Author: Hilmar Preuße <>
Description: fix FTBFS with TeX Live 2022
Bug-Debian: #998240

--- a/lgrind.dtx
+++ b/lgrind.dtx
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@
 % The meta-symbols and their meanings are:
 % \begin{description}
 % \item[\$] The end of a line
-% \item[\^] The beginning of a line
+% \item[\^{}] The beginning of a line
 % \item[$\backslash$d] A delimiter (space, tab, newline, start of line)
 % \item[$\backslash$a] Matches any string of symbols (like `.*' in lex)
 % \item[$\backslash$p] Matches any identifier. In a procedure definition