% Copyright 2019-2021 The LaTeX Project





    \RenewExpandableDocumentCommand \cs { O{} m }

  \ifnum\value{issue}<10 0\fi
  Issue %
  \texorpdfstring{\number\value{issue}}{\theissue}, %
      \@titlefont\@title, Issues 1--\lastissue

% show the page number on first page of issues:

   \renewcommand{\@oddfoot}{\@indiciafont\@indicia\hfill --\thepage}%
   \renewcommand{\@evenfoot}{\@indiciafont\@indicia\hfill --\thepage}%

% only needed if the old ltnews class is used
\renewcommand{\@oddfoot}{\@indiciafont\mbox{}\hfill --\thepage}%
\renewcommand{\@evenfoot}{\@indiciafont\mbox{}\hfill --\thepage}%



%%% Title and Table of Contents


    \ifnum\@issue=20 %
    \ifnum\@issue>9\space  % we may have issue tocs ...
      {% because of optional argument of \twocolumn
        \@firstofone{% inside opt. arg. of \twocolumn: protect "]"
      \@latex@error{Unexpected \string\MakeOuterQuote
        Check if output is valid in `l3news\theissue.tex'}%
    \@latex@error{\jobname.tex is out of date,\MessageBreak
      there is `l3news\theissue.tex'%
