I have just discovered a bug in 'dvi2pcl', version 0.8.  The bug was introduced
as the result of a "quick and dirty" addition of free() in cachefonts.c
where I added, without enough testing, the following lines:

	/*  Release malloc'ed memory */
	for(n = fontnum-1 ; n >= 0 ; n--) {
		f = fontlist[n];

Please remove them again or you may run into severe problems!  I will try
better next time...  (blush).

   ^   Bo Thide'----------------------------------------------Science Director
  |I|        Swedish Institute of Space Physics, S-755 91 Uppsala, Sweden
  |R|    Phone: (+46) 18-303671.  Fax: (+46) 18-403100.  IP:
 /|F|\          INTERNET: bt@irfu.se      UUCP: ...!mcvax!sunic!irfu!bt  
 ~~U~~ ----------------------------------------------------------------sm5dfw-