

\def\textpc#1{{\pc #1}}


%the following may need to be modified.







% characters not covered

% puts a reverse cedilla under a letter
\def\rc#1{{\ooalign{\hidewidth\pcchar{\char"09}\hidewidth\crcr #1}}}

% \hill puts a half circle under a letter  (NEW)

	\rlap{\raise#3\ht0\hbox to\wd0{\hss#1\hss}}\box0}
% places a half circle over a letter
%\acbar{accent}{character}{raised} places an accent over a barred character
%\acarc{accent}{character}{raised} places an accent over a character
% with a half circle in between

% vertical equivalent of \hidewidth
\def\hideheight{\vskip-1000pt plus 1fill}

% \od puts a small o under a letter (needs some revision)
\def\od#1{\oalign{#1\crcr\hidewidth\vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char'27}\hideheight}\hidewidth}}

% \ut puts a tilde under a letter
\def\ut#1{\oalign{#1\crcr\hidewidth\vbox to.2ex{\hbox{$\mathchar"707E$}\hideheight}\hidewidth}}
% \td puts two dots under a letter
% puts a small block under a letter
%\def\syl#1{\oalign{#1\crcr\hidewidth\hbox{\vrule height.4ex width.2ex}\hidewidth}}
\def\syl#1{\oalign{#1\crcr\hidewidth\vbox to.33ex{\hbox{\vrule
height.35ex width.2ex}\hideheight}\hidewidth}}

% \uplett raises a letter and sets it in tiny size
\def\uplett#1{$^{\hbox{\tiny\rm #1}}$}
% \labvel puts an arc over the argument (usually two letters)
\temp=\ht0 \advance\temp by 1ex%
% planck's constant (not italicized)
\def\planck{${\mathchar'26\mskip-7mu{\rm h}}$}
% small small caps
\def\ssc#1{{\tiny\rm #1}}

% i with a bar through it
\def\ibar{\onalign{\hidewidth i\hidewidth\cr\cr$\mathchar'26$}}

% r with a bar through it
\def\rbar{\onalign{\hidewidth r\hidewidth\cr\cr$\mskip-1mu\mathchar'26$}}

% o smashed into the bottom of the v
\def\vod{\oalign{v\crcr\noalign{\vskip-.4ex}\hidewidth\vbox to.4ex{\hbox{\char'27}\hideheight}\hidewidth}}
% u with a bar through it
\def\ubar{\ifmmode {\raise.5ex\hbox{\vrule width.5em %
height.1ex}\mskip-9mu{\rm u}}\else${\raise.5ex\hbox{\vrule width.5em %
height.1ex}\mskip-9mu{\rm u}}$\fi}  
% a raised vertical line
\def\upbar{\leavevmode\raise.6ex\hbox spread.2em{\hfil\vrule height1ex
width.1ex \hfil}}