\documentclass[helvetica,openbib,totpages]{europecv} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[a4paper,top=1.27cm,left=1cm,right=1cm,bottom=2cm]{geometry} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{bibentry} \usepackage{url} \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{phv} % Uses Helvetica instead of fixed width font \ecvname{Surname, Name} \ecvfootername{Name Surname} \ecvaddress{House number, street name, postcode, city, country} \ecvtelephone[(Remove if not relevant)]{(Remove if not relevant)} \ecvfax{(Remove if not relevant)} \ecvemail{\url{email@address.com} (Remove if not relevant)} \ecvnationality{(Remove if not relevant)} \ecvdateofbirth{(Remove if not relevant)} \ecvgender{(Remove if not relevant)} %\ecvpicture[width=2cm]{mypicture} \ecvfootnote{For more information go to \url{http://europass.cedefop.eu.int}\\ \textcopyright~European Communities, 2003.} \begin{document} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{europecv} \ecvpersonalinfo[5pt] \ecvitem{\large\textbf{Desired employment/ Occupational~field}}{\large\textbf{(Remove if not relevant)}} \ecvsection{Work experience} \ecvitem{Dates}{Add separate entries for each relevant post occupied, starting from the most recent. (Remove if not relevant).} \ecvitem{Occupation or position held}{\ldots} \ecvitem{Main activities and responsibilities}{\ldots} \ecvitem{Name and address of employer}{\ldots} \ecvitem{Type of business or sector}{\ldots} \ecvsection{Education and training} \ecvitem{Dates}{Add separate entries for each relevant course you have completed, starting from the most recent. (Remove if not relevant).} \ecvitem{Title of qualification awarded}{\ldots} \ecvitem{Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered}{\ldots} \ecvitem{Name and type of organization providing education and training}{\ldots} \ecvitem{Level in national or international classification\footnote{If appropriate.}}{\ldots} \ecvsection{Personal skills and~competences} \ecvmothertongue[5pt]{Specify mother tongue} \ecvitem{\large Other language(s)}{} \ecvlanguageheader{(*)} \ecvlanguage{Language}{}{}{}{}{} \ecvlanguage{Language}{}{}{}{}{} \ecvlanguagefooter[10pt]{(*)} \ecvitem[10pt]{\large Social skills and competences}{Replace this text by a description of these competences and indicate where they were acquired (remove if not relevant).} \ecvitem[10pt]{\large Organisational skills and competences}{Replace this text by a description of these competences and indicate where they were acquired (remove if not relevant).} \ecvitem[10pt]{\large Technical skills and competences}{Replace this text by a description of these competences and indicate where they were acquired (remove if not relevant).} \ecvitem[10pt]{\large Computer skills and competences}{Replace this text by a description of these competences and indicate where they were acquired (remove if not relevant).} \ecvitem[10pt]{\large Artistic skills and competences}{Replace this text by a description of these competences and indicate where they were acquired (remove if not relevant).} \ecvitem[10pt]{\large Other skills and competences}{Replace this text by a description of these competences and indicate where they were acquired (remove if not relevant).} \ecvitem{\large Driving licence(s)}{State here whether you hold a driving licence and if so for which categories of vehicle. (Remove if not relevant).} \ecvsection{Additional information} \ecvitem[10pt]{}{Include here any other information that may be relevant, for example contact persons, references, etc. (Remove heading if not relevant).} \bibliographystyle{plain} \nobibliography{publications} \ecvitem{}{\textbf{Publications}} \ecvitem{}{\bibentry{pub1}} \ecvitem[10pt]{}{\bibentry{pub2}} \ecvitem{}{\textbf{Personal interests}} \ecvitem{}{\ldots} \ecvsection{Annexes} \ecvitem{}{List any item attached to the CV} \end{europecv} \end{document}