|description=How to distribution-morph Other Operating System into {{project_name_short}}?
How to [[Distribution Morphing|distribution-morph]] Other Operating System into {{project_name_short}}?

Can I install {{project_name_short}} on a Debian-based distro like SpiralLinux? [[Unsupported]].

[https://github.com/Kicksecure Packages by {{project_name_short}}] are designed to be easily re-usable on Debian stable, the current version on which {{project_name_short}} is based. See also [[Packages for Debian Hosts]]. The {{project_name_short}} source code should even be easily re-usable by non-Debian-based Linux distributions, but that requires a distribution developer and is too difficult for users.

However, the more different the Linux distribution is, the more difficult this gets due to dependency issues or perhaps other problems.

Users are free to experiment with this. Security issues (as in creating remotely exploitable security vulnerabilities) are unexpected. However, other grave usability issues such as, in the worst case, a [[Broken Boot]] are conceivable.

{{project_name_short}} developers won't be able to debug issues on all sorts of Linux distributions. Therefore, this is classified as [[Unsupported]].

Forum discussions:

* [https://forums.kicksecure.com/t/kicksecure-inside-lmde-5/46 Linux Mint (LMDE)]
* [https://forums.kicksecure.com/t/kali-and-parrot-morph/538 Kali and Parrot Morph]
