% Build .pdf using lualatex or xelatex





   \setmainfont{STIX Two Text}[NFSSFamily=mainfont,BoldFont={STIX Two Text Bold},ItalicFont={STIX Two Text Italic},BoldItalicFont={STIX Two Text Bold Italic}]
   \setmathfont{STIX Two Math}[NFSSFamily=mathfont,BoldFont={},ItalicFont={},BoldItalicFont={}]
   \setmonofont{Logix Mono}[NFSSFamily=monofont,BoldFont={},ItalicFont={},BoldItalicFont={}]





   \hyphenation{tableaux tab-leaux}

   \newcommand \testFrac   {\frac{\frac{\frac{\frac{1}{1}}{\frac{1}{1}}}{\frac{\frac{1}{1}}{\frac{1}{1}}}}{\frac{\frac{\frac{1}{1}}{\frac{1}{1}}}{\frac{\frac{1}{1}}{\frac{1}{1}}}}}

   \newcommand  \delEnd {\rule[-5em]{0pt}{10.0em}}

   \newenvironment{FontSize}[2]{\fontsize{#1}{#2} \selectfont}{}

      \begin{tabular}{ | L{26.00em} | L{20.00em} | >{$} L{4.00em} <{$} | @{} }%
      {  \end{tabular}%

      \begin{tabular}{ | L{14em} | >{$} L{2em} <{$} | L{7em} | L{14em} | >{$} L{2em} <{$} | L{7em} | }
      {  \end{tabular}

         \begin{tabular}{ >{$} l <{$} }
      {     \end{tabular}

      \begin{tabular}{ |L{19em}| >{$} C{5em} <{$} | >{$} C{5em} <{$} | >{$} L{16em} <{$} | }%
      {  \end{tabular}%

      \begin{tabular}{ | L{25.50em} | L{22.30em} | >{$} L{2.45em} <{$} | @{} }%
      {  \end{tabular}%



   \section{Introduction: logix 2022-06-22 v1.13}

   The logix package provides the logix Unicode font and must be used either with
   \LuaLaTeX\ or \XeLaTeX. There are no available options. The Logix font contains
   supplemental symbols for logic and mathematics, most of which are not found in Unicode.
   All of the symbols, with the exception of those in the Latin-1 code space, are in
   Unicode's Private Use Area. This package does not replace either the text font or the
   math font but may be used to replace the monospace font.

   The logix package includes, in turn, the iftex, mathtools, unicode-math and arydshln
   packages. The unicode-math package is passed the \enquote{bold-style=ISO} parameter
   and includes the fontspec package. The arydsln package conflicts with several packages.
   Known conflicts are the array, longtable, colortab and colortbl packages, all of which
   must be loaded before the logix package when they are used. The \AmS{} STIX2 fonts may
   be included prior to the logix package, provided that the unicode-math package is
   loaded first. This package does not require the use of other Unicode fonts. Typical
   use of the logix package in a \LaTeX\ source file is:

\usepackage{array}   % Optional, only if otherwise required.

\setmainfont{STIX Two Text}
\setmathfont{STIX Two Math}

   The metrics for the Logix font are identical to the STIX2 mathematical font and
   the symbols in the Logix font are designed to be compatible with the STIX2
   mathematical font, but may be used with any other mathematical font. More than
   3,000 symbols are exported from the font (of which around 1,000 are for
   \enquote{stretchy} delimiters), but the font contains over 4,000 symbols. Those
   not exported are usually variants or are experimental symbols. For example, when
   the triple turnstiles were added, 32 new symbols were added to the font, but
   only 4 were exported. The Logix font may also be used for monospace listings
   limited to the Latin-1 codepage (with a smattering of additional symbols).

   Should you wish to use a non-exported symbol, please contact the author with a quick
   explanation of your use (so a reasonable name can be assigned) and, as the author's time
   permits, the requested symbol can be exported (once a name has been assigned, the requestor
   can then make a quick patch to their logix.sty file for immediate usage). Symbol names
   in the font file are the same as the \LaTeX\ macro for the symbol with the exception of
   the Basic Latin code page since those names potentially conflict with existing \LaTeX\
   names. Otherwise, if a symbol does not have a name, then it is not exported.

   Should you want an entirely new symbol, that is also possible \textemdash\ but may take
   more time depending on difficulty and available time. Of course, petitioning the
   gatekeepers of Unicode to add any of the symbols here which are not in Unicode and have
   been used in publication is possible, but time-consuming. No assurances are made about
   the Unicode codepoint (or even font file) for any symbol in the font. Those may change
   with updates to this package. Use the provided macro names and not the Unicode codepoints.

   The international organizations that maintain Unicode and ISO 10646
   live in time frames more appropriate to watching trees grow than users' time frames.
   This font allows a more rapid response, permitting new symbols to be added simply
   because someone wants to try one out. That is entirely how this font came into
   existence, the author found that Unicode simply did not have enough arrows for use in
   logic and what was there was poorly designed for the purpose and inconsistent to boot.
   Many non-exported symbols are variants on arrows or ordering operators.

   Formal logic expressions differ from mathematical expressions in several ways. First,
   layout is typically linear rather than the more complex two-dimensional layout more
   often found in mathematical expressions. Next, most logical operators tend to occur
   between lower case alphabetic symbols, so many operators for mathematics are too large
   or their center is too high. Finally, delimiters used for mathematical expressions are
   typically neither tall enough or deep enough for good readability. Thus, many operators
   which have a good appearance in mathematical expressions are not as appropriate for
   logical expressions.

   Symbols that are also in Unicode are typically glyph variants designed to better
   accommodate formal logic expressions. These may occur in the same document as the
   mathematical variants, and so are not assigned the Unicode codepoints of the
   mathematical variants.

   This package provides 36 stretchy delimiters, each of which has a left and right variant.
   There is also a stretchy binding bar, commonly used with set notation. Of those 36
   delimiters, 4 are only stretchy up to a point (5 times original height). All of the
   remaining delimiters may be of arbitrary size. At this time, there are no horizontal
   stretchy operators. However, the map arrow, total function arrow, partial function
   arrow and the logic arrows have five available lengths. If {\textbackslash}Delim is a
   stretchy symbol, then {\textbackslash}DelimX (where X is A\textendash{L} or A\textendash{P})
   are explicit larger sizes of {\textbackslash}Delim. Additionally, {\textbackslash}DelimS is
   automatically stretchy, so the use of {\textbackslash}left, {\textbackslash}middle or
   {\textbackslash}right is not necessary. In the case of {\textbackslash}middle, a
   {\textbackslash}left and {\textbackslash}right are still required in the expression
   as long as "Opn" delimiters are on the left, "Cls" delimiters are on the right and
   the binding bar is in the middle.

   A large set of arrows is provided for potential function variants. Arrows are provided
   to distinguish between 8 types of logic. The distinctions are largely for naming purposes,
   since there is no real consensus for their use \textemdash\ although some are most
   frequently associated with classical logic. Various flavors of turnstiles (and their
   negations) are also provided. There is more of a consensus for their usage although the
   author has only seen a few publications with the very useful sequent ({\textbackslash}Seq
   $\Seq$) symbol. Additional arrows are provided as an alternative to the slash typically
   used for replacement in quantification and arrows are provided for shift operators.

   Many basic logic symbols are provided (including some experimental) along with a small
   collection of punctuation symbols. Operators for choice, least and greatest fixed points
   are provided. A number of modal operators are provided, but are by no means comprehensive.
   As with arrows, modal operators are frequently reused so names are merely suggestive and
   convenient. There are many other geometric symbols which are suitable for, and often
   have been used for, other modal operators. Explicit names for some of those could be
   provided. For the basic geometric shapes: circle, square, diamond and triangles and for
   both black and white variants, explicitly sized symbols are provided ranging from 0.2 em
   to 1.0em in 0.1 em increments. Operators are provided to work with \enquote{bunches}
   which are like sets but without the packaging. Ordering operators (and their negations)
   are provided \textemdash\ however there are additional ordering operators not exported.


   Often in logic, it is desirable to distinguish different types using script variants.
   Unicode is lacking in this area \textemdash\ it does not always provide either all
   symbols for a script (e.g. missing digits) or all variants for a script (e.g. normal,
   oblique, bold and bold oblique). Slab serif scripts are not provided by Unicode at
   all. To alleviate this, 21 supplemental scripts are provided. None of these scripts
   are intended to replace the scripts used in normal mathematical practice. These scripts
   contain only digits and letters. Since these are largely used as single letters, for
   numbers or for very short words, kerning is not implemented at this time (with a very
   minor exception for a few delimiters and lower case letters).

   Each script is identified by three letters. The first two letters provide the major
   classification of the font and the case of the first letter combined with the last letter
   provides the script variation. If the first letter is lower case, then the script has a
   normal weight and if the first letter is upper case then the script has a heavier weight
   (bold). If the last letter is 'u' then the script is upright and if it is 'i' then the
   script is oblique.

   \begin{tabular}{ L{0.20in} L{0.9in} L{1.0in} L{0.20in} L{0.9in} L{1.0in} }
      sa & Sans serif   & sau, sai, Sau, Sai & bl & Blackboard & blu      \\
      sl & Slab serif   & slu, sli, Slu, Sli & fr & Fraktur    & fru, Fru \\
      sr & Normal serif & sru, sri, Sru, Sri & mn & Monospace  & mnu, mni \\
      cl & Calligraphic & cli, Cli           & gr & Greek      & gru, gri \\

   There is a macro defined for each script and each digit or letter, where the name of the
   macro is the 3-character identifier of the script, as defined above, followed by the name
   of the digit (zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight or nine) or by the
   name of the letter (a{\textendash}z or A{\textendash}Z). Greek scripts do not have digits,
   and the name of the letter is used instead (e.g. alpha, beta, \textellipsis). For example,
   {\textbackslash}SluX is a slab serif, bold upper case '\SluX'.

   There is a special script variant \enquote{Knt} which is the same as the \enquote{mni}
   script, except that it is raised above the normal baseline. It is intended for use with
   the Knt symbols.

   Each of the scripts has a symXxx and a mathXxx macro with the exception of the special Knt
   script. Some scripts have a synonym for the symXxx macro (and for the individual macros whose
   prefixes have title case to avoid conflicts) to accommodate expected use in logic. For example,
   {\textbackslash}symsau\{p\} could also be written as {\textbackslash}saup, as {\textbackslash}prop\{p\}
   or as {\textbackslash}Propp. The scripts provided, and their macros, are:

   \begin{tabular}{ L{13em} L{2.75em} L{4.75em} L{5em} L{3.5em} }
      Sans serif font                     & sau & {\textbackslash}symsau & {\textbackslash}mathsau & {\textbackslash}prop   \\
      Sans serif, oblique font            & sai & {\textbackslash}symsai & {\textbackslash}mathsai & {\textbackslash}propi  \\
      Sans serif, bold font               & Sau & {\textbackslash}symSau & {\textbackslash}mathSau & {\textbackslash}meta   \\
      Sans serif, bold, oblique font      & Sai & {\textbackslash}symSai & {\textbackslash}mathSai & {\textbackslash}metai  \\

   \begin{tabular}{ L{13em} L{2.75em} L{4.75em} L{5em} L{3.5em} }
      Slab serif font                     & slu & {\textbackslash}symslu & {\textbackslash}mathslu & {\textbackslash}bnch   \\
      Slab serif, oblique font            & sli & {\textbackslash}symsli & {\textbackslash}mathsli & {\textbackslash}bnchi  \\
      Slab serif, bold font               & Slu & {\textbackslash}symSlu & {\textbackslash}mathSlu & {\textbackslash}bnchb  \\
      Slab serif, bold, oblique font      & Sli & {\textbackslash}symSli & {\textbackslash}mathSli & {\textbackslash}bnchbi \\

   \begin{tabular}{ L{13em} L{2.75em} L{4.75em} L{5em} L{3.5em} }
      Normal serif font                   & sru & {\textbackslash}symsru & {\textbackslash}mathsru & {\textbackslash}vrbl   \\
      Normal serif, italic font           & sri & {\textbackslash}symsri & {\textbackslash}mathsri & {\textbackslash}vrbli  \\
      Normal serif, bold font             & Sru & {\textbackslash}symSru & {\textbackslash}mathSru & {\textbackslash}vrblb  \\
      Normal serif, bold, italic font     & Sri & {\textbackslash}symSri & {\textbackslash}mathSri & {\textbackslash}vrblbi \\

   \begin{tabular}{ L{13em} L{2.75em} L{4.75em} L{5em} L{3.5em} }
      Calligraphic font                   & cli & {\textbackslash}symcli & {\textbackslash}mathcli & {\textbackslash}vrblc \\
      Calligraphic bold font              & Cli & {\textbackslash}symCli & {\textbackslash}mathCli & {\textbackslash}vrblC \\
      Fraktur font                        & fru & {\textbackslash}symfru & {\textbackslash}mathfru & {\textbackslash}vrblf \\
      Fraktur bold font                   & Fru & {\textbackslash}symFru & {\textbackslash}mathFru & {\textbackslash}vrblF \\
      Monospace font                      & mnu & {\textbackslash}symmnu & {\textbackslash}mathmnu & {\textbackslash}mono  \\
      Monospace italic, serif font        & mni & {\textbackslash}symmni & {\textbackslash}mathmni &                       \\
      Blackboard font                     & blu & {\textbackslash}symblu & {\textbackslash}mathblu & {\textbackslash}vrbld \\
      Greek font                          & gru & {\textbackslash}symgru & {\textbackslash}mathgru &                       \\
      Greek, italic font                  & gri & {\textbackslash}symgri & {\textbackslash}mathgri &                       \\

   \section{Knot Symbols}

   An extensive set of drawing symbols is provided for drawing knots (as found in Knot Theory).
   The {\textbackslash}KnotGrid environment is provided for this purpose. KnotGrid provides a
   grid (based on tabular, but the use of ampersand (\&) separators is not required between
   grid cells). Each knot symbol has an exact width and height \textemdash\ most are 1em\times 1em,
   but a few are half or quarter height or width. Every symbol (or symbols) in a grid cell must
   have the same height as all other knot symbols in the same row and same width as all other
   knot symbols in the same column. The KnotGrid environment has no options and is used as follows
   (this example has three rows and five columns):

  \KntLFC  \KntTSN     \KntHXSOSU  \KntTSFN        \KntTRSC \\
  \KntNF   \KntHXSUSO  \KntNN      \KntRQC \KntNQ  \KntRSN  \\
  \KntLFC  \KntBSN     \KntHXSOSU  \KntBSFN        \KntRBSC \\

   \noindent which produces the following knot diagram for the Trefoil knot.
   Note that the second row, fourth column contains two symbols whose combined
   width satisfies the width constraints.

            \KntLFC   \KntTSN      \KntHXSOSU   \KntTSFN         \KntTRSC \\
            \KntNF    \KntHXSUSO   \KntNN       \KntRQC \KntNQ   \KntRSN  \\
            \KntLFC   \KntBSN      \KntHXSOSU   \KntBSFN         \KntRBSC \\

   \noindent This example is the Square Knot using the Knt script for line labeling.

            \KntLFC   \KntTSN      \KntHXSOSU   \KntTSFN         \KntTSQN   \KntTDN   \Kntone    \KntTDN   \KntTSQN   \KntTSFN         \KntHXSUSO   \KntTSN      \KntRFC \\
            \KntNF    \KntHXSUSO   \KntNN       \KntRQC \KntNQ   \KntNQ     \KntNN    \KntNN     \KntNN    \KntNQ     \KntNQ \KntLQC   \KntNN       \KntHXSOSU   \KntNF  \\
            \KntLFC   \KntBSN      \KntHXSOSU   \KntBSFN         \KntBSQN   \KntBDN   \KntNN     \KntBDN   \KntBSQN   \KntBSFN         \KntHXSUSO   \KntBSN      \KntRFC \\
            \KntNF    \KntNN       \KntNN       \KntNF           \KntNQ     \KntNN    \Kntfour   \KntNN    \KntNQ     \KntNF           \KntNN       \KntNN       \KntNF  \\

      This example is a braid (typeset vertically) for a double of the
      left-handed Trefoil. The left and right columns are half width and
      the top and bottom rows are half height to achieve a slightly better

  \KntBSFNF  \KntBSNF    \KntBSNF    \KntBSNF    \KntBSNF    \KntBSFNF \\
  \KntRSFNF  \KntRSFN    \KntRSFN    \KntRSFN    \KntRSFN    \KntFF    \\
  \KntNF     \KntVXSUSO  \KntNN      \KntVXSOSU  \KntRSN     \KntNF    \\
  \KntRSNF   \KntNN      \KntVXSOSU  \KntRSN     \KntRSN     \KntNF    \\
  \KntRSNF   \KntNN      \KntVXSOSU  \KntRSN     \KntRSN     \KntNF    \\
  \KntNF     \KntVXSOSU  \KntNN      \KntVXSUSO  \KntRSN     \KntNF    \\
  \KntRSNF   \KntNN      \KntVXSUSO  \KntNN      \KntVXSOSU  \KntNF    \\
  \KntRSNF   \KntRSN     \KntNN      \KntVXSOSU  \KntRSN     \KntNF    \\
  \KntRSNF   \KntNN      \KntVXSOSU  \KntNN      \KntVXSUSO  \KntNF    \\
  \KntNF     \KntVXSUSO  \KntRSN     \KntRSN     \KntRSN     \KntNF    \\
  \KntRSNF   \KntNN      \KntVXSOSU  \KntRSN     \KntRSN     \KntNF    \\
  \KntNF     \KntVXSOSU  \KntRSN     \KntRSN     \KntRSN     \KntNF    \\
  \KntRSNF   \KntNN      \KntVXSUSO  \KntRSN     \KntRSN     \KntNF    \\
  \KntRSNF   \KntRSN     \KntNN      \KntVXSOSU  \KntRSN     \KntNF    \\
  \KntRSNF   \KntNN      \KntVXSOSU  \KntRSN     \KntRSN     \KntNF    \\
  \KntRSNF   \KntRSN     \KntNN      \KntVXSUSO  \KntRSN     \KntNF    \\
  \KntRSNF   \KntRSN     \KntRSN     \KntNN      \KntVXSOSU  \KntNF    \\
  \KntRSNF   \KntRSN     \KntNN      \KntVXSOSU  \KntRSN     \KntNF    \\
  \KntRSFNF  \KntRSFN    \KntRSFN    \KntRSFN    \KntRSFN    \KntFF    \\
  \KntTSFNF  \KntTSNF    \KntTSNF    \KntTSNF    \KntTSNF    \KntTSFNF \\

      \begin{tabular}{ @{} C{1.75in} C{3.25in} }
         Which is typeset below. & A horizontal version is shown below. \\
            \KntBSFNF   \KntBSNF     \KntBSNF     \KntBSNF     \KntBSNF     \KntBSFNF  \\
            \KntRSFNF   \KntRSFN     \KntRSFN     \KntRSFN     \KntRSFN     \KntFF     \\
            \KntNF      \KntVXSUSO   \KntNN       \KntVXSOSU   \KntRSN      \KntNF     \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntNN       \KntVXSOSU   \KntRSN      \KntRSN      \KntNF     \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntNN       \KntVXSOSU   \KntRSN      \KntRSN      \KntNF     \\
            \KntNF      \KntVXSOSU   \KntNN       \KntVXSUSO   \KntRSN      \KntNF     \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntNN       \KntVXSUSO   \KntNN       \KntVXSOSU   \KntNF     \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntRSN      \KntNN       \KntVXSOSU   \KntRSN      \KntNF     \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntNN       \KntVXSOSU   \KntNN       \KntVXSUSO   \KntNF     \\
            \KntNF      \KntVXSUSO   \KntRSN      \KntRSN      \KntRSN      \KntNF     \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntNN       \KntVXSOSU   \KntRSN      \KntRSN      \KntNF     \\
            \KntNF      \KntVXSOSU   \KntRSN      \KntRSN      \KntRSN      \KntNF     \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntNN       \KntVXSUSO   \KntRSN      \KntRSN      \KntNF     \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntRSN      \KntNN       \KntVXSOSU   \KntRSN      \KntNF     \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntNN       \KntVXSOSU   \KntRSN      \KntRSN      \KntNF     \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntRSN      \KntNN       \KntVXSUSO   \KntRSN      \KntNF     \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntRSN      \KntRSN      \KntNN       \KntVXSOSU   \KntNF     \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntRSN      \KntNN       \KntVXSOSU   \KntRSN      \KntNF     \\
            \KntRSFNF   \KntRSFN     \KntRSFN     \KntRSFN     \KntRSFN     \KntFF     \\
            \KntTSFNF   \KntTSNF     \KntTSNF     \KntTSNF     \KntTSNF     \KntTSFNF  \\
            \end{KnotGrid} &
            \KntRSFNF   \KntBSFNF   \KntBSNF     \KntBSNF     \KntBSNF     \KntBSNF     \KntBSNF     \KntBSNF     \KntFN       \KntBSNF     \KntFN       \KntBSNF     \KntBSNF     \KntBSNF     \KntFN       \KntBSNF     \KntBSNF     \KntFN       \KntBSFNF   \KntLSFNF  \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntBSFN    \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntNN       \KntBSN      \KntNN       \KntHXSOSU   \KntNN       \KntHXSUSO   \KntNN       \KntBSN      \KntNN       \KntHXSOSU   \KntNN       \KntNN       \KntHXSUSO   \KntBSFN    \KntLSNF   \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntBSFN    \KntNN       \KntBSN      \KntNN       \KntHXSOSU   \KntNN       \KntHXSUSO   \KntBSN      \KntHXSOSU   \KntBSN      \KntHXSOSU   \KntNN       \KntHXSUSO   \KntNN       \KntHXSOSU   \KntHXSOSU   \KntNN       \KntBSFN    \KntLSNF   \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntBSFN    \KntHXSOSU   \KntNN       \KntHXSUSO   \KntBSN      \KntHXSOSU   \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntNN       \KntHXSOSU   \KntNN       \KntHXSUSO   \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntHXSOSU   \KntBSFN    \KntLSNF   \\
            \KntRSNF    \KntBSFN    \KntBSN      \KntHXSOSU   \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntHXSUSO   \KntBSN      \KntHXSOSU   \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSFN    \KntLSNF   \\
            \KntRSFNF   \KntFF      \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFN       \KntFF      \KntLSFNF  \\

      \noindent This example is the $9_6 (L)$ knot.

 \KntNN     \KntNN   \KntLTSC   \KntTSN    \KntTRSC   \KntNN   \KntNN    \\
 \KntNN     \KntRSN  \KntNN     \KntTCS    \KntNN     \KntLSN  \KntNN    \\
 \KntNN     \KntNN   \KntVXSUSO \KntNN     \KntVXSUSO \KntNN   \KntNN    \\
 \KntNN     \KntRBSC \KntNN     \KntVXSOSU \KntNN     \KntBLSC \KntNN    \\
 \KntLTSC   \KntNN   \KntNN     \KntVXSOSU \KntNN     \KntNN   \KntTRSC  \\
 \KntLSN    \KntNN   \KntRBSC   \KntNN     \KntBLSC   \KntNN   \KntRSN   \\
 \KntLSN    \KntLTSC \KntNN     \KntNN     \KntNN     \KntTRSC \KntRSN   \\
 \KntVXSUSO \KntNN   \KntNN     \KntNN     \KntNN     \KntNN   \KntVXSUSO\\
 \KntLSN    \KntBLSC \KntNN     \KntNN     \KntNN     \KntRBSC \KntRSN   \\

      \noindent Which is typeset as below.

            \KntNN       \KntNN     \KntLTSC     \KntTSN      \KntTRSC     \KntNN     \KntNN      \\
            \KntNN       \KntRSN    \KntNN       \KntTCS      \KntNN       \KntLSN    \KntNN      \\
            \KntNN       \KntNN     \KntVXSUSO   \KntNN       \KntVXSUSO   \KntNN     \KntNN      \\
            \KntNN       \KntRBSC   \KntNN       \KntVXSOSU   \KntNN       \KntBLSC   \KntNN      \\
            \KntLTSC     \KntNN     \KntNN       \KntVXSOSU   \KntNN       \KntNN     \KntTRSC    \\
            \KntLSN      \KntNN     \KntRBSC     \KntNN       \KntBLSC     \KntNN     \KntRSN     \\
            \KntLSN      \KntLTSC   \KntNN       \KntNN       \KntNN       \KntTRSC   \KntRSN     \\
            \KntVXSUSO   \KntNN     \KntNN       \KntNN       \KntNN       \KntNN     \KntVXSUSO  \\
            \KntLSN      \KntBLSC   \KntNN       \KntNN       \KntNN       \KntRBSC   \KntRSN     \\
            \KntBLSC     \KntBSN    \KntHXSUSO   \KntHXSUSO   \KntHXSUSO   \KntBSN    \KntRBSC    \\

   \noindent The final example is the rational link corresponding to the rational number $4117\, /\, 17426$.

            \KntLCD   \KntTDLA     \KntTDN      \KntTDN      \KntHXDUSO   \KntHXSUDO    \KntTDN      \KntTDLA     \KntTDN      \KntHXDUDO   \KntHXDUDO    \KntHXDUDO   \KntTDN      \KntHXDUSO   \KntHXSUDO    \KntTDN      \KntTDRA     \KntTDN      \KntHXDUDO   \KntHXDUDO   \KntHXDUDO    \KntHXDUDO   \KntTDN      \KntTDN      \KntTDN      \KntTDRA     \KntRCD  \\
            \KntNN    \KntHXDOSU   \KntHXSODU   \KntHXDOSU   \KntNN       \KntNN        \KntHXSODU   \KntHXDOSU   \KntHXSODU   \KntNN       \KntNN        \KntNN       \KntHXDOSU   \KntNN       \KntNN        \KntHXSODU   \KntHXDOSU   \KntHXSODU   \KntNN       \KntNN       \KntNN        \KntNN       \KntHXDOSU   \KntHXSODU   \KntHXDOSU   \KntHXSODU   \KntNN   \\
            \KntLCS   \KntBSLA     \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntTDNBSN   \KntTDRABSN   \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntTSNBSN   \KntTSRABSN   \KntTSNBSN   \KntBSN      \KntTDNBSN   \KntTDLABSN   \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntTSNBSN   \KntTSNBSN   \KntTSRABSN   \KntTSNBSN   \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSLA     \KntRCS  \\

   \noindent With its Seifert circle decomposition.

            \KntLCS   \KntTSLA     \KntTSN      \KntTSN      \KntHVMSLSR  \KntHVMSLSR   \KntTSN      \KntTSLA     \KntTSN      \KntHVMSLSR  \KntHVMSLSR   \KntHVMSLSR  \KntTSN      \KntHHMSTSB  \KntHHMSTSB   \KntTSN      \KntTSRA     \KntTSN      \KntHVMSLSR  \KntHVMSLSR  \KntHVMSLSR   \KntHVMSLSR  \KntTSN      \KntTSN      \KntTSN      \KntTSRA     \KntRCS  \\
            \KntNN    \KntHHMSTSB  \KntHHMSTSB  \KntHHMSTSB  \KntNN       \KntNN        \KntHHMSTSB  \KntHHMSTSB  \KntHHMSTSB  \KntNN       \KntNN        \KntNN       \KntHVMSLSR  \KntNN       \KntNN        \KntHVMSLSR  \KntHVMSLSR  \KntHVMSLSR  \KntNN       \KntNN       \KntNN        \KntNN       \KntHVMSLSR  \KntHVMSLSR  \KntHVMSLSR  \KntHVMSLSR  \KntNN   \\
            \KntLCS   \KntBSLA     \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntTSNBSN   \KntTSRABSN   \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntTSNBSN   \KntTSRABSN   \KntTSNBSN   \KntBSN      \KntTSNBSN   \KntTSLABSN   \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntTSNBSN   \KntTSNBSN   \KntTSRABSN   \KntTSNBSN   \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSN      \KntBSLA     \KntRCS  \\

   Where a grid cell would otherwise be empty or where padding is required to
   satisfy the size requirements for a cell, 25 KntXY (X is height, Y width, both
   are one of: N, E, F, Q, Z) space or strut symbols are provided which are exactly
   sized both horizontally and vertically to assist. The knot symbols are typeset
   in math mode so that spaces are ignored. This allows the grid structure to be
   explicit, making readability and maintenance easier. In the first example above
   (the Trefoil knot), the fourth grid column is 0.5 em wide, but in the second row
   an 0.25 em width symbol is used, which must then be padded with an 0.25 em space.

   \noindent In order to keep names shortish, the following abbreviations are used for
   Knt symbols

   \begin{tabular}{ l @{ \textendash\ } l l @{ \textendash\ } l }
      A & Arrow         & N & liNe / Normal     \\
      B & Bottom        & O & Over              \\
      C & Cap / Corner  & Q & Fourth / Quarter  \\
      D & Dashed / Down & R & Right             \\
      E & Three quarter & S & Solid             \\
      F & halF          & T & Top               \\
      H & Horizontal    & U & Under / Up        \\
      J & Join          & V & Vertical          \\
      L & Left          & X & Cross             \\
      M & sMoothed      & Z & Zero              \\

   \section{Logic Definitions, Axioms and Proofs}

   \LaTeX\ has more than adequate support for traditional mathematical proofs.
   Conversely, in logic, object proofs are written either as a linear sequence
   (usually Hilbert style proofs) or as a tree (usually Natural Deduction or Gentzen
   systems), but linear proofs can be used with most systems of logic. Tree style
   proofs have support in several other packages. However, Hilbert style proofs do not.
   This package supplies several environments to support Hilbert style definitions,
   axioms and proofs to alleviate this deficiency.

   Logic definitions typically have a name with an optional number (e.g. \enquote{Ax. 3}
   or \enquote{Conjunction}), a left expression, a right expression and, optionally, a
   brief comment. A definition may stand alone or multiple definitions may be grouped.
   The LogixDefn environment provides structured formatting for logic definitions, either
   singly or as a group. The LogixDefn environment does not have required parameters, but
   does have an optional parameter. That parameter must be a horizontal length. If present,
   all of the definition expressions must fit within that length and its presence indicates
   that a comment may optionally follow each expression. The length should be sufficient
   to allow adequate space between the longest expression and the start of the comments,
   and to avoid the expressions overlapping the comments.

   The LogixDefn environment defines the nested Line macro, which has four parameters
   if the optional LogixDefn parameter is not present, and otherwise five. The
   fifth parameter may not be omitted if the length parameter is present and contains
   a possibly empty comment to be placed at the end of the line following the
   expression. The basic three parameters for the Line macro are the definition's name,
   optional number (the empty argument must be present if there is no number), the left
   side of the definition and the right side of the definition, the latter two of which
   are typeset in math mode. The left expression is right aligned and the right expression
   is left aligned. The left and right sides of a definition are separated by the
   definition symbol ($\Defn$), which is aligned when grouping expressions. Two examples
   of its use follow. Expressions in most examples are meaningless and only serve to show
   the presence of an expression.

   \Line{Neg} {1}{\symsau{p}}{\symsau{q}}
   \Line{Conj}{} {\symsau{p}}{\symsau{q}}

   \Line{Df}{1}{\symsau{p}}{\symsau{q}}{Some comment}
   \Line{Df}{2}{\symsau{p}}{\symsau{q}}{Yet another comment}

      These two examples are typeset as shown below.

            \Line{Neg} {1}{\symsau{p}}{\symsau{q}}
            \Line{Conj}{} {\symsau{p}}{\symsau{q}}

            \Line{Df}{1}{\symsau{p}}{\symsau{q}}{Some comment}
            \Line{Df}{2}{\symsau{p}}{\symsau{q}}{Yet another comment}

   Environments defined in this package do not affect the indentation level. In this
   document, the addmargin environment provided by the scrextend package is used to
   provide indentation.

   The LogixAxiom environment is very similar to the LogixDefn environment, except
   that there is only one expression, which is left aligned. Two examples of its use
   are shown below. The first example is two replacement rules with required
   meta-conditions. One for sequents and one for an equivalence operator. The second
   example is similar, but without the required meta-conditions.

   \Line{Rp} {12} {\symsai{NegationFree}\OpnParn \symsau{p} \WkEquv \symsau{q}
                  \ClsParn, \symsau{p} \WkEquv \symsau{q}, \symsau{e} \Seq
                  \symsau{e}\OpnBrkt \symsau{q} \RightSlash \symsau{p}
                  \ClsBrkt }
   \Line{Rp} {2}  {\symsai{NegationFree}\OpnParn \symsau{p} \WkEquv \symsau{q}
                  \ClsParn, \symsau{p} \WkEquv \symsau{q} \Seq \symsau{e}
                  \WkEquv \symsau{e}\OpnBrkt \symsau{q} \RightSlash \symsau{p}
                  \ClsBrkt }

   \Line{Ax} {1}  {\symsau{p} \Equv \symsau{q}, \symsau{e} \Seq \symsau{e}
                  \OpnBrkt \symsau{q} \RightSlash \symsau{p} \ClsBrkt }
                  { Sequent replacement rule. }
   \Line{Ax} {2}  {\symsau{p} \Equv \symsau{q} \Seq \symsau{e} \Equv \symsau{e}
                  \OpnBrkt \symsau{q} \RightSlash \symsau{p} \ClsBrkt }
                  { Equivalence replacement rule. }

      These examples are typeset as shown below.

            \Line{Rp} {12} {\symsai{NegationFree}\OpnParn \symsau{p} \WkEquv \symsau{q} \ClsParn, \symsau{p} \WkEquv \symsau{q}, \symsau{e} \Seq \symsau{e}\OpnBrkt \symsau{q} \RightSlash \symsau{p} \ClsBrkt }
            \Line{Rp} {2}  {\symsai{NegationFree}\OpnParn \symsau{p} \WkEquv \symsau{q} \ClsParn, \symsau{p} \WkEquv \symsau{q} \Seq \symsau{e} \WkEquv \symsau{e}\OpnBrkt \symsau{q} \RightSlash \symsau{p} \ClsBrkt }

            \Line{Ax} {1}  {\symsau{p} \Equv \symsau{q}, \symsau{e} \Seq \symsau{e}\OpnBrkt \symsau{q} \RightSlash \symsau{p} \ClsBrkt }      {Sequent replacement rule.}
            \Line{Ax} {2}  {\symsau{p} \Equv \symsau{q} \Seq \symsau{e} \Equv \symsau{e}\OpnBrkt \symsau{q} \RightSlash \symsau{p} \ClsBrkt } {Equivalence replacement rule.}

   A Hilbert style logical theorem typically has a name (including any number), a possibly
   empty set of postulates and the theorem's expression. The LogixProof environment
   provides structured formatting for Hilbert style logic theorems. The LogixProof
   environment has four arguments with the first one optional. The optional argument
   is a horizontal length, and provides a width for the expression in each proof line
   which is followed by a comment when the length argument is present. The other three
   arguments are the name (and any associated number) of the theorem, a possibly empty
   set of postulates which are assumed only for the purpose of the proof (e.g. assuming
   the Axiom of Choice (AC) for a specific theorem when working in ZF instead of ZFC).

   Postulates are distinguished from axioms (however, formulas, rules and meta-rules are
   not distinguished for axioms, postulates or theorems). An axiom is assumed to hold for
   all theorems in a system whereas a postulate is only assumed to hold in the context
   of a specific proof. The third parameter is the statement (the theorem's expression)
   of the proof.

   The LogixProof environment defines the Blnk, Dash and Line nested macros. These
   are identical except that the Dash macro is followed by a dashed line separator
   and the Line macro is followed by a solid line separator. Each line of the proof
   is represented by an occurrence of one of these macros. The last line of the proof
   is normally represented by a Dash or Line macro. Each of these macros has four
   parameters (five when the optional length argument of the LogixProof environment
   is present). There are two typical styles for each line of a linear logical proof.
   The first is commonly used in short examples and in introductory texts. It starts
   with a line number, the expression for the proof line and an optional comment which
   justifies the proof step in some manner. The second style starts with a line
   number, then the justifying theorem or axiom name, then a list of previous line
   numbers of the proof that justify the proof step, followed by the expression for
   the proof line and finally, an optional comment.

   The Blnk, Dash and Line macros accommodate both proof styles. The first parameter for
   each of these macros is the line number. It is typeset in math mode so that subscripts
   may be used (sometimes useful in meta proofs). The second parameter is the name
   of the justifying axiom or previous theorem (including any number). The third
   parameter is the list of previous lines of the proof used to justify the proof,
   and the fourth parameter is the expression for the proof line. If the optional
   length is present for the LogixProof environment, then a parameter for the
   comment is present as the fifth parameter. A list is used for the previous
   justifying lines since the same line can be referenced more than once and the
   order is potentially significant. Both the second and third parameters may be
   empty, allowing the use of the optional comment for justification. The following
   examples illustrate the use of the LogixProof environment.

\begin{LogixProof} {Th 46} {AC} {\prop{p} \Nd \prop{q}}
   \Blnk {1} {Th 41} {} {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}}
   \Dash {2} {Cn 2}  {} {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}}

\begin{LogixProof}[5em] {Th 46} {} {\prop{p} \Nd \prop{q}}
   \Line {1} {Th 41} {}    {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}} {First comment}
   \Line {2} {Cn 2}  {}    {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}} {}
   \Line {3} {Th 38} {2,1} {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}} {Last comment}

\begin{LogixProof}[5em] {Th 46} {} {\prop{p} \Nd \prop{q}}
   \Dash {1} {} {}  {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}} {Disjunction}
   \Line {2} {} {}  {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}} {Modus Ponens, 1}

      These examples are typeset as shown below. The first example assumes that the
      Axiom of Choice holds within the context of the proof.


         \begin{LogixProof} {Th 46} {AC} {\prop{p} \Nd \prop{q}}
            \Blnk {1} {Th 41} {} {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}}
            \Dash {2} {Cn 2}  {} {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}}

         \begin{LogixProof}[5em] {Th 46} {} {\prop{p} \Nd \prop{q}}
            \Line {1} {Th 41} {}    {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}} {First comment}
            \Line {2} {Cn 2}  {}    {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}} {}
            \Line {3} {Th 38} {2,1} {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}} {Last comment}

         \begin{LogixProof}[5em] {Th 46} {} {\prop{p} \Nd \prop{q}}
            \Dash {1} {} {}  {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}} {Disjunction}
            \Line {2} {} {}  {\prop{p} \Impl \prop{q}} {Modus Ponens, 1}

   A more realistic example of using the LogixProof environment is shown below.
   (Note the use of arrow lengths to indicate depth of expression nesting.
   This is not automatic.)

            \begin{LogixProof} {Th 43} {} {\OpnParn\prop{p} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn \LImpl \OpnParn\prop{p} \Impl \OpnParn\prop{r} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn\ClsParn}
            \Blnk{1} {Th 14} {}    {\OpnParn\prop{p} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn \Impl \OpnParn\prop{p} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn}
            \Blnk{2} {Im 3}  {}    {\prop{q} \Impl \OpnParn\prop{r} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn}
            \Blnk{3} {Im 3}  {2}   {\OpnParn\prop{p} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn \LImpl \OpnParn\prop{q} \Impl \OpnParn\prop{r} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn\ClsParn}
            \Blnk{4} {Cn 2}  {1,3} {\OpnParn\prop{p} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn \Impl \OpnParn\prop{p} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn \Nd \OpnParn\prop{q} \Impl \OpnParn\prop{r} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn\ClsParn}
            \Blnk{5} {Im 2}  {}    {\OpnParn\prop{p} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn \Nd \OpnParn\prop{q} \Impl \OpnParn\prop{r} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn\ClsParn \LImpl \OpnParn\prop{p} \Impl \OpnParn\prop{r} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn\ClsParn}
            \Dash{6} {Im 2}  {4,5} {\OpnParn\prop{p} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn \LImpl \OpnParn\prop{p} \Impl \OpnParn\prop{r} \SImpl \prop{q}\ClsParn\ClsParn}

   In addition to the LogixProof environment, the LogixSeqnt environment is
   also provided. It is identical to the LogixProof environment with the exception
   that there are two expressions associated with each proof line instead of one.
   The first may be empty and contains the premises for a sequent and the second
   contains its conclusion. The proof expressions are aligned on the sequent
   operator, which is present in every line. The following examples illustrate
   the use of the LogixSeqnt environment.

\begin{LogixSeqnt} {Th 46} {AC} {\prop{p} \Seq \prop{q}}
   \Dash {1} {Th 41} {}    {\prop{p}} {\prop{q}}
   \Line {2} {Cn 2}  {}    {\prop{p}} {\prop{q}}

\begin{LogixSeqnt}[3em] {Th 46} {} {\prop{p} \Seq \prop{r}}
   \Blnk {1} {Th 41} {}    {\prop{p}} {\prop{r}} {First comment}
   \Blnk {2} {Cn 2}  {}    {\prop{p}} {\prop{r}} {}
   \Line {3} {Th 38} {2,1} {        } {\prop{r}} {Last comment}

\begin{LogixSeqnt}[3em] {Th 46} {} {\prop{p} \Seq \prop{r}}
   \Dash {1} {} {}  {\prop{p}\Coma\prop{q}} {\prop{r}} {Disjunction}
   \Line {2} {} {}  {\prop{p}\Coma\prop{q}} {\prop{r}} {Weakening, 1}

      These are typeset as shown below.

         \begin{LogixSeqnt} {Th 46} {AC} {\prop{p} \Seq \prop{q}}
            \Dash {1} {Th 41} {}    {\prop{p}} {\prop{q}}
            \Line {2} {Cn 2}  {}    {\prop{p}} {\prop{q}}

         \begin{LogixSeqnt}[3em] {Th 46} {} {\prop{p} \Seq \prop{r}}
            \Blnk {1} {Th 41} {}    {\prop{p}} {\prop{r}} {First comment}
            \Blnk {2} {Cn 2}  {}    {\prop{p}} {\prop{r}} {}
            \Line {3} {Th 38} {2,1} {        } {\prop{r}} {Last comment}

         \begin{LogixSeqnt}[3em] {Th 46} {} {\prop{p} \Seq \prop{r}}
            \Dash {1} {} {}  {\prop{p}\Coma\prop{q}} {\prop{r}} {Disjunction}
            \Line {2} {} {}  {\prop{p}\Coma\prop{q}} {\prop{r}} {Weakening, 1}

   A more realistic example of using the LogixSeqnt environment is shown below.

            \begin{LogixSeqnt} {Th 11} {} {\prop{p} \Seq \prop{q}\Coma \prop{r} \Seq \prop{s} \Rule \prop{p} \Or \prop{r} \Seq \prop{q} \Or \prop{s}}
            \Dash{1} {Th 2} {Ds 3} {\prop{q}}               {\prop{q} \Or \prop{s}}
            \Dash{2} {Ln 1} {As 1} {\prop{p}}               {\prop{q} \Or \prop{s}}
            \Dash{3} {Th 2} {Ds 4} {\prop{s}}               {\prop{q} \Or \prop{s}}
            \Dash{4} {Ln 3} {As 2} {\prop{r}}               {\prop{q} \Or \prop{s}}
            \Line{5} {Ds 1} {2,4}  {\prop{p} \Or \prop{r}}  {\prop{q} \Or \prop{s}}

   The LogixTable environment provides a consistent environment for semantic maps
   and tableaux. It replaces the use of the tabular environment, but other
   than setting local parameters, is identical. The following example illustrates
   its use for a semantic map.

\begin{LogixTable}{c | c c c c }
   \Nd      & \meta{f} & \meta{u} & \meta{o} & \meta{t} \\ \hline
   \meta{f} & \meta{f} & \meta{f} & \meta{f} & \meta{f} \\
   \meta{u} & \meta{f} & \meta{u} & \meta{f} & \meta{u} \\
   \meta{o} & \meta{f} & \meta{f} & \meta{o} & \meta{o} \\
   \meta{t} & \meta{f} & \meta{u} & \meta{o} & \meta{t} \\

      This is typeset as shown below.

         \begin{LogixTable}{c | c c c c }
            \Nd      & \meta{f} & \meta{u} & \meta{o} & \meta{t} \\ \hline
            \meta{f} & \meta{f} & \meta{f} & \meta{f} & \meta{f} \\
            \meta{u} & \meta{f} & \meta{u} & \meta{f} & \meta{u} \\
            \meta{o} & \meta{f} & \meta{f} & \meta{o} & \meta{o} \\
            \meta{t} & \meta{f} & \meta{u} & \meta{o} & \meta{t} \\

   \section{Displaying Monospaced Source Text}

   In \enquote{Fonts for Displaying Program Code in \LaTeX} Adrian P. Robson
   examined the available options for displaying source code. For fonts which
   contain a marked zero, Adrian recommended the Bera Mono based on vertical
   placement of common operators and the ability to easily distinguish similar
   symbols. The Bera Mono font is derived from the excellent Bitstream Vera
   font. It is a type 1 font and is not a Unicode font (but can still be used
   if loaded before fontspec).

   In addition to the Logix font, this package provides the Logix Mono font, (also
   derived from the Bitstream Mono font). Many applications can use the Logix
   and Logix Mono fonts interchangably. Unfortunately, the additional symbols
   in the Logix font are not well handled by some applications so that monospaced
   symbols are not displayed correctly. The Logix Mono font is designed (as is the
   Logix font) to be compatible with the STIX2 mathematical fonts. It is also
   slightly heavier and more compact than the Bera Mono font to improve readability.
   Like the Bera Mono font, it is larger than many other typewriter fonts. The
   recommendation for the Bera Mono font is thus to load it with a scaling factor
   of 90\%. Here, the preferred approach is to explicltly set the point size and
   leading with the fontsize command.

{fontsize{9}{11} \selectfont
Monospaced text.

   \noindent Including the Logix monospace symbols can be done as follows \textellipsis

\usepackage{array}   % Optional, only if otherwise required.

\setmainfont{STIX Two Text}
\setmathfont{STIX Two Math}
\setmonofont{Logix Mono}

\noindent or by \textellipsis

\usepackage{array}   % Optional, only if otherwise required.

\setmainfont{STIX Two Text}
\setmathfont{STIX Two Math}

   Additionally, the Logix Mono font is designed to print well at smaller point
   sizes, which is often desirable when printing listings because of long line
   lengths and the sheer number of lines to be printed. For 8.5$\times$11
   paper and 0.25 inch margins the following line sizes (in characters) can be
   obtained. The previous examples were displayed using the Logic Mono font
   with a point size of 9 with leading of 11.

   \begin{tabular}{c c c c}
      size/leading & Char/Inch & Portrait & Landscape \\[0.25em]
      9/11         & 15.375    & 123      & 162       \\
      8/10         & 17.375    & 139      & 182       \\
      7/9          & 19.875    & 159      & 208       \\


   The remainder of this document is the list of symbols. Each symbol has a name
   (not necessarily definitive, but it corresponds to the name of the macro for
   the symbol), the name of the macro for the symbol and a scaled (by a factor
   of 1.5) example of the symbol. All symbols can be used in both text and in
   math mode.

   Following the individual symbols, the names for stretchy delimiters (and the
   stretchy binding bar) are shown with two examples. The first example is small
   enough that a predefined size variant will be used, and the second example is
   large enough that no predefined size variant will be used. Delimiters which
   are too short for the second example are limited in size variations to 5\times\
   the normal delimiter size.

   That is followed by script examples. First Greek and Greek italic, then the
   sans-serif scripts, the slab-serif scripts, the normal serif scripts and
   lastly the miscellaneous scripts (calligraphic, Fraktur, etc.).

   The logix.sty package file is heavily commented, and is useful as a
   quick reference.

   Please feel free to contact the author if you have questions or issues.
   The author will answer or attempt to resolve any issue as quickly as
   possible \textemdash\ constrained of course, by the author's available
   time and other constraints. The author can be contacted by email at


   \noindent Please allow a few days before emailing a second time. Under normal
   circumstances, this email account is checked at least daily.

   This distribution also contains logix.vfc, which is the master font file used to
   create the actual font files. It is not needed for \LaTeX\ usage, but is provided
   should the author become unable to maintain the package, and it is picked up by
   another maintainer. This is a FontLab source file.

   In addition, and also not required for \LaTeX\ usage, the various web font files
   (.eot, .ttf, .woff and .woff2) are included in the distribution so that users who
   wish to use the font in a web page do not need to convert font files.


      Open Vertical Bar                                                  & {\textbackslash}OpnBar                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnBar}                                         \\ \hline
      Open Group Brace                                                   & {\textbackslash}OpnGrp                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnGrp}                                         \\ \hline
      Open Parenthesis                                                   & {\textbackslash}OpnParn                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnParn}                                        \\ \hline
      Open Curly Brace                                                   & {\textbackslash}OpnBrac                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnBrac}                                        \\ \hline
      Open Curly Broken Brace                                            & {\textbackslash}OpnBrknBrac                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnBrknBrac}                                    \\ \hline
      Open Curly Circle Brace                                            & {\textbackslash}OpnCircBrac                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnCircBrac}                                    \\ \hline
      Open Arrow Brace                                                   & {\textbackslash}OpnArrwBrac                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnArrwBrac}                                    \\ \hline
      Open Square Bracket                                                & {\textbackslash}OpnBrkt                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnBrkt}                                        \\ \hline
      Open Square Curly Bracket                                          & {\textbackslash}OpnCrlyBrkt                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnCrlyBrkt}                                    \\ \hline
      Open Square Broken Bracket                                         & {\textbackslash}OpnBrknBrkt                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnBrknBrkt}                                    \\ \hline
      Open Square Circle Bracket                                         & {\textbackslash}OpnCircBrkt                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnCircBrkt}                                    \\ \hline
      Open Tortoise Shell                                                & {\textbackslash}OpnTortoise                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnTortoise}                                    \\ \hline
      Open Angle Bracket                                                 & {\textbackslash}OpnAngl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnAngl}                                        \\ \hline
      Open Double Curly Brace                                            & {\textbackslash}OpnDblBrac                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnDblBrac}                                     \\ \hline
      Open Double Angle Bracket                                          & {\textbackslash}OpnDblAngl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnDblAngl}                                     \\ \hline
      Open Square Parenthesis                                            & {\textbackslash}OpnSqrParn                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnSqrParn}                                     \\ \hline
      Open Parenthesis with Bar                                          & {\textbackslash}OpnParnBar                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnParnBar}                                     \\ \hline
      Open Brace with Bar                                                & {\textbackslash}OpnBracBar                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnBracBar}                                     \\ \hline
      Open Broken Brace with Bar                                         & {\textbackslash}OpnBrknBracBar                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnBrknBracBar}                                 \\ \hline
      Open Circle Brace with Bar                                         & {\textbackslash}OpnCircBracBar                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnCircBracBar}                                 \\ \hline
      Open Bracket with Bar                                              & {\textbackslash}OpnBrktBar                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnBrktBar}                                     \\ \hline
      Open Curly Bracket with Bar                                        & {\textbackslash}OpnCrlyBrktBar                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnCrlyBrktBar}                                 \\ \hline
      Open Broken Bracket with Bar                                       & {\textbackslash}OpnBrknBrktBar                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnBrknBrktBar}                                 \\ \hline
      Open Circle Bracket with Bar                                       & {\textbackslash}OpnCircBrktBar                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnCircBrktBar}                                 \\ \hline
      Open Tortoise Shell with Bar                                       & {\textbackslash}OpnTortoiseBar                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnTortoiseBar}                                 \\ \hline
      Open Angle Bracket with Bar                                        & {\textbackslash}OpnAnglBar                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnAnglBar}                                     \\ \hline
      Open Curved Angle Bracket                                          & {\textbackslash}OpnCurvAngl                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnCurvAngl}                                    \\ \hline
      Open Double Parenthesis                                            & {\textbackslash}OpnDblParn                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnDblParn}                                     \\ \hline
      Open Ceiling                                                       & {\textbackslash}OpnCeil                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnCeil}                                        \\ \hline
      Open Floor                                                         & {\textbackslash}OpnFloor                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnFloor}                                       \\ \hline
      Open Turn                                                          & {\textbackslash}OpnTurn                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnTurn}                                        \\ \hline
      Open Context Quote                                                 & {\textbackslash}OpnCntx                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnCntx}                                        \\ \hline
      Open Double Group Brace                                            & {\textbackslash}OpnDblGrp                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnDblGrp}                                      \\ \hline
      Open Double Vertical Bar                                           & {\textbackslash}OpnDblBar                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnDblBar}                                      \\ \hline
      Open Triple Vertical Bar                                           & {\textbackslash}OpnTrpBar                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnTrpBar}                                      \\ \hline
      Open Double Ceiling                                                & {\textbackslash}OpnDblCeil                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnDblCeil}                                     \\ \hline
      Open Double Floor                                                  & {\textbackslash}OpnDblFloor                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\OpnDblFloor}                                    \\ \hline

      Close Vertical Bar                                                 & {\textbackslash}ClsBar                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsBar}                                         \\ \hline
      Close Group Brace                                                  & {\textbackslash}ClsGrp                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsGrp}                                         \\ \hline
      Close Parenthesis                                                  & {\textbackslash}ClsParn                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsParn}                                        \\ \hline
      Close Curly Brace                                                  & {\textbackslash}ClsBrac                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsBrac}                                        \\ \hline
      Close Curly Broken Brace                                           & {\textbackslash}ClsBrknBrac                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsBrknBrac}                                    \\ \hline
      Close Curly Circle Brace                                           & {\textbackslash}ClsCircBrac                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsCircBrac}                                    \\ \hline
      Close Arrow Brace                                                  & {\textbackslash}ClsArrwBrac                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsArrwBrac}                                    \\ \hline
      Close Square Bracket                                               & {\textbackslash}ClsBrkt                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsBrkt}                                        \\ \hline
      Close Square Curly Bracket                                         & {\textbackslash}ClsCrlyBrkt                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsCrlyBrkt}                                    \\ \hline
      Close Square Broken Bracket                                        & {\textbackslash}ClsBrknBrkt                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsBrknBrkt}                                    \\ \hline
      Close Square Circle Bracket                                        & {\textbackslash}ClsCircBrkt                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsCircBrkt}                                    \\ \hline
      Close Tortoise Shell                                               & {\textbackslash}ClsTortoise                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsTortoise}                                    \\ \hline
      Close Angle Bracket                                                & {\textbackslash}ClsAngl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsAngl}                                        \\ \hline
      Close Double Curly Brace                                           & {\textbackslash}ClsDblBrac                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsDblBrac}                                     \\ \hline
      Close Double Angle Bracket                                         & {\textbackslash}ClsDblAngl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsDblAngl}                                     \\ \hline
      Close Square Parenthesis                                           & {\textbackslash}ClsSqrParn                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsSqrParn}                                     \\ \hline
      Close Parenthesis with Bar                                         & {\textbackslash}ClsParnBar                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsParnBar}                                     \\ \hline
      Close Brace with Bar                                               & {\textbackslash}ClsBracBar                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsBracBar}                                     \\ \hline
      Close Broken Brace with Bar                                        & {\textbackslash}ClsBrknBracBar                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsBrknBracBar}                                 \\ \hline
      Close Circle Brace with Bar                                        & {\textbackslash}ClsCircBracBar                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsCircBracBar}                                 \\ \hline
      Close Bracket with Bar                                             & {\textbackslash}ClsBrktBar                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsBrktBar}                                     \\ \hline
      Close Curly Bracket with Bar                                       & {\textbackslash}ClsCrlyBrktBar                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsCrlyBrktBar}                                 \\ \hline
      Close Broken Bracket with Bar                                      & {\textbackslash}ClsBrknBrktBar                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsBrknBrktBar}                                 \\ \hline
      Close Circle Bracket with Bar                                      & {\textbackslash}ClsCircBrktBar                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsCircBrktBar}                                 \\ \hline
      Close Tortoise Shell with Bar                                      & {\textbackslash}ClsTortoiseBar                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsTortoiseBar}                                 \\ \hline
      Close Angle Bracket with Bar                                       & {\textbackslash}ClsAnglBar                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsAnglBar}                                     \\ \hline
      Close Curved Angle Bracket                                         & {\textbackslash}ClsCurvAngl                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsCurvAngl}                                    \\ \hline
      Close Double Parenthesis                                           & {\textbackslash}ClsDblParn                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsDblParn}                                     \\ \hline
      Close Ceiling                                                      & {\textbackslash}ClsCeil                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsCeil}                                        \\ \hline
      Close Floor                                                        & {\textbackslash}ClsFloor                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsFloor}                                       \\ \hline
      Close Turn                                                         & {\textbackslash}ClsTurn                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsTurn}                                        \\ \hline
      Close Context Quote                                                & {\textbackslash}ClsCntx                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsCntx}                                        \\ \hline
      Close Double Group Brace                                           & {\textbackslash}ClsDblGrp                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsDblGrp}                                      \\ \hline
      Close Double Vertical Bar                                          & {\textbackslash}ClsDblBar                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsDblBar}                                      \\ \hline
      Close Triple Vertical Bar                                          & {\textbackslash}ClsTrpBar                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsTrpBar}                                      \\ \hline
      Close Double Ceiling                                               & {\textbackslash}ClsDblCeil                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsDblCeil}                                     \\ \hline
      Close Double Floor                                                 & {\textbackslash}ClsDblFloor                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsDblFloor}                                    \\ \hline

      Continuous, Partial, Into Multi-Map                                & {\textbackslash}MapParInMul                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapParInMul}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Into, Singleton Map                           & {\textbackslash}MapParInSng                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapParInSng}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Into, One-To-One Map                          & {\textbackslash}MapParInOne                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapParInOne}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Onto Multi-Map                                & {\textbackslash}MapParOnMul                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapParOnMul}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Onto, Singleton Map                           & {\textbackslash}MapParOnSng                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapParOnSng}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Onto, One-To-One Map                          & {\textbackslash}MapParOnOne                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapParOnOne}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Into, Grounded Multi-Map                      & {\textbackslash}MapParInGndMul                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapParInGndMul}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Into, Grounded, Singleton Map                 & {\textbackslash}MapParInGndSng                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapParInGndSng}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Into, Grounded, One-To-One Map                & {\textbackslash}MapParInGndOne                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapParInGndOne}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Onto, Grounded Multi-Map                      & {\textbackslash}MapParOnGndMul                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapParOnGndMul}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Onto, Grounded, Singleton Map                 & {\textbackslash}MapParOnGndSng                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapParOnGndSng}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Onto, Grounded, One-To-One Map                & {\textbackslash}MapParOnGndOne                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapParOnGndOne}                                 \\ \hline

      Continuous, Total, Into Multi-Map                                  & {\textbackslash}MapTotInMul                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapTotInMul}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Into, Singleton Map                             & {\textbackslash}MapTotInSng                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapTotInSng}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Into, One-To-One Map                            & {\textbackslash}MapTotInOne                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapTotInOne}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Onto Multi-Map                                  & {\textbackslash}MapTotOnMul                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapTotOnMul}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Onto, Singleton Map                             & {\textbackslash}MapTotOnSng                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapTotOnSng}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Onto, One-To-One Map                            & {\textbackslash}MapTotOnOne                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapTotOnOne}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Into, Grounded Multi-Map                        & {\textbackslash}MapTotInGndMul                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapTotInGndMul}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Into, Grounded, Singleton Map                   & {\textbackslash}MapTotInGndSng                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapTotInGndSng}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Into, Grounded, One-To-One Map                  & {\textbackslash}MapTotInGndOne                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapTotInGndOne}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Onto, Grounded Multi-Map                        & {\textbackslash}MapTotOnGndMul                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapTotOnGndMul}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Onto, Grounded, Singleton Map                   & {\textbackslash}MapTotOnGndSng                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapTotOnGndSng}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Onto, Grounded, One-To-One Map                  & {\textbackslash}MapTotOnGndOne                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapTotOnGndOne}                                 \\ \hline

      Continuous, Partial, Into Multi-Function                           & {\textbackslash}FunParInMul                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunParInMul}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Into, Singleton Function                      & {\textbackslash}FunParInSng                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunParInSng}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Into, One-To-One Function                     & {\textbackslash}FunParInOne                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunParInOne}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Onto Multi-Function                           & {\textbackslash}FunParOnMul                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunParOnMul}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Onto, Singleton Function                      & {\textbackslash}FunParOnSng                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunParOnSng}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Onto, One-To-One Function                     & {\textbackslash}FunParOnOne                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunParOnOne}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Into, Grounded Multi-Function                 & {\textbackslash}FunParInGndMul                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunParInGndMul}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Into, Grounded, Singleton Function            & {\textbackslash}FunParInGndSng                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunParInGndSng}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Into, Grounded, One-To-One Function           & {\textbackslash}FunParInGndOne                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunParInGndOne}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Onto, Grounded Multi-Function                 & {\textbackslash}FunParOnGndMul                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunParOnGndMul}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Onto, Grounded, Singleton Function            & {\textbackslash}FunParOnGndSng                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunParOnGndSng}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Partial, Onto, Grounded, One-To-One Function           & {\textbackslash}FunParOnGndOne                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunParOnGndOne}                                 \\ \hline

      Continuous, Total, Into Multi-Function                             & {\textbackslash}FunTotInMul                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunTotInMul}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Into, Singleton Function                        & {\textbackslash}FunTotInSng                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunTotInSng}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Into, One-To-One Function                       & {\textbackslash}FunTotInOne                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunTotInOne}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Onto Multi-Function                             & {\textbackslash}FunTotOnMul                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunTotOnMul}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Onto, Singleton Function                        & {\textbackslash}FunTotOnSng                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunTotOnSng}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Onto, One-To-One Function                       & {\textbackslash}FunTotOnOne                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunTotOnOne}                                    \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Into, Grounded Multi-Function                   & {\textbackslash}FunTotInGndMul                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunTotInGndMul}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Into, Grounded, Singleton Function              & {\textbackslash}FunTotInGndSng                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunTotInGndSng}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Into, Grounded, One-To-One Function             & {\textbackslash}FunTotInGndOne                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunTotInGndOne}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Onto, Grounded Multi-Function                   & {\textbackslash}FunTotOnGndMul                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunTotOnGndMul}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Onto, Grounded, Singleton Function              & {\textbackslash}FunTotOnGndSng                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunTotOnGndSng}                                 \\ \hline
      Continuous, Total, Onto, Grounded, One-To-One Function             & {\textbackslash}FunTotOnGndOne                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FunTotOnGndOne}                                 \\ \hline

      Short Maps To                                                      & {\textbackslash}SMapTo                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\SMapTo}                                         \\ \hline
      Maps To                                                            & {\textbackslash}MapTo                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapTo}                                          \\ \hline
      Long Maps To                                                       & {\textbackslash}LMapTo                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\LMapTo}                                         \\ \hline
      Extra Long Maps To                                                 & {\textbackslash}XMapTo                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\XMapTo}                                         \\ \hline
      Very Long Maps To                                                  & {\textbackslash}VMapTo                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\VMapTo}                                         \\ \hline

      Short Total Function                                               & {\textbackslash}SFunc                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\SFunc}                                          \\ \hline
      Total Function                                                     & {\textbackslash}Func                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Func}                                           \\ \hline
      Long Total Function                                                & {\textbackslash}LFunc                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\LFunc}                                          \\ \hline
      Extra Long Total Function                                          & {\textbackslash}XFunc                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\XFunc}                                          \\ \hline
      Very Long Total Function                                           & {\textbackslash}VFunc                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\VFunc}                                          \\ \hline

      Short Partial Function                                             & {\textbackslash}SParFunc                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\SParFunc}                                       \\ \hline
      Partial Function                                                   & {\textbackslash}ParFunc                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\ParFunc}                                        \\ \hline
      Long Partial Function                                              & {\textbackslash}LParFunc                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\LParFunc}                                       \\ \hline
      Extra Long Partial Function                                        & {\textbackslash}XParFunc                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\XParFunc}                                       \\ \hline
      Very Long Partial Function                                         & {\textbackslash}VParFunc                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\VParFunc}                                       \\ \hline

      Map Composition                                                    & {\textbackslash}MapComp                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapComp}                                        \\ \hline
      Function / Backward Composition                                    & {\textbackslash}FncComp                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\FncComp}                                        \\ \hline
      Forward Composition                                                & {\textbackslash}ForComp                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\ForComp}                                        \\ \hline
      Function Converse                                                  & {\textbackslash}FncCnvrs                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\FncCnvrs}                                       \\ \hline

      Classical Implication                                              & {\textbackslash}ClsImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Not Classical Implication                                          & {\textbackslash}NotClsImpl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotClsImpl}                                     \\ \hline
      Classical Equivalence                                              & {\textbackslash}ClsEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\ClsEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Not Classical Equivalence                                          & {\textbackslash}NotClsEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotClsEquv}                                     \\ \hline

      Short Weak Material Implication                                    & {\textbackslash}SWkMtImpl                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\SWkMtImpl}                                      \\ \hline
      Weak Material Implication                                          & {\textbackslash}WkMtImpl                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\WkMtImpl}                                       \\ \hline
      Long Weak Material Implication                                     & {\textbackslash}LWkMtImpl                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWkMtImpl}                                      \\ \hline
      Extra Long Weak Material Implication                               & {\textbackslash}XWkMtImpl                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\XWkMtImpl}                                      \\ \hline
      Very Long Weak Material Implication                                & {\textbackslash}VWkMtImpl                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\VWkMtImpl}                                      \\ \hline
      Short Material Implication                                         & {\textbackslash}SMtImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\SMtImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Material Implication                                               & {\textbackslash}MtImpl                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\MtImpl}                                         \\ \hline
      Long Material Implication                                          & {\textbackslash}LMtImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\LMtImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Extra Long Material Implication                                    & {\textbackslash}XMtImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\XMtImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Very Long Material Implication                                     & {\textbackslash}VMtImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\VMtImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Short Intuitionistic Implication                                   & {\textbackslash}SInImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\SInImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Intuitionistic Implication                                         & {\textbackslash}InImpl                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\InImpl}                                         \\ \hline
      Long Intuitionistic Implication                                    & {\textbackslash}LInImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\LInImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Extra Long Intuitionistic Implication                              & {\textbackslash}XInImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\XInImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Very Long Intuitionistic Implication                               & {\textbackslash}VInImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\VInImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Short Weak Implication                                             & {\textbackslash}SWkImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\SWkImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Weak Implication                                                   & {\textbackslash}WkImpl                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\WkImpl}                                         \\ \hline
      Long Weak Implication                                              & {\textbackslash}LWkImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWkImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Extra Long Weak Implication                                        & {\textbackslash}XWkImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\XWkImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Very Long Weak Implication                                         & {\textbackslash}VWkImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\VWkImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Short Implication                                                  & {\textbackslash}SImpl                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\SImpl}                                          \\ \hline
      Implication                                                        & {\textbackslash}Impl                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Impl}                                           \\ \hline
      Long Implication                                                   & {\textbackslash}LImpl                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\LImpl}                                          \\ \hline
      Extra Long Implication                                             & {\textbackslash}XImpl                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\XImpl}                                          \\ \hline
      Very Long Implication                                              & {\textbackslash}VImpl                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\VImpl}                                          \\ \hline
      Short Not Weak Material Implication                                & {\textbackslash}NotSWkMtImpl                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSWkMtImpl}                                   \\ \hline
      Not Weak Material Implication                                      & {\textbackslash}NotWkMtImpl                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotWkMtImpl}                                    \\ \hline
      Long Not Weak Material Implication                                 & {\textbackslash}NotLWkMtImpl                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLWkMtImpl}                                   \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Weak Material Implication                           & {\textbackslash}NotXWkMtImpl                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXWkMtImpl}                                   \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Weak Material Implication                            & {\textbackslash}NotVWkMtImpl                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVWkMtImpl}                                   \\ \hline
      Short Not Material Implication                                     & {\textbackslash}NotSMtImpl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSMtImpl}                                     \\ \hline
      Not Material Implication                                           & {\textbackslash}NotMtImpl                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotMtImpl}                                      \\ \hline
      Long Not Material Implication                                      & {\textbackslash}NotLMtImpl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLMtImpl}                                     \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Material Implication                                & {\textbackslash}NotXMtImpl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXMtImpl}                                     \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Material Implication                                 & {\textbackslash}NotVMtImpl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVMtImpl}                                     \\ \hline
      Short Not Intuitionistic Implication                               & {\textbackslash}NotSInImpl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSInImpl}                                     \\ \hline
      Not Intuitionistic Implication                                     & {\textbackslash}NotInImpl                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotInImpl}                                      \\ \hline
      Long Not Intuitionistic Implication                                & {\textbackslash}NotLInImpl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLInImpl}                                     \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Intuitionistic Implication                          & {\textbackslash}NotXInImpl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXInImpl}                                     \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Intuitionistic Implication                           & {\textbackslash}NotVInImpl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVInImpl}                                     \\ \hline
      Short Not Weak Implication                                         & {\textbackslash}NotSWkImpl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSWkImpl}                                     \\ \hline
      Not Weak Implication                                               & {\textbackslash}NotWkImpl                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotWkImpl}                                      \\ \hline
      Long Not Weak Implication                                          & {\textbackslash}NotLWkImpl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLWkImpl}                                     \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Weak Implication                                    & {\textbackslash}NotXWkImpl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXWkImpl}                                     \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Weak Implication                                     & {\textbackslash}NotVWkImpl                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVWkImpl}                                     \\ \hline
      Short Not Implication                                              & {\textbackslash}NotSImpl                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSImpl}                                       \\ \hline
      Not Implication                                                    & {\textbackslash}NotImpl                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotImpl}                                        \\ \hline
      Long Not Implication                                               & {\textbackslash}NotLImpl                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLImpl}                                       \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Implication                                         & {\textbackslash}NotXImpl                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXImpl}                                       \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Implication                                          & {\textbackslash}NotVImpl                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVImpl}                                       \\ \hline
      Short Weak Entailment                                              & {\textbackslash}SWkEntail                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\SWkEntail}                                      \\ \hline
      Weak Entailment                                                    & {\textbackslash}WkEntail                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\WkEntail}                                       \\ \hline
      Long Weak Entailment                                               & {\textbackslash}LWkEntail                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWkEntail}                                      \\ \hline
      Extra Long Weak Entailment                                         & {\textbackslash}XWkEntail                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\XWkEntail}                                      \\ \hline
      Very Long Weak Entailment                                          & {\textbackslash}VWkEntail                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\VWkEntail}                                      \\ \hline
      Short Entailment                                                   & {\textbackslash}SEntail                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\SEntail}                                        \\ \hline
      Entailment                                                         & {\textbackslash}Entail                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\Entail}                                         \\ \hline
      Long Entailment                                                    & {\textbackslash}LEntail                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\LEntail}                                        \\ \hline
      Extra Long Entailment                                              & {\textbackslash}XEntail                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\XEntail}                                        \\ \hline
      Very Long Entailment                                               & {\textbackslash}VEntail                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\VEntail}                                        \\ \hline
      Short Weak Material Equivalence                                    & {\textbackslash}SWkMtEquv                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\SWkMtEquv}                                      \\ \hline
      Weak Material Equivalence                                          & {\textbackslash}WkMtEquv                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\WkMtEquv}                                       \\ \hline
      Long Weak Material Equivalence                                     & {\textbackslash}LWkMtEquv                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWkMtEquv}                                      \\ \hline
      Extra Long Weak Material Equivalence                               & {\textbackslash}XWkMtEquv                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\XWkMtEquv}                                      \\ \hline
      Very Long Weak Material Equivalence                                & {\textbackslash}VWkMtEquv                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\VWkMtEquv}                                      \\ \hline
      Short Material Equivalence                                         & {\textbackslash}SMtEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\SMtEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Material Equivalence                                               & {\textbackslash}MtEquv                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\MtEquv}                                         \\ \hline
      Long Material Equivalence                                          & {\textbackslash}LMtEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\LMtEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Extra Long Material Equivalence                                    & {\textbackslash}XMtEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\XMtEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Very Long Material Equivalence                                     & {\textbackslash}VMtEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\VMtEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Short Intuitionistic Equivalence                                   & {\textbackslash}SInEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\SInEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Intuitionistic Equivalence                                         & {\textbackslash}InEquv                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\InEquv}                                         \\ \hline
      Long Intuitionistic Equivalence                                    & {\textbackslash}LInEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\LInEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Extra Long Intuitionistic Equivalence                              & {\textbackslash}XInEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\XInEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Very Long Intuitionistic Equivalence                               & {\textbackslash}VInEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\VInEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Short Weak Implication Equivalence                                 & {\textbackslash}SWkEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\SWkEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Weak Implication Equivalence                                       & {\textbackslash}WkEquv                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\WkEquv}                                         \\ \hline
      Long Weak Implication Equivalence                                  & {\textbackslash}LWkEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWkEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Extra Long Weak Implication Equivalence                            & {\textbackslash}XWkEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\XWkEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Very Long Weak Implication Equivalence                             & {\textbackslash}VWkEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\VWkEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Short Not Weak Entailment                                          & {\textbackslash}NotSWkEntail                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSWkEntail}                                   \\ \hline
      Not Weak Entailment                                                & {\textbackslash}NotWkEntail                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotWkEntail}                                    \\ \hline
      Long Not Weak Entailment                                           & {\textbackslash}NotLWkEntail                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLWkEntail}                                   \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Weak Entailment                                     & {\textbackslash}NotXWkEntail                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXWkEntail}                                   \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Weak Entailment                                      & {\textbackslash}NotVWkEntail                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVWkEntail}                                   \\ \hline
      Short Not Entailment                                               & {\textbackslash}NotSEntail                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSEntail}                                     \\ \hline
      Not Entailment                                                     & {\textbackslash}NotEntail                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotEntail}                                      \\ \hline
      Long Not Entailment                                                & {\textbackslash}NotLEntail                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLEntail}                                     \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Entailment                                          & {\textbackslash}NotXEntail                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXEntail}                                     \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Entailment                                           & {\textbackslash}NotVEntail                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVEntail}                                     \\ \hline
      Short Not Weak Material Equivalence                                & {\textbackslash}NotSWkMtEquv                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSWkMtEquv}                                   \\ \hline
      Not Weak Material Equivalence                                      & {\textbackslash}NotWkMtEquv                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotWkMtEquv}                                    \\ \hline
      Long Not Weak Material Equivalence                                 & {\textbackslash}NotLWkMtEquv                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLWkMtEquv}                                   \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Weak Material Equivalence                           & {\textbackslash}NotXWkMtEquv                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXWkMtEquv}                                   \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Weak Material Equivalence                            & {\textbackslash}NotVWkMtEquv                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVWkMtEquv}                                   \\ \hline
      Short Not Material Equivalence                                     & {\textbackslash}NotSMtEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSMtEquv}                                     \\ \hline
      Not Material Equivalence                                           & {\textbackslash}NotMtEquv                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotMtEquv}                                      \\ \hline
      Long Not Material Equivalence                                      & {\textbackslash}NotLMtEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLMtEquv}                                     \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Material Equivalence                                & {\textbackslash}NotXMtEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXMtEquv}                                     \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Material Equivalence                                 & {\textbackslash}NotVMtEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVMtEquv}                                     \\ \hline
      Short Not Intuitionistic Equivalence                               & {\textbackslash}NotSInEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSInEquv}                                     \\ \hline
      Not Intuitionistic Equivalence                                     & {\textbackslash}NotInEquv                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotInEquv}                                      \\ \hline
      Long Not Intuitionistic Equivalence                                & {\textbackslash}NotLInEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLInEquv}                                     \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Intuitionistic Equivalence                          & {\textbackslash}NotXInEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXInEquv}                                     \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Intuitionistic Equivalence                           & {\textbackslash}NotVInEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVInEquv}                                     \\ \hline
      Short Not Weak Implication Equivalence                             & {\textbackslash}NotSWkEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSWkEquv}                                     \\ \hline
      Not Weak Implication Equivalence                                   & {\textbackslash}NotWkEquv                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotWkEquv}                                      \\ \hline
      Long Not Weak Implication Equivalence                              & {\textbackslash}NotLWkEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLWkEquv}                                     \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Weak Implication Equivalence                        & {\textbackslash}NotXWkEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXWkEquv}                                     \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Weak Implication Equivalence                         & {\textbackslash}NotVWkEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVWkEquv}                                     \\ \hline
      Short Implication Equivalence                                      & {\textbackslash}SEquv                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\SEquv}                                          \\ \hline
      Implication Equivalence                                            & {\textbackslash}Equv                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Equv}                                           \\ \hline
      Long Implication Equivalence                                       & {\textbackslash}LEquv                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\LEquv}                                          \\ \hline
      Extra Long Implication Equivalence                                 & {\textbackslash}XEquv                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\XEquv}                                          \\ \hline
      Very Long Implication Equivalence                                  & {\textbackslash}VEquv                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\VEquv}                                          \\ \hline
      Short Weak Entailment Equivalence                                  & {\textbackslash}SWkEntailEquv                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\SWkEntailEquv}                                  \\ \hline
      Weak Entailment Equivalence                                        & {\textbackslash}WkEntailEquv                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WkEntailEquv}                                   \\ \hline
      Long Weak Entailment Equivalence                                   & {\textbackslash}LWkEntailEquv                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWkEntailEquv}                                  \\ \hline
      Extra Long Weak Entailment Equivalence                             & {\textbackslash}XWkEntailEquv                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\XWkEntailEquv}                                  \\ \hline
      Very Long Weak Entailment Equivalence                              & {\textbackslash}VWkEntailEquv                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\VWkEntailEquv}                                  \\ \hline
      Short Entailment Equivalence                                       & {\textbackslash}SEntailEquv                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\SEntailEquv}                                    \\ \hline
      Entailment Equivalence                                             & {\textbackslash}EntailEquv                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\EntailEquv}                                     \\ \hline
      Long Entailment Equivalence                                        & {\textbackslash}LEntailEquv                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\LEntailEquv}                                    \\ \hline
      Extra Long Entailment Equivalence                                  & {\textbackslash}XEntailEquv                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\XEntailEquv}                                    \\ \hline
      Very Long Entailment Equivalence                                   & {\textbackslash}VEntailEquv                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\VEntailEquv}                                    \\ \hline
      Short Not Implication Equivalence                                  & {\textbackslash}NotSEquv                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSEquv}                                       \\ \hline
      Not Implication Equivalence                                        & {\textbackslash}NotEquv                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotEquv}                                        \\ \hline
      Long Not Implication Equivalence                                   & {\textbackslash}NotLEquv                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLEquv}                                       \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Implication Equivalence                             & {\textbackslash}NotXEquv                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXEquv}                                       \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Implication Equivalence                              & {\textbackslash}NotVEquv                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVEquv}                                       \\ \hline
      Short Not Weak Entailment Equivalence                              & {\textbackslash}NotSWkEntailEquv                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSWkEntailEquv}                               \\ \hline
      Not Weak Entailment Equivalence                                    & {\textbackslash}NotWkEntailEquv                                 & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotWkEntailEquv}                                \\ \hline
      Long Not Weak Entailment Equivalence                               & {\textbackslash}NotLWkEntailEquv                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLWkEntailEquv}                               \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Weak Entailment Equivalence                         & {\textbackslash}NotXWkEntailEquv                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXWkEntailEquv}                               \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Weak Entailment Equivalence                          & {\textbackslash}NotVWkEntailEquv                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVWkEntailEquv}                               \\ \hline
      Short Not Entailment Equivalence                                   & {\textbackslash}NotSEntailEquv                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSEntailEquv}                                 \\ \hline
      Not Entailment Equivalence                                         & {\textbackslash}NotEntailEquv                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotEntailEquv}                                  \\ \hline
      Long Not Entailment Equivalence                                    & {\textbackslash}NotLEntailEquv                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLEntailEquv}                                 \\ \hline
      Extra Long Not Entailment Equivalence                              & {\textbackslash}NotXEntailEquv                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotXEntailEquv}                                 \\ \hline
      Very Long Not Entailment Equivalence                               & {\textbackslash}NotVEntailEquv                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotVEntailEquv}                                 \\ \hline

      Sequent                                                            & {\textbackslash}Seq                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Seq}                                            \\ \hline
      Assertion (Rule)                                                   & {\textbackslash}Rule                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Rule}                                           \\ \hline
      Triple Turnstile                                                   & {\textbackslash}TrpTurn                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\TrpTurn}                                        \\ \hline
      Model                                                              & {\textbackslash}Model                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\Model}                                          \\ \hline
      Turnstile                                                          & {\textbackslash}Turn                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Turn}                                           \\ \hline
      Consequence Relation                                               & {\textbackslash}Conseq                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\Conseq}                                         \\ \hline
      Double Bar Triple Turnstile                                        & {\textbackslash}DTrpTurn                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\DTrpTurn}                                       \\ \hline
      Wavy Turnstile                                                     & {\textbackslash}TurnWavy                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\TurnWavy}                                       \\ \hline
      Double Wavy Turnstile                                              & {\textbackslash}TurnDWavy                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\TurnDWavy}                                      \\ \hline
      Wavy Double Bar Turnstile                                          & {\textbackslash}DTurnWavy                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\DTurnWavy}                                      \\ \hline
      Double Wavy Double Bar Turnstile                                   & {\textbackslash}DTurnDWavy                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\DTurnDWavy}                                     \\ \hline

      Sequent Denied                                                     & {\textbackslash}NotSeq                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSeq}                                         \\ \hline
      Assertion (Rule) Denied                                            & {\textbackslash}NotRule                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotRule}                                        \\ \hline
      Triple Turnstile Denied                                            & {\textbackslash}NotTrpTurn                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotTrpTurn}                                     \\ \hline
      Model Denied                                                       & {\textbackslash}NotModel                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotModel}                                       \\ \hline
      Turnstile Denied                                                   & {\textbackslash}NotTurn                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotTurn}                                        \\ \hline
      Consequence Relation Denied                                        & {\textbackslash}NotConseq                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotConseq}                                      \\ \hline
      Double Bar Triple Turnstile Denied                                 & {\textbackslash}NotDTrpTurn                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotDTrpTurn}                                    \\ \hline
      Wavy Turnstile Denied                                              & {\textbackslash}NotTurnWavy                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotTurnWavy}                                    \\ \hline
      Double Wavy Turnstile Denied                                       & {\textbackslash}NotTurnDWavy                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotTurnDWavy}                                   \\ \hline
      Wavy Double Bar Turnstile Denied                                   & {\textbackslash}NotDTurnWavy                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotDTurnWavy}                                   \\ \hline
      Double Wavy Double Bar Turnstile Denied                            & {\textbackslash}NotDTurnDWavy                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotDTurnDWavy}                                  \\ \hline

      Right Dash Arrow                                                   & {\textbackslash}DashArrowRight                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\DashArrowRight}                                 \\ \hline
      Left Dash Arrow                                                    & {\textbackslash}DashArrowLeft                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\DashArrowLeft}                                  \\ \hline

      Right Hook Arrow                                                   & {\textbackslash}HookArrowRight                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\HookArrowRight}                                 \\ \hline
      Left Hook Arrow                                                    & {\textbackslash}HookArrowLeft                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\HookArrowLeft}                                  \\ \hline

      Right Harpoon Up Arrow                                             & {\textbackslash}HarpoonUpRight                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\HarpoonUpRight}                                 \\ \hline
      Left Harpoon Up Arrow                                              & {\textbackslash}HarpoonUpLeft                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\HarpoonUpLeft}                                  \\ \hline

      Right Harpoon Down Arrow                                           & {\textbackslash}HarpoonDnRight                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\HarpoonDnRight}                                 \\ \hline
      Left Harpoon Down Arrow                                            & {\textbackslash}HarpoonDnLeft                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\HarpoonDnLeft}                                  \\ \hline

      Right Flat Arrow                                                   & {\textbackslash}FlatArrowRight                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FlatArrowRight}                                 \\ \hline
      Left Flat Arrow                                                    & {\textbackslash}FlatArrowLeft                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\FlatArrowLeft}                                  \\ \hline

      Right Fork Arrow                                                   & {\textbackslash}ForkArrowRight                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\ForkArrowRight}                                 \\ \hline
      Left Fork Arrow                                                    & {\textbackslash}ForkArrowLeft                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\ForkArrowLeft}                                  \\ \hline

      Right Zig Zag Arrow                                                & {\textbackslash}ZigArrowRight                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\ZigArrowRight}                                  \\ \hline
      Left Zig Zag Arrow                                                 & {\textbackslash}ZigArrowLeft                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\ZigArrowLeft}                                   \\ \hline

      Right Wavy Arrow                                                   & {\textbackslash}WavyArrowRight                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\WavyArrowRight}                                 \\ \hline
      Left Wavy Arrow                                                    & {\textbackslash}WavyArrowLeft                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\WavyArrowLeft}                                  \\ \hline

      Right Loop Arrow                                                   & {\textbackslash}LoopArrowRight                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\LoopArrowRight}                                 \\ \hline
      Left Loop Arrow                                                    & {\textbackslash}LoopArrowLeft                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\LoopArrowLeft}                                  \\ \hline

      Right Fish Arrow                                                   & {\textbackslash}FishArrowRight                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\FishArrowRight}                                 \\ \hline
      Left Fish Arrow                                                    & {\textbackslash}FishArrowLeft                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\FishArrowLeft}                                  \\ \hline

      Bitwise AND operator / Logical Conjunction                         & {\textbackslash}Nd                                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\Nd}                                             \\ \hline
      Bitwise OR operator  / Logical Disjunction                         & {\textbackslash}Or                                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\Or}                                             \\ \hline
      Bitwise NOT operator / Logical Negation                            & {\textbackslash}Nt                                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\Nt}                                             \\ \hline
      Bitwise NAND operator                                              & {\textbackslash}Nand                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Nand}                                           \\ \hline
      Bitwise NOR operator                                               & {\textbackslash}Nor                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Nor}                                            \\ \hline
      Bitwise XOR operator                                               & {\textbackslash}Xor                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Xor}                                            \\ \hline
      Inverted Negation                                                  & {\textbackslash}InvNt                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\InvNt}                                          \\ \hline
      Classical Logical Negation                                         & {\textbackslash}Ngt                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Ngt}                                            \\ \hline
      Logical NAND                                                       & {\textbackslash}Lnand                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\Lnand}                                          \\ \hline
      Logical NOR                                                        & {\textbackslash}Lnor                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Lnor}                                           \\ \hline
      Logical XOR                                                        & {\textbackslash}Mnd                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Mnd}                                            \\ \hline
      Sheffer's Stroke (Logical NAND)                                    & {\textbackslash}Shfr                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Shfr}                                           \\ \hline

      Circled Bitwise AND operator / Logical Conjunction                 & {\textbackslash}CircNd                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircNd}                                         \\ \hline
      Circled Bitwise OR operator  / Logical Disjunction                 & {\textbackslash}CircOr                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircOr}                                         \\ \hline
      Circled Bitwise NOT operator / Logical Negation                    & {\textbackslash}CircNt                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircNt}                                         \\ \hline
      Circled Bitwise NAND operator                                      & {\textbackslash}CircNand                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircNand}                                       \\ \hline
      Circled Bitwise NOR operator                                       & {\textbackslash}CircNor                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircNor}                                        \\ \hline
      Circled Bitwise XOR operator                                       & {\textbackslash}CircXor                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircXor}                                        \\ \hline
      Circled Inverted Negation                                          & {\textbackslash}CircInvNt                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircInvNt}                                      \\ \hline
      Circled Classical Logical Negation                                 & {\textbackslash}CircNgt                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircNgt}                                        \\ \hline

      Dotted Conjunction                                                 & {\textbackslash}Dnd                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Dnd}                                            \\ \hline
      Dotted Disjunction                                                 & {\textbackslash}Dor                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Dor}                                            \\ \hline
      Dotted Negation                                                    & {\textbackslash}Dnt                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Dnt}                                            \\ \hline
      Dotted Asterisk                                                    & {\textbackslash}DAsterisk                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\DAsterisk}                                      \\ \hline
      Dotted Times                                                       & {\textbackslash}DTimes                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\DTimes}                                         \\ \hline
      Dotted Plus                                                        & {\textbackslash}DPlus                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\DPlus}                                          \\ \hline
      Dotted Minus                                                       & {\textbackslash}DMinus                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\DMinus}                                         \\ \hline

      Slanted Bar And                                                    & {\textbackslash}SbNd                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\SbNd}                                           \\ \hline
      Slanted Bar Or                                                     & {\textbackslash}SbOr                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\SbOr}                                           \\ \hline
      Slanted Bar Nand                                                   & {\textbackslash}SbNand                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\SbNand}                                         \\ \hline
      Slanted Bar Nor                                                    & {\textbackslash}SbNor                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\SbNor}                                          \\ \hline
      Slanted Bar Xor                                                    & {\textbackslash}SbXor                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\SbXor}                                          \\ \hline

      Defines                                                            & {\textbackslash}Defn                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Defn}                                           \\ \hline
      Q.E.D.                                                             & {\textbackslash}Qed                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Qed}                                            \\ \hline
      End Law                                                            & {\textbackslash}End                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\End}                                            \\ \hline

      Logical Bistability                                                & {\textbackslash}LcgBistab                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\LcgBistab}                                      \\ \hline
      Bunch Bistability                                                  & {\textbackslash}BncBistab                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\BncBistab}                                      \\ \hline

      Quantified Conjunction                                             & {\textbackslash}QuantCon                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuantCon}                                       \\ \hline
      Quantified Disjuntion                                              & {\textbackslash}QuantDis                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuantDis}                                       \\ \hline
      Universal Individual Quantifier                                    & {\textbackslash}ForAll                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\ForAll}                                         \\ \hline
      Existential Individual Quantifier                                  & {\textbackslash}Exists                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\Exists}                                         \\ \hline
      Unique Existential Individual Quantifier                           & {\textbackslash}Unique                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\Unique}                                         \\ \hline
      Existential Individual Quantifier Negation                         & {\textbackslash}NtExists                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NtExists}                                       \\ \hline
      Hidden Existential Individual Quantifier                           & {\textbackslash}HdnExists                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\HdnExists}                                      \\ \hline
      Hidden Universal Individual Quantifier                             & {\textbackslash}HdnForAll                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\HdnForAll}                                      \\ \hline
      Universal Bunch Quantifier                                         & {\textbackslash}BnchForAll                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\BnchForAll}                                     \\ \hline
      Existential Bunch Quantifier                                       & {\textbackslash}BnchExists                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\BnchExists}                                     \\ \hline
      Unique Existential Bunch Quantifier                                & {\textbackslash}BnchUnique                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\BnchUnique}                                     \\ \hline
      Existential Bunch Quantifier Negation                              & {\textbackslash}BnchNtExists                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BnchNtExists}                                   \\ \hline
      Hidden Existential Bunch Quantifier                                & {\textbackslash}BnchHdnExists                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\BnchHdnExists}                                  \\ \hline
      Hidden Universal Bunch Quantifier                                  & {\textbackslash}BnchHdnForAll                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\BnchHdnForAll}                                  \\ \hline
      Map Abstraction                                                    & {\textbackslash}BndMap                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\BndMap}                                         \\ \hline

      True                                                               & {\textbackslash}True                                            &  \scalebox{1.50}{\True}                                          \\ \hline
      False                                                              & {\textbackslash}False                                           &  \scalebox{1.50}{\False}                                         \\ \hline
      Not True                                                           & {\textbackslash}NTrue                                           &  \scalebox{1.50}{\NTrue}                                         \\ \hline
      Not False                                                          & {\textbackslash}NFalse                                          &  \scalebox{1.50}{\NFalse}                                        \\ \hline
      Lattice top                                                        & {\textbackslash}Top                                             &  \scalebox{1.50}{\Top}                                           \\ \hline
      Neither true nor false                                             & {\textbackslash}TFNone                                          &  \scalebox{1.50}{\TFNone}                                        \\ \hline
      Both true and false                                                & {\textbackslash}TFBoth                                          &  \scalebox{1.50}{\TFBoth}                                        \\ \hline
      Lattice bottom                                                     & {\textbackslash}Bot                                             &  \scalebox{1.50}{\Bot}                                           \\ \hline

      Zero width space                                                   & {\textbackslash}NoSpace                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\NoSpace}                                        \\ \hline
      Dot                                                                & {\textbackslash}Dt                                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\Dt}                                             \\ \hline
      Comma                                                              & {\textbackslash}Coma                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Coma}                                           \\ \hline
      Semicolon                                                          & {\textbackslash}Semicln                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\Semicln}                                        \\ \hline
      Colon                                                              & {\textbackslash}Cln                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Cln}                                            \\ \hline
      Thus                                                               & {\textbackslash}Thus                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Thus}                                           \\ \hline
      Since                                                              & {\textbackslash}Since                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\Since}                                          \\ \hline
      Vertical Dots (vertical ellipsis)                                  & {\textbackslash}VDots                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\VDots}                                          \\ \hline
      Centered Horizontal Dots (horizontal ellipsis)                     & {\textbackslash}CDots                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\CDots}                                          \\ \hline
      Baseline Horizontal Dots (horizontal ellipsis)                     & {\textbackslash}LDots                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\LDots}                                          \\ \hline
      Binding Dot                                                        & {\textbackslash}BndDot                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\BndDot}                                         \\ \hline
      Binding Bar                                                        & {\textbackslash}BndBar                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\BndBar}                                         \\ \hline
      Long Vertical Bar                                                  & {\textbackslash}LngVrtBar                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\LngVrtBar}                                      \\ \hline
      Question mark                                                      & {\textbackslash}Queston                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\Queston}                                        \\ \hline
      Exclamation point                                                  & {\textbackslash}Exclaim                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\Exclaim}                                        \\ \hline
      Percent sign                                                       & {\textbackslash}Percnt                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\Percnt}                                         \\ \hline
      Ampersand                                                          & {\textbackslash}Ampersand                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\Ampersand}                                      \\ \hline
      Dollar sign                                                        & {\textbackslash}Dollar                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\Dollar}                                         \\ \hline
      At sign                                                            & {\textbackslash}At                                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\At}                                             \\ \hline
      ASCII Circumflex                                                   & {\textbackslash}Circumflex                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\Circumflex}                                     \\ \hline
      Number sign                                                        & {\textbackslash}Numbr                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\Numbr}                                          \\ \hline
      Underscore                                                         & {\textbackslash}Underscore                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\Underscore}                                     \\ \hline
      Tilde                                                              & {\textbackslash}Tild                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Tild}                                           \\ \hline
      Left (back) slash                                                  & {\textbackslash}LeftSlash                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\LeftSlash}                                      \\ \hline
      Right (forward) slash                                              & {\textbackslash}RightSlash                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\RightSlash}                                     \\ \hline
      Copyright                                                          & {\textbackslash}Cpyrght                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\Cpyrght}                                        \\ \hline

      Single dagger                                                      & {\textbackslash}Dagger                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\Dagger}                                         \\ \hline
      Double horizontal dagger                                           & {\textbackslash}Ddagger                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\Ddagger}                                        \\ \hline
      Double vertical dagger                                             & {\textbackslash}Daggerr                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\Daggerr}                                        \\ \hline
      Double horizontal and vertical dagger                              & {\textbackslash}Ddaggerr                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\Ddaggerr}                                       \\ \hline

      Single quote                                                       & {\textbackslash}SingleQuote                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\SingleQuote}                                    \\ \hline
      Double quote                                                       & {\textbackslash}DoubleQuote                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\DoubleQuote}                                    \\ \hline
      Triple quote                                                       & {\textbackslash}TripleQuote                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\TripleQuote}                                    \\ \hline
      Back quote (grave)                                                 & {\textbackslash}BackQuote                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\BackQuote}                                      \\ \hline

      Shift for superscripts                                             & {\textbackslash}ShftSuper                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\ShftSuper}                                      \\ \hline
      Shift for subscripts                                               & {\textbackslash}ShftSubscr                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\ShftSubscr}                                     \\ \hline
      Shift for accents                                                  & {\textbackslash}ShftAccent                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\ShftAccent}                                     \\ \hline

      Replace All Bound Variables (left / right)                         & {\textbackslash}RplcAllBnd                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcAllBnd}                                     \\ \hline
      Replace All Bound Variables (right)                                & {\textbackslash}RplcAllBndRight                                 & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcAllBndRight}                                \\ \hline
      Replace All Bound Variables (left)                                 & {\textbackslash}RplcAllBndLeft                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcAllBndLeft}                                 \\ \hline

      Replace All (left / right)                                         & {\textbackslash}RplcAll                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcAll}                                        \\ \hline
      Replace All (right)                                                & {\textbackslash}RplcAllRight                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcAllRight}                                   \\ \hline
      Replace All (left)                                                 & {\textbackslash}RplcAllLeft                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcAllLeft}                                    \\ \hline

      Replace Any Free Variables (left / right)                          & {\textbackslash}RplcFree                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcFree}                                       \\ \hline
      Replace Any Free Variables (right)                                 & {\textbackslash}RplcFreeRight                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcFreeRight}                                  \\ \hline
      Replace Any Free Variables (left)                                  & {\textbackslash}RplcFreeLeft                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcFreeLeft}                                   \\ \hline

      Replace Any (left / right)                                         & {\textbackslash}RplcAny                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcAny}                                        \\ \hline
      Replace Any (right)                                                & {\textbackslash}RplcAnyRight                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcAnyRight}                                   \\ \hline
      Replace Any (left)                                                 & {\textbackslash}RplcAnyLeft                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcAnyLeft}                                    \\ \hline

      Replace Equivalent Expressions (left / right)                      & {\textbackslash}RplcEquv                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcEquv}                                       \\ \hline
      Replace Equivalent Expressions (right)                             & {\textbackslash}RplcEquvRight                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcEquvRight}                                  \\ \hline
      Replace Equivalent Expressions (left)                              & {\textbackslash}RplcEquvLeft                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\RplcEquvLeft}                                   \\ \hline

      Least Fixed Point                                                  & {\textbackslash}LstFix                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\LstFix}                                         \\ \hline
      Greatest Fixed Point                                               & {\textbackslash}GrtFix                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\GrtFix}                                         \\ \hline
      Choice                                                             & {\textbackslash}Choice                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\Choice}                                         \\ \hline
      Choices                                                            & {\textbackslash}Choices                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\Choices}                                        \\ \hline
      Extended Least Fixed Point                                         & {\textbackslash}ExLstFix                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\ExLstFix}                                       \\ \hline
      Extended Greatest Fixed Point                                      & {\textbackslash}ExGrtFix                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\ExGrtFix}                                       \\ \hline
      First Ordinal (omega)                                              & {\textbackslash}FrstOrd                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\FrstOrd}                                        \\ \hline
      Infinity                                                           & {\textbackslash}Infin                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\Infin}                                          \\ \hline

      Bunch Inclusion                                                    & {\textbackslash}Of                                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\Of}                                             \\ \hline
      Set Membership                                                     & {\textbackslash}In                                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\In}                                             \\ \hline
      Set Membership Negated                                             & {\textbackslash}NotIn                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotIn}                                          \\ \hline
      Set Owns Element                                                   & {\textbackslash}Owns                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Owns}                                           \\ \hline
      Set Owns Element Negated                                           & {\textbackslash}NotOwns                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotOwns}                                        \\ \hline

      Absent / Void Bunch                                                & {\textbackslash}VoidBunch                                       &  \scalebox{1.50}{\VoidBunch}                                     \\ \hline
      Empty / Null Set                                                   & {\textbackslash}NullSet                                         &  \scalebox{1.50}{\NullSet}                                       \\ \hline

      Necessity                                                          & {\textbackslash}Nec                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Nec}                                            \\ \hline
      Possibility                                                        & {\textbackslash}Pos                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Pos}                                            \\ \hline
      Next                                                               & {\textbackslash}Next                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Next}                                           \\ \hline
      Future                                                             & {\textbackslash}Futr                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Futr}                                           \\ \hline
      Past                                                               & {\textbackslash}Past                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Past}                                           \\ \hline
      Contingency                                                        & {\textbackslash}Cont                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Cont}                                           \\ \hline
      Non-contingency                                                    & {\textbackslash}NonCont                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\NonCont}                                        \\ \hline

      Factual Necessity                                                  & {\textbackslash}FacNec                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\FacNec}                                         \\ \hline
      Factual Possibility                                                & {\textbackslash}FacPos                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\FacPos}                                         \\ \hline
      Factual Next                                                       & {\textbackslash}FacNext                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\FacNext}                                        \\ \hline
      Factual Future                                                     & {\textbackslash}FacFutr                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\FacFutr}                                        \\ \hline
      Factual Past                                                       & {\textbackslash}FacPast                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\FacPast}                                        \\ \hline
      Factual Contingency                                                & {\textbackslash}FacCont                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\FacCont}                                        \\ \hline
      Factual Non-contingency                                            & {\textbackslash}FacNonCont                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\FacNonCont}                                     \\ \hline

      Deontic Necessity                                                  & {\textbackslash}DeoNec                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\DeoNec}                                         \\ \hline
      Deontic Possibility                                                & {\textbackslash}DeoPos                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\DeoPos}                                         \\ \hline
      Deontic Next                                                       & {\textbackslash}DeoNext                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\DeoNext}                                        \\ \hline
      Deontic Future                                                     & {\textbackslash}DeoFutr                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\DeoFutr}                                        \\ \hline
      Deontic Past                                                       & {\textbackslash}DeoPast                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\DeoPast}                                        \\ \hline
      Deontic Contingency                                                & {\textbackslash}DeoCont                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\DeoCont}                                        \\ \hline
      Deontic Non-contingency                                            & {\textbackslash}DeoNonCont                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\DeoNonCont}                                     \\ \hline

      Logical Necessity                                                  & {\textbackslash}LogNec                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\LogNec}                                         \\ \hline
      Logical Possibility                                                & {\textbackslash}LogPos                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\LogPos}                                         \\ \hline
      Logical Next                                                       & {\textbackslash}LogNext                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\LogNext}                                        \\ \hline
      Logical Future                                                     & {\textbackslash}LogFutr                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\LogFutr}                                        \\ \hline
      Logical Past                                                       & {\textbackslash}LogPast                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\LogPast}                                        \\ \hline
      Logical Contingency                                                & {\textbackslash}LogCont                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\LogCont}                                        \\ \hline
      Logical Non-contingency                                            & {\textbackslash}LogNonCont                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\LogNonCont}                                     \\ \hline

      Doxastic Necessity                                                 & {\textbackslash}DoxNec                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\DoxNec}                                         \\ \hline
      Doxastic Possibility                                               & {\textbackslash}DoxPos                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\DoxPos}                                         \\ \hline
      Doxastic Next                                                      & {\textbackslash}DoxNext                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\DoxNext}                                        \\ \hline
      Doxastic Future                                                    & {\textbackslash}DoxFutr                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\DoxFutr}                                        \\ \hline
      Doxastic Past                                                      & {\textbackslash}DoxPast                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\DoxPast}                                        \\ \hline
      Doxastic Contingency                                               & {\textbackslash}DoxCont                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\DoxCont}                                        \\ \hline
      Doxastic Non-contingency                                           & {\textbackslash}DoxNonCont                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\DoxNonCont}                                     \\ \hline

      Temporal Necessity                                                 & {\textbackslash}TmpNec                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\TmpNec}                                         \\ \hline
      Temporal Possibility                                               & {\textbackslash}TmpPos                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\TmpPos}                                         \\ \hline
      Temporal Next                                                      & {\textbackslash}TmpNext                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\TmpNext}                                        \\ \hline
      Temporal Future                                                    & {\textbackslash}TmpFutr                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\TmpFutr}                                        \\ \hline
      Temporal Past                                                      & {\textbackslash}TmpPast                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\TmpPast}                                        \\ \hline
      Temporal Contingency                                               & {\textbackslash}TmpCont                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\TmpCont}                                        \\ \hline
      Temporal Non-contingency                                           & {\textbackslash}TmpNonCont                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\TmpNonCont}                                     \\ \hline

      Bunch Meet                                                         & {\textbackslash}BnchMeet                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\BnchMeet}                                       \\ \hline
      Bunch Join                                                         & {\textbackslash}BnchJoin                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\BnchJoin}                                       \\ \hline

      Strict Subbunch                                                    & {\textbackslash}StrctSbnch                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\StrctSbnch}                                     \\ \hline
      Strict Subbunch Negated                                            & {\textbackslash}NotStrctSbnch                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotStrctSbnch}                                  \\ \hline
      Subbunch                                                           & {\textbackslash}Sbnch                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\Sbnch}                                          \\ \hline
      Subbunch Negated                                                   & {\textbackslash}NotSbnch                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSbnch}                                       \\ \hline

      Strict Weak Subbunch                                               & {\textbackslash}StrctWkSbnch                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\StrctWkSbnch}                                   \\ \hline
      Strict Weak Subbunch Negated                                       & {\textbackslash}NotStrctWkSbnch                                 & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotStrctWkSbnch}                                \\ \hline
      Weak Subbunch                                                      & {\textbackslash}WkSbnch                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\WkSbnch}                                        \\ \hline
      Weak Subbunch Negated                                              & {\textbackslash}NotWkSbnch                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotWkSbnch}                                     \\ \hline

      Map Meet                                                           & {\textbackslash}MapMeet                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapMeet}                                        \\ \hline
      Map Join                                                           & {\textbackslash}MapJoin                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\MapJoin}                                        \\ \hline

      Vee Meet                                                           & {\textbackslash}VeeMeet                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\VeeMeet}                                        \\ \hline
      Vee Join                                                           & {\textbackslash}VeeJoin                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\VeeJoin}                                        \\ \hline

      Strict Submap                                                      & {\textbackslash}StrctSbmap                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\StrctSbmap}                                     \\ \hline
      Strict Submap Negated                                              & {\textbackslash}NotStrctSbmap                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotStrctSbmap}                                  \\ \hline
      Submap                                                             & {\textbackslash}Sbmap                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\Sbmap}                                          \\ \hline
      Submap Negated                                                     & {\textbackslash}NotSbmap                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSbmap}                                       \\ \hline

      Set Intersection                                                   & {\textbackslash}SetMeet                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\SetMeet}                                        \\ \hline
      Set Union                                                          & {\textbackslash}SetJoin                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\SetJoin}                                        \\ \hline
      Normal Subgroup                                                    & {\textbackslash}Normal                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\Normal}                                         \\ \hline
      Set Symmetric Difference                                           & {\textbackslash}SetSymDiff                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\SetSymDiff}                                     \\ \hline

      Strict Subset                                                      & {\textbackslash}StrctSbset                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\StrctSbset}                                     \\ \hline
      Strict Subset Negated                                              & {\textbackslash}NotStrctSbset                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotStrctSbset}                                  \\ \hline
      Subset                                                             & {\textbackslash}Sbset                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\Sbset}                                          \\ \hline
      Subset Negated                                                     & {\textbackslash}NotSbset                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSbset}                                       \\ \hline
      Cover                                                              & {\textbackslash}Cover                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\Cover}                                          \\ \hline

      Strict Finite Subset                                               & {\textbackslash}StrctFntSbset                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\StrctFntSbset}                                  \\ \hline
      Strict Finte Subset Negated                                        & {\textbackslash}NotStrctFntSbset                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotStrctFntSbset}                               \\ \hline
      Finte Subset                                                       & {\textbackslash}FntSbset                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\FntSbset}                                       \\ \hline
      Finte Subset Negated                                               & {\textbackslash}NotFntSbset                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotFntSbset}                                    \\ \hline

      Bunch Meet Quantifier                                              & {\textbackslash}QuantBnchMeet                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuantBnchMeet}                                  \\ \hline
      Bunch Join Quantifier                                              & {\textbackslash}QuantBnchJoin                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuantBnchJoin}                                  \\ \hline
      Set Intersection Quantifier                                        & {\textbackslash}QuantSetMeet                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuantSetMeet}                                   \\ \hline
      Set Union Quantifier                                               & {\textbackslash}QuantSetJoin                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuantSetJoin}                                   \\ \hline

      Multimap                                                           & {\textbackslash}MulMap                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\MulMap}                                         \\ \hline
      Not Multimap                                                       & {\textbackslash}NotMulMap                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotMulMap}                                      \\ \hline
      Inverted Multimap                                                  & {\textbackslash}MulMapInv                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\MulMapInv}                                      \\ \hline
      Not Inverted Multimap                                              & {\textbackslash}NotMulMapInv                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotMulMapInv }                                  \\ \hline
      Dual Multimap                                                      & {\textbackslash}MulMapDual                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\MulMapDual}                                     \\ \hline
      Not Dual Multimap                                                  & {\textbackslash}NotMulMapDual                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotMulMapDual}                                  \\ \hline

      Less Than                                                          & {\textbackslash}Ls                                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\Ls}                                             \\ \hline
      Less Than or Equal                                                 & {\textbackslash}Lse                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Lse}                                            \\ \hline
      Equal                                                              & {\textbackslash}Eq                                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\Eq}                                             \\ \hline
      Similar                                                            & {\textbackslash}Sm                                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\Sm}                                             \\ \hline
      Greater Than or Equal                                              & {\textbackslash}Gre                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Gre}                                            \\ \hline
      Greater Than                                                       & {\textbackslash}Gr                                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\Gr}                                             \\ \hline

      Not Less Than                                                      & {\textbackslash}NotLs                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLs}                                          \\ \hline
      Not Less Than or Equal                                             & {\textbackslash}NotLse                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotLse}                                         \\ \hline
      Not Equal                                                          & {\textbackslash}NotEq                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotEq}                                          \\ \hline
      Not Similar                                                        & {\textbackslash}NotSm                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSm}                                          \\ \hline
      Not Greater Than or Equal                                          & {\textbackslash}NotGre                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotGre}                                         \\ \hline
      Not Greater Than                                                   & {\textbackslash}NotGr                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotGr}                                          \\ \hline

      Circled Less Than                                                  & {\textbackslash}CircLs                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircLs}                                         \\ \hline
      Circled Less Than or Equal                                         & {\textbackslash}CircLse                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircLse}                                        \\ \hline
      Circled Equal                                                      & {\textbackslash}CircEq                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircEq}                                         \\ \hline
      Circled Similar                                                    & {\textbackslash}CircSm                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircSm}                                         \\ \hline
      Circled Greater Than or Equal                                      & {\textbackslash}CircGre                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircGre}                                        \\ \hline
      Circled Greater Than                                               & {\textbackslash}CircGr                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircGr}                                         \\ \hline

      Small Circled Plus                                                 & {\textbackslash}SmCircPlus                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\SmCircPlus}                                     \\ \hline
      Small Circled Times                                                & {\textbackslash}SmCircTimes                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\SmCircTimes}                                    \\ \hline
      Small Circled Star                                                 & {\textbackslash}SmCircStar                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\SmCircStar}                                     \\ \hline

      Large Circled Plus                                                 & {\textbackslash}LgCircPlus                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\LgCircPlus}                                     \\ \hline
      Large Circled Times                                                & {\textbackslash}LgCircTimes                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\LgCircTimes}                                    \\ \hline
      Large Circled Star                                                 & {\textbackslash}LgCircStar                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\LgCircStar}                                     \\ \hline

      Frown                                                              & {\textbackslash}SCoh                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\SCoh}                                           \\ \hline
      Smile                                                              & {\textbackslash}SInCoh                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\SInCoh}                                         \\ \hline
      Smile (bottom) and Frowm (top)                                     & {\textbackslash}Coh                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Coh}                                            \\ \hline
      Frown (bottom) and Smile (top)                                     & {\textbackslash}InCoh                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\InCoh}                                          \\ \hline

      Additive AND                                                       & {\textbackslash}AAnd                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\AAnd}                                           \\ \hline
      Multiplicitive AND                                                 & {\textbackslash}Mnd                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Mnd}                                            \\ \hline
      Additive OR                                                        & {\textbackslash}Aor                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Aor}                                            \\ \hline
      Multiplicitive OR                                                  & {\textbackslash}Mor                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Mor}                                            \\ \hline
      Of Course                                                          & {\textbackslash}OfCrse                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\OfCrse}                                         \\ \hline
      Why Not                                                            & {\textbackslash}WhyNot                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhyNot}                                         \\ \hline
      Perp                                                               & {\textbackslash}Perp                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Perp}                                           \\ \hline
      Sim Perp                                                           & {\textbackslash}SimPerp                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\SimPerp}                                        \\ \hline

      Quantified Additive And                                            & {\textbackslash}QuantAAnd                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuantAAnd}                                      \\ \hline
      Quantified Multiplicative Or                                       & {\textbackslash}QuantMor                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuantMor}                                       \\ \hline

      Slanted Bar Less Than                                              & {\textbackslash}SbLs                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\SbLs}                                           \\ \hline
      Slanted Bar Less Than or Equal                                     & {\textbackslash}SbLse                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\SbLse}                                          \\ \hline
      Slanted Bar Greater Than                                           & {\textbackslash}SbGr                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\SbGr}                                           \\ \hline
      Slanted Bar Greater Than or Equal                                  & {\textbackslash}SbGre                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\SbGre}                                          \\ \hline

      Slanted Bar Not Less Than                                          & {\textbackslash}NotSbLs                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSbLs}                                        \\ \hline
      Slanted Bar Not Less Than or Equal                                 & {\textbackslash}NotSbLse                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSbLse}                                       \\ \hline
      Slanted Bar Not Greater Than                                       & {\textbackslash}NotSbGr                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSbGr}                                        \\ \hline
      Slanted Bar Not Greater Than or Equal                              & {\textbackslash}NotSbGre                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSbGre}                                       \\ \hline

      Precedes                                                           & {\textbackslash}Pre                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Pre}                                            \\ \hline
      Precedes or Equal                                                  & {\textbackslash}Preq                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Preq}                                           \\ \hline
      Succeeds                                                           & {\textbackslash}Suc                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Suc}                                            \\ \hline
      Succeeds or Equal                                                  & {\textbackslash}Sucq                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Sucq}                                           \\ \hline

      Not Precedes                                                       & {\textbackslash}NotPre                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotPre}                                         \\ \hline
      Not Precedes or Equal                                              & {\textbackslash}NotPreq                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotPreq}                                        \\ \hline
      Not Succeeds                                                       & {\textbackslash}NotSuc                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSuc}                                         \\ \hline
      Not Succeeds or Equal                                              & {\textbackslash}NotSucq                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\NotSucq}                                        \\ \hline

      Minus                                                              & {\textbackslash}Minus                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\Minus}                                          \\ \hline
      Plus                                                               & {\textbackslash}Pls                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Pls}                                            \\ \hline
      Plus / Minus                                                       & {\textbackslash}PlusMinus                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\PlusMinus}                                      \\ \hline
      Minus / Plus                                                       & {\textbackslash}MinusPlus                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\MinusPlus}                                      \\ \hline
      Asterick                                                           & {\textbackslash}Asterick                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\Asterick}                                       \\ \hline
      Divide                                                             & {\textbackslash}Divide                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\Divide}                                         \\ \hline
      Divide                                                             & {\textbackslash}Divd                                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\Divd}                                           \\ \hline
      Times                                                              & {\textbackslash}Times                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\Times}                                          \\ \hline

      Circled Minus                                                      & {\textbackslash}CircMinus                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircMinus}                                      \\ \hline
      Circled Plus                                                       & {\textbackslash}CircPls                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircPls}                                        \\ \hline
      Circled Plus / Minus                                               & {\textbackslash}CircPlusMinus                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircPlusMinus}                                  \\ \hline
      Circled Minus / Plus                                               & {\textbackslash}CircMinusPlus                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircMinusPlus}                                  \\ \hline
      Circled Asterick                                                   & {\textbackslash}CircAsterick                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircAsterick}                                   \\ \hline
      Circled Divide                                                     & {\textbackslash}CircDivide                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircDivide}                                     \\ \hline
      Circled Divide                                                     & {\textbackslash}CircDivd                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircDivd}                                       \\ \hline
      Circled Times                                                      & {\textbackslash}CircTimes                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\CircTimes}                                      \\ \hline

      Append                                                             & {\textbackslash}Append                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\Append}                                         \\ \hline
      Concatenation                                                      & {\textbackslash}Concat                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\Concat}                                         \\ \hline
      Concatenation                                                      & {\textbackslash}Catenate                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\Catenate}                                       \\ \hline
      Alternate                                                          & {\textbackslash}Alt                                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\Alt}                                            \\ \hline

      Full height, full width space                                      & {\textbackslash}KntNN                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntNN}}                                   \\ \hline
      Full height, three quarter width space                             & {\textbackslash}KntNE                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntNE}}                                   \\ \hline
      Full height, half width space                                      & {\textbackslash}KntNF                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntNF}}                                   \\ \hline
      Full height, quarter width space                                   & {\textbackslash}KntNQ                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntNQ}}                                   \\ \hline
      Full height, zero width space                                      & {\textbackslash}KntNZ                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntNZ}}                                   \\ \hline

      Three quarter height, full width space                             & {\textbackslash}KntEN                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntEN}}                                   \\ \hline
      Three quarter height, three quarter width space                    & {\textbackslash}KntEE                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntEE}}                                   \\ \hline
      Three quarter height, half width space                             & {\textbackslash}KntEF                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntEF}}                                   \\ \hline
      Three quarter height, quarter width space                          & {\textbackslash}KntEQ                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntEQ}}                                   \\ \hline
      Three quarter height, zero width space                             & {\textbackslash}KntEZ                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntEZ}}                                   \\ \hline

      Half height, full width space                                      & {\textbackslash}KntFN                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntFN}}                                   \\ \hline
      Half height, three quarter width space                             & {\textbackslash}KntFE                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntFE}}                                   \\ \hline
      Half height, half width space                                      & {\textbackslash}KntFF                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntFF}}                                   \\ \hline
      Half height, quarter width space                                   & {\textbackslash}KntFQ                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntFQ}}                                   \\ \hline
      Half height, zero width space                                      & {\textbackslash}KntFZ                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntFZ}}                                   \\ \hline

      Quarter height, full width space                                   & {\textbackslash}KntQN                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntQN}}                                   \\ \hline
      Quarter height, three quarter width space                          & {\textbackslash}KntQE                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntQE}}                                   \\ \hline
      Quarter height, half width space                                   & {\textbackslash}KntQF                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntQF}}                                   \\ \hline
      Quarter height, quarter width space                                & {\textbackslash}KntQQ                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntQQ}}                                   \\ \hline
      Quarter height, zero width space                                   & {\textbackslash}KntQZ                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntQZ}}                                   \\ \hline

      Zero height, full width space                                      & {\textbackslash}KntZN                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntZN}}                                   \\ \hline
      Zero height, three quarter width space                             & {\textbackslash}KntZE                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntZE}}                                   \\ \hline
      Zero height, half width space                                      & {\textbackslash}KntZF                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntZF}}                                   \\ \hline
      Zero height, quarter width space                                   & {\textbackslash}KntZQ                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntZQ}}                                   \\ \hline
      Zero height, zero width space                                      & {\textbackslash}KntZZ                                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\fbox{\KntZZ}}                                   \\ \hline

      Horizontal bars with vertical dashes                               & {\textbackslash}KntHDASH                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHDASH}                                       \\ \hline
      Vertical bars with horizontal dashes                               & {\textbackslash}KntVDASH                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVDASH}                                       \\ \hline

      Horz flow, Cross, solid over, solid under                          & {\textbackslash}KntHXSOSU                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHXSOSU}                                      \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Cross, solid under, solid over                          & {\textbackslash}KntHXSUSO                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHXSUSO}                                      \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Cross, solid over, solid under                          & {\textbackslash}KntVXSOSU                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVXSOSU}                                      \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Cross, solid under, solid over                          & {\textbackslash}KntVXSUSO                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVXSUSO}                                      \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Cross, dashed over, solid under                         & {\textbackslash}KntHXDOSU                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHXDOSU}                                      \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Cross, solid under, dashed over                         & {\textbackslash}KntHXSUDO                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHXSUDO}                                      \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Cross, dashed over, solid under                         & {\textbackslash}KntVXDOSU                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVXDOSU}                                      \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Cross, solid under, dashed over                         & {\textbackslash}KntVXSUDO                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVXSUDO}                                      \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Cross, solid over, dashed under                         & {\textbackslash}KntHXSODU                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHXSODU}                                      \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Cross, dashed under, solid over                         & {\textbackslash}KntHXDUSO                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHXDUSO}                                      \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Cross, solid over, dashed under                         & {\textbackslash}KntVXSODU                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVXSODU}                                      \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Cross, dashed under, solid over                         & {\textbackslash}KntVXDUSO                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVXDUSO}                                      \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Cross, dashed over, dashed under                        & {\textbackslash}KntHXDODU                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHXDODU}                                      \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Cross, dashed under, dashed over                        & {\textbackslash}KntHXDUDO                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHXDUDO}                                      \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Cross, dashed over, dashed under                        & {\textbackslash}KntVXDODU                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVXDODU}                                      \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Cross, dashed under, dashed over                        & {\textbackslash}KntVXDUDO                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVXDUDO}                                      \\ \hline

      Horz flow, Horizontal smoothing; solid top, solid bottom           & {\textbackslash}KntHHMSTSB                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHHMSTSB}                                     \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Vertical smoothing; solid left, solid right             & {\textbackslash}KntVVMSLSR                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVVMSLSR}                                     \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Horizontal smoothing; dashed top, solid bottom          & {\textbackslash}KntHHMDTSB                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHHMDTSB}                                     \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Vertical smoothing; solid left, dashed right            & {\textbackslash}KntVVMSLDR                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVVMSLDR}                                     \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Horizontal smoothing; solid top, dashed bottom          & {\textbackslash}KntHHMSTDB                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHHMSTDB}                                     \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Vertical smoothing; dashed left, solid right            & {\textbackslash}KntVVMDLSR                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVVMDLSR}                                     \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Horizontal smoothing; dashed top, dashed bottom         & {\textbackslash}KntHHMDTDB                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHHMDTDB}                                     \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Vertical smoothing; dashed left, dashed right           & {\textbackslash}KntVVMDLDR                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVVMDLDR}                                     \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Vertical smoothing, solid left, solid right             & {\textbackslash}KntHVMSLSR                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHVMSLSR}                                     \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Horizontal smoothing, solid top, solid bottom           & {\textbackslash}KntVHMSTSB                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVHMSTSB}                                     \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Vertical smoothing, solid left, dashed right            & {\textbackslash}KntHVMSLDR                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHVMSLDR}                                     \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Horizontal smoothing, solid top, dashed bottom          & {\textbackslash}KntVHMSTDB                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVHMSTDB}                                     \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Vertical smoothing, dashed left, solid right            & {\textbackslash}KntHVMDLSR                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHVMDLSR}                                     \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Horizontal smoothing, dashed top, solid bottom          & {\textbackslash}KntVHMDTSB                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVHMDTSB}                                     \\ \hline
      Horz flow, Vertical smoothing, dashed left, dashed right           & {\textbackslash}KntHVMDLDR                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntHVMDLDR}                                     \\ \hline
      Vert flow, Horizontal smoothing, dashed top, dashed bottom         & {\textbackslash}KntVHMDTDB                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntVHMDTDB}                                     \\ \hline

      Left cap, solid                                                    & {\textbackslash}KntLCS                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLCS}                                         \\ \hline
      Top cap, solid                                                     & {\textbackslash}KntTCS                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTCS}                                         \\ \hline
      Right cap, solid                                                   & {\textbackslash}KntRCS                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRCS}                                         \\ \hline
      Bottom cap, solid                                                  & {\textbackslash}KntBCS                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBCS}                                         \\ \hline
      Left cap, dashed                                                   & {\textbackslash}KntLCD                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLCD}                                         \\ \hline
      Top cap, dashed                                                    & {\textbackslash}KntTCD                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTCD}                                         \\ \hline
      Right cap, dashed                                                  & {\textbackslash}KntRCD                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRCD}                                         \\ \hline
      Bottom cap, dashed                                                 & {\textbackslash}KntBCD                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBCD}                                         \\ \hline
      Left half width cap                                                & {\textbackslash}KntLFC                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLFC}                                         \\ \hline
      Top half width cap                                                 & {\textbackslash}KntTFC                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTFC}                                         \\ \hline
      Right half width cap                                               & {\textbackslash}KntRFC                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRFC}                                         \\ \hline
      Bottom half width cap                                              & {\textbackslash}KntBFC                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBFC}                                         \\ \hline
      Left quarter width cap                                             & {\textbackslash}KntLQC                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLQC}                                         \\ \hline
      Top quarter width cap                                              & {\textbackslash}KntTQC                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTQC}                                         \\ \hline
      Right quarter width cap                                            & {\textbackslash}KntRQC                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRQC}                                         \\ \hline
      Bottom quarter width cap                                           & {\textbackslash}KntBQC                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBQC}                                         \\ \hline

      Solid join, top left to bottom right                               & {\textbackslash}KntSJTLBR                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntSJTLBR}                                      \\ \hline
      Solid join, bottom left to top right                               & {\textbackslash}KntSJBLTR                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntSJBLTR}                                      \\ \hline
      Solid join, top right to bottom left                               & {\textbackslash}KntSJTRBL                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntSJTRBL}                                      \\ \hline
      Solid join, bottom right to top left                               & {\textbackslash}KntSJBRTL                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntSJBRTL}                                      \\ \hline
      Dashed join, top left to bottom right                              & {\textbackslash}KntDJTLBR                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntDJTLBR}                                      \\ \hline
      Dashed join, bottom left to top right                              & {\textbackslash}KntDJBLTR                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntDJBLTR}                                      \\ \hline
      Dashed join, top right to bottom left                              & {\textbackslash}KntDJTRBL                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntDJTRBL}                                      \\ \hline
      Dashed join, bottom right to top left                              & {\textbackslash}KntDJBRTL                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntDJBRTL}                                      \\ \hline
      Solid half width join, top left to bottom right                    & {\textbackslash}KntSFJTLBR                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntSFJTLBR}                                     \\ \hline
      Solid half width join, bottom left to top right                    & {\textbackslash}KntSFJBLTR                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntSFJBLTR}                                     \\ \hline
      Solid half width join, top right to bottom left                    & {\textbackslash}KntSFJTRBL                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntSFJTRBL}                                     \\ \hline
      Solid half width join, bottom right to top left                    & {\textbackslash}KntSFJBRTL                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntSFJBRTL}                                     \\ \hline
      Dashed half width join, top left to bottom right                   & {\textbackslash}KntDFJTLBR                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntDFJTLBR}                                     \\ \hline
      Dashed half width join, bottom left to top right                   & {\textbackslash}KntDFJBLTR                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntDFJBLTR}                                     \\ \hline
      Dashed half width join, top right to bottom left                   & {\textbackslash}KntDFJTRBL                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntDFJTRBL}                                     \\ \hline
      Dashed half width join, bottom right to top left                   & {\textbackslash}KntDFJBRTL                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntDFJBRTL}                                     \\ \hline

      Left, top solid corner                                             & {\textbackslash}KntLTSC                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLTSC}                                        \\ \hline
      Top, right solid corner                                            & {\textbackslash}KntTRSC                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTRSC}                                        \\ \hline
      Right, bottom solid corner                                         & {\textbackslash}KntRBSC                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRBSC}                                        \\ \hline
      Bottom, left solid corner                                          & {\textbackslash}KntBLSC                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBLSC}                                        \\ \hline
      Left, top dashed corner                                            & {\textbackslash}KntLTDC                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLTDC}                                        \\ \hline
      Top, right dashed corner                                           & {\textbackslash}KntTRDC                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTRDC}                                        \\ \hline
      Right, bottom dashed corner                                        & {\textbackslash}KntRBDC                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRBDC}                                        \\ \hline
      Bottom, left dashed corner                                         & {\textbackslash}KntBLDC                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBLDC}                                        \\ \hline
      Left, top solid half width corner                                  & {\textbackslash}KntLTSFC                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLTSFC}                                       \\ \hline
      Top, right solid half width corner                                 & {\textbackslash}KntTRSFC                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTRSFC}                                       \\ \hline
      Right, bottom solid half width corner                              & {\textbackslash}KntRBSFC                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRBSFC}                                       \\ \hline
      Bottom, left solid half width corner                               & {\textbackslash}KntBLSFC                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBLSFC}                                       \\ \hline
      Left, top dashed half width corner                                 & {\textbackslash}KntLTDFC                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLTDFC}                                       \\ \hline
      Top, right dashed half width corner                                & {\textbackslash}KntTRDFC                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTRDFC}                                       \\ \hline
      Right, bottom dashed half width corner                             & {\textbackslash}KntRBDFC                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRBDFC}                                       \\ \hline
      Bottom, left dashed half width corner                              & {\textbackslash}KntBLDFC                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBLDFC}                                       \\ \hline

      Top solid line                                                     & {\textbackslash}KntTSN                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSN}                                         \\ \hline
      Right solid line                                                   & {\textbackslash}KntRSN                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRSN}                                         \\ \hline
      Bottom solid line                                                  & {\textbackslash}KntBSN                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBSN}                                         \\ \hline
      Left solid line                                                    & {\textbackslash}KntLSN                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSN}                                         \\ \hline
      Top dashed line                                                    & {\textbackslash}KntTDN                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDN}                                         \\ \hline
      Right dashed line                                                  & {\textbackslash}KntRDN                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRDN}                                         \\ \hline
      Bottom dashed line                                                 & {\textbackslash}KntBDN                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBDN}                                         \\ \hline
      Left dashed line                                                   & {\textbackslash}KntLDN                                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDN}                                         \\ \hline
      Top solid line, bottom solid line                                  & {\textbackslash}KntTSNBSN                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSNBSN}                                      \\ \hline
      Left solid line, right solid line                                  & {\textbackslash}KntLSNRSN                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSNRSN}                                      \\ \hline
      Top solid line, bottom dashed line                                 & {\textbackslash}KntTSNBDN                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSNBDN}                                      \\ \hline
      Left dashed line, right solid line                                 & {\textbackslash}KntLDNRSN                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDNRSN}                                      \\ \hline
      Top dashed line, bottom solid line                                 & {\textbackslash}KntTDNBSN                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDNBSN}                                      \\ \hline
      Left solid line, right dashed line                                 & {\textbackslash}KntLSNRDN                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSNRDN}                                      \\ \hline
      Top dashed line, bottom dashed line                                & {\textbackslash}KntTDNBDN                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDNBDN}                                      \\ \hline
      Left dashed line, right dashed line                                & {\textbackslash}KntLDNRDN                                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDNRDN}                                      \\ \hline

      Top solid half line                                                & {\textbackslash}KntTSFN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSFN}                                        \\ \hline
      Right solid half line                                              & {\textbackslash}KntRSFN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRSFN}                                        \\ \hline
      Bottom solid half line                                             & {\textbackslash}KntBSFN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBSFN}                                        \\ \hline
      Left solid half line                                               & {\textbackslash}KntLSFN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSFN}                                        \\ \hline
      Top dashed half line                                               & {\textbackslash}KntTSDN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSDN}                                        \\ \hline
      Right dashed half line                                             & {\textbackslash}KntRSDN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRSDN}                                        \\ \hline
      Bottom dashed half line                                            & {\textbackslash}KntBSDN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBSDN}                                        \\ \hline
      Left dashed half line                                              & {\textbackslash}KntLSDN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSDN}                                        \\ \hline
      Top solid half line, bottom solid half line                        & {\textbackslash}KntTSFNBSFN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSFNBSFN}                                    \\ \hline
      Left solid half line, right solid half line                        & {\textbackslash}KntLSFNRSFN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSFNRSFN}                                    \\ \hline
      Top solid half line, bottom dashed half line                       & {\textbackslash}KntTSFNBDFN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSFNBDFN}                                    \\ \hline
      Left dashed half line, right solid half line                       & {\textbackslash}KntLDFNRSFN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDFNRSFN}                                    \\ \hline
      Top dashed half line, bottom solid half line                       & {\textbackslash}KntTDFNBSFN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDFNBSFN}                                    \\ \hline
      Left solid half line, right dashed half line                       & {\textbackslash}KntLSFNRDFN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSFNRDFN}                                    \\ \hline
      Top dashed half line, bottom dashed half line                      & {\textbackslash}KntTDFNBDFN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDFNBDFN}                                    \\ \hline
      Left dashed half line, right dashed half line                      & {\textbackslash}KntLDFNRDFN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDFNRDFN}                                    \\ \hline

      Top solid forth line                                               & {\textbackslash}KntTSQN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSQN}                                        \\ \hline
      Right solid forth line                                             & {\textbackslash}KntRSQN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRSQN}                                        \\ \hline
      Bottom solid forth line                                            & {\textbackslash}KntBSQN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBSQN}                                        \\ \hline
      Left solid forth line                                              & {\textbackslash}KntLSQN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSQN}                                        \\ \hline
      Top dashed forth line                                              & {\textbackslash}KntTDQN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDQN}                                        \\ \hline
      Right dashed forth line                                            & {\textbackslash}KntRDQN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRDQN}                                        \\ \hline
      Bottom dashed forth line                                           & {\textbackslash}KntBDQN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBDQN}                                        \\ \hline
      Left dashed forth line                                             & {\textbackslash}KntLDQN                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDQN}                                        \\ \hline
      Top solid forth line, bottom solid forth line                      & {\textbackslash}KntTSQNBSQN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSQNBSQN}                                    \\ \hline
      Left solid forth line, right solid forth line                      & {\textbackslash}KntLSQNRSQN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSQNRSQN}                                    \\ \hline
      Top solid forth line, bottom dashed forth line                     & {\textbackslash}KntTSQNBDQN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSQNBDQN}                                    \\ \hline
      Left dashed forth line, right solid forth line                     & {\textbackslash}KntLDQNRSQN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDQNRSQN}                                    \\ \hline
      Top dashed forth line, bottom solid forth line                     & {\textbackslash}KntBDQNBSQN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBDQNBSQN}                                    \\ \hline
      Left solid forth line, right dashed forth line                     & {\textbackslash}KntLSQNRDQN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSQNRDQN}                                    \\ \hline
      Top dashed forth line, bottom dashed forth line                    & {\textbackslash}KntTDQNBDQN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDQNBDQN}                                    \\ \hline
      Left dashed forth line, right dashed forth line                    & {\textbackslash}KntLDQNRDQN                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDQNRDQN}                                    \\ \hline

      Top solid left arrow                                               & {\textbackslash}KntTSLA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSLA}                                        \\ \hline
      Right solid up arrow                                               & {\textbackslash}KntRSUA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRSUA}                                        \\ \hline
      Bottom solid right arrow                                           & {\textbackslash}KntBSRA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBSRA}                                        \\ \hline
      Left solid down arrow                                              & {\textbackslash}KntLSDA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSDA}                                        \\ \hline
      Top solid right arrow                                              & {\textbackslash}KntTSRA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSRA}                                        \\ \hline
      Right solid down arrow                                             & {\textbackslash}KntRSDA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRSDA}                                        \\ \hline
      Bottom solid left arrow                                            & {\textbackslash}KntBSLA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBSLA}                                        \\ \hline
      Left solid up arrow                                                & {\textbackslash}KntLSUA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSUA}                                        \\ \hline
      Top dashed left arrow                                              & {\textbackslash}KntTDLA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDLA}                                        \\ \hline
      Right dashed up arrow                                              & {\textbackslash}KntRDUA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRDUA}                                        \\ \hline
      Bottom dashed right arrow                                          & {\textbackslash}KntBDRA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBDRA}                                        \\ \hline
      Left dashed down arrow                                             & {\textbackslash}KntLDDA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDDA}                                        \\ \hline
      Top dashed right arrow                                             & {\textbackslash}KntTDRA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDRA}                                        \\ \hline
      Right dashed down arrow                                            & {\textbackslash}KntRDDA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRDDA}                                        \\ \hline
      Bottom dashed left arrow                                           & {\textbackslash}KntBDLA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBDLA}                                        \\ \hline
      Left dashed up arrow                                               & {\textbackslash}KntLDUA                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDUA}                                        \\ \hline

      Top solid left arrow, bottom solid left arrow                      & {\textbackslash}KntTSLABSLA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSLABSLA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left solid up arrow, right solid up arrow                          & {\textbackslash}KntLSUARSUA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSUARSUA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top solid right arrow, bottom solid right arrow                    & {\textbackslash}KntTSRABSRA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSRABSRA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left solid down arrow, right solid down arrow                      & {\textbackslash}KntLSDARSDA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSDARSDA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top solid left arrow, bottom solid right arrow                     & {\textbackslash}KntTSLABSRA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSLABSRA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left solid down arrow, right solid up arrow                        & {\textbackslash}KntLSDARSUA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSDARSUA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top solid right arrow, bottom solid left arrow                     & {\textbackslash}KntTSRABSLA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSRABSLA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left solid up arrow, right solid down arrow                        & {\textbackslash}KntLSUARSDA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSUARSDA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top solid left arrow, bottom dashed left arrow                     & {\textbackslash}KntTSLABDLA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSLABDLA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left dashed up arrow, right solid up arrow                         & {\textbackslash}KntLDUARSUA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDUARSUA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top dashed right arrow, bottom solid right arrow                   & {\textbackslash}KntTDRABSRA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDRABSRA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left solid down arrow, right dashed down arrow                     & {\textbackslash}KntLSDARDDA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSDARDDA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top dashed left arrow, bottom solid left arrow                     & {\textbackslash}KntTDLABSLA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDLABSLA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left solid up arrow, right dashed up arrow                         & {\textbackslash}KntLSUARDUA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSUARDUA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top solid right arrow, bottom dashed right arrow                   & {\textbackslash}KntTSRABDRA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSRABDRA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left dashed down arrow, right solid down arrow                     & {\textbackslash}KntLDDARSDA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDDARSDA}                                    \\ \hline

      Top solid left arrow, bottom dashed right arrow                    & {\textbackslash}KntTSLABDRA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSLABDRA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left dashed down arrow, right solid up arrow                       & {\textbackslash}KntLDDARSUA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDDARSUA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top dashed left arrow, bottom solid right arrow                    & {\textbackslash}KntTDLABSRA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDLABSRA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left solid down arrow, right dashed up arrow                       & {\textbackslash}KntLSDARDUA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSDARDUA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top dashed right arrow, bottom solid left arrow                    & {\textbackslash}KntTDRABSLA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDRABSLA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left solid up arrow, right dashed down arrow                       & {\textbackslash}KntLSUARDDA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSUARDDA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top solid right arrow, bottom dashed left arrow                    & {\textbackslash}KntTSRABDLA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSRABDLA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left dashed up arrow, right solid down arrow                       & {\textbackslash}KntLDUARSDA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDUARSDA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top dashed left arrow, bottom dashed left arrow                    & {\textbackslash}KntTDLABDLA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDLABDLA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left dashed up arrow, right dashed up arrow                        & {\textbackslash}KntLDUARDUA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDUARDUA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top dashed right arrow, bottom dashed right arrow                  & {\textbackslash}KntTDRABDRA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDRABDRA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left dashed down arrow, right dashed down arrow                    & {\textbackslash}KntLDDARDDA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDDARDDA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top dashed left arrow, bottom dashed right arrow                   & {\textbackslash}KntTDLABDRA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDLABDRA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left dashed down arrow, right dashed up arrow                      & {\textbackslash}KntLDDARDUA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDDARDUA}                                    \\ \hline
      Top dashed right arrow, bottom dashed left arrow                   & {\textbackslash}KntTDRABDLA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDRABDLA}                                    \\ \hline
      Left dashed up arrow, right dashed down arrow                      & {\textbackslash}KntLDUARDDA                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDUARDDA}                                    \\ \hline

      Top solid line, bottom solid left arrow                            & {\textbackslash}KntTSNBSLA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSNBSLA}                                     \\ \hline
      Left solid up arrow, right solid line                              & {\textbackslash}KntLSUARSN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSUARSN}                                     \\ \hline
      Top solid right arrow, bottom solid line                           & {\textbackslash}KntTSRABSN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSRABSN}                                     \\ \hline
      Left solid line, right solid down arrow                            & {\textbackslash}KntLSNRSDA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSNRSDA}                                     \\ \hline
      Top solid line, bottom solid right arrow                           & {\textbackslash}KntTSNBSRA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSNBSRA}                                     \\ \hline
      Left solid down arrow, right solid line                            & {\textbackslash}KntLSDARSN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSDARSN}                                     \\ \hline
      Top solid left arrow, bottom solid line                            & {\textbackslash}KntTSLABSN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSLABSN}                                     \\ \hline
      Left solid line, right solid up arrow                              & {\textbackslash}KntLSNRSUA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSNRSUA}                                     \\ \hline
      Top dashed line, bottom solid left arrow                           & {\textbackslash}KntTDNBSLA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDNBSLA}                                     \\ \hline
      Left solid up arrow, right dashed line                             & {\textbackslash}KntLSUARDN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSUARDN}                                     \\ \hline
      Top solid right arrow, bottom dashed line                          & {\textbackslash}KntTSRABDN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSRABDN}                                     \\ \hline
      Left dashed line, right solid down arrow                           & {\textbackslash}KntLDNRSDA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDNRSDA}                                     \\ \hline
      Top solid left arrow, bottom dashed line                           & {\textbackslash}KntTSLABDN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSLABDN}                                     \\ \hline
      Left dashed line, right solid up arrow                             & {\textbackslash}KntLDNRSUA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDNRSUA}                                     \\ \hline
      Top dashed line, bottom solid right arrow                          & {\textbackslash}KntTDNBSRA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDNBSRA}                                     \\ \hline
      Left solid down arrow, right dashed line                           & {\textbackslash}KntLSDARDN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSDARDN}                                     \\ \hline

      Top solid line, bottom dashed left arrow                           & {\textbackslash}KntTSNBDLA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSNBDLA}                                     \\ \hline
      Left dashed up arrow, right solid line                             & {\textbackslash}KntLDUARSN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDUARSN}                                     \\ \hline
      Top dashed right arrow, bottom solid line                          & {\textbackslash}KntTDRABSN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDRABSN}                                     \\ \hline
      Left solid line, right dashed down arrow                           & {\textbackslash}KntLSNRDDA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSNRDDA}                                     \\ \hline
      Top dashed left arrow, bottom solid line                           & {\textbackslash}KntTDLABSN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDLABSN}                                     \\ \hline
      Left solid line, right dashed up arrow                             & {\textbackslash}KntLSNRDUA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSNRDUA}                                     \\ \hline
      Top solid line, bottom dashed right arrow                          & {\textbackslash}KntTSNBDRA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSNBDRA}                                     \\ \hline
      Left dashed down arrow, right solid line                           & {\textbackslash}KntLDDARSN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDDARSN}                                     \\ \hline
      Top dashed line, bottom dashed left arrow                          & {\textbackslash}KntTDNBDLA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDNBDLA}                                     \\ \hline
      Left dashed up arrow, right dashed line                            & {\textbackslash}KntLDUARDN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDUARDN}                                     \\ \hline
      Top dashed right arrow, bottom dashed line                         & {\textbackslash}KntTDRABDN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDRABDN}                                     \\ \hline
      Left dashed line, right dashed down arrow                          & {\textbackslash}KntLDNRDDA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDNRDDA}                                     \\ \hline
      Top dashed left arrow, bottom dashed line                          & {\textbackslash}KntTDLABDN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDLABDN}                                     \\ \hline
      Left dashed line, right dashed up arrow                            & {\textbackslash}KntLDNRDUA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDNRDUA}                                     \\ \hline
      Top dashed line, bottom dashed right arrow                         & {\textbackslash}KntTDNBDRA                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTDNBDRA}                                     \\ \hline
      Left dashed down arrow, right dashed line                          & {\textbackslash}KntLDDARDN                                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLDDARDN}                                     \\ \hline

      Top solid line, half height                                        & {\textbackslash}KntTSNF                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSNF}                                        \\ \hline
      Right solid line, half width                                       & {\textbackslash}KntRSNF                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRSNF}                                        \\ \hline
      Bottom solid line, half height                                     & {\textbackslash}KntBSNF                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBSNF}                                        \\ \hline
      Left solid line, half width                                        & {\textbackslash}KntLSNF                                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSNF}                                        \\ \hline
      Top solid half line, half height                                   & {\textbackslash}KntTSFNF                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSFNF}                                       \\ \hline
      Right solid half line, half width                                  & {\textbackslash}KntRSFNF                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRSFNF}                                       \\ \hline
      Bottom solid half line, half height                                & {\textbackslash}KntBSFNF                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBSFNF}                                       \\ \hline
      Left solid half line, half width                                   & {\textbackslash}KntLSFNF                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSFNF}                                       \\ \hline
      Top solid forth line, half height                                  & {\textbackslash}KntTSQNF                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntTSQNF}                                       \\ \hline
      Right solid forth line, half width                                 & {\textbackslash}KntRSQNF                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntRSQNF}                                       \\ \hline
      Bottom solid forth line, half height                               & {\textbackslash}KntBSQNF                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntBSQNF}                                       \\ \hline
      Left solid forth line, half width                                  & {\textbackslash}KntLSQNF                                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\KntLSQNF}                                       \\ \hline

      Black square                                                       & {\textbackslash}BlackSquare                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackSquare}                                    \\ \hline
      Black square round corners                                         & {\textbackslash}BlackSquareRoundCorners                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackSquareRoundCorners}                        \\ \hline
      Black diamond                                                      & {\textbackslash}BlackDiamond                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDiamond}                                   \\ \hline
      Black circle                                                       & {\textbackslash}BlackCircle                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackCircle}                                    \\ \hline
      Black right triangle                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackRightTriangle                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackRightTriangle}                             \\ \hline
      Black left triangle                                                & {\textbackslash}BlackLeftTriangle                               & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackLeftTriangle}                              \\ \hline
      Black down triangle                                                & {\textbackslash}BlackDownTriangle                               & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDownTriangle}                              \\ \hline
      Black up triangle                                                  & {\textbackslash}BlackUpTriangle                                 & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackUpTriangle}                                \\ \hline
      Black small circle                                                 & {\textbackslash}BlackSmallCircle                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackSmallCircle}                               \\ \hline
      Black very small circle                                            & {\textbackslash}BlackVerySmallCircle                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackVerySmallCircle}                           \\ \hline
      Black lozenge                                                      & {\textbackslash}BlackLozenge                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackLozenge}                                   \\ \hline
      Black curved diamond                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackCurvedDiamond                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackCurvedDiamond}                             \\ \hline
      Black very small square                                            & {\textbackslash}BlackVerySmallSquare                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackVerySmallSquare}                           \\ \hline
      Black left arrow head                                              & {\textbackslash}BlackLeftArrowHead                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackLeftArrowHead}                             \\ \hline
      Black right arrow head                                             & {\textbackslash}BlackRightArrowHead                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackRightArrowHead}                            \\ \hline
      Black right curved arrow head                                      & {\textbackslash}BlackRightCurvedArrowHead                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackRightCurvedArrowHead}                      \\ \hline

      White square                                                       & {\textbackslash}WhiteSquare                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSquare}                                    \\ \hline
      White square round corners                                         & {\textbackslash}WhiteSquareRoundCorners                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSquareRoundCorners}                        \\ \hline
      White diamond                                                      & {\textbackslash}WhiteDiamond                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDiamond}                                   \\ \hline
      White circle                                                       & {\textbackslash}WhiteCircle                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteCircle}                                    \\ \hline
      White right triangle                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteRightTriangle                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteRightTriangle}                             \\ \hline
      White left triangle                                                & {\textbackslash}WhiteLeftTriangle                               & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLeftTriangle}                              \\ \hline
      White down triangle                                                & {\textbackslash}WhiteDownTriangle                               & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDownTriangle}                              \\ \hline
      White up triangle                                                  & {\textbackslash}WhiteUpTriangle                                 & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteUpTriangle}                                \\ \hline
      White small circle                                                 & {\textbackslash}WhiteSmallCircle                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSmallCircle}                               \\ \hline
      White very small circle                                            & {\textbackslash}WhiteVerySmallCircle                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteVerySmallCircle}                           \\ \hline
      White lozenge                                                      & {\textbackslash}WhiteLozenge                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLozenge}                                   \\ \hline
      White curved diamond                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteCurvedDiamond                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteCurvedDiamond}                             \\ \hline
      White very small square                                            & {\textbackslash}WhiteVerySmallSquare                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteVerySmallSquare}                           \\ \hline
      White left arrow head                                              & {\textbackslash}WhiteLeftArrowHead                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLeftArrowHead}                             \\ \hline
      White right arrow head                                             & {\textbackslash}WhiteRightArrowHead                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteRightArrowHead}                            \\ \hline
      White right curved arrow head                                      & {\textbackslash}WhiteRightCurvedArrowHead                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteRightCurvedArrowHead}                      \\ \hline

      Outline square                                                     & {\textbackslash}OutlineSquare                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineSquare}                                  \\ \hline
      Outline square round corners                                       & {\textbackslash}OutlineSquareRoundCorners                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineSquareRoundCorners}                      \\ \hline
      Outline diamond                                                    & {\textbackslash}OutlineDiamond                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineDiamond}                                 \\ \hline
      Outline circle                                                     & {\textbackslash}OutlineCircle                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineCircle}                                  \\ \hline
      Outline right triangle                                             & {\textbackslash}OutlineRightTriangle                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineRightTriangle}                           \\ \hline
      Outline left triangle                                              & {\textbackslash}OutlineLeftTriangle                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineLeftTriangle}                            \\ \hline
      Outline down triangle                                              & {\textbackslash}OutlineDownTriangle                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineDownTriangle}                            \\ \hline
      Outline up triangle                                                & {\textbackslash}OutlineUpTriangle                               & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineUpTriangle}                              \\ \hline
      Outline small circle                                               & {\textbackslash}OutlineSmallCircle                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineSmallCircle}                             \\ \hline
      Outline very small circle                                          & {\textbackslash}OutlineVerySmallCircle                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineVerySmallCircle}                         \\ \hline
      Outline lozenge                                                    & {\textbackslash}OutlineLozenge                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineLozenge}                                 \\ \hline
      Outline curved diamond                                             & {\textbackslash}OutlineCurvedDiamond                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineCurvedDiamond}                           \\ \hline
      Outline very small square                                          & {\textbackslash}OutlineVerySmallSquare                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineVerySmallSquare}                         \\ \hline
      Outline left arrow head                                            & {\textbackslash}OutlineLeftArrowHead                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineLeftArrowHead}                           \\ \hline
      Outline right arrow head                                           & {\textbackslash}OutlineRightArrowHead                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineRightArrowHead}                          \\ \hline
      Outline right curved arrow head                                    & {\textbackslash}OutlineRightCurvedArrowHead                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\OutlineRightCurvedArrowHead}                    \\ \hline

      Dotted square                                                      & {\textbackslash}DottedSquare                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedSquare}                                   \\ \hline
      Dotted square round corners                                        & {\textbackslash}DottedSquareRoundCorners                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedSquareRoundCorners}                       \\ \hline
      Dotted diamond                                                     & {\textbackslash}DottedDiamond                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedDiamond}                                  \\ \hline
      Dotted circle                                                      & {\textbackslash}DottedCircl                                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedCircl}                                    \\ \hline
      Dotted right triangle                                              & {\textbackslash}DottedRightTriangle                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedRightTriangle}                            \\ \hline
      Dotted left triangle                                               & {\textbackslash}DottedLeftTriangle                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedLeftTriangle}                             \\ \hline
      Dotted down triangle                                               & {\textbackslash}DottedDownTriangle                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedDownTriangle}                             \\ \hline
      Dotted up triangle                                                 & {\textbackslash}DottedUpTriangle                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedUpTriangle}                               \\ \hline
      Dotted small circle                                                & {\textbackslash}DottedSmallCircle                               & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedSmallCircle}                              \\ \hline
      Dotted very small circle                                           & {\textbackslash}DottedVerySmallCircle                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedVerySmallCircle}                          \\ \hline
      Dotted lozenge                                                     & {\textbackslash}DottedLozenge                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedLozenge}                                  \\ \hline
      Dotted curved diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}DottedCurvedDiamond                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedCurvedDiamond}                            \\ \hline
      Dotted very small square                                           & {\textbackslash}DottedVerySmallSquare                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedVerySmallSquare}                          \\ \hline
      Dotted left arrow head                                             & {\textbackslash}DottedLeftArrowHead                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedLeftArrowHead}                            \\ \hline
      Dotted right arrow head                                            & {\textbackslash}DottedRightArrowHead                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedRightArrowHead}                           \\ \hline
      Dotted right curved arrow head                                     & {\textbackslash}DottedRightCurvedArrowHead                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\DottedRightCurvedArrowHead}                     \\ \hline

      White square containing black square                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteSquareContainingBlackSquare                & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSquareContainingBlackSquare}               \\ \hline
      White square round corners containing black square                 & {\textbackslash}WhiteSquareRoundCornersContainingBlackSquare    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSquareRoundCornersContainingBlackSquare}   \\ \hline
      White diamond containing black diamond                             & {\textbackslash}WhiteDiamondContainingBlackDiamond              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDiamondContainingBlackDiamond}             \\ \hline
      White circle containing black circle                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteCircleContainingBlackCircle                & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteCircleContainingBlackCircle}               \\ \hline
      White right triangle containing black right triangle               & {\textbackslash}WhiteRightTriangleContainingBlackRightTriangle  & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteRightTriangleContainingBlackRightTriangle} \\ \hline
      White left triangle containing black left triangle                 & {\textbackslash}WhiteLeftTriangleContainingBlackLeftTriangle    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLeftTriangleContainingBlackLeftTriangle}   \\ \hline
      White down triangle containing black down triangle                 & {\textbackslash}WhiteDownTriangleContainingBlackDownTriangle    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDownTriangleContainingBlackDownTriangle}   \\ \hline
      White up triangle containing black up triangle                     & {\textbackslash}WhiteUpTriangleContainingBlackUpTriangle        & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteUpTriangleContainingBlackUpTriangle}       \\ \hline
      White small circle containing black circle                         & {\textbackslash}WhiteSmallCircleContainingBlackCircle           & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSmallCircleContainingBlackCircle}          \\ \hline
      White very small circle containing black circle                    & {\textbackslash}WhiteVerySmallCircleContainingBlackCircle       & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteVerySmallCircleContainingBlackCircle}      \\ \hline
      White lozenge containing black lozenge                             & {\textbackslash}WhiteLozengeContainingBlackLozenge              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLozengeContainingBlackLozenge}             \\ \hline
      White curved diamond containing black diamond                      & {\textbackslash}WhiteCurvedDiamondContainingBlackDiamond        & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteCurvedDiamondContainingBlackDiamond}       \\ \hline
      White very small square containing black square                    & {\textbackslash}WhiteVerySmallSquareContainingBlackSquare       & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteVerySmallSquareContainingBlackSquare}      \\ \hline
      White really small circle                                          & {\textbackslash}WhiteReallySmallCircle                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteReallySmallCircle}                         \\ \hline
      White really small square                                          & {\textbackslash}WhiteReallySmallSquare                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteReallySmallSquare}                         \\ \hline
      White really small diamond                                         & {\textbackslash}WhiteReallySmallDiamond                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteReallySmallDiamond}                        \\ \hline

      Horizontally divided square                                        & {\textbackslash}HorizontallyDividedSquare                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\HorizontallyDividedSquare}                      \\ \hline
      Horizontally divided square round corners                          & {\textbackslash}HorizontallyDividedSquareRoundCorners           & \scalebox{1.50}{\HorizontallyDividedSquareRoundCorners}          \\ \hline
      Horizontally divided diamond                                       & {\textbackslash}HorizontallyDividedDiamond                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\HorizontallyDividedDiamond}                     \\ \hline
      Horizontally divided circle                                        & {\textbackslash}HorizontallyDividedCircle                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\HorizontallyDividedCircle}                      \\ \hline
      Horizontally divided right triangle                                & {\textbackslash}HorizontallyDividedRightTriangle                & \scalebox{1.50}{\HorizontallyDividedRightTriangle}               \\ \hline
      Horizontally divided left triangle                                 & {\textbackslash}HorizontallyDividedLeftTriangle                 & \scalebox{1.50}{\HorizontallyDividedLeftTriangle}                \\ \hline
      Horizontally divided down triangle                                 & {\textbackslash}HorizontallyDividedDownTriangle                 & \scalebox{1.50}{\HorizontallyDividedDownTriangle}                \\ \hline
      Horizontally divided up triangle                                   & {\textbackslash}HorizontallyDividedUpTriangle                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\HorizontallyDividedUpTriangle}                  \\ \hline
      Horizontally divided small circle                                  & {\textbackslash}HorizontallyDividedSmallCircle                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\HorizontallyDividedSmallCircle}                 \\ \hline
      Horizontally divided very small circle                             & {\textbackslash}HorizontallyDividedVerySmallCircle              & \scalebox{1.50}{\HorizontallyDividedVerySmallCircle}             \\ \hline
      Horizontally divided lozenge                                       & {\textbackslash}HorizontallyDividedLozenge                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\HorizontallyDividedLozenge}                     \\ \hline
      Horizontally divided curved diamond                                & {\textbackslash}HorizontallyDividedCurvedDiamond                & \scalebox{1.50}{\HorizontallyDividedCurvedDiamond}               \\ \hline
      Horizontally divided very small square                             & {\textbackslash}HorizontallyDividedVerySmallSquare              & \scalebox{1.50}{\HorizontallyDividedVerySmallSquare}             \\ \hline
      Black really small circle                                          & {\textbackslash}BlackReallySmallCircle                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackReallySmallCircle}                         \\ \hline
      Black really small square                                          & {\textbackslash}BlackReallySmallSquare                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackReallySmallSquare}                         \\ \hline
      Black really small diamond                                         & {\textbackslash}BlackReallySmallDiamond                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackReallySmallDiamond}                        \\ \hline

      Vertically divided square                                          & {\textbackslash}VerticallyDividedSquare                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\VerticallyDividedSquare}                        \\ \hline
      Vertically divided square round corners                            & {\textbackslash}VerticallyDividedSquareRoundCorners             & \scalebox{1.50}{\VerticallyDividedSquareRoundCorners}            \\ \hline
      Vertically divided diamond                                         & {\textbackslash}VerticallyDividedDiamond                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\VerticallyDividedDiamond}                       \\ \hline
      Vertically divided circle                                          & {\textbackslash}VerticallyDividedCircle                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\VerticallyDividedCircle}                        \\ \hline
      Vertically divided right triangle                                  & {\textbackslash}VerticallyDividedRightTriangle                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\VerticallyDividedRightTriangle}                 \\ \hline
      Vertically divided left triangle                                   & {\textbackslash}VerticallyDividedLeftTriangle                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\VerticallyDividedLeftTriangle}                  \\ \hline
      Vertically divided down triangle                                   & {\textbackslash}VerticallyDividedDownTriangle                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\VerticallyDividedDownTriangle}                  \\ \hline
      Vertically divided up triangle                                     & {\textbackslash}VerticallyDividedUpTriangle                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\VerticallyDividedUpTriangle}                    \\ \hline
      Vertically divided small circle                                    & {\textbackslash}VerticallyDividedSmallCircle                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\VerticallyDividedSmallCircle}                   \\ \hline
      Vertically divided very small circle                               & {\textbackslash}VerticallyDividedVerySmallCircle                & \scalebox{1.50}{\VerticallyDividedVerySmallCircle}               \\ \hline
      Vertically divided lozenge                                         & {\textbackslash}VerticallyDividedLozenge                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\VerticallyDividedLozenge}                       \\ \hline
      Vertically divided curved diamond                                  & {\textbackslash}VerticallyDividedCurvedDiamond                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\VerticallyDividedCurvedDiamond}                 \\ \hline
      Vertically divided very small square                               & {\textbackslash}VerticallyDividedVerySmallSquare                & \scalebox{1.50}{\VerticallyDividedVerySmallSquare}               \\ \hline

      Quartered square                                                   & {\textbackslash}QuarteredSquare                                 & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuarteredSquare}                                \\ \hline
      Quartered square round corners                                     & {\textbackslash}QuarteredSquareRoundCorners                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuarteredSquareRoundCorners}                    \\ \hline
      Quartered diamond                                                  & {\textbackslash}QuarteredDiamond                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuarteredDiamond}                               \\ \hline
      Quartered circle                                                   & {\textbackslash}QuarteredCircle                                 & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuarteredCircle}                                \\ \hline
      Quartered right triangle                                           & {\textbackslash}QuarteredRightTriangle                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuarteredRightTriangle}                         \\ \hline
      Quartered left triangle                                            & {\textbackslash}QuarteredLeftTriangle                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuarteredLeftTriangle}                          \\ \hline
      Quartered down triangle                                            & {\textbackslash}QuarteredDownTriangle                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuarteredDownTriangle}                          \\ \hline
      Quartered up triangle                                              & {\textbackslash}QuarteredUpTriangle                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuarteredUpTriangle}                            \\ \hline
      Quartered small circle                                             & {\textbackslash}QuarteredSmallCircle                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuarteredSmallCircle}                           \\ \hline
      Quartered very small circle                                        & {\textbackslash}QuarteredVerySmallCircle                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuarteredVerySmallCircle}                       \\ \hline
      Quarted lozenge                                                    & {\textbackslash}QuartedLozenge                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuartedLozenge}                                 \\ \hline
      Quartered curved diamond                                           & {\textbackslash}QuarteredCurvedDiamond                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuarteredCurvedDiamond}                         \\ \hline
      Quartered very small square                                        & {\textbackslash}QuarteredVerySmallSquare                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\QuarteredVerySmallSquare}                       \\ \hline

      Down slashed square                                                & {\textbackslash}DownSlashedSquare                               & \scalebox{1.50}{\DownSlashedSquare}                              \\ \hline
      Down slashed square round corners                                  & {\textbackslash}DownSlashedSquareRoundCorners                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\DownSlashedSquareRoundCorners}                  \\ \hline
      Down slashed diamond                                               & {\textbackslash}DownSlashedDiamond                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\DownSlashedDiamond}                             \\ \hline
      Down slashed circle                                                & {\textbackslash}DownSlashedCircle                               & \scalebox{1.50}{\DownSlashedCircle}                              \\ \hline
      Down slashed right triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}DownSlashedRightTriangle                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\DownSlashedRightTriangle}                       \\ \hline
      Down slashed left triangle                                         & {\textbackslash}DownSlashedLeftTriangle                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\DownSlashedLeftTriangle}                        \\ \hline
      Down slashed down triangle                                         & {\textbackslash}DownSlashedDownTriangle                         & \scalebox{1.50}{\DownSlashedDownTriangle}                        \\ \hline
      Down slashed up triangle                                           & {\textbackslash}DownSlashedUpTriangle                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\DownSlashedUpTriangle}                          \\ \hline
      Down slashed small circle                                          & {\textbackslash}DownSlashedSmallCircle                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\DownSlashedSmallCircle}                         \\ \hline
      Down slashed very small circle                                     & {\textbackslash}DownSlashedVerySmallCircle                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\DownSlashedVerySmallCircle}                     \\ \hline
      Down slashed lozenge                                               & {\textbackslash}DownSlashedLozenge                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\DownSlashedLozenge}                             \\ \hline
      Down slashed curved diamond                                        & {\textbackslash}DownSlashedCurvedDiamond                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\DownSlashedCurvedDiamond}                       \\ \hline
      Down slashed very small square                                     & {\textbackslash}DownSlashedVerySmallSquare                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\DownSlashedVerySmallSquare}                     \\ \hline

      Up slashed square                                                  & {\textbackslash}UpSlashedSquare                                 & \scalebox{1.50}{\UpSlashedSquare}                                \\ \hline
      Up slahsed square round corners                                    & {\textbackslash}UpSlahsedSquareRoundCorners                     & \scalebox{1.50}{\UpSlahsedSquareRoundCorners}                    \\ \hline
      Up slashed diamond                                                 & {\textbackslash}UpSlashedDiamond                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\UpSlashedDiamond}                               \\ \hline
      Up slashed circle                                                  & {\textbackslash}UpSlashedCircle                                 & \scalebox{1.50}{\UpSlashedCircle}                                \\ \hline
      Up slashed right triangle                                          & {\textbackslash}UpSlashedRightTriangle                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\UpSlashedRightTriangle}                         \\ \hline
      Up slashed left triangle                                           & {\textbackslash}UpSlashedLeftTriangle                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\UpSlashedLeftTriangle}                          \\ \hline
      Up slashed down triangle                                           & {\textbackslash}UpSlashedDownTriangle                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\UpSlashedDownTriangle}                          \\ \hline
      Up slashed up triangle                                             & {\textbackslash}UpSlashedUpTriangle                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\UpSlashedUpTriangle}                            \\ \hline
      Up slashed small circle                                            & {\textbackslash}UpSlashedSmallCircle                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\UpSlashedSmallCircle}                           \\ \hline
      Up slashed very small circle                                       & {\textbackslash}UpSlashedVerySmallCircle                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\UpSlashedVerySmallCircle}                       \\ \hline
      Up slashed lozenge                                                 & {\textbackslash}UpSlashedLozenge                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\UpSlashedLozenge}                               \\ \hline
      Up slashed curved diamond                                          & {\textbackslash}UpSlashedCurvedDiamond                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\UpSlashedCurvedDiamond}                         \\ \hline
      Up slashed very small square                                       & {\textbackslash}UpSlashedVerySmallSquare                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\UpSlashedVerySmallSquare}                       \\ \hline

      Crossed square                                                     & {\textbackslash}CrossedSquare                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\CrossedSquare}                                  \\ \hline
      Crossed square round corners                                       & {\textbackslash}CrossedSquareRoundCorners                       & \scalebox{1.50}{\CrossedSquareRoundCorners}                      \\ \hline
      Crossed diamond                                                    & {\textbackslash}CrossedDiamond                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\CrossedDiamond}                                 \\ \hline
      Crossed circle                                                     & {\textbackslash}CrossedCircle                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\CrossedCircle}                                  \\ \hline
      Crossed right triangle                                             & {\textbackslash}CrossedRightTriangle                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\CrossedRightTriangle}                           \\ \hline
      Crossed left triangle                                              & {\textbackslash}CrossedLeftTriangle                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\CrossedLeftTriangle}                            \\ \hline
      Crossed down triangle                                              & {\textbackslash}CrossedDownTriangle                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\CrossedDownTriangle}                            \\ \hline
      Crossed up triangle                                                & {\textbackslash}CrossedUpTriangle                               & \scalebox{1.50}{\CrossedUpTriangle}                              \\ \hline
      Crossed small circle                                               & {\textbackslash}CrossedSmallCircle                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\CrossedSmallCircle}                             \\ \hline
      Crossed very small circle                                          & {\textbackslash}CrossedVerySmallCircle                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\CrossedVerySmallCircle}                         \\ \hline
      Crossed lozenge                                                    & {\textbackslash}CrossedLozenge                                  & \scalebox{1.50}{\CrossedLozenge}                                 \\ \hline
      Crossed curved diamond                                             & {\textbackslash}CrossedCurvedDiamond                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\CrossedCurvedDiamond}                           \\ \hline
      Crossed very small square                                          & {\textbackslash}CrossedVerySmallSquare                          & \scalebox{1.50}{\CrossedVerySmallSquare}                         \\ \hline

      LBlack Square                                                      & {\textbackslash}LBlackSquare                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackSquare}                                   \\ \hline
      LBlack Square Round Corners                                        & {\textbackslash}LBlackSquareRoundCorners                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackSquareRoundCorners}                       \\ \hline
      LBlack Diamond                                                     & {\textbackslash}LBlackDiamond                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackDiamond}                                  \\ \hline
      LBlack Circle                                                      & {\textbackslash}LBlackCircle                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackCircle}                                   \\ \hline
      LBlack Right Triangle                                              & {\textbackslash}LBlackRightTriangle                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackRightTriangle}                            \\ \hline
      LBlack Left Triangle                                               & {\textbackslash}LBlackLeftTriangle                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackLeftTriangle}                             \\ \hline
      LBlack Down Triangle                                               & {\textbackslash}LBlackDownTriangle                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackDownTriangle}                             \\ \hline
      LBlack Up Triangle                                                 & {\textbackslash}LBlackUpTriangle                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackUpTriangle}                               \\ \hline
      LBlack Small Circle                                                & {\textbackslash}LBlackSmallCircle                               & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackSmallCircle}                              \\ \hline
      LBlack Very Small Circle                                           & {\textbackslash}LBlackVerySmallCircle                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackVerySmallCircle}                          \\ \hline
      LBlack Lozenge                                                     & {\textbackslash}LBlackLozenge                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackLozenge}                                  \\ \hline
      LBlack Curved Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}LBlackCurvedDiamond                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackCurvedDiamond}                            \\ \hline
      LBlack Very Small Square                                           & {\textbackslash}LBlackVerySmallSquare                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackVerySmallSquare}                          \\ \hline
      LBlack Left Arrow Head                                             & {\textbackslash}LBlackLeftArrowHead                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackLeftArrowHead}                            \\ \hline
      LBlack Right Arrow Head                                            & {\textbackslash}LBlackRightArrowHead                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackRightArrowHead}                           \\ \hline
      LBlack Right Curved Arrow Head                                     & {\textbackslash}LBlackRightCurvedArrowHead                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\LBlackRightCurvedArrowHead}                     \\ \hline

      LWhite Square                                                      & {\textbackslash}LWhiteSquare                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteSquare}                                   \\ \hline
      LWhite Square Round Corners                                        & {\textbackslash}LWhiteSquareRoundCorners                        & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteSquareRoundCorners}                       \\ \hline
      LWhite Diamond                                                     & {\textbackslash}LWhiteDiamond                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteDiamond}                                  \\ \hline
      LWhite Circle                                                      & {\textbackslash}LWhiteCircle                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteCircle}                                   \\ \hline
      LWhite Right Triangle                                              & {\textbackslash}LWhiteRightTriangle                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteRightTriangle}                            \\ \hline
      LWhite Left Triangle                                               & {\textbackslash}LWhiteLeftTriangle                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteLeftTriangle}                             \\ \hline
      LWhite Down Triangle                                               & {\textbackslash}LWhiteDownTriangle                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteDownTriangle}                             \\ \hline
      LWhite Up Triangle                                                 & {\textbackslash}LWhiteUpTriangle                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteUpTriangle}                               \\ \hline
      LWhite Small Circle                                                & {\textbackslash}LWhiteSmallCircle                               & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteSmallCircle}                              \\ \hline
      LWhite Very Small Circle                                           & {\textbackslash}LWhiteVerySmallCircle                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteVerySmallCircle}                          \\ \hline
      LWhite Lozenge                                                     & {\textbackslash}LWhiteLozenge                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteLozenge}                                  \\ \hline
      LWhite Curved Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}LWhiteCurvedDiamond                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteCurvedDiamond}                            \\ \hline
      LWhite Very Small Square                                           & {\textbackslash}LWhiteVerySmallSquare                           & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteVerySmallSquare}                          \\ \hline
      LWhite Left Arrow Head                                             & {\textbackslash}LWhiteLeftArrowHead                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteLeftArrowHead}                            \\ \hline
      LWhite Right Arrow Head                                            & {\textbackslash}LWhiteRightArrowHead                            & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteRightArrowHead}                           \\ \hline
      LWhite Right Curved Arrow Head                                     & {\textbackslash}LWhiteRightCurvedArrowHead                      & \scalebox{1.50}{\LWhiteRightCurvedArrowHead}                     \\ \hline

      0.20 em White Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteCircleA                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteCircleA}                                   \\ \hline
      0.30 em White Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteCircleB                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteCircleB}                                   \\ \hline
      0.40 em White Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteCircleC                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteCircleC}                                   \\ \hline
      0.50 em White Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteCircleD                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteCircleD}                                   \\ \hline
      0.60 em White Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteCircleE                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteCircleE}                                   \\ \hline
      0.70 em White Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteCircleF                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteCircleF}                                   \\ \hline
      0.80 em White Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteCircleG                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteCircleG}                                   \\ \hline
      0.90 em White Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteCircleH                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteCircleH}                                   \\ \hline
      1.00 em White Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteCircleI                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteCircleI}                                   \\ \hline

      0.20 em Black Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackCircleA                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackCircleA}                                   \\ \hline
      0.30 em Black Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackCircleB                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackCircleB}                                   \\ \hline
      0.40 em Black Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackCircleC                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackCircleC}                                   \\ \hline
      0.50 em Black Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackCircleD                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackCircleD}                                   \\ \hline
      0.60 em Black Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackCircleE                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackCircleE}                                   \\ \hline
      0.70 em Black Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackCircleF                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackCircleF}                                   \\ \hline
      0.80 em Black Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackCircleG                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackCircleG}                                   \\ \hline
      0.90 em Black Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackCircleH                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackCircleH}                                   \\ \hline
      1.00 em Black Circle                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackCircleI                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackCircleI}                                   \\ \hline

      0.20 em White Square                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteSquareA                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSquareA}                                   \\ \hline
      0.30 em White Square                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteSquareB                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSquareB}                                   \\ \hline
      0.40 em White Square                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteSquareC                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSquareC}                                   \\ \hline
      0.50 em White Square                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteSquareD                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSquareD}                                   \\ \hline
      0.60 em White Square                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteSquareE                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSquareE}                                   \\ \hline
      0.70 em White Square                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteSquareF                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSquareF}                                   \\ \hline
      0.80 em White Square                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteSquareG                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSquareG}                                   \\ \hline
      0.90 em White Square                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteSquareH                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSquareH}                                   \\ \hline
      1.00 em White Square                                               & {\textbackslash}WhiteSquareI                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteSquareI}                                   \\ \hline

      0.20 em Black Square                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackSquareA                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackSquareA}                                   \\ \hline
      0.30 em Black Square                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackSquareB                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackSquareB}                                   \\ \hline
      0.40 em Black Square                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackSquareC                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackSquareC}                                   \\ \hline
      0.50 em Black Square                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackSquareD                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackSquareD}                                   \\ \hline
      0.60 em Black Square                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackSquareE                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackSquareE}                                   \\ \hline
      0.70 em Black Square                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackSquareF                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackSquareF}                                   \\ \hline
      0.80 em Black Square                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackSquareG                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackSquareG}                                   \\ \hline
      0.90 em Black Square                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackSquareH                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackSquareH}                                   \\ \hline
      1.00 em Black Square                                               & {\textbackslash}BlackSquareI                                    & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackSquareI}                                   \\ \hline

      0.20 em White Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}WhiteDiamondA                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDiamondA}                                  \\ \hline
      0.30 em White Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}WhiteDiamondB                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDiamondB}                                  \\ \hline
      0.40 em White Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}WhiteDiamondC                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDiamondC}                                  \\ \hline
      0.50 em White Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}WhiteDiamondD                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDiamondD}                                  \\ \hline
      0.60 em White Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}WhiteDiamondE                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDiamondE}                                  \\ \hline
      0.70 em White Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}WhiteDiamondF                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDiamondF}                                  \\ \hline
      0.80 em White Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}WhiteDiamondG                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDiamondG}                                  \\ \hline
      0.90 em White Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}WhiteDiamondH                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDiamondH}                                  \\ \hline
      1.00 em White Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}WhiteDiamondI                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDiamondI}                                  \\ \hline

      0.20 em Black Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}BlackDiamondA                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDiamondA}                                  \\ \hline
      0.30 em Black Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}BlackDiamondB                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDiamondB}                                  \\ \hline
      0.40 em Black Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}BlackDiamondC                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDiamondC}                                  \\ \hline
      0.50 em Black Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}BlackDiamondD                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDiamondD}                                  \\ \hline
      0.60 em Black Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}BlackDiamondE                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDiamondE}                                  \\ \hline
      0.70 em Black Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}BlackDiamondF                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDiamondF}                                  \\ \hline
      0.80 em Black Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}BlackDiamondG                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDiamondG}                                  \\ \hline
      0.90 em Black Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}BlackDiamondH                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDiamondH}                                  \\ \hline
      1.00 em Black Diamond                                              & {\textbackslash}BlackDiamondI                                   & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDiamondI}                                  \\ \hline

      0.20 em White Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}WhiteRightTriangleA                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteRightTriangleA}                            \\ \hline
      0.30 em White Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}WhiteRightTriangleB                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteRightTriangleB}                            \\ \hline
      0.40 em White Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}WhiteRightTriangleC                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteRightTriangleC}                            \\ \hline
      0.50 em White Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}WhiteRightTriangleD                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteRightTriangleD}                            \\ \hline
      0.60 em White Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}WhiteRightTriangleE                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteRightTriangleE}                            \\ \hline
      0.70 em White Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}WhiteRightTriangleF                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteRightTriangleF}                            \\ \hline
      0.80 em White Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}WhiteRightTriangleG                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteRightTriangleG}                            \\ \hline
      0.90 em White Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}WhiteRightTriangleH                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteRightTriangleH}                            \\ \hline
      1.00 em White Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}WhiteRightTriangleI                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteRightTriangleI}                            \\ \hline

      0.20 em Black Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}BlackRightTriangleA                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackRightTriangleA}                            \\ \hline
      0.30 em Black Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}BlackRightTriangleB                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackRightTriangleB}                            \\ \hline
      0.40 em Black Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}BlackRightTriangleC                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackRightTriangleC}                            \\ \hline
      0.50 em Black Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}BlackRightTriangleD                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackRightTriangleD}                            \\ \hline
      0.60 em Black Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}BlackRightTriangleE                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackRightTriangleE}                            \\ \hline
      0.70 em Black Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}BlackRightTriangleF                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackRightTriangleF}                            \\ \hline
      0.80 em Black Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}BlackRightTriangleG                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackRightTriangleG}                            \\ \hline
      0.90 em Black Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}BlackRightTriangleH                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackRightTriangleH}                            \\ \hline
      1.00 em Black Right Triangle                                       & {\textbackslash}BlackRightTriangleI                             & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackRightTriangleI}                            \\ \hline

      0.20 em White Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteLeftTriangleA                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLeftTriangleA}                             \\ \hline
      0.30 em White Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteLeftTriangleB                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLeftTriangleB}                             \\ \hline
      0.40 em White Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteLeftTriangleC                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLeftTriangleC}                             \\ \hline
      0.50 em White Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteLeftTriangleD                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLeftTriangleD}                             \\ \hline
      0.60 em White Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteLeftTriangleE                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLeftTriangleE}                             \\ \hline
      0.70 em White Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteLeftTriangleF                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLeftTriangleF}                             \\ \hline
      0.80 em White Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteLeftTriangleG                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLeftTriangleG}                             \\ \hline
      0.90 em White Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteLeftTriangleH                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLeftTriangleH}                             \\ \hline
      1.00 em White Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteLeftTriangleI                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteLeftTriangleI}                             \\ \hline

      0.20 em Black Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackLeftTriangleA                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackLeftTriangleA}                             \\ \hline
      0.30 em Black Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackLeftTriangleB                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackLeftTriangleB}                             \\ \hline
      0.40 em Black Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackLeftTriangleC                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackLeftTriangleC}                             \\ \hline
      0.50 em Black Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackLeftTriangleD                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackLeftTriangleD}                             \\ \hline
      0.60 em Black Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackLeftTriangleE                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackLeftTriangleE}                             \\ \hline
      0.70 em Black Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackLeftTriangleF                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackLeftTriangleF}                             \\ \hline
      0.80 em Black Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackLeftTriangleG                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackLeftTriangleG}                             \\ \hline
      0.90 em Black Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackLeftTriangleH                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackLeftTriangleH}                             \\ \hline
      1.00 em Black Left Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackLeftTriangleI                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackLeftTriangleI}                             \\ \hline

      0.20 em White Up Triangle                                          & {\textbackslash}WhiteUpTriangleA                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteUpTriangleA}                               \\ \hline
      0.30 em White Up Triangle                                          & {\textbackslash}WhiteUpTriangleB                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteUpTriangleB}                               \\ \hline
      0.40 em White Up Triangle                                          & {\textbackslash}WhiteUpTriangleC                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteUpTriangleC}                               \\ \hline
      0.50 em White Up Triangle                                          & {\textbackslash}WhiteUpTriangleD                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteUpTriangleD}                               \\ \hline
      0.60 em White Up Triangle                                          & {\textbackslash}WhiteUpTriangleE                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteUpTriangleE}                               \\ \hline
      0.70 em White Up Triangle                                          & {\textbackslash}WhiteUpTriangleF                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteUpTriangleF}                               \\ \hline
      0.80 em White Up Triangle                                          & {\textbackslash}WhiteUpTriangleG                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteUpTriangleG}                               \\ \hline
      0.90 em White Up Triangle                                          & {\textbackslash}WhiteUpTriangleH                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteUpTriangleH}                               \\ \hline
      1.00 em White Up Triangle                                          & {\textbackslash}WhiteUpTriangleI                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteUpTriangleI}                               \\ \hline

      0.20 em Black Up TriangleA                                         & {\textbackslash}BlackUpTriangleA                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackUpTriangleA}                               \\ \hline
      0.30 em Black Up TriangleB                                         & {\textbackslash}BlackUpTriangleB                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackUpTriangleB}                               \\ \hline
      0.40 em Black Up TriangleC                                         & {\textbackslash}BlackUpTriangleC                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackUpTriangleC}                               \\ \hline
      0.50 em Black Up TriangleD                                         & {\textbackslash}BlackUpTriangleD                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackUpTriangleD}                               \\ \hline
      0.60 em Black Up TriangleE                                         & {\textbackslash}BlackUpTriangleE                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackUpTriangleE}                               \\ \hline
      0.70 em Black Up TriangleF                                         & {\textbackslash}BlackUpTriangleF                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackUpTriangleF}                               \\ \hline
      0.80 em Black Up TriangleG                                         & {\textbackslash}BlackUpTriangleG                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackUpTriangleG}                               \\ \hline
      0.90 em Black Up TriangleH                                         & {\textbackslash}BlackUpTriangleH                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackUpTriangleH}                               \\ \hline
      1.00 em Black Up TriangleI                                         & {\textbackslash}BlackUpTriangleI                                & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackUpTriangleI}                               \\ \hline

      0.20 em White Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteDownTriangleA                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDownTriangleA}                             \\ \hline
      0.30 em White Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteDownTriangleB                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDownTriangleB}                             \\ \hline
      0.40 em White Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteDownTriangleC                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDownTriangleC}                             \\ \hline
      0.50 em White Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteDownTriangleD                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDownTriangleD}                             \\ \hline
      0.60 em White Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteDownTriangleE                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDownTriangleE}                             \\ \hline
      0.70 em White Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteDownTriangleF                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDownTriangleF}                             \\ \hline
      0.80 em White Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteDownTriangleG                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDownTriangleG}                             \\ \hline
      0.90 em White Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteDownTriangleH                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDownTriangleH}                             \\ \hline
      1.00 em White Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}WhiteDownTriangleI                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\WhiteDownTriangleI}                             \\ \hline

      0.20 em Black Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackDownTriangleA                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDownTriangleA}                             \\ \hline
      0.30 em Black Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackDownTriangleB                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDownTriangleB}                             \\ \hline
      0.40 em Black Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackDownTriangleC                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDownTriangleC}                             \\ \hline
      0.50 em Black Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackDownTriangleD                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDownTriangleD}                             \\ \hline
      0.60 em Black Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackDownTriangleE                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDownTriangleE}                             \\ \hline
      0.70 em Black Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackDownTriangleF                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDownTriangleF}                             \\ \hline
      0.80 em Black Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackDownTriangleG                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDownTriangleG}                             \\ \hline
      0.90 em Black Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackDownTriangleH                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDownTriangleH}                             \\ \hline
      1.00 em Black Down Triangle                                        & {\textbackslash}BlackDownTriangleI                              & \scalebox{1.50}{\BlackDownTriangleI}                             \\ \hline

      {\textbackslash}OpnBarS,         {\textbackslash}OpnBar[A-L]         & \OpnBarS             \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBarS         & \OpnBarS             \testFrac \ClsBarS         & \OpnBar ~ \OpnBarA ~ \OpnBarB ~ \OpnBarC ~ \OpnBarD ~ \OpnBarE ~ \OpnBarF ~ \OpnBarG ~ \OpnBarH ~ \OpnBarI ~ \OpnBarJ ~ \OpnBarK ~ \OpnBarL                                                                                                                                  \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsBarS,         {\textbackslash}ClsBar[A-L]         & \OpnBarS             \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBarS         & \OpnBarS             \testFrac \ClsBarS         & \ClsBar ~ \ClsBarA ~ \ClsBarB ~ \ClsBarC ~ \ClsBarD ~ \ClsBarE ~ \ClsBarF ~ \ClsBarG ~ \ClsBarH ~ \ClsBarI ~ \ClsBarJ ~ \ClsBarK ~ \ClsBarL                                                                                                                                  \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}BndBarS,         {\textbackslash}BndBar[A-L]         & \OpnBracS x \BndBarS \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBracS        & \OpnBracS x \BndBarS \testFrac \ClsBracS        & \BndBar ~ \BndBarA ~ \BndBarB ~ \BndBarC ~ \BndBarD ~ \BndBarE ~ \BndBarF ~ \BndBarG ~ \BndBarH ~ \BndBarI ~ \BndBarJ ~ \BndBarK ~ \BndBarL                                                                                                                                  \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnGrpS,         {\textbackslash}OpnGrp[A-L]         & \OpnGrpS             \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsGrpS         & \OpnGrpS             \testFrac \ClsGrpS         & \OpnGrp ~ \OpnGrpA ~ \OpnGrpB ~ \OpnGrpC ~ \OpnGrpD ~ \OpnGrpE ~ \OpnGrpF ~ \OpnGrpG ~ \OpnGrpH ~ \OpnGrpI ~ \OpnGrpJ ~ \OpnGrpK ~ \OpnGrpL                                                                                                                                  \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsGrpS,         {\textbackslash}ClsGrp[A-L]         & \OpnGrpS             \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsGrpS         & \OpnGrpS             \testFrac \ClsGrpS         & \ClsGrp ~ \ClsGrpA ~ \ClsGrpB ~ \ClsGrpC ~ \ClsGrpD ~ \ClsGrpE ~ \ClsGrpF ~ \ClsGrpG ~ \ClsGrpH ~ \ClsGrpI ~ \ClsGrpJ ~ \ClsGrpK ~ \ClsGrpL                                                                                                                                  \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnParnS,        {\textbackslash}OpnParn[A-L]        & \OpnParnS            \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsParnS        & \OpnParnS            \testFrac \ClsParnS        & \OpnParn ~ \OpnParnA ~ \OpnParnB ~ \OpnParnC ~ \OpnParnD ~ \OpnParnE ~ \OpnParnF ~ \OpnParnG ~ \OpnParnH ~ \OpnParnI ~ \OpnParnJ ~ \OpnParnK ~ \OpnParnL                                                                                                                     \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsParnS,        {\textbackslash}ClsParn[A-L]        & \OpnParnS            \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsParnS        & \OpnParnS            \testFrac \ClsParnS        & \ClsParn ~ \ClsParnA ~ \ClsParnB ~ \ClsParnC ~ \ClsParnD ~ \ClsParnE ~ \ClsParnF ~ \ClsParnG ~ \ClsParnH ~ \ClsParnI ~ \ClsParnJ ~ \ClsParnK ~ \ClsParnL                                                                                                                     \delEnd \\ \hline

      {\textbackslash}OpnBracS,        {\textbackslash}OpnBrac[A-L]        & \OpnBracS            \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBracS        & \OpnBracS            \testFrac \ClsBracS        & \OpnBrac ~ \OpnBracA ~ \OpnBracB ~ \OpnBracC ~ \OpnBracD ~ \OpnBracE ~ \OpnBracF ~ \OpnBracG ~ \OpnBracH ~ \OpnBracI ~ \OpnBracJ ~ \OpnBracK ~ \OpnBracL                                                                                                                     \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsBracS,        {\textbackslash}ClsBrac[A-L]        & \OpnBracS            \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBracS        & \OpnBracS            \testFrac \ClsBracS        & \ClsBrac ~ \ClsBracA ~ \ClsBracB ~ \ClsBracC ~ \ClsBracD ~ \ClsBracE ~ \ClsBracF ~ \ClsBracG ~ \ClsBracH ~ \ClsBracI ~ \ClsBracJ ~ \ClsBracK ~ \ClsBracL                                                                                                                     \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnBrknBracS,    {\textbackslash}OpnBrknBrac[A-L]    & \OpnBrknBracS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBrknBracS    & \OpnBrknBracS        \testFrac \ClsBrknBracS    & \OpnBrknBrac ~ \OpnBrknBracA ~ \OpnBrknBracB ~ \OpnBrknBracC ~ \OpnBrknBracD ~ \OpnBrknBracE ~ \OpnBrknBracF ~ \OpnBrknBracG ~ \OpnBrknBracH ~ \OpnBrknBracI ~ \OpnBrknBracJ ~ \OpnBrknBracK ~ \OpnBrknBracL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsBrknBracS,    {\textbackslash}ClsBrknBrac[A-L]    & \OpnBrknBracS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBrknBracS    & \OpnBrknBracS        \testFrac \ClsBrknBracS    & \ClsBrknBrac ~ \ClsBrknBracA ~ \ClsBrknBracB ~ \ClsBrknBracC ~ \ClsBrknBracD ~ \ClsBrknBracE ~ \ClsBrknBracF ~ \ClsBrknBracG ~ \ClsBrknBracH ~ \ClsBrknBracI ~ \ClsBrknBracJ ~ \ClsBrknBracK ~ \ClsBrknBracL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnCircBracS,    {\textbackslash}OpnCircBrac[A-L]    & \OpnCircBracS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCircBracS    & \OpnCircBracS        \testFrac \ClsCircBracS    & \OpnCircBrac ~ \OpnCircBracA ~ \OpnCircBracB ~ \OpnCircBracC ~ \OpnCircBracD ~ \OpnCircBracE ~ \OpnCircBracF ~ \OpnCircBracG ~ \OpnCircBracH ~ \OpnCircBracI ~ \OpnCircBracJ ~ \OpnCircBracK ~ \OpnCircBracL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsCircBracS,    {\textbackslash}ClsCircBrac[A-L]    & \OpnCircBracS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCircBracS    & \OpnCircBracS        \testFrac \ClsCircBracS    & \ClsCircBrac ~ \ClsCircBracA ~ \ClsCircBracB ~ \ClsCircBracC ~ \ClsCircBracD ~ \ClsCircBracE ~ \ClsCircBracF ~ \ClsCircBracG ~ \ClsCircBracH ~ \ClsCircBracI ~ \ClsCircBracJ ~ \ClsCircBracK ~ \ClsCircBracL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline

      {\textbackslash}OpnArrwBracS,    {\textbackslash}OpnArrwBrac[A-L]    & \OpnArrwBracS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsArrwBracS    & \OpnArrwBracS        \testFrac \ClsArrwBracS    & \OpnArrwBrac ~ \OpnArrwBracA ~ \OpnArrwBracB ~ \OpnArrwBracC ~ \OpnArrwBracD ~ \OpnArrwBracE ~ \OpnArrwBracF ~ \OpnArrwBracG ~ \OpnArrwBracH ~ \OpnArrwBracI ~ \OpnArrwBracJ ~ \OpnArrwBracK ~ \OpnArrwBracL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsArrwBracS,    {\textbackslash}ClsArrwBrac[A-L]    & \OpnArrwBracS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsArrwBracS    & \OpnArrwBracS        \testFrac \ClsArrwBracS    & \ClsArrwBrac ~ \ClsArrwBracA ~ \ClsArrwBracB ~ \ClsArrwBracC ~ \ClsArrwBracD ~ \ClsArrwBracE ~ \ClsArrwBracF ~ \ClsArrwBracG ~ \ClsArrwBracH ~ \ClsArrwBracI ~ \ClsArrwBracJ ~ \ClsArrwBracK ~ \ClsArrwBracL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnBrktS,        {\textbackslash}OpnBrkt[A-L]        & \OpnBrktS            \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBrktS        & \OpnBrktS            \testFrac \ClsBrktS        & \OpnBrkt ~ \OpnBrktA ~ \OpnBrktB ~ \OpnBrktC ~ \OpnBrktD ~ \OpnBrktE ~ \OpnBrktF ~ \OpnBrktG ~ \OpnBrktH ~ \OpnBrktI ~ \OpnBrktJ ~ \OpnBrktK ~ \OpnBrktL                                                                                                                     \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsBrktS,        {\textbackslash}ClsBrkt[A-L]        & \OpnBrktS            \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBrktS        & \OpnBrktS            \testFrac \ClsBrktS        & \ClsBrkt ~ \ClsBrktA ~ \ClsBrktB ~ \ClsBrktC ~ \ClsBrktD ~ \ClsBrktE ~ \ClsBrktF ~ \ClsBrktG ~ \ClsBrktH ~ \ClsBrktI ~ \ClsBrktJ ~ \ClsBrktK ~ \ClsBrktL                                                                                                                     \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnBrknBrktS,    {\textbackslash}OpnBrknBrkt[A-L]    & \OpnBrknBrktS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBrknBrktS    & \OpnBrknBrktS        \testFrac \ClsBrknBrktS    & \OpnBrknBrkt ~ \OpnBrknBrktA ~ \OpnBrknBrktB ~ \OpnBrknBrktC ~ \OpnBrknBrktD ~ \OpnBrknBrktE ~ \OpnBrknBrktF ~ \OpnBrknBrktG ~ \OpnBrknBrktH ~ \OpnBrknBrktI ~ \OpnBrknBrktJ ~ \OpnBrknBrktK ~ \OpnBrknBrktL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsBrknBrktS,    {\textbackslash}ClsBrknBrkt[A-L]    & \OpnBrknBrktS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBrknBrktS    & \OpnBrknBrktS        \testFrac \ClsBrknBrktS    & \ClsBrknBrkt ~ \ClsBrknBrktA ~ \ClsBrknBrktB ~ \ClsBrknBrktC ~ \ClsBrknBrktD ~ \ClsBrknBrktE ~ \ClsBrknBrktF ~ \ClsBrknBrktG ~ \ClsBrknBrktH ~ \ClsBrknBrktI ~ \ClsBrknBrktJ ~ \ClsBrknBrktK ~ \ClsBrknBrktL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline

      {\textbackslash}OpnCircBrktS,    {\textbackslash}OpnCircBrkt[A-L]    & \OpnCircBrktS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCircBrktS    & \OpnCircBrktS        \testFrac \ClsCircBrktS    & \OpnCircBrkt ~ \OpnCircBrktA ~ \OpnCircBrktB ~ \OpnCircBrktC ~ \OpnCircBrktD ~ \OpnCircBrktE ~ \OpnCircBrktF ~ \OpnCircBrktG ~ \OpnCircBrktH ~ \OpnCircBrktI ~ \OpnCircBrktJ ~ \OpnCircBrktK ~ \OpnCircBrktL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsCircBrktS,    {\textbackslash}ClsCircBrkt[A-L]    & \OpnCircBrktS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCircBrktS    & \OpnCircBrktS        \testFrac \ClsCircBrktS    & \ClsCircBrkt ~ \ClsCircBrktA ~ \ClsCircBrktB ~ \ClsCircBrktC ~ \ClsCircBrktD ~ \ClsCircBrktE ~ \ClsCircBrktF ~ \ClsCircBrktG ~ \ClsCircBrktH ~ \ClsCircBrktI ~ \ClsCircBrktJ ~ \ClsCircBrktK ~ \ClsCircBrktL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnCrlyBrktS,    {\textbackslash}OpnCrlyBrkt[A-L]    & \OpnCrlyBrktS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCrlyBrktS    & \OpnCrlyBrktS        \testFrac \ClsCrlyBrktS    & \OpnCrlyBrkt ~ \OpnCrlyBrktA ~ \OpnCrlyBrktB ~ \OpnCrlyBrktC ~ \OpnCrlyBrktD ~ \OpnCrlyBrktE ~ \OpnCrlyBrktF ~ \OpnCrlyBrktG ~ \OpnCrlyBrktH ~ \OpnCrlyBrktI ~ \OpnCrlyBrktJ ~ \OpnCrlyBrktK ~ \OpnCrlyBrktL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsCrlyBrktS,    {\textbackslash}ClsCrlyBrkt[A-L]    & \OpnCrlyBrktS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCrlyBrktS    & \OpnCrlyBrktS        \testFrac \ClsCrlyBrktS    & \ClsCrlyBrkt ~ \ClsCrlyBrktA ~ \ClsCrlyBrktB ~ \ClsCrlyBrktC ~ \ClsCrlyBrktD ~ \ClsCrlyBrktE ~ \ClsCrlyBrktF ~ \ClsCrlyBrktG ~ \ClsCrlyBrktH ~ \ClsCrlyBrktI ~ \ClsCrlyBrktJ ~ \ClsCrlyBrktK ~ \ClsCrlyBrktL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnTortoiseS,    {\textbackslash}OpnTortoise[A-L]    & \OpnTortoiseS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsTortoiseS    & \OpnTortoiseS        \testFrac \ClsTortoiseS    & \OpnTortoise ~ \OpnTortoiseA ~ \OpnTortoiseB ~ \OpnTortoiseC ~ \OpnTortoiseD ~ \OpnTortoiseE ~ \OpnTortoiseF ~ \OpnTortoiseG ~ \OpnTortoiseH ~ \OpnTortoiseI ~ \OpnTortoiseJ ~ \OpnTortoiseK ~ \OpnTortoiseL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsTortoiseS,    {\textbackslash}ClsTortoise[A-L]    & \OpnTortoiseS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsTortoiseS    & \OpnTortoiseS        \testFrac \ClsTortoiseS    & \ClsTortoise ~ \ClsTortoiseA ~ \ClsTortoiseB ~ \ClsTortoiseC ~ \ClsTortoiseD ~ \ClsTortoiseE ~ \ClsTortoiseF ~ \ClsTortoiseG ~ \ClsTortoiseH ~ \ClsTortoiseI ~ \ClsTortoiseJ ~ \ClsTortoiseK ~ \ClsTortoiseL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline

      {\textbackslash}OpnAnglS,        {\textbackslash}OpnAngl[A-P]        & \OpnAnglS            \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsAnglS        & \OpnAnglS            \testFrac \ClsAnglS        & \OpnAngl ~ \OpnAnglA ~ \OpnAnglB ~ \OpnAnglC ~ \OpnAnglD ~ \OpnAnglE ~ \OpnAnglF ~ \OpnAnglG ~ \OpnAnglH ~ \OpnAnglI ~ \OpnAnglJ ~ \OpnAnglK ~ \OpnAnglL ~ \OpnAnglM ~ \OpnAnglN ~ \OpnAnglO ~ \OpnAnglP                                                                     \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsAnglS,        {\textbackslash}ClsAngl[A-P]        & \OpnAnglS            \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsAnglS        & \OpnAnglS            \testFrac \ClsAnglS        & \ClsAngl ~ \ClsAnglA ~ \ClsAnglB ~ \ClsAnglC ~ \ClsAnglD ~ \ClsAnglE ~ \ClsAnglF ~ \ClsAnglG ~ \ClsAnglH ~ \ClsAnglI ~ \ClsAnglJ ~ \ClsAnglK ~ \ClsAnglL ~ \ClsAnglM ~ \ClsAnglN ~ \ClsAnglO ~ \ClsAnglP                                                                     \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnCurvAnglS,    {\textbackslash}OpnCurvAngl[A-P]    & \OpnCurvAnglS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCurvAnglS    & \OpnCurvAnglS        \testFrac \ClsCurvAnglS    & \OpnCurvAngl ~ \OpnCurvAnglA ~ \OpnCurvAnglB ~ \OpnCurvAnglC ~ \OpnCurvAnglD ~ \OpnCurvAnglE ~ \OpnCurvAnglF ~ \OpnCurvAnglG ~ \OpnCurvAnglH ~ \OpnCurvAnglI ~ \OpnCurvAnglJ ~ \OpnCurvAnglK ~ \OpnCurvAnglL ~ \OpnCurvAnglM ~ \OpnCurvAnglN ~ \OpnCurvAnglO ~ \OpnCurvAnglP \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsCurvAnglS,    {\textbackslash}ClsCurvAngl[A-P]    & \OpnCurvAnglS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCurvAnglS    & \OpnCurvAnglS        \testFrac \ClsCurvAnglS    & \ClsCurvAngl ~ \ClsCurvAnglA ~ \ClsCurvAnglB ~ \ClsCurvAnglC ~ \ClsCurvAnglD ~ \ClsCurvAnglE ~ \ClsCurvAnglF ~ \ClsCurvAnglG ~ \ClsCurvAnglH ~ \ClsCurvAnglI ~ \ClsCurvAnglJ ~ \ClsCurvAnglK ~ \ClsCurvAnglL ~ \ClsCurvAnglM ~ \ClsCurvAnglN ~ \ClsCurvAnglO ~ \ClsCurvAnglP \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnCeilS,        {\textbackslash}OpnCeil[A-L]        & \OpnCeilS            \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCeilS        & \OpnCeilS            \testFrac \ClsCeilS        & \OpnCeil ~ \OpnCeilA ~ \OpnCeilB ~ \OpnCeilC ~ \OpnCeilD ~ \OpnCeilE ~ \OpnCeilF ~ \OpnCeilG ~ \OpnCeilH ~ \OpnCeilI ~ \OpnCeilJ ~ \OpnCeilK ~ \OpnCeilL                                                                                                                     \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsCeilS,        {\textbackslash}ClsCeil[A-L]        & \OpnCeilS            \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCeilS        & \OpnCeilS            \testFrac \ClsCeilS        & \ClsCeil ~ \ClsCeilA ~ \ClsCeilB ~ \ClsCeilC ~ \ClsCeilD ~ \ClsCeilE ~ \ClsCeilF ~ \ClsCeilG ~ \ClsCeilH ~ \ClsCeilI ~ \ClsCeilJ ~ \ClsCeilK ~ \ClsCeilL                                                                                                                     \delEnd \\ \hline

      {\textbackslash}OpnFloorS,       {\textbackslash}OpnFloor[A-L]       & \OpnFloorS           \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsFloorS       & \OpnFloorS           \testFrac \ClsFloorS       & \OpnFloor ~ \OpnFloorA ~ \OpnFloorB ~ \OpnFloorC ~ \OpnFloorD ~ \OpnFloorE ~ \OpnFloorF ~ \OpnFloorG ~ \OpnFloorH ~ \OpnFloorI ~ \OpnFloorJ ~ \OpnFloorK ~ \OpnFloorL                                                                                                        \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsFloorS,       {\textbackslash}ClsFloor[A-L]       & \OpnFloorS           \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsFloorS       & \OpnFloorS           \testFrac \ClsFloorS       & \ClsFloor ~ \ClsFloorA ~ \ClsFloorB ~ \ClsFloorC ~ \ClsFloorD ~ \ClsFloorE ~ \ClsFloorF ~ \ClsFloorG ~ \ClsFloorH ~ \ClsFloorI ~ \ClsFloorJ ~ \ClsFloorK ~ \ClsFloorL                                                                                                        \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnTurnS,        {\textbackslash}OpnTurn[A-L]        & \OpnTurnS            \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsTurnS        & \OpnTurnS            \testFrac \ClsTurnS        & \OpnTurn ~ \OpnTurnA ~ \OpnTurnB ~ \OpnTurnC ~ \OpnTurnD ~ \OpnTurnE ~ \OpnTurnF ~ \OpnTurnG ~ \OpnTurnH ~ \OpnTurnI ~ \OpnTurnJ ~ \OpnTurnK ~ \OpnTurnL                                                                                                                     \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsTurnS,        {\textbackslash}ClsTurn[A-L]        & \OpnTurnS            \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsTurnS        & \OpnTurnS            \testFrac \ClsTurnS        & \ClsTurn ~ \ClsTurnA ~ \ClsTurnB ~ \ClsTurnC ~ \ClsTurnD ~ \ClsTurnE ~ \ClsTurnF ~ \ClsTurnG ~ \ClsTurnH ~ \ClsTurnI ~ \ClsTurnJ ~ \ClsTurnK ~ \ClsTurnL                                                                                                                     \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnDblBarS,      {\textbackslash}OpnDblBar[A-L]      & \OpnDblBarS          \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblBarS      & \OpnDblBarS          \testFrac \ClsDblBarS      & \OpnDblBar ~ \OpnDblBarA ~ \OpnDblBarB ~ \OpnDblBarC ~ \OpnDblBarD ~ \OpnDblBarE ~ \OpnDblBarF ~ \OpnDblBarG ~ \OpnDblBarH ~ \OpnDblBarI ~ \OpnDblBarJ ~ \OpnDblBarK ~ \OpnDblBarL                                                                                           \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsDblBarS,      {\textbackslash}ClsDblBar[A-L]      & \OpnDblBarS          \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblBarS      & \OpnDblBarS          \testFrac \ClsDblBarS      & \ClsDblBar ~ \ClsDblBarA ~ \ClsDblBarB ~ \ClsDblBarC ~ \ClsDblBarD ~ \ClsDblBarE ~ \ClsDblBarF ~ \ClsDblBarG ~ \ClsDblBarH ~ \ClsDblBarI ~ \ClsDblBarJ ~ \ClsDblBarK ~ \ClsDblBarL                                                                                           \delEnd \\ \hline

      {\textbackslash}OpnTrpBarS,      {\textbackslash}OpnTrpBar[A-L]      & \OpnTrpBarS          \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsTrpBarS      & \OpnTrpBarS          \testFrac \ClsTrpBarS      & \OpnTrpBar ~ \OpnTrpBarA ~ \OpnTrpBarB ~ \OpnTrpBarC ~ \OpnTrpBarD ~ \OpnTrpBarE ~ \OpnTrpBarF ~ \OpnTrpBarG ~ \OpnTrpBarH ~ \OpnTrpBarI ~ \OpnTrpBarJ ~ \OpnTrpBarK ~ \OpnTrpBarL                                                                                           \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsTrpBarS,      {\textbackslash}ClsTrpBar[A-L]      & \OpnTrpBarS          \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsTrpBarS      & \OpnTrpBarS          \testFrac \ClsTrpBarS      & \ClsTrpBar ~ \ClsTrpBarA ~ \ClsTrpBarB ~ \ClsTrpBarC ~ \ClsTrpBarD ~ \ClsTrpBarE ~ \ClsTrpBarF ~ \ClsTrpBarG ~ \ClsTrpBarH ~ \ClsTrpBarI ~ \ClsTrpBarJ ~ \ClsTrpBarK ~ \ClsTrpBarL                                                                                           \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnDblGrpS,      {\textbackslash}OpnDblGrp[A-L]      & \OpnDblGrpS          \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblGrpS      & \OpnDblGrpS          \testFrac \ClsDblGrpS      & \OpnDblGrp ~ \OpnDblGrpA ~ \OpnDblGrpB ~ \OpnDblGrpC ~ \OpnDblGrpD ~ \OpnDblGrpE ~ \OpnDblGrpF ~ \OpnDblGrpG ~ \OpnDblGrpH ~ \OpnDblGrpI ~ \OpnDblGrpJ ~ \OpnDblGrpK ~ \OpnDblGrpL                                                                                           \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsDblGrpS,      {\textbackslash}ClsDblGrp[A-L]      & \OpnDblGrpS          \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblGrpS      & \OpnDblGrpS          \testFrac \ClsDblGrpS      & \ClsDblGrp ~ \ClsDblGrpA ~ \ClsDblGrpB ~ \ClsDblGrpC ~ \ClsDblGrpD ~ \ClsDblGrpE ~ \ClsDblGrpF ~ \ClsDblGrpG ~ \ClsDblGrpH ~ \ClsDblGrpI ~ \ClsDblGrpJ ~ \ClsDblGrpK ~ \ClsDblGrpL                                                                                           \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnDblParnS,     {\textbackslash}OpnDblParn[A-L]     & \OpnDblParnS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblParnS     & \OpnDblParnS         \testFrac \ClsDblParnS     & \OpnDblParn ~ \OpnDblParnA ~ \OpnDblParnB ~ \OpnDblParnC ~ \OpnDblParnD ~ \OpnDblParnE ~ \OpnDblParnF ~ \OpnDblParnG ~ \OpnDblParnH ~ \OpnDblParnI ~ \OpnDblParnJ ~ \OpnDblParnK ~ \OpnDblParnL                                                                              \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsDblParnS,     {\textbackslash}ClsDblParn[A-L]     & \OpnDblParnS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblParnS     & \OpnDblParnS         \testFrac \ClsDblParnS     & \ClsDblParn ~ \ClsDblParnA ~ \ClsDblParnB ~ \ClsDblParnC ~ \ClsDblParnD ~ \ClsDblParnE ~ \ClsDblParnF ~ \ClsDblParnG ~ \ClsDblParnH ~ \ClsDblParnI ~ \ClsDblParnJ ~ \ClsDblParnK ~ \ClsDblParnL                                                                              \delEnd \\ \hline

      {\textbackslash}OpnDblBracS,     {\textbackslash}OpnDblBrac[A-L]     & \OpnDblBracS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblBracS     & \OpnDblBracS         \testFrac \ClsDblBracS     & \OpnDblBrac ~ \OpnDblBracA ~ \OpnDblBracB ~ \OpnDblBracC ~ \OpnDblBracD ~ \OpnDblBracE ~ \OpnDblBracF ~ \OpnDblBracG ~ \OpnDblBracH ~ \OpnDblBracI ~ \OpnDblBracJ ~ \OpnDblBracK ~ \OpnDblBracL                                                                              \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsDblBracS,     {\textbackslash}ClsDblBrac[A-L]     & \OpnDblBracS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblBracS     & \OpnDblBracS         \testFrac \ClsDblBracS     & \ClsDblBrac ~ \ClsDblBracA ~ \ClsDblBracB ~ \ClsDblBracC ~ \ClsDblBracD ~ \ClsDblBracE ~ \ClsDblBracF ~ \ClsDblBracG ~ \ClsDblBracH ~ \ClsDblBracI ~ \ClsDblBracJ ~ \ClsDblBracK ~ \ClsDblBracL                                                                              \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnDblAnglS,     {\textbackslash}OpnDblAngl[A-P]     & \OpnDblAnglS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblAnglS     & \OpnDblAnglS         \testFrac \ClsDblAnglS     & \OpnDblAngl ~ \OpnDblAnglA ~ \OpnDblAnglB ~ \OpnDblAnglC ~ \OpnDblAnglD ~ \OpnDblAnglE ~ \OpnDblAnglF ~ \OpnDblAnglG ~ \OpnDblAnglH ~ \OpnDblAnglI ~ \OpnDblAnglJ ~ \OpnDblAnglK ~ \OpnDblAnglL ~ \OpnDblAnglM ~ \OpnDblAnglN ~ \OpnDblAnglO ~ \OpnDblAnglP                  \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsDblAnglS,     {\textbackslash}ClsDblAngl[A-P]     & \OpnDblAnglS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblAnglS     & \OpnDblAnglS         \testFrac \ClsDblAnglS     & \ClsDblAngl ~ \ClsDblAnglA ~ \ClsDblAnglB ~ \ClsDblAnglC ~ \ClsDblAnglD ~ \ClsDblAnglE ~ \ClsDblAnglF ~ \ClsDblAnglG ~ \ClsDblAnglH ~ \ClsDblAnglI ~ \ClsDblAnglJ ~ \ClsDblAnglK ~ \ClsDblAnglL ~ \ClsDblAnglM ~ \ClsDblAnglN ~ \ClsDblAnglO ~ \ClsDblAnglP                  \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnSqrParnS,     {\textbackslash}OpnSqrParn[A-L]     & \OpnSqrParnS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsSqrParnS     & \OpnSqrParnS         \testFrac \ClsSqrParnS     & \OpnSqrParn ~ \OpnSqrParnA ~ \OpnSqrParnB ~ \OpnSqrParnC ~ \OpnSqrParnD ~ \OpnSqrParnE ~ \OpnSqrParnF ~ \OpnSqrParnG ~ \OpnSqrParnH ~ \OpnSqrParnI ~ \OpnSqrParnJ ~ \OpnSqrParnK ~ \OpnSqrParnL                                                                              \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsSqrParnS,     {\textbackslash}ClsSqrParn[A-L]     & \OpnSqrParnS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsSqrParnS     & \OpnSqrParnS         \testFrac \ClsSqrParnS     & \ClsSqrParn ~ \ClsSqrParnA ~ \ClsSqrParnB ~ \ClsSqrParnC ~ \ClsSqrParnD ~ \ClsSqrParnE ~ \ClsSqrParnF ~ \ClsSqrParnG ~ \ClsSqrParnH ~ \ClsSqrParnI ~ \ClsSqrParnJ ~ \ClsSqrParnK ~ \ClsSqrParnL                                                                              \delEnd \\ \hline

      {\textbackslash}OpnParnBarS,     {\textbackslash}OpnParnBar[A-L]     & \OpnParnBarS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsParnBarS     & \OpnParnBarS         \testFrac \ClsParnBarS     & \OpnParnBar ~ \OpnParnBarA ~ \OpnParnBarB ~ \OpnParnBarC ~ \OpnParnBarD ~ \OpnParnBarE ~ \OpnParnBarF ~ \OpnParnBarG ~ \OpnParnBarH ~ \OpnParnBarI ~ \OpnParnBarJ ~ \OpnParnBarK ~ \OpnParnBarL                                                                              \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsParnBarS,     {\textbackslash}ClsParnBar[A-L]     & \OpnParnBarS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsParnBarS     & \OpnParnBarS         \testFrac \ClsParnBarS     & \ClsParnBar ~ \ClsParnBarA ~ \ClsParnBarB ~ \ClsParnBarC ~ \ClsParnBarD ~ \ClsParnBarE ~ \ClsParnBarF ~ \ClsParnBarG ~ \ClsParnBarH ~ \ClsParnBarI ~ \ClsParnBarJ ~ \ClsParnBarK ~ \ClsParnBarL                                                                              \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnBracBarS,     {\textbackslash}OpnBracBar[A-L]     & \OpnBracBarS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBracBarS     & \OpnBracBarS         \testFrac \ClsBracBarS     & \OpnBracBar ~ \OpnBracBarA ~ \OpnBracBarB ~ \OpnBracBarC ~ \OpnBracBarD ~ \OpnBracBarE ~ \OpnBracBarF ~ \OpnBracBarG ~ \OpnBracBarH ~ \OpnBracBarI ~ \OpnBracBarJ ~ \OpnBracBarK ~ \OpnBracBarL                                                                              \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsBracBarS,     {\textbackslash}ClsBracBar[A-L]     & \OpnBracBarS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBracBarS     & \OpnBracBarS         \testFrac \ClsBracBarS     & \ClsBracBar ~ \ClsBracBarA ~ \ClsBracBarB ~ \ClsBracBarC ~ \ClsBracBarD ~ \ClsBracBarE ~ \ClsBracBarF ~ \ClsBracBarG ~ \ClsBracBarH ~ \ClsBracBarI ~ \ClsBracBarJ ~ \ClsBracBarK ~ \ClsBracBarL                                                                              \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnBrknBracBarS, {\textbackslash}OpnBrknBracBar[A-L] & \OpnBrknBracBarS     \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBrknBracBarS & \OpnBrknBracBarS     \testFrac \ClsBrknBracBarS & \OpnBrknBracBar ~ \OpnBrknBracBarA ~ \OpnBrknBracBarB ~ \OpnBrknBracBarC ~ \OpnBrknBracBarD ~ \OpnBrknBracBarE ~ \OpnBrknBracBarF ~ \OpnBrknBracBarG ~ \OpnBrknBracBarH ~ \OpnBrknBracBarI ~ \OpnBrknBracBarJ ~ \OpnBrknBracBarK ~ \OpnBrknBracBarL                          \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsBrknBracBarS, {\textbackslash}ClsBrknBracBar[A-L] & \OpnBrknBracBarS     \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBrknBracBarS & \OpnBrknBracBarS     \testFrac \ClsBrknBracBarS & \ClsBrknBracBar ~ \ClsBrknBracBarA ~ \ClsBrknBracBarB ~ \ClsBrknBracBarC ~ \ClsBrknBracBarD ~ \ClsBrknBracBarE ~ \ClsBrknBracBarF ~ \ClsBrknBracBarG ~ \ClsBrknBracBarH ~ \ClsBrknBracBarI ~ \ClsBrknBracBarJ ~ \ClsBrknBracBarK ~ \ClsBrknBracBarL                          \delEnd \\ \hline

      {\textbackslash}OpnCircBracBarS, {\textbackslash}OpnCircBracBar[A-L] & \OpnCircBracBarS     \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCircBracBarS & \OpnCircBracBarS     \testFrac \ClsCircBracBarS & \OpnCircBracBar ~ \OpnCircBracBarA ~ \OpnCircBracBarB ~ \OpnCircBracBarC ~ \OpnCircBracBarD ~ \OpnCircBracBarE ~ \OpnCircBracBarF ~ \OpnCircBracBarG ~ \OpnCircBracBarH ~ \OpnCircBracBarI ~ \OpnCircBracBarJ ~ \OpnCircBracBarK ~ \OpnCircBracBarL                          \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsCircBracBarS, {\textbackslash}ClsCircBracBar[A-L] & \OpnCircBracBarS     \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCircBracBarS & \OpnCircBracBarS     \testFrac \ClsCircBracBarS & \ClsCircBracBar ~ \ClsCircBracBarA ~ \ClsCircBracBarB ~ \ClsCircBracBarC ~ \ClsCircBracBarD ~ \ClsCircBracBarE ~ \ClsCircBracBarF ~ \ClsCircBracBarG ~ \ClsCircBracBarH ~ \ClsCircBracBarI ~ \ClsCircBracBarJ ~ \ClsCircBracBarK ~ \ClsCircBracBarL                          \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnBrktBarS,     {\textbackslash}OpnBrktBar[A-L]     & \OpnBrktBarS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBrktBarS     & \OpnBrktBarS         \testFrac \ClsBrktBarS     & \OpnBrktBar ~ \OpnBrktBarA ~ \OpnBrktBarB ~ \OpnBrktBarC ~ \OpnBrktBarD ~ \OpnBrktBarE ~ \OpnBrktBarF ~ \OpnBrktBarG ~ \OpnBrktBarH ~ \OpnBrktBarI ~ \OpnBrktBarJ ~ \OpnBrktBarK ~ \OpnBrktBarL                                                                              \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsBrktBarS,     {\textbackslash}ClsBrktBar[A-L]     & \OpnBrktBarS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBrktBarS     & \OpnBrktBarS         \testFrac \ClsBrktBarS     & \ClsBrktBar ~ \ClsBrktBarA ~ \ClsBrktBarB ~ \ClsBrktBarC ~ \ClsBrktBarD ~ \ClsBrktBarE ~ \ClsBrktBarF ~ \ClsBrktBarG ~ \ClsBrktBarH ~ \ClsBrktBarI ~ \ClsBrktBarJ ~ \ClsBrktBarK ~ \ClsBrktBarL                                                                              \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnBrknBrktBarS, {\textbackslash}OpnBrknBrktBar[A-L] & \OpnBrknBrktBarS     \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBrknBrktBarS & \OpnBrknBrktBarS     \testFrac \ClsBrknBrktBarS & \OpnBrknBrktBar ~ \OpnBrknBrktBarA ~ \OpnBrknBrktBarB ~ \OpnBrknBrktBarC ~ \OpnBrknBrktBarD ~ \OpnBrknBrktBarE ~ \OpnBrknBrktBarF ~ \OpnBrknBrktBarG ~ \OpnBrknBrktBarH ~ \OpnBrknBrktBarI ~ \OpnBrknBrktBarJ ~ \OpnBrknBrktBarK ~ \OpnBrknBrktBarL                          \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsBrknBrktBarS, {\textbackslash}ClsBrknBrktBar[A-L] & \OpnBrknBrktBarS     \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsBrknBrktBarS & \OpnBrknBrktBarS     \testFrac \ClsBrknBrktBarS & \ClsBrknBrktBar ~ \ClsBrknBrktBarA ~ \ClsBrknBrktBarB ~ \ClsBrknBrktBarC ~ \ClsBrknBrktBarD ~ \ClsBrknBrktBarE ~ \ClsBrknBrktBarF ~ \ClsBrknBrktBarG ~ \ClsBrknBrktBarH ~ \ClsBrknBrktBarI ~ \ClsBrknBrktBarJ ~ \ClsBrknBrktBarK ~ \ClsBrknBrktBarL                          \delEnd \\ \hline

      {\textbackslash}OpnCircBrktBarS, {\textbackslash}OpnCircBrktBar[A-L] & \OpnCircBrktBarS     \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCircBrktBarS & \OpnCircBrktBarS     \testFrac \ClsCircBrktBarS & \OpnCircBrktBar ~ \OpnCircBrktBarA ~ \OpnCircBrktBarB ~ \OpnCircBrktBarC ~ \OpnCircBrktBarD ~ \OpnCircBrktBarE ~ \OpnCircBrktBarF ~ \OpnCircBrktBarG ~ \OpnCircBrktBarH ~ \OpnCircBrktBarI ~ \OpnCircBrktBarJ ~ \OpnCircBrktBarK ~ \OpnCircBrktBarL                          \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsCircBrktBarS, {\textbackslash}ClsCircBrktBar[A-L] & \OpnCircBrktBarS     \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCircBrktBarS & \OpnCircBrktBarS     \testFrac \ClsCircBrktBarS & \ClsCircBrktBar ~ \ClsCircBrktBarA ~ \ClsCircBrktBarB ~ \ClsCircBrktBarC ~ \ClsCircBrktBarD ~ \ClsCircBrktBarE ~ \ClsCircBrktBarF ~ \ClsCircBrktBarG ~ \ClsCircBrktBarH ~ \ClsCircBrktBarI ~ \ClsCircBrktBarJ ~ \ClsCircBrktBarK ~ \ClsCircBrktBarL                          \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnCrlyBrktBarS, {\textbackslash}OpnCrlyBrktBar[A-L] & \OpnCrlyBrktBarS     \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCrlyBrktBarS & \OpnCrlyBrktBarS     \testFrac \ClsCrlyBrktBarS & \OpnCrlyBrktBar ~ \OpnCrlyBrktBarA ~ \OpnCrlyBrktBarB ~ \OpnCrlyBrktBarC ~ \OpnCrlyBrktBarD ~ \OpnCrlyBrktBarE ~ \OpnCrlyBrktBarF ~ \OpnCrlyBrktBarG ~ \OpnCrlyBrktBarH ~ \OpnCrlyBrktBarI ~ \OpnCrlyBrktBarJ ~ \OpnCrlyBrktBarK ~ \OpnCrlyBrktBarL                          \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsCrlyBrktBarS, {\textbackslash}ClsCrlyBrktBar[A-L] & \OpnCrlyBrktBarS     \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsCrlyBrktBarS & \OpnCrlyBrktBarS     \testFrac \ClsCrlyBrktBarS & \ClsCrlyBrktBar ~ \ClsCrlyBrktBarA ~ \ClsCrlyBrktBarB ~ \ClsCrlyBrktBarC ~ \ClsCrlyBrktBarD ~ \ClsCrlyBrktBarE ~ \ClsCrlyBrktBarF ~ \ClsCrlyBrktBarG ~ \ClsCrlyBrktBarH ~ \ClsCrlyBrktBarI ~ \ClsCrlyBrktBarJ ~ \ClsCrlyBrktBarK ~ \ClsCrlyBrktBarL                          \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnTortoiseBarS, {\textbackslash}OpnTortoiseBar[A-L] & \OpnTortoiseBarS     \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsTortoiseBarS & \OpnTortoiseBarS     \testFrac \ClsTortoiseBarS & \OpnTortoiseBar ~ \OpnTortoiseBarA ~ \OpnTortoiseBarB ~ \OpnTortoiseBarC ~ \OpnTortoiseBarD ~ \OpnTortoiseBarE ~ \OpnTortoiseBarF ~ \OpnTortoiseBarG ~ \OpnTortoiseBarH ~ \OpnTortoiseBarI ~ \OpnTortoiseBarJ ~ \OpnTortoiseBarK ~ \OpnTortoiseBarL                          \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsTortoiseBarS, {\textbackslash}ClsTortoiseBar[A-L] & \OpnTortoiseBarS     \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsTortoiseBarS & \OpnTortoiseBarS     \testFrac \ClsTortoiseBarS & \ClsTortoiseBar ~ \ClsTortoiseBarA ~ \ClsTortoiseBarB ~ \ClsTortoiseBarC ~ \ClsTortoiseBarD ~ \ClsTortoiseBarE ~ \ClsTortoiseBarF ~ \ClsTortoiseBarG ~ \ClsTortoiseBarH ~ \ClsTortoiseBarI ~ \ClsTortoiseBarJ ~ \ClsTortoiseBarK ~ \ClsTortoiseBarL                          \delEnd \\ \hline

      {\textbackslash}OpnAnglBarS,     {\textbackslash}OpnAnglBar[A-P]     & \OpnAnglBarS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsAnglBarS     & \OpnAnglBarS         \testFrac \ClsAnglBarS     & \OpnAnglBar ~ \OpnAnglBarA ~ \OpnAnglBarB ~ \OpnAnglBarC ~ \OpnAnglBarD ~ \OpnAnglBarE ~ \OpnAnglBarF ~ \OpnAnglBarG ~ \OpnAnglBarH ~ \OpnAnglBarI ~ \OpnAnglBarJ ~ \OpnAnglBarK ~ \OpnAnglBarL ~ \OpnAnglBarM ~ \OpnAnglBarN ~ \OpnAnglBarO ~ \OpnAnglBarP                  \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsAnglBarS,     {\textbackslash}ClsAnglBar[A-P]     & \OpnAnglBarS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsAnglBarS     & \OpnAnglBarS         \testFrac \ClsAnglBarS     & \ClsAnglBar ~ \ClsAnglBarA ~ \ClsAnglBarB ~ \ClsAnglBarC ~ \ClsAnglBarD ~ \ClsAnglBarE ~ \ClsAnglBarF ~ \ClsAnglBarG ~ \ClsAnglBarH ~ \ClsAnglBarI ~ \ClsAnglBarJ ~ \ClsAnglBarK ~ \ClsAnglBarL ~ \ClsAnglBarM ~ \ClsAnglBarN ~ \ClsAnglBarO ~ \ClsAnglBarP                  \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnDblCeilS,     {\textbackslash}OpnDblCeil[A-L]     & \OpnDblCeilS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblCeilS     & \OpnDblCeilS         \testFrac \ClsDblCeilS     & \OpnDblCeil ~ \OpnDblCeilA ~ \OpnDblCeilB ~ \OpnDblCeilC ~ \OpnDblCeilD ~ \OpnDblCeilE ~ \OpnDblCeilF ~ \OpnDblCeilG ~ \OpnDblCeilH ~ \OpnDblCeilI ~ \OpnDblCeilJ ~ \OpnDblCeilK ~ \OpnDblCeilL                                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsDblCeilS,     {\textbackslash}ClsDblCeil[A-L]     & \OpnDblCeilS         \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblCeilS     & \OpnDblCeilS         \testFrac \ClsDblCeilS     & \ClsDblCeil ~ \ClsDblCeilA ~ \ClsDblCeilB ~ \ClsDblCeilC ~ \ClsDblCeilD ~ \ClsDblCeilE ~ \ClsDblCeilF ~ \ClsDblCeilG ~ \ClsDblCeilH ~ \ClsDblCeilI ~ \ClsDblCeilJ ~ \ClsDblCeilK ~ \ClsDblCeilL                                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}OpnDblFloorS,    {\textbackslash}OpnDblFloor[A-L]    & \OpnDblFloorS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblFloorS    & \OpnDblFloorS        \testFrac \ClsDblFloorS    & \OpnDblFloor ~ \OpnDblFloorA ~ \OpnDblFloorB ~ \OpnDblFloorC ~ \OpnDblFloorD ~ \OpnDblFloorE ~ \OpnDblFloorF ~ \OpnDblFloorG ~ \OpnDblFloorH ~ \OpnDblFloorI ~ \OpnDblFloorJ ~ \OpnDblFloorK ~ \OpnDblFloorL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline
      {\textbackslash}ClsDblFloorS,    {\textbackslash}ClsDblFloor[A-L]    & \OpnDblFloorS        \frac{1}{2+\frac{3}{4}} \ClsDblFloorS    & \OpnDblFloorS        \testFrac \ClsDblFloorS    & \ClsDblFloor ~ \ClsDblFloorA ~ \ClsDblFloorB ~ \ClsDblFloorC ~ \ClsDblFloorD ~ \ClsDblFloorE ~ \ClsDblFloorF ~ \ClsDblFloorG ~ \ClsDblFloorH ~ \ClsDblFloorI ~ \ClsDblFloorJ ~ \ClsDblFloorK ~ \ClsDblFloorL                                                                 \delEnd \\ \hline

      Greek lower case alpha          & \grualpha            &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grualpha}      }  & Greek upper case alpha           & \gruAlpha            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruAlpha}   } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case beta           & \grubeta             &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grubeta}       }  & Greek upper case beta            & \gruBeta             & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruBeta}    } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case gamma          & \grugamma            &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grugamma}      }  & Greek upper case gamma           & \gruGamma            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruGamma}   } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case delta          & \grudelta            &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grudelta}      }  & Greek upper case delta           & \gruDelta            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruDelta}   } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case epsilon        & \gruepsilon          &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruepsilon}    }  & Greek upper case epsilon         & \gruEpsilon          & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruEpsilon} } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case epsilon        & \gruvarepsilon       &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruvarepsilon} }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
      Greek lower case zeta           & \gruzeta             &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruzeta}       }  & Greek upper case zeta            & \gruZeta             & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruZeta}    } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case eta            & \grueta              &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grueta}        }  & Greek upper case eta             & \gruEta              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruEta}     } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case theta          & \grutheta            &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grutheta}      }  & Greek upper case theta           & \gruTheta            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruTheta}   } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case theta          & \gruvartheta         &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruvartheta}   }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
      Greek lower case iota           & \gruiota             &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruiota}       }  & Greek upper case iota            & \gruIota             & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruIota}    } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case kappa          & \grukappa            &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grukappa}      }  & Greek upper case kappa           & \gruKappa            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruKappa}   } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case lambda         & \grulambda           &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grulambda}     }  & Greek upper case lambda          & \gruLambda           & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruLambda}  } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case mu             & \grumu               &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grumu}         }  & Greek upper case mu              & \gruMu               & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruMu}      } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case nu             & \grunu               &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grunu}         }  & Greek upper case nu              & \gruNu               & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruNu}      } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case xi             & \gruxi               &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruxi}         }  & Greek upper case xi              & \gruXi               & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruXi}      } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case omicron        & \gruomicron          &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruomicron}    }  & Greek upper case omicron         & \gruOmicron          & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruOmicron} } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case pi             & \grupi               &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grupi}         }  & Greek upper case pi              & \gruPi               & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruPi}      } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case pi             & \gruvarpi            &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruvarpi}      }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
      Greek lower case rho            & \grurho              &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grurho}        }  & Greek upper case rho             & \gruRho              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruRho}     } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case rho            & \gruvarrho           &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruvarrho}     }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
      Greek lower case sigma          & \grusigma            &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grusigma}      }  & Greek upper case sigma           & \gruSigma            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruSigma}   } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case sigma          & \gruvarsigma         &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruvarsigma}   }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
      Greek lower case tau            & \grutau              &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grutau}        }  & Greek upper case tau             & \gruTau              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruTau}     } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case upsilon        & \gruupsilon          &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruupsilon}    }  & Greek upper case upsilon         & \gruUpsilon          & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruUpsilon} } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case phi            & \gruphi              &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruphi}        }  & Greek upper case phi             & \gruPhi              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruPhi}     } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case phi            & \gruvarphi           &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruvarphi}     }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
      Greek lower case chi            & \gruchi              &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruchi}        }  & Greek upper case chi             & \gruChi              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruChi}     } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case psi            & \grupsi              &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grupsi}        }  & Greek upper case psi             & \gruPsi              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruPsi}     } \\ \hline
      Greek lower case omega          & \gruomega            &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruomega}      }  & Greek upper case omega           & \gruOmega            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruOmega}   } \\ \hline

%  \clearpage
%  \begin{symbolListB}
%     Greek lower case alpha          & \symgru{\Uchar "3B1} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grualpha}      }  & Greek upper case alpha           & \symgru{\Uchar "391} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruAlpha}   } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case beta           & \symgru{\Uchar "3B2} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grubeta}       }  & Greek upper case beta            & \symgru{\Uchar "392} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruBeta}    } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case gamma          & \symgru{\Uchar "3B3} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grugamma}      }  & Greek upper case gamma           & \symgru{\Uchar "393} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruGamma}   } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case delta          & \symgru{\Uchar "3B4} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grudelta}      }  & Greek upper case delta           & \symgru{\Uchar "394} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruDelta}   } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case epsilon        & \symgru{\Uchar "3F5} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruepsilon}    }  & Greek upper case epsilon         & \symgru{\Uchar "395} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruEpsilon} } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case epsilon        & \symgru{\Uchar "3B5} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruvarepsilon} }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case zeta           & \symgru{\Uchar "3B6} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruzeta}       }  & Greek upper case zeta            & \symgru{\Uchar "396} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruZeta}    } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case eta            & \symgru{\Uchar "3B7} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grueta}        }  & Greek upper case eta             & \symgru{\Uchar "397} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruEta}     } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case theta          & \symgru{\Uchar "3B8} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grutheta}      }  & Greek upper case theta           & \symgru{\Uchar "398} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruTheta}   } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case theta          & \symgru{\Uchar "3D1} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruvartheta}   }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case iota           & \symgru{\Uchar "3B9} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruiota}       }  & Greek upper case iota            & \symgru{\Uchar "399} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruIota}    } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case kappa          & \symgru{\Uchar "3BA} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grukappa}      }  & Greek upper case kappa           & \symgru{\Uchar "39A} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruKappa}   } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case lambda         & \symgru{\Uchar "3BB} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grulambda}     }  & Greek upper case lambda          & \symgru{\Uchar "39B} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruLambda}  } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case mu             & \symgru{\Uchar "3BC} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grumu}         }  & Greek upper case mu              & \symgru{\Uchar "39C} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruMu}      } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case nu             & \symgru{\Uchar "3BD} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grunu}         }  & Greek upper case nu              & \symgru{\Uchar "39D} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruNu}      } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case xi             & \symgru{\Uchar "3BE} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruxi}         }  & Greek upper case xi              & \symgru{\Uchar "39E} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruXi}      } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case omicron        & \symgru{\Uchar "3BF} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruomicron}    }  & Greek upper case omicron         & \symgru{\Uchar "39F} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruOmicron} } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case pi             & \symgru{\Uchar "3C0} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grupi}         }  & Greek upper case pi              & \symgru{\Uchar "3A0} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruPi}      } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case pi             & \symgru{\Uchar "3D6} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruvarpi}      }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case rho            & \symgru{\Uchar "3C1} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grurho}        }  & Greek upper case rho             & \symgru{\Uchar "3A1} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruRho}     } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case rho            & \symgru{\Uchar "3F1} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruvarrho}     }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case sigma          & \symgru{\Uchar "3C3} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grusigma}      }  & Greek upper case sigma           & \symgru{\Uchar "3A3} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruSigma}   } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case sigma          & \symgru{\Uchar "3C2} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruvarsigma}   }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case tau            & \symgru{\Uchar "3C4} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grutau}        }  & Greek upper case tau             & \symgru{\Uchar "3A4} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruTau}     } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case upsilon        & \symgru{\Uchar "3C5} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruupsilon}    }  & Greek upper case upsilon         & \symgru{\Uchar "3A5} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruUpsilon} } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case phi            & \symgru{\Uchar "3D5} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruphi}        }  & Greek upper case phi             & \symgru{\Uchar "3A6} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruPhi}     } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case phi            & \symgru{\Uchar "3C6} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruvarphi}     }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case chi            & \symgru{\Uchar "3C7} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruchi}        }  & Greek upper case chi             & \symgru{\Uchar "3A7} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruChi}     } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case psi            & \symgru{\Uchar "3C8} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grupsi}        }  & Greek upper case psi             & \symgru{\Uchar "3A8} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruPsi}     } \\ \hline
%     Greek lower case omega          & \symgru{\Uchar "3C9} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruomega}      }  & Greek upper case omega           & \symgru{\Uchar "3A9} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gruOmega}   } \\ \hline
%     \end{symbolListB}

      Greek italic lower case alpha   & \grialpha            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grialpha}       }  & Greek italic upper case alpha    & \griAlpha            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griAlpha}   } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case beta    & \gribeta             & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gribeta}        }  & Greek italic upper case beta     & \griBeta             & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griBeta}    } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case gamma   & \grigamma            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grigamma}       }  & Greek italic upper case gamma    & \griGamma            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griGamma}   } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case delta   & \gridelta            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gridelta}       }  & Greek italic upper case delta    & \griDelta            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griDelta}   } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case epsilon & \griepsilon          & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griepsilon}     }  & Greek italic upper case epsilon  & \griEpsilon          & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griEpsilon} } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case epsilon & \grivarepsilon       & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grivarepsilon}  }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case zeta    & \grizeta             & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grizeta}        }  & Greek italic upper case zeta     & \griZeta             & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griZeta}    } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case eta     & \grieta              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grieta}         }  & Greek italic upper case eta      & \griEta              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griEta}     } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case theta   & \gritheta            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gritheta}       }  & Greek italic upper case theta    & \griTheta            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griTheta}   } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case theta   & \grivartheta         & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grivartheta}    }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case iota    & \griiota             & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griiota}        }  & Greek italic upper case iota     & \griIota             & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griIota}    } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case kappa   & \grikappa            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grikappa}       }  & Greek italic upper case kappa    & \griKappa            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griKappa}   } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case lambda  & \grilambda           & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grilambda}      }  & Greek italic upper case lambda   & \griLambda           & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griLambda}  } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case mu      & \grimu               & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grimu}          }  & Greek italic upper case mu       & \griMu               & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griMu}      } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case nu      & \grinu               & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grinu}          }  & Greek italic upper case nu       & \griNu               & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griNu}      } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case xi      & \grixi               & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grixi}          }  & Greek italic upper case xi       & \griXi               & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griXi}      } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case omicron & \griomicron          & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griomicron}     }  & Greek italic upper case omicron  & \griOmicron          & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griOmicron} } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case pi      & \gripi               & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gripi}          }  & Greek italic upper case pi       & \griPi               & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griPi}      } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case pi      & \grivarpi            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grivarpi}       }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case rho     & \grirho              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grirho}         }  & Greek italic upper case rho      & \griRho              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griRho}     } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case rho     & \grivarrho           & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grivarrho}      }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case sigma   & \grisigma            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grisigma}       }  & Greek italic upper case sigma    & \griSigma            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griSigma}   } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case sigma   & \grivarsigma         & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grivarsigma}    }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case tau     & \gritau              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gritau}         }  & Greek italic upper case tau      & \griTau              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griTau}     } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case upsilon & \griupsilon          & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griupsilon}     }  & Greek italic upper case upsilon  & \griUpsilon          & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griUpsilon} } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case phi     & \griphi              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griphi}         }  & Greek italic upper case phi      & \griPhi              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griPhi}     } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case phi     & \grivarphi           & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grivarphi}      }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case chi     & \grichi              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{grichi}         }  & Greek italic upper case chi      & \griChi              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griChi}     } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case psi     & \gripsi              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{gripsi}         }  & Greek italic upper case psi      & \griPsi              & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griPsi}     } \\ \hline
      Greek italic lower case omega   & \griomega            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griomega}       }  & Greek italic upper case omega    & \griOmega            & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griOmega}   } \\ \hline

%  \clearpage
%  \begin{symbolListB}
%     Greek italic lower case alpha   & \symgri{\Uchar "3B1} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grialpha}      }  & Greek italic upper case alpha    & \symgri{\Uchar "391} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griAlpha}   } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case beta    & \symgri{\Uchar "3B2} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gribeta}       }  & Greek italic upper case beta     & \symgri{\Uchar "392} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griBeta}    } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case gamma   & \symgri{\Uchar "3B3} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grigamma}      }  & Greek italic upper case gamma    & \symgri{\Uchar "393} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griGamma}   } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case delta   & \symgri{\Uchar "3B4} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gridelta}      }  & Greek italic upper case delta    & \symgri{\Uchar "394} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griDelta}   } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case epsilon & \symgri{\Uchar "3F5} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{griepsilon}    }  & Greek italic upper case epsilon  & \symgri{\Uchar "395} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griEpsilon} } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case epsilon & \symgri{\Uchar "3B5} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grivarepsilon} }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case zeta    & \symgri{\Uchar "3B6} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grizeta}       }  & Greek italic upper case zeta     & \symgri{\Uchar "396} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griZeta}    } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case eta     & \symgri{\Uchar "3B7} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grieta}        }  & Greek italic upper case eta      & \symgri{\Uchar "397} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griEta}     } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case theta   & \symgri{\Uchar "3B8} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gritheta}      }  & Greek italic upper case theta    & \symgri{\Uchar "398} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griTheta}   } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case theta   & \symgri{\Uchar "3D1} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grivartheta}   }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case iota    & \symgri{\Uchar "3B9} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{griiota}       }  & Greek italic upper case iota     & \symgri{\Uchar "399} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griIota}    } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case kappa   & \symgri{\Uchar "3BA} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grikappa}      }  & Greek italic upper case kappa    & \symgri{\Uchar "39A} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griKappa}   } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case lambda  & \symgri{\Uchar "3BB} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grilambda}     }  & Greek italic upper case lambda   & \symgri{\Uchar "39B} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griLambda}  } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case mu      & \symgri{\Uchar "3BC} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grimu}         }  & Greek italic upper case mu       & \symgri{\Uchar "39C} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griMu}      } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case nu      & \symgri{\Uchar "3BD} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grinu}         }  & Greek italic upper case nu       & \symgri{\Uchar "39D} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griNu}      } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case xi      & \symgri{\Uchar "3BE} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grixi}         }  & Greek italic upper case xi       & \symgri{\Uchar "39E} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griXi}      } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case omicron & \symgri{\Uchar "3BF} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{griomicron}    }  & Greek italic upper case omicron  & \symgri{\Uchar "39F} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griOmicron} } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case pi      & \symgri{\Uchar "3C0} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gripi}         }  & Greek italic upper case pi       & \symgri{\Uchar "3A0} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griPi}      } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case pi      & \symgri{\Uchar "3D6} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grivarpi}      }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case rho     & \symgri{\Uchar "3C1} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grirho}        }  & Greek italic upper case rho      & \symgri{\Uchar "3A1} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griRho}     } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case rho     & \symgri{\Uchar "3F1} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grivarrho}     }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case sigma   & \symgri{\Uchar "3C3} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grisigma}      }  & Greek italic upper case sigma    & \symgri{\Uchar "3A3} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griSigma}   } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case sigma   & \symgri{\Uchar "3C2} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grivarsigma}   }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case tau     & \symgri{\Uchar "3C4} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gritau}        }  & Greek italic upper case tau      & \symgri{\Uchar "3A4} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griTau}     } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case upsilon & \symgri{\Uchar "3C5} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{griupsilon}    }  & Greek italic upper case upsilon  & \symgri{\Uchar "3A5} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griUpsilon} } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case phi     & \symgri{\Uchar "3D5} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{griphi}        }  & Greek italic upper case phi      & \symgri{\Uchar "3A6} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griPhi}     } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case phi     & \symgri{\Uchar "3C6} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grivarphi}     }  &                                  &                      &                                        \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case chi     & \symgri{\Uchar "3C7} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{grichi}        }  & Greek italic upper case chi      & \symgri{\Uchar "3A7} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griChi}     } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case psi     & \symgri{\Uchar "3C8} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{gripsi}        }  & Greek italic upper case psi      & \symgri{\Uchar "3A8} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griPsi}     } \\ \hline
%     Greek italic lower case omega   & \symgri{\Uchar "3C9} &  \textup{{\textbackslash}{griomega}      }  & Greek italic upper case omega    & \symgri{\Uchar "3A9} & \textup{{\textbackslash}{griOmega}   } \\ \hline
%     \end{symbolListB}

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symsau\{<alphanum>\} -- sans-serif script

      \sauZero~\sauOne~\sauTwo~\sauThree~\sauFour~\sauFive~\sauSix~\sauSeven~\sauEight~\sauNine                                                                     \\
      \saua~\saub~\sauc~\saud~\saue~\sauf~\saug~\sauh~\saui~\sauj~\sauk~\saul~\saum~\saun~\sauo~\saup~\sauq~\saur~\saus~\saut~\sauu~\sauv~\sauw~\saux~\sauy~\sauz   \\
      \sauA~\sauB~\sauC~\sauD~\sauE~\sauF~\sauG~\sauH~\sauI~\sauJ~\sauK~\sauL~\sauM~\sauN~\sauO~\sauP~\sauQ~\sauR~\sauS~\sauT~\sauU~\sauV~\sauW~\sauX~\sauY~\sauZ   \\

      \symsau{0}~\symsau{1}~\symsau{2}~\symsau{3}~\symsau{4}~\symsau{5}~\symsau{6}~\symsau{7}~\symsau{8}~\symsau{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symsau{a}~\symsau{b}~\symsau{c}~\symsau{d}~\symsau{e}~\symsau{f}~\symsau{g}~\symsau{h}~\symsau{i}~\symsau{j}~\symsau{k}~\symsau{l}~\symsau{m}~\symsau{n}~\symsau{o}~\symsau{p}~\symsau{q}~\symsau{r}~\symsau{s}~\symsau{t}~\symsau{u}~\symsau{v}~\symsau{w}~\symsau{x}~\symsau{y}~\symsau{z}    \\
      \symsau{A}~\symsau{B}~\symsau{C}~\symsau{D}~\symsau{E}~\symsau{F}~\symsau{G}~\symsau{H}~\symsau{I}~\symsau{J}~\symsau{K}~\symsau{L}~\symsau{M}~\symsau{N}~\symsau{O}~\symsau{P}~\symsau{Q}~\symsau{R}~\symsau{S}~\symsau{T}~\symsau{U}~\symsau{V}~\symsau{W}~\symsau{X}~\symsau{Y}~\symsau{Z}    \\

      \mathsau{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathsau{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathsau{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symsai\{<alphanum>\} -- sans-serif, oblique script

      \saiZero~\saiOne~\saiTwo~\saiThree~\saiFour~\saiFive~\saiSix~\saiSeven~\saiEight~\saiNine                                                                     \\
      \saia~\saib~\saic~\said~\saie~\saif~\saig~\saih~\saii~\saij~\saik~\sail~\saim~\sain~\saio~\saip~\saiq~\sair~\sais~\sait~\saiu~\saiv~\saiw~\saix~\saiy~\saiz   \\
      \saiA~\saiB~\saiC~\saiD~\saiE~\saiF~\saiG~\saiH~\saiI~\saiJ~\saiK~\saiL~\saiM~\saiN~\saiO~\saiP~\saiQ~\saiR~\saiS~\saiT~\saiU~\saiV~\saiW~\saiX~\saiY~\saiZ   \\

      \symsai{0}~\symsai{1}~\symsai{2}~\symsai{3}~\symsai{4}~\symsai{5}~\symsai{6}~\symsai{7}~\symsai{8}~\symsai{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symsai{a}~\symsai{b}~\symsai{c}~\symsai{d}~\symsai{e}~\symsai{f}~\symsai{g}~\symsai{h}~\symsai{i}~\symsai{j}~\symsai{k}~\symsai{l}~\symsai{m}~\symsai{n}~\symsai{o}~\symsai{p}~\symsai{q}~\symsai{r}~\symsai{s}~\symsai{t}~\symsai{u}~\symsai{v}~\symsai{w}~\symsai{x}~\symsai{y}~\symsai{z}    \\
      \symsai{A}~\symsai{B}~\symsai{C}~\symsai{D}~\symsai{E}~\symsai{F}~\symsai{G}~\symsai{H}~\symsai{I}~\symsai{J}~\symsai{K}~\symsai{L}~\symsai{M}~\symsai{N}~\symsai{O}~\symsai{P}~\symsai{Q}~\symsai{R}~\symsai{S}~\symsai{T}~\symsai{U}~\symsai{V}~\symsai{W}~\symsai{X}~\symsai{Y}~\symsai{Z}    \\

      \mathsai{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathsai{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathsai{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symSau\{<alphanum>\} -- sans-serif, bold script

      \SauZero~\SauOne~\SauTwo~\SauThree~\SauFour~\SauFive~\SauSix~\SauSeven~\SauEight~\SauNine                                                                     \\
      \Saua~\Saub~\Sauc~\Saud~\Saue~\Sauf~\Saug~\Sauh~\Saui~\Sauj~\Sauk~\Saul~\Saum~\Saun~\Sauo~\Saup~\Sauq~\Saur~\Saus~\Saut~\Sauu~\Sauv~\Sauw~\Saux~\Sauy~\Sauz   \\
      \SauA~\SauB~\SauC~\SauD~\SauE~\SauF~\SauG~\SauH~\SauI~\SauJ~\SauK~\SauL~\SauM~\SauN~\SauO~\SauP~\SauQ~\SauR~\SauS~\SauT~\SauU~\SauV~\SauW~\SauX~\SauY~\SauZ   \\

      \symSau{0}~\symSau{1}~\symSau{2}~\symSau{3}~\symSau{4}~\symSau{5}~\symSau{6}~\symSau{7}~\symSau{8}~\symSau{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symSau{a}~\symSau{b}~\symSau{c}~\symSau{d}~\symSau{e}~\symSau{f}~\symSau{g}~\symSau{h}~\symSau{i}~\symSau{j}~\symSau{k}~\symSau{l}~\symSau{m}~\symSau{n}~\symSau{o}~\symSau{p}~\symSau{q}~\symSau{r}~\symSau{s}~\symSau{t}~\symSau{u}~\symSau{v}~\symSau{w}~\symSau{x}~\symSau{y}~\symSau{z}    \\
      \symSau{A}~\symSau{B}~\symSau{C}~\symSau{D}~\symSau{E}~\symSau{F}~\symSau{G}~\symSau{H}~\symSau{I}~\symSau{J}~\symSau{K}~\symSau{L}~\symSau{M}~\symSau{N}~\symSau{O}~\symSau{P}~\symSau{Q}~\symSau{R}~\symSau{S}~\symSau{T}~\symSau{U}~\symSau{V}~\symSau{W}~\symSau{X}~\symSau{Y}~\symSau{Z}    \\

      \mathSau{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathSau{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathSau{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symSai\{<alphanum>\} -- sans-serif, bold, oblique script

      \SaiZero~\SaiOne~\SaiTwo~\SaiThree~\SaiFour~\SaiFive~\SaiSix~\SaiSeven~\SaiEight~\SaiNine                                                                     \\
      \Saia~\Saib~\Saic~\Said~\Saie~\Saif~\Saig~\Saih~\Saii~\Saij~\Saik~\Sail~\Saim~\Sain~\Saio~\Saip~\Saiq~\Sair~\Sais~\Sait~\Saiu~\Saiv~\Saiw~\Saix~\Saiy~\Saiz   \\
      \SaiA~\SaiB~\SaiC~\SaiD~\SaiE~\SaiF~\SaiG~\SaiH~\SaiI~\SaiJ~\SaiK~\SaiL~\SaiM~\SaiN~\SaiO~\SaiP~\SaiQ~\SaiR~\SaiS~\SaiT~\SaiU~\SaiV~\SaiW~\SaiX~\SaiY~\SaiZ   \\

      \symSai{0}~\symSai{1}~\symSai{2}~\symSai{3}~\symSai{4}~\symSai{5}~\symSai{6}~\symSai{7}~\symSai{8}~\symSai{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symSai{a}~\symSai{b}~\symSai{c}~\symSai{d}~\symSai{e}~\symSai{f}~\symSai{g}~\symSai{h}~\symSai{i}~\symSai{j}~\symSai{k}~\symSai{l}~\symSai{m}~\symSai{n}~\symSai{o}~\symSai{p}~\symSai{q}~\symSai{r}~\symSai{s}~\symSai{t}~\symSai{u}~\symSai{v}~\symSai{w}~\symSai{x}~\symSai{y}~\symSai{z}    \\
      \symSai{A}~\symSai{B}~\symSai{C}~\symSai{D}~\symSai{E}~\symSai{F}~\symSai{G}~\symSai{H}~\symSai{I}~\symSai{J}~\symSai{K}~\symSai{L}~\symSai{M}~\symSai{N}~\symSai{O}~\symSai{P}~\symSai{Q}~\symSai{R}~\symSai{S}~\symSai{T}~\symSai{U}~\symSai{V}~\symSai{W}~\symSai{X}~\symSai{Y}~\symSai{Z}    \\

      \mathSai{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathSai{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathSai{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symslu\{<alphanum>\} -- slab-serif script

      \sluZero~\sluOne~\sluTwo~\sluThree~\sluFour~\sluFive~\sluSix~\sluSeven~\sluEight~\sluNine                                                                     \\
      \slua~\slub~\sluc~\slud~\slue~\sluf~\slug~\sluh~\slui~\sluj~\sluk~\slul~\slum~\slun~\sluo~\slup~\sluq~\slur~\slus~\slut~\sluu~\sluv~\sluw~\slux~\sluy~\sluz   \\
      \sluA~\sluB~\sluC~\sluD~\sluE~\sluF~\sluG~\sluH~\sluI~\sluJ~\sluK~\sluL~\sluM~\sluN~\sluO~\sluP~\sluQ~\sluR~\sluS~\sluT~\sluU~\sluV~\sluW~\sluX~\sluY~\sluZ   \\

      \symslu{0}~\symslu{1}~\symslu{2}~\symslu{3}~\symslu{4}~\symslu{5}~\symslu{6}~\symslu{7}~\symslu{8}~\symslu{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symslu{a}~\symslu{b}~\symslu{c}~\symslu{d}~\symslu{e}~\symslu{f}~\symslu{g}~\symslu{h}~\symslu{i}~\symslu{j}~\symslu{k}~\symslu{l}~\symslu{m}~\symslu{n}~\symslu{o}~\symslu{p}~\symslu{q}~\symslu{r}~\symslu{s}~\symslu{t}~\symslu{u}~\symslu{v}~\symslu{w}~\symslu{x}~\symslu{y}~\symslu{z}    \\
      \symslu{A}~\symslu{B}~\symslu{C}~\symslu{D}~\symslu{E}~\symslu{F}~\symslu{G}~\symslu{H}~\symslu{I}~\symslu{J}~\symslu{K}~\symslu{L}~\symslu{M}~\symslu{N}~\symslu{O}~\symslu{P}~\symslu{Q}~\symslu{R}~\symslu{S}~\symslu{T}~\symslu{U}~\symslu{V}~\symslu{W}~\symslu{X}~\symslu{Y}~\symslu{Z}    \\

      \mathslu{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathslu{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathslu{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symsli\{<alphanum>\} -- slab-serif, oblique script

      \sliZero~\sliOne~\sliTwo~\sliThree~\sliFour~\sliFive~\sliSix~\sliSeven~\sliEight~\sliNine                                                                     \\
      \slia~\slib~\slic~\slid~\slie~\slif~\slig~\slih~\slii~\slij~\slik~\slil~\slim~\slin~\slio~\slip~\sliq~\slir~\slis~\slit~\sliu~\sliv~\sliw~\slix~\sliy~\sliz   \\
      \sliA~\sliB~\sliC~\sliD~\sliE~\sliF~\sliG~\sliH~\sliI~\sliJ~\sliK~\sliL~\sliM~\sliN~\sliO~\sliP~\sliQ~\sliR~\sliS~\sliT~\sliU~\sliV~\sliW~\sliX~\sliY~\sliZ   \\

      \symsli{0}~\symsli{1}~\symsli{2}~\symsli{3}~\symsli{4}~\symsli{5}~\symsli{6}~\symsli{7}~\symsli{8}~\symsli{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symsli{a}~\symsli{b}~\symsli{c}~\symsli{d}~\symsli{e}~\symsli{f}~\symsli{g}~\symsli{h}~\symsli{i}~\symsli{j}~\symsli{k}~\symsli{l}~\symsli{m}~\symsli{n}~\symsli{o}~\symsli{p}~\symsli{q}~\symsli{r}~\symsli{s}~\symsli{t}~\symsli{u}~\symsli{v}~\symsli{w}~\symsli{x}~\symsli{y}~\symsli{z}    \\
      \symsli{A}~\symsli{B}~\symsli{C}~\symsli{D}~\symsli{E}~\symsli{F}~\symsli{G}~\symsli{H}~\symsli{I}~\symsli{J}~\symsli{K}~\symsli{L}~\symsli{M}~\symsli{N}~\symsli{O}~\symsli{P}~\symsli{Q}~\symsli{R}~\symsli{S}~\symsli{T}~\symsli{U}~\symsli{V}~\symsli{W}~\symsli{X}~\symsli{Y}~\symsli{Z}    \\

      \mathsli{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathsli{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathsli{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symSlu\{<alphanum>\} -- slab-serif, bold script

      \SluZero~\SluOne~\SluTwo~\SluThree~\SluFour~\SluFive~\SluSix~\SluSeven~\SluEight~\SluNine                                                                     \\
      \Slua~\Slub~\Sluc~\Slud~\Slue~\Sluf~\Slug~\Sluh~\Slui~\Sluj~\Sluk~\Slul~\Slum~\Slun~\Sluo~\Slup~\Sluq~\Slur~\Slus~\Slut~\Sluu~\Sluv~\Sluw~\Slux~\Sluy~\Sluz   \\
      \SluA~\SluB~\SluC~\SluD~\SluE~\SluF~\SluG~\SluH~\SluI~\SluJ~\SluK~\SluL~\SluM~\SluN~\SluO~\SluP~\SluQ~\SluR~\SluS~\SluT~\SluU~\SluV~\SluW~\SluX~\SluY~\SluZ   \\

      \symSlu{0}~\symSlu{1}~\symSlu{2}~\symSlu{3}~\symSlu{4}~\symSlu{5}~\symSlu{6}~\symSlu{7}~\symSlu{8}~\symSlu{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symSlu{a}~\symSlu{b}~\symSlu{c}~\symSlu{d}~\symSlu{e}~\symSlu{f}~\symSlu{g}~\symSlu{h}~\symSlu{i}~\symSlu{j}~\symSlu{k}~\symSlu{l}~\symSlu{m}~\symSlu{n}~\symSlu{o}~\symSlu{p}~\symSlu{q}~\symSlu{r}~\symSlu{s}~\symSlu{t}~\symSlu{u}~\symSlu{v}~\symSlu{w}~\symSlu{x}~\symSlu{y}~\symSlu{z}    \\
      \symSlu{A}~\symSlu{B}~\symSlu{C}~\symSlu{D}~\symSlu{E}~\symSlu{F}~\symSlu{G}~\symSlu{H}~\symSlu{I}~\symSlu{J}~\symSlu{K}~\symSlu{L}~\symSlu{M}~\symSlu{N}~\symSlu{O}~\symSlu{P}~\symSlu{Q}~\symSlu{R}~\symSlu{S}~\symSlu{T}~\symSlu{U}~\symSlu{V}~\symSlu{W}~\symSlu{X}~\symSlu{Y}~\symSlu{Z}    \\

      \mathSlu{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathSlu{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathSlu{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symSli\{<alphanum>\} -- slab-serif, bold, oblique script

      \SliZero~\SliOne~\SliTwo~\SliThree~\SliFour~\SliFive~\SliSix~\SliSeven~\SliEight~\SliNine                                                                     \\
      \Slia~\Slib~\Slic~\Slid~\Slie~\Slif~\Slig~\Slih~\Slii~\Slij~\Slik~\Slil~\Slim~\Slin~\Slio~\Slip~\Sliq~\Slir~\Slis~\Slit~\Sliu~\Sliv~\Sliw~\Slix~\Sliy~\Sliz   \\
      \SliA~\SliB~\SliC~\SliD~\SliE~\SliF~\SliG~\SliH~\SliI~\SliJ~\SliK~\SliL~\SliM~\SliN~\SliO~\SliP~\SliQ~\SliR~\SliS~\SliT~\SliU~\SliV~\SliW~\SliX~\SliY~\SliZ   \\

      \symSli{0}~\symSli{1}~\symSli{2}~\symSli{3}~\symSli{4}~\symSli{5}~\symSli{6}~\symSli{7}~\symSli{8}~\symSli{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symSli{a}~\symSli{b}~\symSli{c}~\symSli{d}~\symSli{e}~\symSli{f}~\symSli{g}~\symSli{h}~\symSli{i}~\symSli{j}~\symSli{k}~\symSli{l}~\symSli{m}~\symSli{n}~\symSli{o}~\symSli{p}~\symSli{q}~\symSli{r}~\symSli{s}~\symSli{t}~\symSli{u}~\symSli{v}~\symSli{w}~\symSli{x}~\symSli{y}~\symSli{z}    \\
      \symSli{A}~\symSli{B}~\symSli{C}~\symSli{D}~\symSli{E}~\symSli{F}~\symSli{G}~\symSli{H}~\symSli{I}~\symSli{J}~\symSli{K}~\symSli{L}~\symSli{M}~\symSli{N}~\symSli{O}~\symSli{P}~\symSli{Q}~\symSli{R}~\symSli{S}~\symSli{T}~\symSli{U}~\symSli{V}~\symSli{W}~\symSli{X}~\symSli{Y}~\symSli{Z}    \\

      \mathSli{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathSli{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathSli{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symsru\{<alphanum>\} -- serif scipt

      \sruZero~\sruOne~\sruTwo~\sruThree~\sruFour~\sruFive~\sruSix~\sruSeven~\sruEight~\sruNine                                                                     \\
      \srua~\srub~\sruc~\srud~\srue~\sruf~\srug~\sruh~\srui~\sruj~\sruk~\srul~\srum~\srun~\sruo~\srup~\sruq~\srur~\srus~\srut~\sruu~\sruv~\sruw~\srux~\sruy~\sruz   \\
      \sruA~\sruB~\sruC~\sruD~\sruE~\sruF~\sruG~\sruH~\sruI~\sruJ~\sruK~\sruL~\sruM~\sruN~\sruO~\sruP~\sruQ~\sruR~\sruS~\sruT~\sruU~\sruV~\sruW~\sruX~\sruY~\sruZ   \\

      \symsru{0}~\symsru{1}~\symsru{2}~\symsru{3}~\symsru{4}~\symsru{5}~\symsru{6}~\symsru{7}~\symsru{8}~\symsru{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symsru{a}~\symsru{b}~\symsru{c}~\symsru{d}~\symsru{e}~\symsru{f}~\symsru{g}~\symsru{h}~\symsru{i}~\symsru{j}~\symsru{k}~\symsru{l}~\symsru{m}~\symsru{n}~\symsru{o}~\symsru{p}~\symsru{q}~\symsru{r}~\symsru{s}~\symsru{t}~\symsru{u}~\symsru{v}~\symsru{w}~\symsru{x}~\symsru{y}~\symsru{z}    \\
      \symsru{A}~\symsru{B}~\symsru{C}~\symsru{D}~\symsru{E}~\symsru{F}~\symsru{G}~\symsru{H}~\symsru{I}~\symsru{J}~\symsru{K}~\symsru{L}~\symsru{M}~\symsru{N}~\symsru{O}~\symsru{P}~\symsru{Q}~\symsru{R}~\symsru{S}~\symsru{T}~\symsru{U}~\symsru{V}~\symsru{W}~\symsru{X}~\symsru{Y}~\symsru{Z}    \\

      \mathsru{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathsru{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathsru{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symsri\{<alphanum>\} -- serif, italic script

      \sriZero~\sriOne~\sriTwo~\sriThree~\sriFour~\sriFive~\sriSix~\sriSeven~\sriEight~\sriNine                                                                     \\
      \sria~\srib~\sric~\srid~\srie~\srif~\srig~\srih~\srii~\srij~\srik~\sril~\srim~\srin~\srio~\srip~\sriq~\srir~\sris~\srit~\sriu~\sriv~\sriw~\srix~\sriy~\sriz   \\
      \sriA~\sriB~\sriC~\sriD~\sriE~\sriF~\sriG~\sriH~\sriI~\sriJ~\sriK~\sriL~\sriM~\sriN~\sriO~\sriP~\sriQ~\sriR~\sriS~\sriT~\sriU~\sriV~\sriW~\sriX~\sriY~\sriZ   \\

      \symsri{0}~\symsri{1}~\symsri{2}~\symsri{3}~\symsri{4}~\symsri{5}~\symsri{6}~\symsri{7}~\symsri{8}~\symsri{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symsri{a}~\symsri{b}~\symsri{c}~\symsri{d}~\symsri{e}~\symsri{f}~\symsri{g}~\symsri{h}~\symsri{i}~\symsri{j}~\symsri{k}~\symsri{l}~\symsri{m}~\symsri{n}~\symsri{o}~\symsri{p}~\symsri{q}~\symsri{r}~\symsri{s}~\symsri{t}~\symsri{u}~\symsri{v}~\symsri{w}~\symsri{x}~\symsri{y}~\symsri{z}    \\
      \symsri{A}~\symsri{B}~\symsri{C}~\symsri{D}~\symsri{E}~\symsri{F}~\symsri{G}~\symsri{H}~\symsri{I}~\symsri{J}~\symsri{K}~\symsri{L}~\symsri{M}~\symsri{N}~\symsri{O}~\symsri{P}~\symsri{Q}~\symsri{R}~\symsri{S}~\symsri{T}~\symsri{U}~\symsri{V}~\symsri{W}~\symsri{X}~\symsri{Y}~\symsri{Z}    \\

      \mathsri{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathsri{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathsri{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symSru\{<alphanum>\} -- serif, bold script

      \SruZero~\SruOne~\SruTwo~\SruThree~\SruFour~\SruFive~\SruSix~\SruSeven~\SruEight~\SruNine                                                                     \\
      \Srua~\Srub~\Sruc~\Srud~\Srue~\Sruf~\Srug~\Sruh~\Srui~\Sruj~\Sruk~\Srul~\Srum~\Srun~\Sruo~\Srup~\Sruq~\Srur~\Srus~\Srut~\Sruu~\Sruv~\Sruw~\Srux~\Sruy~\Sruz   \\
      \SruA~\SruB~\SruC~\SruD~\SruE~\SruF~\SruG~\SruH~\SruI~\SruJ~\SruK~\SruL~\SruM~\SruN~\SruO~\SruP~\SruQ~\SruR~\SruS~\SruT~\SruU~\SruV~\SruW~\SruX~\SruY~\SruZ   \\

      \symSru{0}~\symSru{1}~\symSru{2}~\symSru{3}~\symSru{4}~\symSru{5}~\symSru{6}~\symSru{7}~\symSru{8}~\symSru{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symSru{a}~\symSru{b}~\symSru{c}~\symSru{d}~\symSru{e}~\symSru{f}~\symSru{g}~\symSru{h}~\symSru{i}~\symSru{j}~\symSru{k}~\symSru{l}~\symSru{m}~\symSru{n}~\symSru{o}~\symSru{p}~\symSru{q}~\symSru{r}~\symSru{s}~\symSru{t}~\symSru{u}~\symSru{v}~\symSru{w}~\symSru{x}~\symSru{y}~\symSru{z}    \\
      \symSru{A}~\symSru{B}~\symSru{C}~\symSru{D}~\symSru{E}~\symSru{F}~\symSru{G}~\symSru{H}~\symSru{I}~\symSru{J}~\symSru{K}~\symSru{L}~\symSru{M}~\symSru{N}~\symSru{O}~\symSru{P}~\symSru{Q}~\symSru{R}~\symSru{S}~\symSru{T}~\symSru{U}~\symSru{V}~\symSru{W}~\symSru{X}~\symSru{Y}~\symSru{Z}    \\

      \mathSru{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathSru{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathSru{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symSri\{<alphanum>\} -- serif, bold, italic script

      \SriZero~\SriOne~\SriTwo~\SriThree~\SriFour~\SriFive~\SriSix~\SriSeven~\SriEight~\SriNine                                                                     \\
      \Sria~\Srib~\Sric~\Srid~\Srie~\Srif~\Srig~\Srih~\Srii~\Srij~\Srik~\Sril~\Srim~\Srin~\Srio~\Srip~\Sriq~\Srir~\Sris~\Srit~\Sriu~\Sriv~\Sriw~\Srix~\Sriy~\Sriz   \\
      \SriA~\SriB~\SriC~\SriD~\SriE~\SriF~\SriG~\SriH~\SriI~\SriJ~\SriK~\SriL~\SriM~\SriN~\SriO~\SriP~\SriQ~\SriR~\SriS~\SriT~\SriU~\SriV~\SriW~\SriX~\SriY~\SriZ   \\

      \symSri{0}~\symSri{1}~\symSri{2}~\symSri{3}~\symSri{4}~\symSri{5}~\symSri{6}~\symSri{7}~\symSri{8}~\symSri{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symSri{a}~\symSri{b}~\symSri{c}~\symSri{d}~\symSri{e}~\symSri{f}~\symSri{g}~\symSri{h}~\symSri{i}~\symSri{j}~\symSri{k}~\symSri{l}~\symSri{m}~\symSri{n}~\symSri{o}~\symSri{p}~\symSri{q}~\symSri{r}~\symSri{s}~\symSri{t}~\symSri{u}~\symSri{v}~\symSri{w}~\symSri{x}~\symSri{y}~\symSri{z}    \\
      \symSri{A}~\symSri{B}~\symSri{C}~\symSri{D}~\symSri{E}~\symSri{F}~\symSri{G}~\symSri{H}~\symSri{I}~\symSri{J}~\symSri{K}~\symSri{L}~\symSri{M}~\symSri{N}~\symSri{O}~\symSri{P}~\symSri{Q}~\symSri{R}~\symSri{S}~\symSri{T}~\symSri{U}~\symSri{V}~\symSri{W}~\symSri{X}~\symSri{Y}~\symSri{Z}    \\

      \mathSri{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathSri{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathSri{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Map Variable: {\textbackslash}symcli\{<alphanum>\} -- calligraphic bold script

      \cliZero~\cliOne~\cliTwo~\cliThree~\cliFour~\cliFive~\cliSix~\cliSeven~\cliEight~\cliNine                                                                    \\
      \clia~\clib~\clic~\clid~\clie~\clif~\clig~\clih~\clii~\clij~\clik~\clil~\clim~\clin~\clio~\clip~\cliq~\clir~\clis~\clit~\cliu~\cliv~\cliw~\clix~\cliy~\cliz  \\
      \cliA~\cliB~\cliC~\cliD~\cliE~\cliF~\cliG~\cliH~\cliI~\cliJ~\cliK~\cliL~\cliM~\cliN~\cliO~\cliP~\cliQ~\cliR~\cliS~\cliT~\cliU~\cliV~\cliW~\cliX~\cliY~\cliZ  \\

      \symcli{0}~\symcli{1}~\symcli{2}~\symcli{3}~\symcli{4}~\symcli{5}~\symcli{6}~\symcli{7}~\symcli{8}~\symcli{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symcli{a}~\symcli{b}~\symcli{c}~\symcli{d}~\symcli{e}~\symcli{f}~\symcli{g}~\symcli{h}~\symcli{i}~\symcli{j}~\symcli{k}~\symcli{l}~\symcli{m}~\symcli{n}~\symcli{o}~\symcli{p}~\symcli{q}~\symcli{r}~\symcli{s}~\symcli{t}~\symcli{u}~\symcli{v}~\symcli{w}~\symcli{x}~\symcli{y}~\symcli{z}    \\
      \symcli{A}~\symcli{B}~\symcli{C}~\symcli{D}~\symcli{E}~\symcli{F}~\symcli{G}~\symcli{H}~\symcli{I}~\symcli{J}~\symcli{K}~\symcli{L}~\symcli{M}~\symcli{N}~\symcli{O}~\symcli{P}~\symcli{Q}~\symcli{R}~\symcli{S}~\symcli{T}~\symcli{U}~\symcli{V}~\symcli{W}~\symcli{X}~\symcli{Y}~\symcli{Z}    \\

      \mathcli{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathcli{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathcli{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Map Variable: {\textbackslash}symCli\{<alphanum>\} -- calligraphic bold script

      \CliZero~\CliOne~\CliTwo~\CliThree~\CliFour~\CliFive~\CliSix~\CliSeven~\CliEight~\CliNine                                                                    \\
      \Clia~\Clib~\Clic~\Clid~\Clie~\Clif~\Clig~\Clih~\Clii~\Clij~\Clik~\Clil~\Clim~\Clin~\Clio~\Clip~\Cliq~\Clir~\Clis~\Clit~\Cliu~\Cliv~\Cliw~\Clix~\Cliy~\Cliz  \\
      \CliA~\CliB~\CliC~\CliD~\CliE~\CliF~\CliG~\CliH~\CliI~\CliJ~\CliK~\CliL~\CliM~\CliN~\CliO~\CliP~\CliQ~\CliR~\CliS~\CliT~\CliU~\CliV~\CliW~\CliX~\CliY~\CliZ  \\

      \symCli{0}~\symCli{1}~\symCli{2}~\symCli{3}~\symCli{4}~\symCli{5}~\symCli{6}~\symCli{7}~\symCli{8}~\symCli{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symCli{a}~\symCli{b}~\symCli{c}~\symCli{d}~\symCli{e}~\symCli{f}~\symCli{g}~\symCli{h}~\symCli{i}~\symCli{j}~\symCli{k}~\symCli{l}~\symCli{m}~\symCli{n}~\symCli{o}~\symCli{p}~\symCli{q}~\symCli{r}~\symCli{s}~\symCli{t}~\symCli{u}~\symCli{v}~\symCli{w}~\symCli{x}~\symCli{y}~\symCli{z}    \\
      \symCli{A}~\symCli{B}~\symCli{C}~\symCli{D}~\symCli{E}~\symCli{F}~\symCli{G}~\symCli{H}~\symCli{I}~\symCli{J}~\symCli{K}~\symCli{L}~\symCli{M}~\symCli{N}~\symCli{O}~\symCli{P}~\symCli{Q}~\symCli{R}~\symCli{S}~\symCli{T}~\symCli{U}~\symCli{V}~\symCli{W}~\symCli{X}~\symCli{Y}~\symCli{Z}    \\

      \mathCli{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathCli{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathCli{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Map Variable: {\textbackslash}symfru\{<alphanum>\} -- Fraktur script

      \fruZero~\fruOne~\fruTwo~\fruThree~\fruFour~\fruFive~\fruSix~\fruSeven~\fruEight~\fruNine                                                                    \\
      \frua~\frub~\fruc~\frud~\frue~\fruf~\frug~\fruh~\frui~\fruj~\fruk~\frul~\frum~\frun~\fruo~\frup~\fruq~\frur~\frus~\frut~\fruu~\fruv~\fruw~\frux~\fruy~\fruz  \\
      \fruA~\fruB~\fruC~\fruD~\fruE~\fruF~\fruG~\fruH~\fruI~\fruJ~\fruK~\fruL~\fruM~\fruN~\fruO~\fruP~\fruQ~\fruR~\fruS~\fruT~\fruU~\fruV~\fruW~\fruX~\fruY~\fruZ  \\

      \symfru{0}~\symfru{1}~\symfru{2}~\symfru{3}~\symfru{4}~\symfru{5}~\symfru{6}~\symfru{7}~\symfru{8}~\symfru{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symfru{a}~\symfru{b}~\symfru{c}~\symfru{d}~\symfru{e}~\symfru{f}~\symfru{g}~\symfru{h}~\symfru{i}~\symfru{j}~\symfru{k}~\symfru{l}~\symfru{m}~\symfru{n}~\symfru{o}~\symfru{p}~\symfru{q}~\symfru{r}~\symfru{s}~\symfru{t}~\symfru{u}~\symfru{v}~\symfru{w}~\symfru{x}~\symfru{y}~\symfru{z}    \\
      \symfru{A}~\symfru{B}~\symfru{C}~\symfru{D}~\symfru{E}~\symfru{F}~\symfru{G}~\symfru{H}~\symfru{I}~\symfru{J}~\symfru{K}~\symfru{L}~\symfru{M}~\symfru{N}~\symfru{O}~\symfru{P}~\symfru{Q}~\symfru{R}~\symfru{S}~\symfru{T}~\symfru{U}~\symfru{V}~\symfru{W}~\symfru{X}~\symfru{Y}~\symfru{Z}    \\

      \mathfru{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathfru{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathfru{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Map Variable: {\textbackslash}symFru\{<alphanum>\} -- Fraktur, bold script

      \FruZero~\FruOne~\FruTwo~\FruThree~\FruFour~\FruFive~\FruSix~\FruSeven~\FruEight~\FruNine                                                                    \\
      \Frua~\Frub~\Fruc~\Frud~\Frue~\Fruf~\Frug~\Fruh~\Frui~\Fruj~\Fruk~\Frul~\Frum~\Frun~\Fruo~\Frup~\Fruq~\Frur~\Frus~\Frut~\Fruu~\Fruv~\Fruw~\Frux~\Fruy~\Fruz  \\
      \FruA~\FruB~\FruC~\FruD~\FruE~\FruF~\FruG~\FruH~\FruI~\FruJ~\FruK~\FruL~\FruM~\FruN~\FruO~\FruP~\FruQ~\FruR~\FruS~\FruT~\FruU~\FruV~\FruW~\FruX~\FruY~\FruZ  \\

      \symFru{0}~\symFru{1}~\symFru{2}~\symFru{3}~\symFru{4}~\symFru{5}~\symFru{6}~\symFru{7}~\symFru{8}~\symFru{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symFru{a}~\symFru{b}~\symFru{c}~\symFru{d}~\symFru{e}~\symFru{f}~\symFru{g}~\symFru{h}~\symFru{i}~\symFru{j}~\symFru{k}~\symFru{l}~\symFru{m}~\symFru{n}~\symFru{o}~\symFru{p}~\symFru{q}~\symFru{r}~\symFru{s}~\symFru{t}~\symFru{u}~\symFru{v}~\symFru{w}~\symFru{x}~\symFru{y}~\symFru{z}    \\
      \symFru{A}~\symFru{B}~\symFru{C}~\symFru{D}~\symFru{E}~\symFru{F}~\symFru{G}~\symFru{H}~\symFru{I}~\symFru{J}~\symFru{K}~\symFru{L}~\symFru{M}~\symFru{N}~\symFru{O}~\symFru{P}~\symFru{Q}~\symFru{R}~\symFru{S}~\symFru{T}~\symFru{U}~\symFru{V}~\symFru{W}~\symFru{X}~\symFru{Y}~\symFru{Z}    \\

      \mathFru{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathFru{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathFru{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Map Variable: {\textbackslash}symmnu\{<alphanum>\} -- Monospace, slab-serif, upright script

      \mnuZero~\mnuOne~\mnuTwo~\mnuThree~\mnuFour~\mnuFive~\mnuSix~\mnuSeven~\mnuEight~\mnuNine                                                                    \\
      \mnua~\mnub~\mnuc~\mnud~\mnue~\mnuf~\mnug~\mnuh~\mnui~\mnuj~\mnuk~\mnul~\mnum~\mnun~\mnuo~\mnup~\mnuq~\mnur~\mnus~\mnut~\mnuu~\mnuv~\mnuw~\mnux~\mnuy~\mnuz  \\
      \mnuA~\mnuB~\mnuC~\mnuD~\mnuE~\mnuF~\mnuG~\mnuH~\mnuI~\mnuJ~\mnuK~\mnuL~\mnuM~\mnuN~\mnuO~\mnuP~\mnuQ~\mnuR~\mnuS~\mnuT~\mnuU~\mnuV~\mnuW~\mnuX~\mnuY~\mnuZ  \\

      \symmnu{0}~\symmnu{1}~\symmnu{2}~\symmnu{3}~\symmnu{4}~\symmnu{5}~\symmnu{6}~\symmnu{7}~\symmnu{8}~\symmnu{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symmnu{a}~\symmnu{b}~\symmnu{c}~\symmnu{d}~\symmnu{e}~\symmnu{f}~\symmnu{g}~\symmnu{h}~\symmnu{i}~\symmnu{j}~\symmnu{k}~\symmnu{l}~\symmnu{m}~\symmnu{n}~\symmnu{o}~\symmnu{p}~\symmnu{q}~\symmnu{r}~\symmnu{s}~\symmnu{t}~\symmnu{u}~\symmnu{v}~\symmnu{w}~\symmnu{x}~\symmnu{y}~\symmnu{z}    \\
      \symmnu{A}~\symmnu{B}~\symmnu{C}~\symmnu{D}~\symmnu{E}~\symmnu{F}~\symmnu{G}~\symmnu{H}~\symmnu{I}~\symmnu{J}~\symmnu{K}~\symmnu{L}~\symmnu{M}~\symmnu{N}~\symmnu{O}~\symmnu{P}~\symmnu{Q}~\symmnu{R}~\symmnu{S}~\symmnu{T}~\symmnu{U}~\symmnu{V}~\symmnu{W}~\symmnu{X}~\symmnu{Y}~\symmnu{Z}    \\

      \mathmnu{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathmnu{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathmnu{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Map Variable: {\textbackslash}symmri\{<alphanum>\} -- Monospace serif, italic script

      \mniZero~\mniOne~\mniTwo~\mniThree~\mniFour~\mniFive~\mniSix~\mniSeven~\mniEight~\mniNine                                                                      \\
      \mnia~\mnib~\mnic~\mnid~\mnie~\mnif~\mnig~\mnih~\mnii~\mnij~\mnik~\mnil~\mnim~\mnin~\mnio~\mnip~\mniq~\mnir~\mnis~\mnit~\mniu~\mniv~\mniw~\mnix~\mniy~\mniz    \\
      \mniA~\mniB~\mniC~\mniD~\mniE~\mniF~\mniG~\mniH~\mniI~\mniJ~\mniK~\mniL~\mniM~\mniN~\mniO~\mniP~\mniQ~\mniR~\mniS~\mniT~\mniU~\mniV~\mniW~\mniX~\mniY~\mniZ    \\

      \symmni{0}~\symmni{1}~\symmni{2}~\symmni{3}~\symmni{4}~\symmni{5}~\symmni{6}~\symmni{7}~\symmni{8}~\symmni{9}                                                                                                                                                                                   \\
      \symmni{a}~\symmni{b}~\symmni{c}~\symmni{d}~\symmni{e}~\symmni{f}~\symmni{g}~\symmni{h}~\symmni{i}~\symmni{j}~\symmni{k}~\symmni{l}~\symmni{m}~\symmni{n}~\symmni{o}~\symmni{p}~\symmni{q}~\symmni{r}~\symmni{s}~\symmni{t}~\symmni{u}~\symmni{v}~\symmni{w}~\symmni{x}~\symmni{y}~\symmni{z}   \\
      \symmni{A}~\symmni{B}~\symmni{C}~\symmni{D}~\symmni{E}~\symmni{F}~\symmni{G}~\symmni{H}~\symmni{I}~\symmni{J}~\symmni{K}~\symmni{L}~\symmni{M}~\symmni{N}~\symmni{O}~\symmni{P}~\symmni{Q}~\symmni{R}~\symmni{S}~\symmni{T}~\symmni{U}~\symmni{V}~\symmni{W}~\symmni{X}~\symmni{Y}~\symmni{Z}   \\

      \mathmni{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                 \\
      \mathmni{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z} \\
      \mathmni{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z} \\

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symgru\{<alphanum>\} -- Greek upright script

      \gruAlpha~\gruBeta~\gruGamma~\gruDelta~\gruEpsilon~\gruZeta~\gruEta~\gruTheta~\gruIota~\gruKappa~\gruLambda~\gruMu~\gruNu~\gruXi~\gruOmicron~\gruPi~\gruRho~\gruSigma~\gruTau~\gruUpsilon~\gruPhi~\gruChi~\gruPsi~\gruOmega   \\
      \grualpha~\grubeta~\grugamma~\grudelta~\gruepsilon~\gruzeta~\grueta~\grutheta~\gruiota~\grukappa~\grulambda~\grumu~\grunu~\gruxi~\gruomicron~\grupi~\grurho~\grusigma~\grutau~\gruupsilon~\gruphi~\gruchi~\grupsi~\gruomega   \\
      \gruvarepsilon~\gruvartheta~\gruvarpi~\gruvarrho~\gruvarsigma~\gruvarphi                                                                                                                                                      \\

      \symgru{\Uchar "391}~\symgru{\Uchar "392}~\symgru{\Uchar "393}~\symgru{\Uchar "394}~\symgru{\Uchar "395}~\symgru{\Uchar "396}~\symgru{\Uchar "397}~\symgru{\Uchar "398}~\symgru{\Uchar "399}~\symgru{\Uchar "39A}~\symgru{\Uchar "39B}~\symgru{\Uchar "39C}~\symgru{\Uchar "39D}~\symgru{\Uchar "39E}~\symgru{\Uchar "39F}~\symgru{\Uchar "3A0}~\symgru{\Uchar "3A1}~\symgru{\Uchar "3A3}~\symgru{\Uchar "3A4}~\symgru{\Uchar "3A5}~\symgru{\Uchar "3A6}~\symgru{\Uchar "3A7}~\symgru{\Uchar "3A8}~\symgru{\Uchar "3A9} \\
      \symgru{\Uchar "3B1}~\symgru{\Uchar "3B2}~\symgru{\Uchar "3B3}~\symgru{\Uchar "3B4}~\symgru{\Uchar "3F5}~\symgru{\Uchar "3B6}~\symgru{\Uchar "3B7}~\symgru{\Uchar "3B8}~\symgru{\Uchar "3B9}~\symgru{\Uchar "3BA}~\symgru{\Uchar "3BB}~\symgru{\Uchar "3BC}~\symgru{\Uchar "3BD}~\symgru{\Uchar "3BE}~\symgru{\Uchar "3BF}~\symgru{\Uchar "3C0}~\symgru{\Uchar "3C1}~\symgru{\Uchar "3C3}~\symgru{\Uchar "3C4}~\symgru{\Uchar "3C5}~\symgru{\Uchar "3D5}~\symgru{\Uchar "3C7}~\symgru{\Uchar "3C8}~\symgru{\Uchar "3C9} \\
      \symgru{\Uchar "3B5}~\symgru{\Uchar "3D1}~\symgru{\Uchar "3D6}~\symgru{\Uchar "3F1}~\symgru{\Uchar "3C2}~\symgru{\Uchar "3C6}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           \\

      \symgru{\Uchar "391 \Uchar "392 \Uchar "393 \Uchar "394 \Uchar "395 \Uchar "396 \Uchar "397 \Uchar "398 \Uchar "399 \Uchar "39A \Uchar "39B \Uchar "39C \Uchar "39D \Uchar "39E \Uchar "39F \Uchar "3A0 \Uchar "3A1 \Uchar "3A3 \Uchar "3A4 \Uchar "3A5 \Uchar "3A6 \Uchar "3A7 \Uchar "3A8 \Uchar "3A9} \\
      \symgru{\Uchar "3B1 \Uchar "3B2 \Uchar "3B3 \Uchar "3B4 \Uchar "3F5 \Uchar "3B6 \Uchar "3B7 \Uchar "3B8 \Uchar "3B9 \Uchar "3BA \Uchar "3BB \Uchar "3BC \Uchar "3BD \Uchar "3BE \Uchar "3BF \Uchar "3C0 \Uchar "3C1 \Uchar "3C3 \Uchar "3C4 \Uchar "3C5 \Uchar "3D5 \Uchar "3C7 \Uchar "3C8 \Uchar "3C9} \\
      \symgru{\Uchar "3B5 \Uchar "3D1 \Uchar "3D6 \Uchar "3F1 \Uchar "3C2 \Uchar "3C6}                                                                                                                                                                                                                         \\

      Logical Variable: {\textbackslash}symgri\{<alphanum>\} -- Greek italic script

      \griAlpha~\griBeta~\griGamma~\griDelta~\griEpsilon~\griZeta~\griEta~\griTheta~\griIota~\griKappa~\griLambda~\griMu~\griNu~\griXi~\griOmicron~\griPi~\griRho~\griSigma~\griTau~\griUpsilon~\griPhi~\griChi~\griPsi~\griOmega   \\
      \grialpha~\gribeta~\grigamma~\gridelta~\griepsilon~\grizeta~\grieta~\gritheta~\griiota~\grikappa~\grilambda~\grimu~\grinu~\grixi~\griomicron~\gripi~\grirho~\grisigma~\gritau~\griupsilon~\griphi~\grichi~\gripsi~\griomega   \\
      \grivarepsilon~\grivartheta~\grivarpi~\grivarrho~\grivarsigma~\grivarphi                                                                                                                                                      \\

      \symgri{\Uchar "391}~\symgri{\Uchar "392}~\symgri{\Uchar "393}~\symgri{\Uchar "394}~\symgri{\Uchar "395}~\symgri{\Uchar "396}~\symgri{\Uchar "397}~\symgri{\Uchar "398}~\symgri{\Uchar "399}~\symgri{\Uchar "39A}~\symgri{\Uchar "39B}~\symgri{\Uchar "39C}~\symgri{\Uchar "39D}~\symgri{\Uchar "39E}~\symgri{\Uchar "39F}~\symgri{\Uchar "3A0}~\symgri{\Uchar "3A1}~\symgri{\Uchar "3A3}~\symgri{\Uchar "3A4}~\symgri{\Uchar "3A5}~\symgri{\Uchar "3A6}~\symgri{\Uchar "3A7}~\symgri{\Uchar "3A8}~\symgri{\Uchar "3A9} \\
      \symgri{\Uchar "3B1}~\symgri{\Uchar "3B2}~\symgri{\Uchar "3B3}~\symgri{\Uchar "3B4}~\symgri{\Uchar "3F5}~\symgri{\Uchar "3B6}~\symgri{\Uchar "3B7}~\symgri{\Uchar "3B8}~\symgri{\Uchar "3B9}~\symgri{\Uchar "3BA}~\symgri{\Uchar "3BB}~\symgri{\Uchar "3BC}~\symgri{\Uchar "3BD}~\symgri{\Uchar "3BE}~\symgri{\Uchar "3BF}~\symgri{\Uchar "3C0}~\symgri{\Uchar "3C1}~\symgri{\Uchar "3C3}~\symgri{\Uchar "3C4}~\symgri{\Uchar "3C5}~\symgri{\Uchar "3D5}~\symgri{\Uchar "3C7}~\symgri{\Uchar "3C8}~\symgri{\Uchar "3C9} \\
      \symgri{\Uchar "3B5}~\symgri{\Uchar "3D1}~\symgri{\Uchar "3D6}~\symgri{\Uchar "3F1}~\symgri{\Uchar "3C2}~\symgri{\Uchar "3C6}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           \\

      \symgri{\Uchar "391 \Uchar "392 \Uchar "393 \Uchar "394 \Uchar "395 \Uchar "396 \Uchar "397 \Uchar "398 \Uchar "399 \Uchar "39A \Uchar "39B \Uchar "39C \Uchar "39D \Uchar "39E \Uchar "39F \Uchar "3A0 \Uchar "3A1 \Uchar "3A3 \Uchar "3A4 \Uchar "3A5 \Uchar "3A6 \Uchar "3A7 \Uchar "3A8 \Uchar "3A9} \\
      \symgri{\Uchar "3B1 \Uchar "3B2 \Uchar "3B3 \Uchar "3B4 \Uchar "3F5 \Uchar "3B6 \Uchar "3B7 \Uchar "3B8 \Uchar "3B9 \Uchar "3BA \Uchar "3BB \Uchar "3BC \Uchar "3BD \Uchar "3BE \Uchar "3BF \Uchar "3C0 \Uchar "3C1 \Uchar "3C3 \Uchar "3C4 \Uchar "3C5 \Uchar "3D5 \Uchar "3C7 \Uchar "3C8 \Uchar "3C9} \\
      \symgri{\Uchar "3B5 \Uchar "3D1 \Uchar "3D6 \Uchar "3F1 \Uchar "3C2 \Uchar "3C6}                                                                                                                                                                                                                         \\

      Map Variable: {\textbackslash}symblu\{<alphanum>\} -- blackboard / double struck script

      \bluZero~\bluOne~\bluTwo~\bluThree~\bluFour~\bluFive~\bluSix~\bluSeven~\bluEight~\bluNine                                                                    \\
      \blua~\blub~\bluc~\blud~\blue~\bluf~\blug~\bluh~\blui~\bluj~\bluk~\blul~\blum~\blun~\bluo~\blup~\bluq~\blur~\blus~\blut~\bluu~\bluv~\bluw~\blux~\bluy~\bluz  \\
      \bluA~\bluB~\bluC~\bluD~\bluE~\bluF~\bluG~\bluH~\bluI~\bluJ~\bluK~\bluL~\bluM~\bluN~\bluO~\bluP~\bluQ~\bluR~\bluS~\bluT~\bluU~\bluV~\bluW~\bluX~\bluY~\bluZ  \\

      \symblu{0}~\symblu{1}~\symblu{2}~\symblu{3}~\symblu{4}~\symblu{5}~\symblu{6}~\symblu{7}~\symblu{8}~\symblu{9}                                                                                                                                                                                    \\
      \symblu{a}~\symblu{b}~\symblu{c}~\symblu{d}~\symblu{e}~\symblu{f}~\symblu{g}~\symblu{h}~\symblu{i}~\symblu{j}~\symblu{k}~\symblu{l}~\symblu{m}~\symblu{n}~\symblu{o}~\symblu{p}~\symblu{q}~\symblu{r}~\symblu{s}~\symblu{t}~\symblu{u}~\symblu{v}~\symblu{w}~\symblu{x}~\symblu{y}~\symblu{z}    \\
      \symblu{A}~\symblu{B}~\symblu{C}~\symblu{D}~\symblu{E}~\symblu{F}~\symblu{G}~\symblu{H}~\symblu{I}~\symblu{J}~\symblu{K}~\symblu{L}~\symblu{M}~\symblu{N}~\symblu{O}~\symblu{P}~\symblu{Q}~\symblu{R}~\symblu{S}~\symblu{T}~\symblu{U}~\symblu{V}~\symblu{W}~\symblu{X}~\symblu{Y}~\symblu{Z}    \\

      \mathblu{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}                                    \\
      \mathblu{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}    \\
      \mathblu{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}    \\

      Logix Mono Latin-1 printable symbols (U+0020 .. U+007E, U+00A0 .. U+00FF)

  ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~

  ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® ¯
° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿
Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß
à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï
ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ
