- First Try

- New: Adding currently selected Item
- Removed main menu

- Added space for more playlists
- Added option for alternate playlist path
- Addon is now also shown under Music-Addons

- Covers are now shown in the playlists
- New Option: Show Keyboard to change title
- Fixed some problems when deleting entries
- Added Context Menus for deleting one/all playlists
- Date is no longer shown in the title but the entries are still sorted by date

- Some small fixes and optical modifications
- Added Portuguese (Brazil) strings (Thx @ Wanilton)
- Changed add-on name because of audio support (WatchItLater --> SimplePlaylists)

- Fixed check for dupes when adding items
- Added support for images
- Playlists are now divided in Video/Audio/Image

- Added support for advanced db infos

- Fixed check for dupes when adding items

- Changed type of accessing db infos when adding selected items
- Changed type of playlist definitions/management
- Added parameter for viewing playlists with content-type overview
- Added context menu for managing playlists/subfolders
- Added automatic content detection when adding selected items
- Added playlist subfolders
- Fixed bug when removing playlist entries
- Some small other fixes
- Changed addon id

- Added support for adding full albums (via json), full tv-shows and directories
- Changed/added parts of the playlist/subfolder navigation
- Added context menu for renaming playlist items
- Added some more db infos
- Fixed some bugs

- Fixed bug when adding currently playing videos