This directory contains: a Type-1 font named BrushScriptX-Italic, that simulates hand-written characters; all the files needed by LaTeX in order to use that font; a file AAA_readme.tex that fully describes the package; two example files. The font itself and all the files are public domain. History: - The original (public domain) NeXT screen font has been edited, with a Type-1 font editor named TypeSmith, on an Amiga computer. The service files have been generated using the "fontinst" package by Alan Jeffrey. - Having TypeSmith generated a buggy font, Louis Vosloo of Y&Y, with enormous courtesy, has fixed the font in his spare time (I no longer had an Amiga computer, or a font editor of any kind). - Rolf Niepraschk submits a file pbsi.sty . - A more strict dvips (5.86e) refuses to handle the font. Rolf Niepraschk submits a fix, generated by the "type1fix" perl script. - Having learnt about a free Type-1 font editor called 'pfaedit' by George Williams ( I have completely re-edited the font. Thierry Bouche has been of invaluable help with fontinst. Thanks to: Thierry Bouche <bouche@mozart.ujf-grenoble.Fr> Rolf Niepraschk <> Louis Vosloo <> George Williams