%% This is an old release of `array.sty' used during rollback operations.
%% Do not use this file directly.
%% ==============================
%% Copyright 1993-2016
%% The LaTeX Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
%% in this file.
%% This file was generated from file(s) of the Standard LaTeX `Tools Bundle'.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% Package `array' to use with LaTeX 2e
%% Copyright (C) 1989-1998 Frank Mittelbach, all rights reserved.
         [2016/10/06 v2.4d Tabular extension package (FMi)]

\def\@addtopreamble#1{\xdef\@preamble{\@preamble #1}}
 \ifnum \@lastchclass=6 \@ne \@chnum \@ne \else
  \ifnum \@lastchclass=7 5 \else
   \ifnum \@lastchclass=8 \tw@ \else
    \ifnum \@lastchclass=9 \thr@@
   \else \z@
   \ifnum \@lastchclass = 10 \else
   \if \@nextchar c\z@ \else
    \if \@nextchar l\@ne \else
     \if \@nextchar r\tw@ \else
   \z@ \@chclass
   \if\@nextchar |\@ne \else
    \if \@nextchar !6 \else
     \if \@nextchar @7 \else
      \if \@nextchar <8 \else
       \if \@nextchar >9 \else
  \if \@nextchar m\thr@@\else
   \if \@nextchar p4 \else
    \if \@nextchar b5 \else
   \z@ \@chclass \z@ \@preamerr \z@ \fi \fi \fi \fi
   \fi \fi  \fi  \fi  \fi  \fi  \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi}
   \@tempcnta #2
   \let\the@toksz\relax \let\the@toks\relax
   \ifnum\@tempcnta >0 \@whilenum\@tempcnta >0\do
     {\edef\@tempa{\@tempa\the@toks}\advance \@tempcnta \m@ne}%
       \let \@tempb \@xexpast \else
       \let \@tempb \@xexnoop \fi
   \expandafter \@tempb \@tempa #4\@@}
\def\prepnext@tok{\advance \count@ \@ne
\def\save@decl{\toks\count@ \expandafter{\@nextchar}}
   \the@toks \the \@tempcnta
   \ignorespaces \@sharp \unskip
   \the@toks \the \count@ \relax}
\def\@mkpream#1{\gdef\@preamble{}\@lastchclass 4 \@firstamptrue
   \let\@sharp\relax \let\@startpbox\relax \let\@endpbox\relax
   \@xexpast #1*0x\@@
   \expandafter \@tfor \expandafter \@nextchar
    \expandafter :\expandafter =\@tempa \do
   \ifcase \@chclass \@classz \or \@classi \or \@classii
     \or \save@decl \or \or \@classv \or \@classvi
     \or \@classvii \or \@classviii  \or \@classix
     \or \@classx \fi
   \@acol \or
   \@acol \or
   \@preamerr \thr@@ \or
   \@preamerr \tw@ \@addtopreamble\@sharp \or
   \else  \@preamerr \@ne \fi
  \ifcase \@lastchclass
  \@acolampacol \or
  \@addamp \@acol \or
  \@acolampacol \or
  \@acol \@firstampfalse \or
   \@tempcnta \count@
   \@addtopreamble{\ifcase \@chnum
      \d@llarend \hfil \or
      \hskip1sp\d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \hfil \or
      \hfil\hskip1sp\d@llarbegin \insert@column \d@llarend \or
   \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox $\or
   \vtop \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox \or
   \vbox \@startpbox{\@nextchar}\insert@column \@endpbox
\def\@classix{\ifnum \@lastchclass = \thr@@
       \@preamerr \thr@@ \fi
\def\@classviii{\ifnum \@lastchclass >\z@
      \@preamerr 4\@chclass 6 \@classvi \fi}
\def\@arrayrule{\@addtopreamble \vline}
\def\@classvii{\ifnum \@lastchclass = \thr@@
   \@preamerr \thr@@ \fi}
\def\@classvi{\ifcase \@lastchclass
      \@acol \or
      \@addtopreamble{\hskip \doublerulesep}\or
      \@acol \or
\def\@classii{\advance \count@ \m@ne
   \ifcase \@chnum \@arrayrule \or
      \@classv \fi}
      \vrule \@height \ht\@arstrutbox \@width \z@
\def\@endpbox{\@finalstrut\@arstrutbox \egroup\hfil}
  \@tempdima \ht \strutbox
  \advance \@tempdima by\extrarowheight
  \setbox \@arstrutbox \hbox{\vrule
             \@height \arraystretch \@tempdima
             \@depth \arraystretch \dp \strutbox
             \@width \z@}%
  \xdef\@preamble{\noexpand \ialign \@halignto
                  \bgroup \@arstrut \@preamble
                          \tabskip \z@ \cr}%
  \if #1t\vtop \else \if#1b\vbox \else \vcenter \fi \fi
  \let \@sharp ##\let \protect \relax
  \lineskip \z@
  \baselineskip \z@
  \let\\\@arraycr \let\tabularnewline\\\let\par\@empty \@preamble}
\newdimen \extrarowheight
\def\@arraycr{\relax\iffalse{\fi\ifnum 0=`}\fi
  \@ifstar \@xarraycr \@xarraycr}
\def\@xarraycr{\@ifnextchar [%
  \@argarraycr {\ifnum 0=`{}\fi\cr}}
\def\@argarraycr[#1]{\ifnum0=`{}\fi\ifdim #1>\z@
  \@tempdima #1\advance\@tempdima \dp\@arstrutbox
  \vrule \@depth\@tempdima \@width\z@ \cr}
\def\@yargarraycr#1{\cr\noalign{\vskip #1}}
   \def\@addamp{\if@firstamp \@firstampfalse \else
                \@preamerr 5\fi}%
   \@arstrut \@preamble
\expandafter\def\csname tabular*\endcsname#1{%
  \hbox \bgroup $\col@sep\tabcolsep \let\d@llarbegin\begingroup
\def\endarray{\crcr \egroup \egroup \gdef\@preamble{}}
\def\endtabular{\endarray $\egroup}
\expandafter\let\csname endtabular*\endcsname=\endtabular
\let\@ampacol=\relax        \let\@expast=\relax
\let\@arrayclassiv=\relax   \let\@arrayclassz=\relax
\let\@tabclassiv=\relax     \let\@tabclassz=\relax
\let\@arrayacol=\relax      \let\@tabacol=\relax
\let\@tabularcr=\relax      \let\@@endpbox=\relax
\let\@argtabularcr=\relax   \let\@xtabularcr=\relax
\def\@preamerr#1{\def\@tempd{{..} at wrong position: }%
   \ifcase #1 Illegal pream-token (\@nextchar): `c' used\or %0
    Missing arg: token ignored\or                           %1
    Empty preamble: `l' used\or                             %2
    >\@tempd token ignored\or                               %3
    <\@tempd changed to !{..}\or                            %4
    Only one column-spec. allowed.\fi}\@ehc}                %5
                       {Redefining primitive column \NC@char}\fi}%
    {\PackageWarning{array}{Column \NC@char\space is already defined}}%
     \csname NC@rewrite@#1\endcsname[#2]{\NC@find#3}}
    \csname NC@rewrite@\string#1\endcsname
    \csname NC@find@\string#1\endcsname
  \typeout{Column #1\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\NC@strip
  \expandafter\meaning\csname NC@rewrite@#1\endcsname\@@}}
\def\NC@strip#1:#2->#3 #4\@@{#2 -> #4}
\def\save@decl{\toks \count@ = \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
\def\@mkpream#1{\gdef\@preamble{}\@lastchclass 4 \@firstamptrue
   \let\@sharp\relax \let\@startpbox\relax \let\@endpbox\relax
   \expandafter \@tfor \expandafter \@nextchar
    \expandafter :\expandafter =\the\@temptokena \do
   \ifcase \@chclass \@classz \or \@classi \or \@classii
     \or \save@decl \or \or \@classv \or \@classvi
     \or \@classvii \or \@classviii
     \or \@classx
     \or \@classx \fi
   \@acol \or
   \@acol \or
   \@preamerr \thr@@ \or
   \@preamerr \tw@ \@addtopreamble\@sharp \or
   \else  \@preamerr \@ne \fi
\def\@classviii{\ifnum \@lastchclass >\z@\ifnum\@lastchclass=\tw@\else
      \@preamerr 4\@chclass 6 \@classvi \fi\fi}
\def\endarray{\crcr \egroup \egroup \@arrayright \gdef\@preamble{}}
%% End of file `array.sty'.