- Changed import of xbmc.python to v2.1.0 in addon.xml (needed for Gotham compatibility)

- Fix bug regarding log-messages after wakeup, that led to an exception. (thanks to user "Ghostdivision"!)

- Add some further log-messages regarding wakeup and library-updates
- Add option to set delay of library-updates (should fix problems when filesystem on server/nas is not ready yet after successful wake-up)

- Added help-text in autostart-settings stating that changes require a restart of XBMC to take effect

- Added options to set delay of WOL-signals on wake-on-launch and wake-after-standby (thanks to user "Skyler"!)

- Added futher customizability of notification-settings
- Added options to perform updates of music- and/or video-libraries after a successful wakeup in autostart mode (thanks to user "sw4y"!)
- Added option to perform wakeup after XBMC itself has returned from sleep/standby/suspend (thanks to users "Marvel" and "yunti"!)
- Added option to disable the sending of continuous WOL-packets, when XBMC returns from sleep/standby/suspend (thanks to user "jandias"!)
- Added option to disable the hostup-check via ping, and instead set a fixed timespan, after that the addon should assume, that the remote host is awake (useful, if hostup-check via ping is not possible)
- Fixed an error with hostup-check on recent OpenELEC-version (thanks to user "tenzion"!)
- Restructured settings a bit (you might have to customize your settings again)

- Fixed script-error on ATV2

- Fixed hang-up on XBMC-exit when using continuous WOL-packets- and autostart-feature
- Fixed problems with XBMC accessing internet-resources when using continuous WOL-packets- and autostart-feature

- Fixed error and improved error-message on missing root-rights with hostup-checks on linux machines

- Added option to send continuous WOL-packets (thanks to user "TheLexus"!)
- Added option to enable/disable notifications
- Added option to enable/disable hostup-check and -notifications
- Reorganisation of settings
- Improved error-message on missing administrator-rights with hostup-checks
- Fixed error with non-ASCII-charakters in error messages of hostup-check

- Initial Release