\sectiontitle{Control Sequences used in Text (Plain \TeX)}
\appenditem{Control Sequences for Changing Fonts in Text}
\verb?\rm? changes to the normal ``roman'' font: & \rm Roman\\
\verb?\sl? changes to a slanted roman font:      & \sl Slanted\\
\verb?\it? changes to an italic font:            & \it Italic\\
\verb?\tt? changes to an ``typewriter'' font:    & \tt Typewriter\\
\verb?\bf? changes to a boldface font:           & \bf Boldface

\appenditem{Control Sequences for obtaining Accents in Text}
\verb?\'{e}?  & \'{e}
           & e.g., \verb?math\'{e}matique? yields `math\'{e}matique' \\
\verb?\`{e}?  & \`{e}
           & e.g., \verb?alg\`{e}bre? yields `alg\`{e}bre' \\
\verb?\^{e}?  & \^{e}
           & e.g., \verb?h\^{o}te? yields `h\^{o}te' \\
\verb?\"{o}?  & \"{o}
           & e.g., \verb?H\"{o}lder? yields `H\"{o}lder' \\
\verb?\~{n}?  & \~{n}
           & e.g., \verb?ma\~{n}ana? yields `ma\~{n}ana' \\
\verb?\={o}?  & \={o}  & \\
\verb?\.{o}?  & \.{o}  & \\
\verb?\u{o}?  & \u{o}  & \\
\verb?\v{c}?  & \v{c}
           & e.g., \verb?\v{C}ech? yields `\v{C}ech' \\
\verb?\H{o}?  & \H{o}  & \\
\verb?\t{oo}? & \t{oo} & \\
\verb?\c{c}?  & \c{c}
           & e.g., \verb?gar\c{c}on? yields `gar\c{c}on' \\
\verb?\d{o}?  & \d{o}  & \\
\verb?\b{o}?  & \b{o}  &
These accents are for use in ordinary text. They cannot be
used within mathematical formulae, since different control 
sequences are used to produce accents within mathematics.

\appenditem{Special Symbols used in Text}
\verb?\oe, \OE?   & \oe, \OE   \\
\verb?\ae, \AE?   & \ae, \AE   \\
\verb?\aa, \AA?   & \aa, \AA   \\
\verb?\o, \O?     & \o, \O     \\
\verb?\l, \L?     & \l, \L     \\
\verb?\ss?        & \ss        \\
\verb+?+\verb+`+  & ?`         \\
\verb+!+\verb+`+  & !`         \\
\verb?\dag?       & \dag       \\
\verb?\ddag?      & \ddag      \\
\verb?\S?         & \S         \\
\verb?\P?         & \P         \\
\verb?\copyright? & \copyright \\
\verb?{\it \$}?   & {\it \$}   \\
\verb?{\it \&}?   & {\it \&}   \\
\verb?\i?         & \i         \\
\verb?\j?         & \j