The LaTeX kernel

Release 2024-11-01 patch level 2


This bundle provides the core LaTeX kernel. In addition to this bundle,
a minimal LaTeX system also needs the files contained in the

- L3 programming layer (`l3kernel`)
- L3 backend interfaces (`l3backend`)
- L3 unicode support (`unicode-data`)

- Packages which must be available (`required`). These are
  - Essential tools (`tools`)
  - Core graphics and color support (`graphics`)
  - Key mathematics support (`amsmath`)
  - First aid for external packages (`firstaid`)

This file contains a small set of pointers to other more complete
documentation on installing and using a LaTeX system.


Full documentation of the LaTeX system is provided by

- _LaTeX: A Document Preparation System_; Lamport, Addison-Wesley
- _The LaTeX Companion_, 3ed; Mittelbach and Fischer, Addison-Wesley
- _Guide to LaTeX_, 4ed; Kopka and Daly, Addison-Wesley

The distribution is described in files ending `.txt` or `.md`; briefly,
the most significant of these files are

- `` is this file
- `manifest.txt` lists all the files in this LaTeX distribution,
   with one line of information about the contents
- `legal.txt` and `lppl.txt` (LaTeX Project Public License) describe the
   LaTeX copyright, warranty and copying restrictions.
- `bugs.txt` describes how to submit a bug report for LaTeX

Other documentation files include files with names of the form:


You will probably need to update your system before you can typeset
these files.  Each file needs three LaTeX runs.  Some of these are
also available as PDF files on [CTAN](

The following files contain further information:

- `ltx3info.tex` gives you some historical information about the LaTeX3
- `lamport-manual.err` lists errata in _LaTeX: A Document Preparation System_ (Lamport)
- `tlc3.err` lists errata in _The LaTeX Companion, 3rd edition_  (Mittelbach and Fischer)

The files `ltnews*.tex` (part of the `doc` bundle) contain the LaTeX
newsletters, the highest number being the most recent.


We no longer distribute installation instructions for the various TeX
implementations. All modern TeX systems include LaTeX as-standard, and end
users should in general use the release versions supplied in this way.

Release distribution is carried out only through the CTAN archives.


The LaTeX kernel requires the e-TeX extensions to TeX, which were finalised
in the late 1990s and are available in modern TeX-derived engines. It also
requires a set of common post-e-TeX extensions, generally known as the
pdfTeX additions. These are available in all modern TeX engines.


The contents of this bundle are distributed under the [LaTeX Project
Public License](,
version 1.3c or later.


<p>Copyright (C) 1989-2024 The LaTeX Project <br />
<a href=""></a> <br />
All rights reserved.</p>