% \iffalse meta-comment
% Copyright (C) 2006, 2009, 2011, 2014 Heiko Oberdiek
% Copyright (C) 2014-2025
% The LaTeX Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
% in this file.
% This file is part of the LaTeX base system.
% -------------------------------------------
% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2008 or later.
% This file has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
% 2006/06/02 v1.0: First version.
% 2009/09/25 v1.1: \usepackage disabled.
% 2011/07/01 v1.2: Fixes.
% 2014/02/30 v1.3:
%  * Update for LaTeX 2014/05/01.
%  * Fix for anchor positions of issue titles.
% 2014/05/15 v1.4:
%  * Updates for ltnews21.tex.
% 2014/11/14 v1.4a:
%  * LaTeX Project version
% 2015/02/16 v1.4b:
%  * Fix TOC issue
% 2020/01/30 v1.4b:
%  * Fix TOC issue more generally and add page numbers
% 2020/04/13 v1.4d:
%  * Use titletoc for partial toc'sa in the separate issues
% \fi

  [2022/06/10 v1.4e Master file for ltnews*.tex (LaTeX Project)]



\protected\def\pdfinfo{\pdfextension info }

  % overwrite nasty stuff of ltnews.cfg
  % (use of hyperref for this would also support other drivers)
    /Title(LaTeX News)%
    /Subject(Issues 1--\lastissue)%
    /Author(The LaTeX Project)%
      pdftitle={LaTeX News},%
      pdfsubject={Issues 1\textendash\lastissue},%
      pdfauthor={The LaTeX Project},%



% 1.4d (JLB) also load the titletoc package

% \small already robust so better not ...


% 1.4d (JLB) Titletoc thinks \contentsline has three arguments
%            but it has 4 in our case

  \ifnum\value{issue}<10 0\fi

% show the page number on first page of issues:

   \renewcommand{\@oddfoot}{\@indiciafont\@indicia\hfill --\thepage}%
   \renewcommand{\@evenfoot}{\@indiciafont\@indicia\hfill --\thepage}%

  Issue %
  \texorpdfstring{\number\value{issue}}{\theissue}, %

      \@titlefont\@title, Issues 1--\lastissue

% table of contents with underlined links
\iffalse % disable if option colorlinks is used
      \hypersetup{pdfborderstyle={/S/U/W 1}}%

% -- provide command introduced in new release
%    so this typesets with an old format

\newcommand \acro [1]
  { \textsc { \text_lowercase:n {#1} } }



%%% Title and Table of Contents

% 1.4d(JLB) Now that titletoc is used we can limit the depth
%            of the main toc

%%% Issues

                    \@latex@error{ltnews.tex: \string\usepackage[#1]{#2} found}\@ehc
% 1.4d (JLB) Removed the extra lines that were written to the toc-files
  \renewcommand\NeedsTeXFormat[1]{\NeedsTeXFormatdate}%  ignore that inside
  \newcommand\NeedsTeXFormatdate[1][]{}%              %  inidividual issues
% 1.4d (JLB) Normally |\ltn@tocend| shoud do nothing
    \ifnum\@issue=20 %
    \ifnum\@issue >20\space
% 1.4d (JLB) Start the partial contents
% 1.4d (JLB) Show it
% 1.4d (JLB)and make sure that |\end{document}| stops it again.
      {% because of optional argument of \twocolumn
        \@firstofone{% inside opt. arg. of \twocolumn: protect "]"
% 1.4d (JLB) Adde |\ltn@tocend|
    \@latex@error{\jobname.tex is out of date,\MessageBreak
      there is `ltnews\theissue.tex'%
