%% aboensis.sty
%% Copyright 2021 Tommi Syrjänen 
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Tommi Syrjänen 
% See file MANIFEST-Aboensis.txt to a list of files that make up this
% work.
\ProvidesPackage{aboensis}[2021/07/16 v1.0 XeLaTeX Package (Use Aboensis Open Type Font)]
%% Author: Tommi Syrjänen (tssyrjan@iki.fi)

%% This is a package for using the Aboensis OpenType medieval cursiva
%% littera font with xelatex. Documentation is in the file
%% 'aboensis.pdf'.

% Necessary packages



%% Package option: use numbers from Fibonacci manuscript


% Set tilde and underline to be normal letters

% There are three predefined colors that are defined using basic
% fontspec functionality and a way for the user to define their own
% colors with xcolor. This package doesn't require that xcolor is in
% use and the user has to include xcolor in the document separately if
% those funcitions are used. For the predefined colors there are also
% darker variants to use when drawing strikes over black (or otherwise
% dark) letters

% The color commands

% Set rubrics to red

% Set rubric to green

% Set rubrics to blue

% Set otherrubrics to red

% Set rubrics to green

% Set rubrics to blue

% Set rubric color 

% Set other rubric color

% User command for setting the text color

% Define the xcolors


% Set the argument using the primary rubric color

% Turn on the primary rubric color 

% Set the argument using the secondary rubric color

% Turn on the secondary rubric color

% Set the argument using text color

% Turn on Aboensis with either normal or the alternative set of
% numbers

% Change font to Aboensis with text color 

% Typeset the argument with Aboensis

% Typeset the font name
\newcommand{\Aboensis}[1]{{\fontspec{Aboensis}\large Aboensis}}

% Set the color mixing percentage for highlighted capitals with
% primary rubrics color

% Set the color mixing percentage for highlighted capitals with the
% secondary rubrics color

%% Add a highlighted capital in the primary rubrics color. 

%% Add a highlighted capital in the secondary rubrics color. 

% Internal command for actually adding the highlighted capital The
% first argument is the letter, second is the highlight color, and
% third the mix percentge
  % The text color letter
  % The highlight color
  % Finally a mixed percentage strike

% The boolean \ab@MainColor is used to control space for two-color
% lombardic initials. The problem is that when we kern the initial,
% the first line of text after the two-line initial is spaced
% correctly but the second line goes wrong if the kern is not applied
% to it. The @abMainColor is true when setting the primary intial
% color and false when adding the second color. 

%% Insert a two-line Lombardic initial in primary rubrics color

%% Insert a two-line Lombardic initial in secondary rubrics color

%% Insert a two-line Lombardic initial where primary color is the
%% primary rubrics color 

%% Insert a two-line Lombardic initial where primary color is the
%% secondary rubrics color

% Insert two line Lombardic initial that is scaled and kerned.
% Arguments are:
%  1. The initial
%  2. Scaling factor (1.0 is default initial size)
%  3. Horizontal kerning 
%  4. Vertical kerning

% Insert two line Lombardic initial with secondary rubrics color.
% Arguments are the same as above 

% Insert a two-color two-line Lombardic initial where the primary
% color is the primary rubric color. Arguments are the same as above

% Insert a two-color two-line Lombardic initial where the primary
% color is the secondary rubric color. Arguments are the same as above

% Auxiliary length that helps typesetting Lombardic initials

% An internal command to add a one-color initial the arguments are in
% order:
%  1. The initial to add
%  2. The color of the initial
%  3. Scaling factor x. The size of the initial will be: x * 2.2 times
%     the font size 
%  4. Additional horizontal kerning for the initial
%  5. Additional vertical kerning for the initial
  % Add the kerning amount to the initial width. We don't need to
  % worry about adding this twice because it is zero with the second
  % color
  \advance\ab@initialwidth by #4%

% Formats a single initial 
  % Set the box width if we are not adding the second color

%% Indent the width of the initial letter

%% Add a cursive initial in default position

%% Add a cursive initial with manually set position. The arguments
%% are:
% 1. Initial to add
% 2. The scale
% 3. Horizontal kerning
% 4. Vertical kerning
   \advance\ab@initialwidth by #3%

% Start a chapter with a two-line Lombardic initial with primary
% rubrics color. The arguments are:
% 1. The initial letter 
% 2. The first line of text
% 3. The second line of text

% Start a chapter with a two-line two-color Lombardic initial where
% the primary color is the primary rubrics color. The arguments are:
% 1. The initial letter 
% 2. The first line of text
% 3. The second line of text

% Start a chapter with a two-line Lombardic initial with secondary
% rubrics color. The arguments are:
% 1. The initial letter 
% 2. The first line of text
% 3. The second line of text

% Start a chapter with a two-line two-color Lombardic initial where
% the primary color is the secondary rubrics color. The arguments are:
% 1. The initial letter 
% 2. The first line of text
% 3. The second line of text

% Start a chapter with a two-line lombardic initial in the primary
% rubrics color that is scaled and positioned. The arguments are:
% 1. initial
% 2. scale
% 3. xkern
% 4. ykern
% 5. first line
% 6. second line

% Start a chapter with a two-color two-line lombardic initial where
% the primary color is the primary rubric color.
% rubrics color that is scaled and positioned. The arguments are:
% 1. initial
% 2. scale
% 3. xkern
% 4. ykern
% 5. first line
% 6. second line

% Start a chapter with a two-line lombardic initial in the secondary
% rubrics color that is scaled and positioned. The arguments are:
% 1. initial
% 2. scale
% 3. xkern
% 4. ykern
% 5. first line
% 6. second line

% Start a chapter with a two-color two-line lombardic initial where
% the primary color is the secondary rubric color.
% rubrics color that is scaled and positioned. The arguments are:
% 1. initial
% 2. scale
% 3. xkern
% 4. ykern
% 5. first line
% 6. second line

% Arguments:
% 1. initial
% 2. color
% 3. scale
% 4. xkern
% 5. ykern
% 6. first line
% 7. second line



%% The commands to add pointing fingers in different directions. 

% Typeset one row of text with even line distances 

% Typeset the pillcrow symbol in a rubrics color

%% Medieval measurement unit abbreviations

