% Chapter 1 from Asymptote tutorial Jim Hefferon \chapter{A first graphic} Making an \Asy{} input file is like making a \LaTeX{} input file, so you already have a feel for the basics. To start, use your favorite editor to open a file \path{asy/unit_circle.asy}. \begin{minted}{Bash} jim@millstone:~/Documents/asy_tut/src$ cd asy jim@millstone:~/Documents/asy_tut/src/asy$ emacs unit_circle.asy \end{minted} Type this text into the file and save it, or copy it from this document's online source. \begin{center} \inputminted{Asymptote}{chapter1/asy/unit_circle.asy} \end{center} Get the output file \path{unit_circle.pdf} by running \Asy{} on the source. \begin{minted}{Bash} jim@millstone:~/Documents/asy_tut/src/asy$ asy unit_circle \end{minted} %$ Make auctex recognize end of "math" You can see the result in any PDF viewer. \begin{center} \includegraphics{chapter1/asy/unit_circle.pdf} \end{center} \section{What do we have here?} The input \path{unit_circle.asy} illustrates a number of things. Globally, it shows that you must declare variables such as line~12's \mintinline{Asymptote}{theta}, that commands end with a semicolon, and that comments are preceded by a double slash, \mintinline{Asymptote}{//}. Locally, line 2's \mintinline{Asymptote}{settings.outformat} variable fixes the format of output files to PDF so we needn't remember each time to do that from the command line. Line~4's \mintinline{Asymptote}{import} is like a \LaTeX{} \mintinline{TeX}{\usepackage{...}} in that it gives us access to a module, a collection of related commands and data. In this case it gives us commands to make plots. In this drawing we only use its axis-making commands but the second chapter has more about plots. In line~6 the \mintinline{Asymptote}{unitsize(1.5cm)} command means that if we describe a point $(x,y)$ then \Asy{} will interpret it as the location $x\cdot 1.5\text{\,cm}$ and $y\cdot 1.5\text{\,cm}$ from the origin. Line~9 is self-explanatory. Lines~12 through~15 draw the line segment from the origin to the point labeled $(\cos\theta,\sin\theta)$. (On line~15, in addition to drawing the dot, \Asy{} labels it and the \mintinline{Asymptote}{E} puts that label east of the dot.) % Note that if after seeing the drawing we decide to adjust the angle % then we just need to change one number, on line~12. Finally, lines 18 and~19 draw the axes. These commands have many options, most of which we did not use here, and we will see more of them later. One more thing. \Asy{} gets the point label $(\cos\theta,\sin\theta)$ and the axis labels by putting the given strings in a small file, running \LaTeX{} on it, and then extracting the result back into the output graphic. So your labels have access to all of \LaTeX's capabilities. \section{Adjustments} After you get a graphic draft there are always some tweaks. First, here the axis labels are too big. We will replace \mintinline{Asymptote}{"$x$"} with \mintinline{Asymptote}{"\scriptsize $x$"}. (We could instead omit the label by deleting the entire string and the comma after it, which illustrates that commands such as \mintinline{Asymptote}{"xaxis(..)"} can have a variable number of arguments. While you are working you may want to have open the \Asy{} reference for a list of the options.) Second, the dot showing the generic point on the unit circle is too big. In the revised source below we've adjusted the size by inserting \mintinline{Asymptote}{dotfactor = 4} in line~22 (the default factor is $6$). Finally, the $(\cos\theta,\sin\theta)$ label is in a different font than the other mathematics in this overview. We want that \Asy, when making the small \LaTeX{} document to create the in-graphic text, will use the same font setup as the main \path{.tex} file. So below we added a \mintinline{Asymptote}{texpreamble("..")};~the string is long so for readability we've spread it across multiple lines. \begin{center} \inputminted{Asymptote}{chapter1/asy/unit_circle_after.asy} \end{center} \begin{center} \includegraphics{chapter1/asy/unit_circle_after.pdf} \end{center} \section{Include the graphic in a \LaTeX{} file} Open a new \LaTeX{} file \path{main.tex}. \begin{minted}{Bash} jim@millstone:~/Documents/asy_tut/src$ emacs main.tex \end{minted} Enter this text or copy it from this document's source. \begin{center} \inputminted{TeX}{chapter1/main.tex} \end{center} This document shows two ways to include the graphic. Line~11 is straightforward because after you've iterated through some adjustments to the figure then you use \LaTeX's standard \mintinline{TeX}{\includegraphics{..}}. The other way, commented out, uses the \mintinline{TeX}{asymptote} \LaTeX{} package to include the \Asy{} source file with \mintinline{TeX}{\asyinclude{..}}. In this approach, getting the graphic is a three step process, where you run ``\mintinline{Bash}{pdflatex main}'' (of course you can instead use ``\mintinline{Bash}{xelatex main}'' or ``\mintinline{Bash}{lualatex main}''), then you go into the \path{asy/} subdirectory and run ``\mintinline{Bash}{asy -1}'' (here, ``\mintinline{Bash}{asy main-1}''), then go back to the \LaTeX{} file's directory and run ``\mintinline{Bash}{pdflatex main}'' once more. In either case here is the one-page output. \begin{center} \framebox{\includegraphics[page=1,scale=0.325,trim=0.25in 5.9in 0.25in 0.25in]{chapter1/main.pdf}} \end{center}