<!-- Time-stamp: <2020-03-21 17:22:24 administrateur> --> <!-- Création : 2019-09-24T11:13:44+0200 --> # expose-expl3-dunkerque-2019 Author: Yvon Henel, aka Le TeXnicien de surface ([contact](le.texnicien.de.surface@yvon-henel.fr)) **Documentation in French only** ## LICENCE This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See http://www.ctan.org/license/lppl1.3 for the details of that license. © 2019-2020 Yvon Henel (Le TeXnicien de surface) ## Description of the Archive An article based on the presentation made in Dunkerque for the “stage LaTeXâ€, 12 June 2019. The archive contains the pdf file and all the necessary files to produce it. You have to invoke the Makefile with `make all` to create the pdf file. ## Summary of the Article 1. I use Expl3 to solve the well known problem of creating the prime numbers 2. I use Expl3 again to implement the Sieve of Eratosthenes 3. I finish with an Expl3 implementation of Kaprekar algorithm You can cast a glance at the glossary to see a list of all the commands used in the code. ## History Version 1.2 — 2020-03-21 Version 1.1 — 2019-09-24 Version 1 — 2019-08-29