% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 1993-2025 % % The LaTeX Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere % in this file. % % This file is part of the Standard LaTeX `Tools Bundle'. % ------------------------------------------------------- % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % The list of all files belonging to the LaTeX `Tools Bundle' is % given in the file `manifest.txt'. % % \fi % \iffalse %% %% (C) Copyright (C) 1999-2019 Frank Mittelbach %% All rights reserved. %% %<*dtx> \ProvidesFile{trace.dtx} %</dtx> %<package>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} %<package>\ProvidesPackage{trace} %<driver>\ProvidesFile{trace.drv} % \fi % \ProvidesFile{trace.dtx} [2021/04/18 v1.1f trace LaTeX code] % % \iffalse %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{doc} \setcounter{StandardModuleDepth}{1} \usepackage{shortvrb} \MakeShortVerb\| \DeclareRobustCommand\eTeX{\ensuremath{\varepsilon}-\kern-.125em\TeX} \begin{document} \DocInput{trace.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % % % \GetFileInfo{trace.dtx} % % \title{The \textsf{trace} package\thanks{This file % has version number \fileversion, last % revised \filedate.}} % \author{Frank Mittelbach} % \date{\filedate} % \MaintainedByLaTeXTeam{tools} % \maketitle % % % % \section{Introduction} % % When writing new macros one often finds that they do not work as % expected (at least I do :-). If this happens and one can't % immediately figure out why there is a problem one has to start doing % some serious debugging. \TeX{} offers a lot of bells and whistles to % control what is being traced but often enough I find myself applying % the crude command |\tracingall| which essentially means ``give me % whatever tracing information is available''. % % In fact I normally use \eTeX{} in such a case, since that \TeX{} % extension offers me a number of additional tracing possibilities % which I find extremely helpful. The most important ones are % |\tracingassigns|, which will show you changes to register values % and changes to control sequences when they happen, and % |\tracinggroups|, which will tell you what groups are entered % or left (very useful if your grouping got out of sync). % % So what I really write is %\begin{verbatim} % \tracingassigns=1\tracinggroups=1\tracingall %\end{verbatim} % That in itself is already a nuisance (since it is a mouthful) but % there is a worse catch: when using |\tracingall| you do get a awful % lot of information and some of it is really useless. % % For example, if \LaTeX{} has to load a new font it enters some % internal routines of NFSS which scan font definition tables etc. % And 99.9\% of the time you are not at all interested in that part of the % processing but in the two lines before and the five lines % after. However, you have to scan through a few hundred lines of % output to find the lines you need. % % Another example is the \texttt{calc} package. A simple statement % like |\setlength| |\linewidth| |{1cm}| inside your macro will result % in % % \renewcommand\MacroFont{\fontencoding\encodingdefault % \fontfamily\ttdefault % \fontseries\mddefault % \fontshape\updefault % \footnotesize}% %\begin{verbatim} % \setlength ->\protect \setlength % {\relax} % % \setlength ->\calc@assign@skip % % \calc@assign@skip ->\calc@assign@generic \calc@Askip \calc@Bskip % % \calc@assign@generic #1#2#3#4->\let \calc@A #1\let \calc@B #2\expandafter \calc % @open \expandafter (#4!\global \calc@A \calc@B \endgroup #3\calc@B % #1<-\calc@Askip % #2<-\calc@Bskip % #3<-\linewidth % #4<-1cm % {\let} % {\let} % {\expandafter} % {\expandafter} % % \calc@open (->\begingroup \aftergroup \calc@initB \begingroup \aftergroup \calc % @initB \calc@pre@scan % {\begingroup} % {\aftergroup} % {\begingroup} % {\aftergroup} % % \calc@pre@scan #1->\ifx (#1\expandafter \calc@open \else \ifx \widthof #1\expan % dafter \expandafter \expandafter \calc@textsize \else \calc@numeric \fi \fi #1 % #1<-1 % {\ifx} % {false} % {\ifx} % {false} % % \calc@numeric ->\afterassignment \calc@post@scan \global \calc@A % {\afterassignment} % {\global} % {\fi} % {\fi} % % \calc@post@scan #1->\ifx #1!\let \calc@next \endgroup \else \ifx #1+\let \calc@ % next \calc@add \else \ifx #1-\let \calc@next \calc@subtract \else \ifx #1*\let % \calc@next \calc@multiplyx \else \ifx #1/\let \calc@next \calc@dividex \else \i % fx #1)\let \calc@next \calc@close \else \calc@error #1\fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \ % calc@next % #1<-! % {\ifx} % {true} % {\let} % {\else} % {\endgroup} % {restoring \calc@next=undefined} % % \calc@initB ->\calc@B \calc@A % {\skip44} % {\global} % {\endgroup} % {restoring \skip44=0.0pt} % % \calc@initB ->\calc@B \calc@A % {\skip44} % {\dimen27} %\end{verbatim} % % \noindent Do you still remember what I was talking about? % % No? We're trying to find a problem in macro code without having to scan % too many uninteresting lines. To make this possible we have to % redefine a number of key commands to turn tracing off temporarily in % the hope that this will reduce the amount of noise during the % trace. For example, if we change one of the \texttt{calc} internals % slightly, the above tracing output can be reduced to: % %\begin{verbatim} % \setlength ->\protect \setlength % {\relax} % % \setlength ->\calc@assign@skip % % \calc@assign@skip ->\calc@assign@generic \calc@Askip \calc@Bskip % % \calc@assign@generic #1#2#3#4->\let \calc@A #1\let \calc@B #2\expandafter \calc % @open \expandafter (#4!\global \calc@A \calc@B \endgroup #3\calc@B % #1<-\calc@Askip % #2<-\calc@Bskip % #3<-\linewidth % #4<-1cm % {\let} % {\let} % {\expandafter} % {\expandafter} % % \calc@open (->\begingroup \conditionally@traceoff \aftergroup \calc@initB \begi % ngroup \aftergroup \calc@initB \calc@pre@scan % {\begingroup} % % \conditionally@traceoff ->\tracingrestores \z@ \tracingcommands \z@ \tracingpag % es \z@ \tracingmacros \z@ \tracingparagraphs \z@ % {\tracingrestores} % {\tracingcommands} % {restoring \tracingrestores=1} % % \calc@initB ->\calc@B \calc@A % {\skip44} % {\dimen27} %\end{verbatim} % % \noindent\label{conttraceoffexample} % Still a lot of noise but definitely preferable to the % original case. % % I redefined those internals that I found most annoyingly % noisy. There are probably many others that could be treated in a % similar fashion, so if you think you found one worth adding please % drop me a short note. % % \[ * \quad * \quad * \] % % \DescribeMacro\traceon % \DescribeMacro\traceoff % The package defines the two macros |\traceon| and |\traceoff| to % unconditionally turn tracing on or off, respectively. |\traceon| is % like |\tracingall| but additionally adds |\tracingassigns| and % |\tracinggroups| if the \eTeX{} program (in extended mode) is % used. And |\traceoff| will turn tracing off again, a command which % is already badly missing in plain \TeX{}, since it is often not % desirable to restrict the tracing using extra groups in the % document. % % \DescribeMacro\conditionally@traceon % \DescribeMacro\conditionally@traceoff % There are also two internal macros that turn tracing on and off, but % only if the user requested tracing in the first place. These are the % ones that are used internally within the code below. % % Since the package overwrites some internals of other packages you % should load it as the last package in your preamble using % |\usepackage{trace}|. % % The package offers the option \texttt{logonly} that suppresses % terminal output during tracing (unless |\tracingall| is used). This % is useful if the \TeX{} implementation used gets rather slow when % writing a lot of information to the terminal. % % It also offers the option \texttt{full} in which case |\traceon| % will trace all parts of the code, i.e., essentially work like % |\tracingall|. % % \section{A sample file} % % The following small test file shows the benefits of the % \texttt{trace} package. If one uncomments the line loading the % package, the amount of tracing data will be drastically reduced. % Without the \texttt{trace} package we get 6594 lines in the log % file; adding the package will reduce this to 1618 lines. % %\begin{verbatim} % \documentclass{article} % \usepackage{calc} % %\usepackage{trace} % uncomment to see difference % % \begin{document} % \ifx\traceon\undefined \tracingall \else \traceon \fi % % \setlength\linewidth{1cm} % % $foo=\bar a$ % % \small \texttt{\$} \stop %\end{verbatim} % % \MaybeStop{} % % \section{Implementation} % % \renewcommand\MacroFont{\fontencoding\encodingdefault % \fontfamily\ttdefault % \fontseries\mddefault % \fontshape\updefault % \small} % % This package is for use with \LaTeX{} (though something similar % could be produced for other formats). % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1998/12/01] % \end{macrocode} % % The package has a option that suppresses tracing on the % terminal, i.e., if used will not set |\tracingonline| to % one. This has been added in version 1.1a since some \TeX{} % implementations get rather slow when outputting to a terminal. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{logonly} {\let\tracingonline@p\z@} % \end{macrocode} % The default is showing the tracing information on the terminal. % \begin{macrocode} \let\tracingonline@p\@ne % \end{macrocode} % % If the option |full| is selected then all code should be traced, % i.e., the commands |\conditionally@traceoff| and % |\conditionally@traceon| should do nothing. We set them to % |\@empty| not |\relax| since the latter might produce a math ord % in certain circumstances. We also have to make sure that % |\traceon| (as defined further down) is not redefining % |\conditionally@traceoff| again. To make this all work these % redefinitions have to wait until the end of the package. % \changes{v1.1c}{2003/04/30}{Option ``full'' added} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{full} {\AtEndOfPackage{\let\conditionally@traceoff\@empty \let\conditionally@traceon\@empty \let\traceon\tr@ce@n }} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessOptions\relax % \end{macrocode} % % % % \begin{macro}{\if@tracing} % We need a switch to determine if we want any tracing at % all. Otherwise, if we use |\traceoff|\ldots|\traceon| % internally, we would unconditionally turn on tracing even when no % tracing was asked for in the first place. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@tracing % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\traceon} % This macro ensures that |\conditionally@traceoff| is actually % turning off switches (since |\tracingall| might have disabled it) % and then calls |\tr@ce@n| to setup tracing. % \begin{macrocode} \def\traceon{\let\conditionally@traceoff\unconditionally@traceoff \tr@ce@n} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\tr@ce@n} % \changes{v1.1c}{2003/04/30}{Macro added} % \begin{macro}{\conditionally@traceoff} % As stated in the introduction, the amount of tracing being done % should depend on the formatter we use. Initially first test if we are % running with \eTeX{} in extended mode. In the latter case the command % |\tracinggroups| is defined. % But for a number of years now \LaTeX{} only works with \eTeX{} so % we drop that part of the code. For now I leave it in the file % together with its documentation, but commented out. % \begin{macrocode} %\ifx\tracinggroups\undefined % \end{macrocode} % % If we are using standard \TeX{} then |\tr@ce@n| is more or less % another name for |\tracingall|. The only differences are that we % set the above |@tracing| switch to true and reorder the % assignments within it somewhat so that it will output no tracing % information about itself. In contrast, |\tracingall| itself produces % %\begingroup % \renewcommand\MacroFont{\fontencoding\encodingdefault % \fontfamily\ttdefault % \fontseries\mddefault % \fontshape\updefault % \footnotesize}% %\begin{verbatim} % {vertical mode: \tracingstats} % {\tracingpages} % {\tracinglostchars} % {\tracingmacros} % {\tracingparagraphs} % {\tracingrestores} % {\errorcontextlines} % % \showoutput ->\tracingoutput \@ne \showboxbreadth \maxdimen \showboxdepth \maxd % imen \errorstopmode \showoverfull % {\tracingoutput} % {\showboxbreadth} % {\showboxdepth} % {\errorstopmode} % % \showoverfull ->\tracingonline \@ne % {\tracingonline} %\end{verbatim} %\endgroup % % \noindent Which is quite a lot given that none of it is of any % help to the task at hand. In contrast |\tr@ce@n| will produce % nothing whatsoever since the noise generating switches are set at % the very end. % \begin{macrocode} % \def\tr@ce@n{% % \end{macrocode} % We start by setting the |@tracing| switch to signal that tracing % is asked for. This is then followed by setting the various % tracing primitives of \TeX. % \begin{macrocode} % \@tracingtrue % \tracingstats\tw@ % \tracingpages\@ne % \tracinglostchars\@ne % \tracingparagraphs\@ne % \errorcontextlines\maxdimen % \tracingoutput\@ne % \showboxbreadth\maxdimen % \showboxdepth\maxdimen % \errorstopmode % \tracingmacros\tw@ % \tracingrestores\@ne % \tracingcommands\tw@ % \end{macrocode} % The setting of |\tracingonline| depends on the option % \texttt{logonly}: % \begin{macrocode} % \tracingonline\tracingonline@p % } % \end{macrocode} % % Now what should |\conditionally@traceoff| do in this case? Should % it revert all settings changed by |\tr@ce@n|? It should not, since % our goal is to shorten the trace output, thus setting all of the % uninteresting values back makes the output unnecessarily % longer. Therefore we restrict ourselves to those |\tracing...| % internals that really contribute to listings like the above. % % And one additional point is worth mentioning. The order in which % we turn the tracing internals off has effects on the output we % see. So what needs to be turned off first? Either % |\tracingrestores| or |\tracingcommands|; it makes no difference % which, as long as they both come first. This is because those two % are the only tracing switches that produce output while tracing % the command |\conditionally@traceoff| itself (see example on % page~\pageref{conttraceoffexample}). % % In principle we would need to test the |@tracing| switch to see % if there is anything to turn off; after all, this is the % conditional trace off. However this would lead to % extra output if we are currently tracing so we skip the test and % instead accept that in case we are not doing any tracing we % unnecessarily set the tracing primitives back to zero (i.e., the % value they already have). % \changes{v1.1c}{2003/04/30}{Turn off \cs{tracingoutput}} % \begin{macrocode} % \def\conditionally@traceoff{% % \tracingrestores\z@ % \tracingcommands\z@ % \tracingpages\z@ % \tracingmacros\z@ % \tracingparagraphs\z@ % \tracingoutput\z@ % \showboxbreadth\m@ne % \showboxdepth\m@ne % \end{macrocode} % % As remarked above there are more tracing switches set by % |\tr@ce@n|, however there is no point in resetting % |\tracinglostchars| so we leave it alone. % \changes{v1.1c}{2003/04/30}{Reset \cs{tracingstats} to one} % \changes{v1.1f}{2021/04/18} % {Add \cs{tracingstacklevels} and \cs{tracinglostchars}=3} % \begin{macrocode} % \tracingstats\@ne %% \tracinglostchars\z@ % \end{macrocode} % Since this is the command that only conditionally turns off % tracing we do not touch the |@tracing| switch. This way a % |\conditionally@traceon| will be able to turn the tracing on % again. % \begin{macrocode} % } % \end{macrocode} % % That covers the case for the standard \TeX{} program. If % |\tracingsgroups| was defined we assume that we are running with % \eTeX{} in extended mode. % \begin{macrocode} %\else % \end{macrocode} % % In that case |\tr@ce@n| does more than |\tracingall|: it also % turns on tracing of assignments and tracing of % grouping.\footnote{These are my personal preference settings; % \eTeX{} does in fact offer some more tracing switches and perhaps % one or more of them should be added here as well.} % To keep tracing at a minimum |\tracingassigns| should be turned % on last (in fact like before we disassemble |\tracingall| % and reorder it partially). % \begin{macrocode} \edef\tr@ce@n{% \noexpand\@tracingtrue \tracingstats\tw@ \tracingpages\@ne \tracinglostchars\thr@@ \tracingparagraphs\@ne \errorcontextlines\maxdimen \ifdefined\tracingstacklevels \tracingstacklevels\maxdimen \fi % \end{macrocode} % We only change |\tracingoutput| if it hasn't already been enabled by % |\showoutput|. If that's not the case, we set it to 2 so that we % can distingush the two cases. % \changes{v1.1e}{2018/10/13}{Only reset \cs{tracingoutput} if not % set by \cs{showoutput} earlier} % \begin{macrocode} \noexpand\ifnum\tracingoutput=\@ne \noexpand\else \tracingoutput\tw@ \showboxbreadth\maxdimen \showboxdepth\maxdimen \noexpand\fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \errorstopmode \tracingmacros\tw@ \tracinggroups\@ne \tracingrestores\@ne \tracingcommands\tw@ \tracingassigns\@ne \tracingonline\tracingonline@p } % \end{macrocode} % % When turning tracing off again we now also have to turn off those % additional tracing switches. But what to turn off in what order? % Since |\tracingassigns| is quite noisy (two lines of output per % assignment) and the whole command expansion consists of % assignments, we had best start with this switch and follow it again % by |\tracingrestores| and |\tracingcommands|. The rest can be in % any order, it doesn't make a difference. % % With the same reasoning as before we omit testing for the % |@tracing| switch and always set the primitives back to zero. % \changes{v1.1c}{2003/04/30}{Turn off \cs{tracingoutput}} % \changes{v1.1c}{2003/04/30}{Reset \cs{tracingstats} to one} % \changes{v1.1f}{2021/04/18}{Add missing reset of \cs{errorcontextlines}} % \changes{v1.1f}{2021/04/18} % {Add \cs{tracingstacklevels} and \cs{tracinglostchars}=3} % \begin{macrocode} \edef\conditionally@traceoff{% \tracingassigns\z@ \tracingrestores\z@ \tracingcommands\z@ \tracingpages\z@ \tracingmacros\z@ % \end{macrocode} % If |\tracingoutput| is 2 it was set above, if it is 1 it was set % by |\showoutput| and we leave it alone and if it is 0 there is % nothing to do as well. % \changes{v1.1e}{2018/10/13}{Only reset \cs{tracingoutput} if not % set by \cs{showoutput} earlier} % \begin{macrocode} \noexpand\ifnum\tracingoutput=\tw@ \tracingoutput\z@ \showboxbreadth\m@ne \showboxdepth\m@ne \noexpand\fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \tracingstats\@ne \ifdefined\tracingstacklevels \tracingstacklevels\z@ \fi \errorcontextlines\m@ne \tracingparagraphs\z@ \tracinggroups\z@ } % \end{macrocode} % % This concludes the part that depends on the formatter being % used. % \begin{macrocode} %\fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\unconditionally@traceoff} % \changes{v1.1c}{2003/04/30}{Macro added} % A saved version of whatever |\conditionally@traceoff| was defined % to be. We need this since the latter might get disabled by % |\tracingall| or by the \texttt{full} option. % \begin{macrocode} \let\unconditionally@traceoff\conditionally@traceoff % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\tracingall} % \changes{v1.1c}{2003/04/30}{Macro added} % We redefine |\tracingall| to trace the same stuff than |\tr@ce@n| (i.e., % more when \eTeX{} is being used) and ensure that everything gets % traced by disabling |\conditionally@traceoff|. And, of course, % |\tracingall| should always report on the terminal. % \begin{macrocode} \def\tracingall{\let\conditionally@traceoff\@empty \let\tracingonline@p\@ne \tr@ce@n } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\traceoff} % \begin{macro}{\conditionally@traceon} % Above we have defined |\conditionally@traceoff| and |\traceon| so % now we have to define their counterparts. % % To stop tracing unconditionally we call % |\unconditionally@traceoff| and then reset the |@tracing| switch % to false. % \begin{macrocode} \def\traceoff{\unconditionally@traceoff \@tracingfalse} % \end{macrocode} % % Now the |\conditionally@traceon| command will look at the % |@tracing| switch and if it is true it will call |\traceon| to % restart tracing (note that the latter command unnecessarily sets % the switch to true as well). The reason for the |\expandafter| is % to get rid of the |\fi| primitive which would otherwise show up in % the tracing output (and perhaps puzzle somebody). % \begin{macrocode} \def\conditionally@traceon{\if@tracing \expandafter \traceon \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % The rest of the package now consists of redefinitions of certain % commands to make use of |\conditionally@traceoff|. % % \subsection{Taming \texttt{calc}} % % \begin{macro}{\calc@open} % Near the start of parsing a calc expression the macro |\calc@open| % is called. Since it already involves a group it is perfectly % suitable for our task---we don't even have to restart the tracing as % this is done automatically for us. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@open({\begingroup \conditionally@traceoff \aftergroup\calc@initB \begingroup\aftergroup\calc@initB \calc@pre@scan} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \subsection{Making NFSS less noisy} % % \begin{macro}{\define@newfont} % Whenever NFSS determines that the font currently asked for is not % already loaded, it will start looking through font definition % files and then load the font. This results in a very large number % of tracing lines which are not normally of interest (unless there % is a bug in that area---something we hope should have been found % by now). Again the code already contains its own group so we only % have to turn the tracing off. % \begin{macrocode} \def\define@newfont{% \begingroup \conditionally@traceoff \let\typeout\@font@info \escapechar\m@ne \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \split@name\expandafter\string\font@name\@nil \try@load@fontshape % try always \expandafter\ifx \csname\curr@fontshape\endcsname \relax \wrong@fontshape\else \extract@font\fi \endgroup} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\frozen@everymath} % \begin{macro}{\frozen@everydisplay} % At the beginning of every math formula NFSS will check whether or % not the math fonts are properly set up and if not will load % whatever is needed. So we surround that part of the code % with |\conditionally@traceoff| and |\conditionally@traceon| % thereby avoiding all this uninteresting output. % \begin{macrocode} \frozen@everymath = {\conditionally@traceoff \check@mathfonts \conditionally@traceon \the\everymath} \frozen@everydisplay = {\conditionally@traceoff \check@mathfonts \conditionally@traceon \the\everydisplay} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % % \section{Checking for italic corrections} % % \begin{macro}{\maybe@ic@} % When executing |\textit| or its friends, \LaTeX{} looks ahead to % determine whether or not to add an italic correction at the % end. This involves looping through the |\nocorrlist| which % outputs a lot of tracing lines we are normally not interested % in. So we disable tracing for this part of the processing. % \changes{v1.1d}{2014/04/21}{Use \cs{ifmaybe@ic} not % \cs{if@tempswa} as the kernel does (pr/4200)} % \begin{macrocode} \def \maybe@ic@ {% \ifdim \fontdimen\@ne\font>\z@ \else \conditionally@traceoff \maybe@ictrue \expandafter\@tfor\expandafter\reserved@a\expandafter:\expandafter=% \nocorrlist \do \t@st@ic \ifmaybe@ic \sw@slant \fi \conditionally@traceon \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} %</package> % \end{macrocode} % % % \Finale % % \endinput