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% testpage.tex - created 21 January 1994.
% Copyright (C) 1994 by Rainer Schoepf
% Test of how accurately printer reproduces dimensions specified
% by LaTeX output.

\typeout{*  Type paper type in form of document class option,}
\typeout{*  e.g., `a4paper' or `letterpaper' (without the quotes).}

\typeout{*  Do you want to produce two test pages for use with}
\typeout{*  a double sided printer? (y/n)}


































% left mm ruler




% left in ruler





% right mm ruler




% right in ruler




% top mm ruler




% top in ruler




% bottom mm ruler




% bottom in ruler






The frame on this page should be one
inch from each edge of the paper.\\[10pt]
The rulers at the four edges will indicate how much of the page is
useable.  The ticks of the left and top rulers are $1 {\rm mm}$ apart.
The large ticks are $.1''$ apart.





% left mm ruler




% left in ruler





% right mm ruler




% right in ruler




% top mm ruler




% top in ruler




% bottom mm ruler




% bottom in ruler






The frame on this page should be one
inch from each edge of the paper.\\[10pt]
The rulers at the four edges will indicate how much of the page is
useable.  The ticks of the left and top rulers are $1 {\rm mm}$ apart.
The large ticks are $.1''$ apart.

