+27CB, U+27CD.
* v0.40:
  - Metrics of all "over" arrows and harpoons corrected.
  - Metrics of all "under" arrows and harpoons corrected.
  - Most horizontal arrows and harpoons are now stretchable.
* v0.41:
  - radicals corrected.
  - xcharter-otf.sty: options handled by `l3keys` instead of `xkeyval` 
    (requires a LaTeX kernel not older than 2022-06-01).
  - XCharter-Math-Bold.otf: missing glyphs added in range
    U+1D400-U+1D7F5 (SE#688363 for KPfonts).
* v0.42:
  - XCharter-Math-Bold.otf: Uppercase Blackboard Bold glyphs added as 
    suggested by Ulrik Vieth.  Glyphs U+2107, U+2126, U+2127, U+212B, 
    U+2132 and U+2141 added too.
* v0.50:
  - XCharter-Math.otf: Digits and Lowercase Blackboard Bold glyphs added; 
    over twenty math symbols added (coverage now similar to Erewhon-Math).
* v0.51:
  - Fixed IsExtendedShape flags.
  - \mid (U+2223) and \parallel (U+2225) vertical variants changed.
  - CharacterVariant=11 added: it replaces the original math italic v 
    by a variant easier to distinguish from \nu.
  - OT features cvNN are now applied before ssty (applied last).
* v0.60:
  - CharacterVariant=12 added: it replaces the original math italic w 
    by a rounder variant to match the v variant (cv11) added in v0.51.
  - Inconsistencies between Bold Caligraphic glyphs and their Regular
    counter-parts fixed.
  - Superscripts redesigned.
  - Inconsistencies between vertical delimiter sizes fixed.
  - Metrics of \widebreve, \widecheck, \widehat, \widetilde first
    horizontal variant (.h0) changed: f.i. $\hat{r} \ne \widehat{r}$.
  - XCharter-Math-Bold: horizontal variants of the main accents added,
    plus another hundred glyphs.
* v0.61:
  - More fixes for delimiter sizes.
* v0.62:
  - Fixed Game glyph (U+2141).
  - \leqslant, \geqslant (and related glyphs) are now vertically aligned 
    with \leq, \geq.
  - XCharter-Math-Bold: missing italic correction added for int.up, 
    int.v1, int.v1.up.
* v0.63:
  - Added lmoustache, rmoustache (U+23B0, U+23B1).
  - Superscripts BbbE.st and BbbE.sst fixed (U+EA04, U+ED04).
* v0.64:
  - Added missing \rightcurvedarrow (U+2933) \leftcurvedarrow (U+2B3F)
    and glyphs U+2334 to U+2937.
  - Fixed height of 'over' arrows.
  - Added \lgroup (U+27EE), \rgroup (U+27EF), and their vertical extensions.
  - Overbraces and underbraces resized.
* v0.65:
  - Fixed notaccent (U+0338).
  - bar (U+0304), wideoverbar (U+0305), mathunderbar (U+0332) thicknesses' 
    unified to default rule thickness.
  - Glyphs U+2032 to U+2037 and U+2057 (prime and co.) resized so that f.i. 
    \(f'\), \(f\prime\) and \(f^{\prime}\) produce the same output.
  - `xcharter-otf.sty` has a new option `fakedscripts` to stop `realscripts`
    package loading.
Copyright 2022-2025  Daniel Flipo  
E-mail: daniel (dot) flipo (at) free (dot) fr