# Excel2LaTeX
Making tables in LaTeX can be tedious, especially if some columns are calculated.
This converter allows you to write a table in Excel instead, and export the current selection as LaTeX markup
which can be pasted into an existing LaTeX document, or exported to a file and included via the `\input` command.

Known to be compatible with Windows Excel 2000–2016 (32-bit and 64-bit) and Mac Excel 2004, 2011, and 2016.
May also be compatible with other versions that support `.xla` add-ins.

![Excel and Excel2LaTeX comparison](https://i.imgur.com/UNKCihT.png)

## Features
Most Excel formatting is supported.
 * Bold and italic (if applied to the whole cell)
 * Left, right, center, and general alignment (per-cell or per-column)
 * Vertical and horizontal borders (per-cell or per-column, single or double)
 * Font color (using the `xcolor` package)
 * Fill color (using the `colortbl` package)
 * Rotation (using the `rotating` package)
 * Merged cells (using the `multirow` package, if needed)
 * Can convert `\`, `$`, `_`, `^`, `%`, `&`, and `#` to appropriate macros, or leave them in-place
 * Supports `booktabs` package
 * Uses `bigstrut` package when `booktabs` is not available
 * Makes standard LaTeX `tabular` environment
 * Can surround `tabular` environment with `table` environment template
 * Copy output to clipboard or export to a `.tex` file for inclusion using `\include`
 * Save table specifications to your Excel worksheet, then export all tables at once

## Using
Just open the file Excel2LaTeX.xla in Excel. Then you will have two additional 
menu items in your **Tools** menu and a new toolbar with two buttons on it. For 
Excel 2007 and later, you will have two new buttons in the **Add-Ins** ribbon. If 
you plan to use the program frequently, you can save it in your addin directory 
and add it with **Tools**→**Add-Ins**. This way it will be loaded whenever Excel is 

Select the table to convert and hit the button **Convert Table to LaTeX**. You 
will be given the option to save the result to a `.tex` file, or send it to the clipboard 
(so you can paste it into your LaTeX editor). Hit the **Store** button to store the 
current settings so you can **Load** them later or **Export All** to files.

![Excel2LaTeX interface](https://i.imgur.com/EK88upo.png)

## Contributing
The development repository and the bug tracker for this package are hosted on
[GitHub](https://github.com/krlmlr/Excel2LaTeX). To work with the project, you
will require chelh's [VBA Sync Tool](https://github.com/chelh/VBASync). 

## License
Copyright © 1996–2017 Chelsea Hughes, Kirill Müller, Andrew Hawryluk,
Germán Riaño, and Joachim Marder.

This work is distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3
or later, available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt

Chelsea Hughes currently maintains this project (comprising `Excel2LaTeX.xla`
and `README.md`) and will receive error reports at the project GitHub page
(see **Contributing** above).