    [\filedate\space v\fileversion]

\message{'scholax' v\fileversion, \filedate\space (msharpe) Style file for TeXGyreScholaX.}

%    \fa@naming@exception{figures}{{superior}{proportional}}{Sup}
%    \fa@naming@exception{figures}{{superior}{tabular}}{Sup}
%    \def\sufigures{\@nomath\sufigures
%        \fontfigurestyle{superior}\selectfont}
%    \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textsu}{\sufigures}
%    \let\textsuperior\textsu

%    \providecommand*{\textfrac}[2]{%
%    \raise \zcs@raisefrac \hbox{\textsu{##1}\kern \zcs@foresolidus \textfractionsolidus\kern \zcs@aftsolidus \textin{##2}}}






  \fontfamily{TeXGyreScholaX-LF}\selectfont %
}% to get lf
  \fontfamily{TeXGyreScholaX-TLF}\selectfont %
}% to get tlf
  \fontfamily{TeXGyreScholaX-OsF}\selectfont %
}% to get osf
  \fontfamily{TeXGyreScholaX-TOsF}\selectfont %
}% to get tosf
  {\lfstyle #1}%
}% to get lf
  {\tlfstyle #1}%
}% to get tlf
  {\osfstyle #1}%
}% to get osf
  {\tosfstyle #1}%
}% to get tosf
\if@zcs@scosf %
OsF}\fontshape{sc}\selectfont #1}%
}\fi% use OsF in small caps

\newcommand{\textfrac}[3][]{% e.g., \textfrac[1]{7}{8}
    \ifthenelse{\not\equal{#1}{}}%Test for integer portion [optional #1]
    \raise \zcs@raisefrac \hbox{%
    \textsu{#2}% numerator
    % look for  1, 2, 6, 7
    \ifcase\@digit@% 0
    \or%\kern.03em% 1
    \or%\kern.02em% 2
    \or\kern-.02em% 3
    \or\kern.01em% 4
    \or\kern-.01em% 5
    \or%\kern-.01em% 6
    \or\kern-.08em% 7
    \or%\kern-.08em% 8
    \or\kern-.04em% 9
    % look for 1, 4, 7
    \ifcase\@digit@% 0
    \or%\kern -.02em% 1
    \or\kern .01em% 2
    \or% 3
    \or\kern -.08em% 4
    \or\kern -.01em% 5
    \or\kern -.04em% 6
    \or%\kern .02em% 7
    \textin{#3}%       denominator [#3]
  }% hbox

\renewcommand*{\rmdefault}{TeXGyreScholaX-TLF} % always TLF in math

\if@zcs@sups %
 \ifzcs@KOMA \else % not using a KOMA class
    \ifx\@mpfn\f@@tn@te%not in a minipage


%	%\RequirePackage{amsmath,amsthm} % in case of theoremfont
%	\ifdefined\newtheoremstyle %amsthm and ntheorem, not theorem.sty
%		\@ifpackageloaded{ntheorem}\relax{%
%		\newtheoremstyle{plain}
%		{\medskipamount}   % ABOVESPACE, was \topsep
%    	{\medskipamount}   % BELOWSPACE, was \topsep
%    	{\thfamily}  % BODYFONT--\thfamily is defined to be \itshape with upright figures and punctuation
%    	{}       % INDENT (empty value is the same as 0pt)
%    	{\bfseries} % HEADFONT--you may want to add \tlfstyle so the number is tab lining, regardless of text figure selection
%    	{.}         % HEADPUNCT
%    	{5pt plus 1pt minus 1pt} % HEADSPACE
%    	{}          % CUSTOM-HEAD-SPEC\newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[section]
%    	} % end @ifpackageloaded
%    \fi%

    \patchcmd{\th@plain}{\itshape}{\thfamily}{\message{Replaced itshape by thfamily in theorem style plain.}}{\message{Unable to replace itshape by thfamily in theorem style plain.}}
