
% Ensure luatex or xetex engine
\newif\ifkp@math	\kp@mathtrue
\newif\ifkp@text  	\kp@texttrue
\newif\ifkp@sf      \kp@sftrue
\newif\ifkp@tt      \kp@tttrue
\newif\ifkp@Dcommand    \kp@Dcommandtrue
\newif\ifkp@symbols     \kp@symbolstrue
% Global options
\DeclareOption{light}            {\kp@lighttexttrue\kp@lightmathtrue}
\DeclareOption{nomath}           {\kp@mathfalse\kp@symbolsfalse}
\DeclareOption{notext}           {\kp@textfalse}
\DeclareOption{sans}             {\kp@sftexttrue\kp@sfmathtrue}
\DeclareOption{nosf}             {\kp@sffalse}
\DeclareOption{nott}             {\kp@ttfalse}
\DeclareOption{onlyrm}           {\kp@ttfalse\kp@sffalse}
\DeclareOption{fulloldstylenums} {\kp@osntrue\kp@osnmtrue}
\DeclareOption{fulloldstyle}     {\kp@ostrue\kp@Qtailtrue\kp@osntrue
% Text options
\DeclareOption{lighttext}        {\kp@lighttexttrue}
\DeclareOption{sftext}           {\kp@sftexttrue}
\DeclareOption{fakedscripts}     {\kp@fakedscriptstrue}
\DeclareOption{oldstylenums}     {\kp@osntrue}
\DeclareOption{oldstyle}         {\kp@ostrue\kp@osntrue\kp@Qtailtrue}
\DeclareOption{veryoldstyle}     {\kp@vostrue\kp@osntrue\kp@Qtailtrue}
\DeclareOption{largesmallcaps}   {\kp@largesmallcapstrue}
\DeclareOption{altfligs}         {\kp@altfligstrue}
\DeclareOption{germandbls}       {\kp@germandblstrue}
\DeclareOption{eurosym}          {\kp@eurosymtrue}
\DeclareOption{harfbuzz}         {\kp@harfbuzztrue}
% Math options
\DeclareOption{lightmath}        {\kp@lightmathtrue}
\DeclareOption{sfmath}           {\kp@sfmathtrue}
\DeclareOption{bbsans}           {\kp@sfmathbbtrue}
\DeclareOption{mathcal}          {\kp@calasscrtrue}
\DeclareOption{narrowiints}      {\kp@narrowiintstrue}
\DeclareOption{frenchstyle}      {\kp@frenchstyletrue}
\DeclareOption{partialup}        {\kp@partialuptrue}
\DeclareOption{oldstylenumsmath} {\kp@osnmtrue}
\DeclareOption{fancyReIm}        {\kp@oldReImtrue}
\DeclareOption{noDcommand}       {\kp@Dcommandfalse}
\DeclareOption{tight}            {\kp@tighttrue}
\DeclareOption{symbols}          {\kp@textfalse\kp@sffalse\kp@ttfalse

% Concatenation of Math options.
  \KpMtoks=\expandafter{\the\KpMtoks #1={#2},}}

% Text fonts setup...
  % Style alias (text only)
  \ifkp@fakedscripts \else \RequirePackage{realscripts}\fi
  % Two candidates for \rmfamily:
  % Euro symbol
  \newcommand*{\kp@euro}{\ifkp@eurosym\char"E990 \else\char"20AC \fi}
    \ifx\@tmp\@empty \kp@euro \else #1~\kp@euro\fi
  % Option harfbuzz is needed with HBLuaTeX to typeset some composed chars
  % not ready-made in the KPfonts (f.i. ċṅṁ, ạẹịụọṃ,…).
  % TS1 accent in Private Area
  % Accents not in tuenc.def
  \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\candra}    \UnicodeEncodingName{"0310}
  \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\ringbelow} \UnicodeEncodingName{"0325}
  % Long s: Å¿
  % Oldstylenums
  %% Oldstyle
  %% Veryoldstyle
      \defaultfontfeatures+[\ttfamily]{StylisticSet=12, Ligatures=Historic}
            StylisticSet=12, Ligatures=Historic}
  % Smallcaps
            SmallCapsFeatures = {Letters=SmallCaps}}
            SmallCapsFeatures = {Letters=PetiteCaps}}
  % Altfligs
  % Germandbls
  % Euro symbol
  % Loading Text Serif fonts:
  % Loading Text Sans Serif fonts:
  % Loading Text Typewriter fonts:
  % Large/Petite smallcaps
  \DeclareRobustCommand\textlsc[1]{{\lscshape #1}}
  \DeclareRobustCommand\textpsc[1]{{\pscshape #1}}

\ifkp@symbols  % true unless "nomath"
  % \D close integral

% Loading Math fonts...
  \PackageWarning{kpfonts-otf}{Option mathcal is no longer needed:\MessageBreak
    just use \protect\mathcal{} for "calligraphic" \MessageBreak
    and \protect\mathscr{} for "script" capitals;\MessageBreak reported
    \medmuskip=2.5mu plus 1mu minus 2.5mu
    \thickmuskip=3.5mu plus 2.5mu
    % \defaultfontfeatures (BoldFont) moved to a .fontspec file
    % Following Joseph Wright in https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/451
      % \defaultfontfeatures (BoldFont) moved to a .fontspec file
      % Following Joseph Wright in https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/451
      % \defaultfontfeatures (BoldFont) moved to a .fontspec file
      % Following Joseph Wright in https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/451

  % Style aliases (math only)
    % Kpfonts specific math symbols
    \Umathchardef\dotlessi =             0 0 "0131 \relax
    \Umathchardef\dotlessj =             0 0 "0237 \relax
    \Umathchardef\mitsanswp =            0 0 "E015 \relax
    \Umathchardef\mitsansell =           0 0 "E019 \relax
    \Umathchardef\varemptyset =          0 0 "E021 \relax
    \Umathchardef\lambdaslash =          0 0 "E029 \relax
    \Umathchardef\lambdabar =            0 0 "019B \relax
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    \Umathchardef\mbfdotlessi =          0 0 "E046 \relax
    \Umathchardef\mbfdotlessj =          0 0 "E047 \relax
    \Umathchardef\mbfell =               0 0 "E049 \relax
    \Umathchardef\mbfimath =             0 0 "E066 \relax
    \Umathchardef\mbfjmath =             0 0 "E067 \relax
    \Umathchardef\mbhbar =               0 0 "E068 \relax
    \Umathchardef\mbhslash =             0 0 "E06F \relax
    \Umathchardef\mithbar =              0 0 "E078 \relax
    \Umathchardef\parallelbackslant =    3 0 "E080 \relax
    \Umathchardef\nparallelbackslant =   3 0 "E081 \relax
    \Umathchardef\mapstochar =           3 0 "E08D \relax
    \Umathchardef\lhook =                3 0 "E08E \relax
    \Umathchardef\rhook =                3 0 "E08F \relax
    \Umathchardef\parallelslant  =       3 0 "E090 \relax
    \Umathchardef\nparallelslant =       3 0 "E091 \relax
    \Umathchardef\nsubseteqq =           3 0 "E0AE \relax
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    \Umathchardef\Mmapsto =              0 0 "E401 \relax
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    \Umathchardef\Longmmapsfrom =        0 0 "E404 \relax
    \Umathchardef\Longmmapsto =          0 0 "E405 \relax
    \Umathchardef\longmmapsfrom =        0 0 "E406 \relax
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    \Umathchardef\Colonapprox =          0 0 "E412 \relax
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    \Umathchardef\colondash =            0 0 "E414 \relax
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    \Umathchardef\varoiiint@cw =         1 0 "E456 \relax
    \Umathchardef\varoiint@acw =         1 0 "E458 \relax
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    \Umathchardef\var@iiiint =           1 0 "E46A \relax
    \Umathchardef\var@idotsint =         1 0 "E46C \relax
    \Umathchardef\varoint@acw =          1 0 "E46E \relax
    \Umathchardef\msanspartial =         0 0 "E77A \relax
    \Umathchardef\mitsanspartial =       0 0 "E7CA \relax
    \Umathchardef\IM =                   0 0 "E7FE \relax
    \Umathchardef\RE =                   0 0 "E7FF \relax
    %\widearc and\overrightarc
    \newcommand*{\widearc}{\Umathaccent  0 0 "E540 }%
    \newcommand*{\widearcarrow}{\Umathaccent 0 0 "20D5 }%
    % amssymb
         kpfonts-otf provides all AMS symbols.\MessageBreak
         Loading amssymb.sty is not advisable.\MessageBreak
      {% AMS Symbols not referenced in unicode-math-table.tex
       % \Umathchardef\sum = <math type> <family> <slot>
       % <math type> : \mathord=0 \mathrel=3 ; <family>=0
       \Umathchardef\circledR =       0 0 "24C7 \relax
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       \Umathchardef\nshortparallelslant = 3 0 "E093 \relax
       \Umathchardef\lesseqslantgtr =      3 0 "E094 \relax
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       \Umathchardef\lesseqqslantgtr =     3 0 "E096 \relax
       \Umathchardef\gtreqqslantless =     3 0 "E097 \relax
       \Umathchardef\npreceq =        3 0 "E098 \relax
       \Umathchardef\nsucceq =        3 0 "E099 \relax
       \Umathchardef\shortmid =       3 0 "E0A2 \relax
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       \Umathchardef\nshortmid =      3 0 "E0A4 \relax
       \Umathchardef\nshortparallel = 3 0 "E0A5 \relax
       \Umathchardef\lvertneqq =      3 0 "E0A6 \relax
       \Umathchardef\gvertneqq =      3 0 "E0A7 \relax
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       \Umathchardef\varsubsetneqq =  3 0 "E09C \relax
       \Umathchardef\varsupsetneqq =  3 0 "E09D \relax
       \Umathchardef\nleqslant =      3 0 "E0A8 \relax
       \Umathchardef\ngeqslant =      3 0 "E0A9 \relax
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       \Umathchardef\ngeqq =          3 0 "E0AB \relax
       \Umathchardef\leadsto =        3 0 "E409 \relax
       \let\centerdot\cdotp                % vysmblksquare ?
    % latexsym
         kpfonts-otf provides all LaTeX symbols.\MessageBreak
         Loading latexsym.sty is not advisable.\MessageBreak
