%% Baskervaldx.sty
    [\filedate\space v\fileversion]
\message{`Baskervaldx' v\fileversion, \filedate\space  Style file for Baskervaldx, an `expertized' update of Baskervald (msharpe)}


%\ifdefined\bbl@tempa \Baskervaldx@babeltrue\fi

\DeclareOptionX{swash}{\@Baskervaldx@swtrue} % used in fd files

% Over-ride the latex definition of \textcircled
      \hfil \raise .38ex\hbox {\usefont{T1}{Baskervaldx-TLF}{m}{sc}
      \ifnum\number`#1>64 \scalefont{.73}\else\scalefont{.54}\fi%
      \lowercase{#1}}\hfil \crcr
    \hfil\usefont{TS1}{Baskervaldx-TLF}{m}{n}\char79 \hfil% bigcircle

%   \ooalign{%
%      \hfil \raise .42ex\hbox {\fontencoding{T1}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{sc}\fontsize{8.7}{10}\selectfont \lowercase{#1}}\hfil \crcr
%     \textbigcircle   % textbigcircle
%   }%
% \egroup}

  \fontfamily{Baskervaldx-LF}\selectfont %
}% to get lf
  \fontfamily{Baskervaldx-TLF}\selectfont %
}% to get tlf
  \fontfamily{Baskervaldx-OsF}\selectfont %
}% to get osf
  \fontfamily{Baskervaldx-TOsF}\selectfont %
}% to get tosf

  {\lfstyle #1}%
}% to get lf
  {\tlfstyle #1}%
}% to get tlf
  {\osfstyle #1}%
}% to get osf
  {\tosfstyle #1}%
}% to get tosf

\renewcommand*{\rmdefault}{Baskervaldx-TLF} % always TLF in math

\if@Baskervaldx@sups %

%    \renewcommand*{\swdefault}{sw}
%	\renewcommand*{\rmdefault}%
%	{Baskervaldx-\Baskervaldx@figurealign\Baskervaldx@figurestyle}
%	\normalfont