====  Reprint MAPS #11 (93.2); November 1993  ====
====  Dutch TeX Users Group (NTG)             ====
====  P.O. Box 394                            ==== 
====  1740 AJ Schagen                         ====
====  The Netherlands                         ==== 
====  ntg@nic.surfnet.nl                      ====

Copyright note:
   All the MAPS PostScript files in this directory may:
   - not be placed on any server in a local, national
     or international network without this `read.me' file,
   - not be distributed by a CD-ROM or equivalent medium
     without WRITTEN permission of the NTG board.

Do you like the MAPS? Could you find interesting information?
Please send a postcard to the NTG address (see header of this file)!

Gerard van Nes
secretary NTG
editor MAPS

Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep

MAPS:         Minutes and APpendiceS                                #11 (93.2)

Agenda:   1.  Opening 11e NTG bijeenkomst 10 juni 1993                       1
          2.  Verslag bijeenkomst 19 november 1992                           1
          3.  Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen                              1
          4.  NTG-jaarvergadering                                            2
          5.  Rondvraag en Sluiting                                          4
          6.  Voordrachten: `Van font tot boek'                              4
          7.  Volgende bijeenkomsten                                         6

Bijlagen: A   Het weten waard                                                7
          B   Van de Voorzitter                                              9
          C   Van uw MAPS Editor                                            11
          D   Concept begroting 1994                                        12
          E   NTG's Listserver TEX-NL                                       14
          F   NTG's Fileserver TEX-NL                                       17
          G   TEX-NL archief                                                24
          H   INFO-TEX                                                      25
          I   FGBBS zes maanden later                                       28
          J   Spoorboekje voor het inloggen op FGBBS met LittleComm         26
          K   Greetings from TUG                                            41
          L   NTG's Lustrum                                                 43
          M   Ik ben een leek en vrij van pijnlijk weten                    52
          N   TUG '93                                                       57
          O   TUG Board of Directors                                        60
          P   CyrTUG '93 and some more                                      62
          Q   What is TeX and Metafont all about?                           67
          R   Gebruik en Management van TeX in een Unix omgeving            88
          S   Metafont for Beginners                                       103
          T   TeX zonder omhaal; voor Atari ST en andere PC's              111
          U   Frequently Asked Questions                                   115
          V   Frequently Asked Questions about emTeX                       126
          W   Frequently Asked Questions about 4TeX                        128
          X   Gezeefd uit de TEX-NL discussielijst                         131
          Y   The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN)                 133
          Z   4allTeX: NTG's TeX voor MS-DOS                               141
          AA  Shells for TeX                                               155
          BB  Some notes about TeX and MS-Windows                          160
          CC  A Future for TeX                                             163
          DD  Scientific Word,... een eerste indruk                        167
          EE  The ease of including graphics in TeX documents using 4TeX   171
          FF  Customizing LaTeX lists                                      177
          GG  An update on the babel system                                185
          HH  Herziene afbreekpatronen voor het Nederlands                 187
          II  Typesetting paragraphs of a specified shape                  191
          JJ  TeX from \indent to \par                                     194
          KK  LaTeX at WKAP in Dordrecht                                   199
          LL  TeX en braille... een illusie?                               201
          MM  BLUe's Bibliography --- a generic approach                   205
          NN  Matrix icons via LaTeX                                       211
          OO  An application of literate programming                       213
          PP  Teaching Typography --- The Didot Project                    216
          QQ  Announcement LaTeXe --- A New Version of LaTeX               219
          RR  Review of recent LaTeX books                                 221
          SS  The Technical Council and Special Interest Working Groups    223
          TT  Call for papers: TEP' 94 & TUG' 94                           224
          UU  Table of Contents TUGboat                                    226
          VV  NTG ledeninformatie                                          228


Table of Contents CD-ROM directory
 maps11_a.ps  : frontpage
 maps11_b.ps  : pp  01-- 24
 maps11_c.ps  : pp  25-- 40
 maps11_d.ps  : pp  41-- 56
 maps11_e.ps  : pp  57-- 66
 maps11_f.ps  : pp  67-- 88
 maps11_g.ps  : pp  87--102
 maps11_h.ps  : pp 103--114
 maps11_i.ps  : pp 115--132
 maps11_j.ps  : pp 133--154
 maps11_k.ps  : pp 155--170
 maps11_l.ps  : pp 171--176
 maps11_m.ps  : pp 177--184
 maps11_n.ps  : pp 185--204
 maps11_o.ps  : pp 205--227
 maps11_p.ps  : pp 227--242
 maps11_q.ps  : pp  65-- 66 (including figure)

All (300 dpi) PostScript files are generated on a DOS PC system using 4allTeX.
Small differences could occur with the original printed MAPS version.
