## PocketDiary module

# Description
On the interenet there is a site where one can compose a so called PocketMod. This is based on 8 pages placed on a single sheet of paper, printed singlesided. The paper can then be folded into a booklet in such a way, that only printed pages are visible.

The PocketDiary module implements the 8 pages on a A4 landscape sheet of paper. As the original there are different predefined possibilities to fill the 8 pages. First there are day, weekend, week, month and year tables. One can have not only the actual week, month, year, it is possible to have those a the following week. -- Beyond the calendars there are also a couple of templates for notes, todo, contacts and lost-return-to.

Additionally the module can calculate sunrise and sunset times as well as calculate the moon-cylce.

# Author
W. Egger
License: Everything is in the Public Domain except the algorithms contained in the solar data calculations (t-solar.lua) which license is: CCO "http://creativecommons.org/about/cc0"