% $Id: protcode.tex 883 2022-06-08 17:30:43Z karl $
% Public domain. Originally written by Han The THanh.
% Example \lpcode and \rpcode ("left/right protrusion code") settings
% for per-glyph tuning of protrusion, and a macro to execute them
% As written, this file does nothing but make definitions.
% Adapt and adjust for your needs.
% Much more in the LaTeX microtype package (https://ctan.org/pkg/microtype).

  % this macro works with OT1 encoding only -- mostly ASCII,
  % but assumes OT1 for quotes and dashes.
    \lpcode#1 92=500  % ``
    \rpcode#1 34=500  % ''
    \rpcode#1 123=300 % --
    \rpcode#1 124=200 % ---

    \ifnum\pdftexversion = 14
        \ifnum \expandafter`\pdftexrevision > `g
    \else\ifnum\pdftexversion > 14
    \fi \fi 
            \advance\countA 1
        \ifnum\countA < 256 \repeat
    \multiply\countB #1#2#3\relax
    \divide\countB \fontdimen6 #2\relax