% Makes a 3-column landscape listing of one or more files
% Typical usage:
% tex 3list *.c \\end

\def\grabfile#1 {\setbox0=\lastbox\endgraf\doit{#1}}

\font\filenamefont= cmtt8 scaled\magstep3
\font\headlinefont= cmr8
\font\listingfont= cmtex8
\font\eoffont= cmti8

  January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
  \space\number\day, \number\year}
\newcount\m \newcount\n
\n=\time \divide\n 60 \m=-\n \multiply\m 60 \advance\m \time
\def\twodigits#1{\ifnum #1<10 0\fi \number#1}

\message{@\today\space at \hours}

\medskipamount=4pt minus 1pt

\def\doit#1{\message{@Listing #1@}
  \begingroup \everypar{} \frenchspacing
  \headline{\ifright \headlinefont \hfill Page \folio
    \else\hbox to2.5in{\filenamefont#1\quad
           \headlinefont \today\ at \hours\hskip-3in\hss}\hfill \fi}
  \catcode127=\other \catcode9=\other \catcode12=\other
  \parindent 0pt \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil minus .8in
  \everypar{\hangindent 1in} \rightskip=0pt plus 2in
  \listingfont \obeylines \obeyspaces \global\pageno=1
  \input #1 {\eoffont(end of\/ file)}\endgraf\vfill\eject
{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
\catcode`\_=\other % allow _ in file names

\newif\ifright \newif\ifmid
\newbox\lefthalf \newbox\midhalf
 \shipout\hbox{\hbox to3.5in{\box\lefthalf\hss}%
    \hbox to3.5in{\box\midhalf\hss}%


% A tab (^^I) prints as lowercase gamma.
% Character ^^M could be made visible, with a bit of work;
% at present, it's indistinguishable from newline (^^J).

% You can get up to 63 characters on a line without an overfull box.
% (But lines with more than 59 characters may overlap with the next column,
% or be clipped off in the rightmost column.)