flickrXBMC Changelog

*** 1.1.2 ***

Fix occasional failure to display images

*** 1.1.1 ***

Fix Re-Authorize option in add-on settings

*** 1.1.0 ***

Update to use flickr's new auth method

*** 1.0.9 ***

Now sets content type to images when displaying a list of images

*** 1.0.8 ***

Change the authentication site url

*** 1.0.7 ***

Change site url for authentication

*** 1.0.7 ***

For for encoding issues causing errors

*** 1.0.6 ***

Fix for next page item not displaying in some situations

*** 1.0.5 ***

Fixed 403 forbidden errors due to new SSL requirement

*** 1.0.4 ***

Network token cache is now backed by the local token cache

*** 1.0.3 ***

Added setting: Network Token Save Path

*** 1.0.2 ***

Username option in settings is now disabled when access as user is enabled
Username setting is no longer used when user is authenticated

*** 1.0.1 ***

Added a settings option for preferred video quality

*** 1.0.0 ***

Fix some authentication issues and remove WebViewer option (now has unreadable captchas)
Update addon.xml for Gotham
Converted strings.xml files to strings.po files

*** 0.9.104 ***

Added 'Search flickr Groups'

*** 0.9.103 ***

Fix images

*** 0.9.102 ***

Added 'Groups' icon, set Contacts '[Recent Photos]' icon to 'Photostream' icon
Made 'Re-authorize' settings option only enabled when 'Access As User' is set
Fixed issue when authorizing via the 'Re-authorize' button

*** 0.9.101 ***

Added 'Groups' which will list your groups. Selecting a group will show the group's photo pool
Under 'Contacts' added '[Recent Photos]' which will show up to 50 photos (5 for each contact) from your contacts' photostreams.
Added 'Re-authorize' option in settings to fix a broken auth (ie Bad Auth Token errors)

*** 0.9.100 ***

Now when 'plugin_slideshow_ss=true' is passed to the plugin, plugin will show up to 500 photos per page. Added to work with the Plugin Slideshow Screensaver addon

*** 0.9.99 ***

Added option to photo context menu: 'Save Photo'

*** 0.9.98 ***

Added option in settings: 'Access as user (Requires Authentication)'
Added the ability to browse flickr without authorization. If username is not set in settings, only 'Search flickr' and 'Interesting Today' will be available
Now when asking for token entry after external browser authorization, clicking done on a blank entry will exit the dialog loop (ie for ATV2)

*** 0.9.97 ***

Fixed a bug where initial authorization via external web browser fails, but succeeds on second attempt

*** 0.9.96 ***

Fix for photos with no title set. Will now try title, then date taken, then date uploaded and finally photo id

*** 0.9.95 ***

Added handling of of empty photostream when proividing feed

*** 0.9.94 ***

Videos are now playable
Videos playable from external source via plugin:// url

*** 0.9.93 ***

Added feeds and sharing in the context menu for ShareSocial

*** 0.9.92 ***

Changes for Eden
Better error handling

*** 0.9.91 ***

Removed Web Viewer requirement.
Added option to authorize via external browser.

*** 0.9.9 ***

Authorization now handled in XBMC with Web Viewer

*** 0.9.8 ***

Added Language Translation: Chinese (Traditional) - thanks to Ramius

*** 0.9.7 ***

Changed default map to google
Added Dutch language - thanks to Michel de Bokx

*** 0.9.6 ***

Improved directory load cancelling

*** 0.9.5 ***

Fixed a bug with handling non-ascii characters

*** 0.9.4 ***

Improved settings interface
Fixed bug with authorization (works with all versions)
Changed icon (thanks Jeroen) as suggested by freezy

*** 0.9.3 ***

Added strings to language files
Add more (probably bad) spanish translations
Fixed issue with map thumbnail cache
Added options for alternate map sources (yahoo, open street map)
Added settings for map zooms
Added ability to disable map thumbnails
Moved map funtions into a class

*** 0.9.2 ***

German language translation - thanks to Max Auer
Spanish language translation
Maps for Place thumbnails
Added 'Show Map' option on photo context menu to display a map with marker

*** 0.9.1 ***

Bug fix: Was incorrectly adding the cache dir

*** 0.9.0 ***

Initial Release