local M = {} local xtpipeslib = require "make4ht-xtpipes" local domfilter = require "make4ht-domfilter" -- some elements need to be moved from the document flow to the document meta local article_meta local elements_to_move_to_meta = {} local function move_to_meta(el) -- we don't move elements immediatelly, because it would prevent them from further -- processing in the filter. so we save them in an array, and move them once -- the full DOM was processed table.insert(elements_to_move_to_meta, el) end local elements_to_move_to_title = {} local function move_to_title_group(el) -- there can be only one title and subtitle local name = el:get_element_name() if not elements_to_move_to_title[name] then elements_to_move_to_title[name] = el end end local elements_to_move_to_contribs = {} local function move_to_contribs(el) table.insert(elements_to_move_to_contribs, el) end local function process_moves() if article_meta then if elements_to_move_to_title["article-title"] and #article_meta:query_selector("title-group") == 0 then -- don't move anything if user added title-group from a config file local title_group = article_meta:create_element("title-group") for _, name in ipairs{ "article-title", "subtitle" } do local v = elements_to_move_to_title[name] if v then title_group:add_child_node(v:copy_node()) v:remove_node() end end article_meta:add_child_node(title_group, 1) end if #elements_to_move_to_contribs > 0 then local contrib_group = article_meta:create_element("contrib-group") for _, el in ipairs(elements_to_move_to_contribs) do contrib_group:add_child_node(el:copy_node()) el:remove_node() end article_meta:add_child_node(contrib_group) end for _, el in ipairs(elements_to_move_to_meta) do -- move elemnt's copy, and remove the original article_meta:add_child_node(el:copy_node()) el:remove_node() end end end local function has_no_text(el) -- detect if element contains only whitespace if el:get_text():match("^%s*$") then --- if it contains any elements, it has text for _, child in ipairs(el:get_children()) do if child:is_element() then return false end end return true end return false end local function is_xref_id(el) return el:get_element_name() == "xref" and el:get_attribute("id") and el:get_attribute("rid") == nil and has_no_text(el) end -- set id to parent element for <xref> that contain only id local function xref_to_id(el) local parent = el:get_parent() -- set id only if it doesn't exist yet if parent:get_attribute("id") == nil then parent:set_attribute("id", el:get_attribute("id")) el:remove_node() end end local function make_text(el) local text = el:get_text():gsub("^%s*", ""):gsub("%s*$", "") local text_el = el:create_text_node(text) el._children = {text_el} end local function is_empty_par(el) return el:get_element_name() == "p" and has_no_text(el) end local function handle_links(el, params) -- we must distinguish between internal links in the document, and external links -- to websites etc. these needs to be changed to the <ext-link> element. local link = el:get_attribute("rid") if link then -- try to remove \jobname.xml from the beginning of the link -- if the rest starts with #, then it is an internal link local local_link = link:gsub("^" .. params.input .. ".xml", "") if local_link:match("^%#") then el:set_attribute("rid", local_link) else -- change element to ext-link for extenal links el._name = "ext-link" el:set_attribute("rid", nil) el:set_attribute("xlink:href", link) end end end local function handle_maketitle(el) -- <maketitle> is special element produced by TeX4ht from LaTeX's \maketitle -- we need to pick interesting info from there, and move it to the header local function is_empty(selector) return #article_meta:query_selector(selector) == 0 end -- move <aff> to <contrib> local affiliations = {} for _, aff in ipairs(el:query_selector("aff")) do local id = aff:get_attribute("id") if id then for _,mark in ipairs(aff:query_selector("affmark")) do mark:remove_node() end affiliations[id] = aff:copy_node() end end if is_empty("contrib") then for _, contrib in ipairs(el:query_selector("contrib")) do for _, affref in ipairs(contrib:query_selector("affref")) do local id = affref:get_attribute("rid") or "" -- we no longer need this node affref:remove_node() local linked_affiliation = affiliations[id] if linked_affiliation then contrib:add_child_node(linked_affiliation) end end for _, string_name in ipairs(contrib:query_selector("string-name")) do make_text(string_name) end move_to_contribs(contrib:copy_node()) -- we need to remove it from here, even though we remove <maketitle> later -- we got doubgle contributors without that contrib:remove_node() end end if is_empty("pub-date") then for _, date in ipairs(el:query_selector("date")) do date._name = "pub-date" for _, s in ipairs(date:query_selector("string-date")) do make_text(s) end move_to_meta(date:copy_node()) end end el:remove_node() end function M.prepare_parameters(settings, extensions) settings.tex4ht_sty_par = settings.tex4ht_sty_par ..",jats" settings = mkutils.extensions_prepare_parameters(extensions, settings) return settings end function M.prepare_extensions(extensions) return extensions end function M.modify_build(make) filter_settings("joincharacters", {charclasses = {italic=true, bold=true}}) local process = domfilter { function(dom, params) dom:traverse_elements(function(el) -- some elements need special treatment local el_name = el:get_element_name() if is_xref_id(el) then xref_to_id(el) elseif el_name == "article-meta" then -- save article-meta element for further processig article_meta = el elseif el_name == "article-title" then move_to_title_group(el) elseif el_name == "subtitle" then move_to_title_group(el) elseif el_name == "abstract" then move_to_meta(el) elseif el_name == "string-name" then make_text(el) elseif el_name == "contrib" then move_to_contribs(el) elseif is_empty_par(el) then -- remove empty paragraphs el:remove_node() elseif el_name == "xref" then handle_links(el, params) elseif el_name == "maketitle" then handle_maketitle(el) elseif el_name == "div" and el:get_attribute("class") == "maketitle" then el:remove_node() end end) -- move elements that are marked for move process_moves() return dom end, "joincharacters","mathmlfixes", "tablerows","booktabs" } local charclasses = {["mml:mi"] = true, ["mml:mn"] = true , italic = true, bold=true, roman = true, ["mml:mtext"] = true, mi=true, mn=true} make:match("xml$", process, {charclasses = charclasses}) return make end return M