#! /usr/bin/env python

# Patch a generatex .idx file to improve     #
# index formatting.                          #
#                                            #
# Author: Scott Pakin <scott.clsl@pakin.org> #

import re
import sys

def allow_breaks(s):
    'Allow line breaks in long, verbatim strings.'
    break_before = '[({'
    break_after = '-.'
    toks = [s[0]]
    for c in s[1:]:
        if c.isupper() and toks[-1].islower():
            # Allow hyphenation between a lowercase letter and an
            # uppercase letter.
        elif toks[-1] not in break_before and c in break_before:
            # Allow a line break before certain characters.
        elif toks[-1] in break_after and c not in break_after:
            # Allow a line break after certain characters.
    return ''.join(toks)

# Map punctuation to names.
punct2name = {
    '\\{': 'lcurly',
    '\\}': 'rcurly',
    '\\|': 'Vert',
    '|': 'vert',

# Define regular expressions to search for formatting that can be improved.
magic_re = re.compile(r'^\\indexentry\{_=\\(magic[A-Za-z]+)')
punct_re = re.compile(r'^\\indexentry{_=\\(?:sp)?verb\+([^+]+)\+')
num_arg_re = re.compile(r'\{([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\}=')
paren_spc_re = re.compile(r'\(\\(\S+)\s*\)')
long_verb_re = re.compile(r'=\\spverb\+\\([^+]{25,})\+')
dancers_re = re.compile(r'\(\\Pisymbol\s*\{dancers\}\{(\d+)\}\)')
twemoji_flag_1_re = re.compile(r'=flag:\s+St\.\s+(.*?)\\\s+\(\\twemoji')
twemoji_flag_2_re = re.compile(r'\{flag:\s+(.*?)'
twemoji_flag_3_re = re.compile(r'\{(.*?)\s+flag=(.*?)\s+flag\\\s+\(\\twemoji')
cs_space_re = re.compile(r'(\\[A-Za-z]+)\s+(?![A-Za-z\n])')
sym_num_re = re.compile(r'^\\indexentry{([a-z][a-zA-Z]+\d)=\1(.*)$')
extra_space_re = re.compile(r'\s{2,}')
backslash_space_re = re.compile(r'(\w)\\\s+')
curly_special_re = re.compile(r'\{([>={}!])\}')
twemoji_bang_re = re.compile(r'([A-Z]{2,}!)')


# Read the entire input file.
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    sys.exit(f'Usage: {sys.argv[0]} <filename.idx>')
with open(sys.argv[1]) as r:
    all = r.readlines()

# Process the file line-by-line.
more = []
for i in range(len(all)):
    # Collapse multiple spaces into one and remove unnecessarily
    # backslashed spaces.
    all[i] = extra_space_re.sub(' ', all[i])
    all[i] = backslash_space_re.sub(r'\1 ', all[i])

    # Escape special characters.
    all[i] = curly_special_re.sub(r'{!\1}', all[i])
    special = all[i][12]
    if special in '>=|{}' and all[i][13] == '=':
        rest = all[i][14:]
        if special not in '{}':
            rest = rest.replace(f'{special}+', f'!{special}+')
        all[i] = all[i][:12] + '!' + special + '=' + rest
    all[i] = all[i].replace(r'verb+\|+', r'verb+\+\texttt{\char"7C}')

    # Replace punctuation indexed under "_" with a "_" followed by a name.
    match = punct_re.match(all[i])
    if match is not None:
            all[i] = all[i][:13] + 'magic' + punct2name[match[1]] + all[i][13:]
        except KeyError:

    # Consistently index "magic" punctuation.
    match = magic_re.match(all[i])
    if match is not None:
        all[i] = all[i].replace('_', '_' + match[1], 1)

    # Format numerical arguments (decimal or hexadecimal) to a fixed
    # width of 5.
    if "worldflag" not in all[i]:
        all[i] = num_arg_re.sub(lambda m: '{%s}=' % m[1].rjust(5, '0'), all[i])

    # Remove trailing spaces within parentheses to canonicalize formatting.
    all[i] = paren_spc_re.sub(r'(\\\g<1>)', all[i])

    # Remove spaces after control sequences to canonicalize formatting
    # and improve typesetting.
    all[i] = cs_space_re.sub(r'\1', all[i])

    # Allow line breaks in long, control sequences typeset verbatim.
    all[i] = long_verb_re.sub(lambda m: ('=\\spverb+\\' +
                                         allow_breaks(m[1]) +

    # Insert space after each dancers symbol so the closing parenthesis
    # doesn't overlap the symbol.
    all[i] = dancers_re.sub(r'(\\Pisymbol{dancers}{\1}\\hspace{0.5em})',

    # Re-index all twemoji flags as subentries under "flags".
    all[i] = twemoji_flag_1_re.sub(r'=flag: St.\\ \1\\ (\\twemoji', all[i])
    all[i] = twemoji_flag_2_re.sub(r'{flags>\1=\2 (\\twemoji', all[i])
    if "mailbox" not in all[i]:
        all[i] = twemoji_flag_3_re.sub(r'{flags>\1=\2 (\\twemoji', all[i])

    # Remove "keycap:" from all tweomoji entries.
    if '\\indexentry{keycap: ' in all[i]:
        all[i] = all[i].replace('keycap: ', '')

    # Remove numbers from numbered symbols (e.g., converting "dog2" to just
    # "dog".
    match = sym_num_re.match(all[i])
    if match is not None:
        sym = match[1][:-1]
        all[i] = '\\indexentry{%s=%s%s\n' % (sym, sym, match[2])

    # Double the "!" in emoji names containing that symbol such as "ON!
    # arrow" and "UP! button".  "!" is the escape character in our
    # Makeindex configuration.
    all[i] = twemoji_bang_re.sub(r'\1!', all[i])

# Overwrite the input file with the updates.
with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as w:
    for ln in all + more: