====  Reprint MAPS #8 (92.1); May 1992        ====
====  Dutch TeX Users Group (NTG)             ====
====  P.O. Box 394                            ====
====  1740 AJ Schagen                         ====
====  The Netherlands                         ====
====  ntg@nic.surfnet.nl                      ====

Copyright note:
   All the MAPS PostScript files in this directory may:
   - not be placed on any server in a local, national
     or international network without this `read.me' file,
   - not be distributed by a CD-ROM or equivalent medium
     without WRITTEN permission of the NTG board.

Do you like the MAPS? Could you find interesting information?
Please send a postcard to the NTG address (see header of this file)!

Gerard van Nes
secretary NTG
editor MAPS

Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep

MAPS:         Minutes and APpendiceS                                 #8 (92.1)

Agenda:   1.  Opening                                                        1
          2.  Verslag bijeenkomst 2 mei 1991                                 1
          3.  Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen                              1
          4.  Verslag/discussie werkgroepen                                  2
          5.  Rondvraag                                                      3
          6.  NTG presentaties: `Fun with TeX'                               4
          7.  Sluiting                                                       4

Bijlagen: A   TeX kalender & Glossary & Aanschaf TeX boeken                  5
          B   Werkgroepen NTG                                                6
          C   Van de Voorzitter                                              7
          D   Jaarverslag NTG 1991                                           8
          E   Financieel verslag NTG 1991                                   11
          F   NTG's listserver TEX-NL                                       13
          G   NTG's fileserver TEX-NL                                       16
          H   WG 1: Education; Review Urban's `An introduction to LaTeX'    23
          I   WG 1: Education; Addendum `Publiceren met LaTeX'              25
          J   WG 4: Fonts: Met schuine en begerige ogen                     31
          K   WG 7: PC-zaken                                                33
          L   MusicTeX; using TeX to write polyphonic or instrumental music 35
          M   Dating with TeX                                               53
          N   Dag van het Document (verslag ITI-TNO informatiedag)          57
          O   Molecuul Muis Manuscript (verslag KNCV symposium)             59
          P   An introduction to TeX --- part I course David Salomon ---    63
          Q   The Components of TeX                                         81
          R   LaTeX 3 project                                               87
          S   LaTeX Editing support                                         91
          T   Prolegomena toward a font selection scheme                   115
          U   From observation to publication                              117
          V   FIFO and LIFO incognito                                      121
          W   Tower  of Hanoi                                              125
          X   Typesetting Crosswords via \TeX                              128
          Y   Ladies & LaTeX -- II                                         133
          Z   Book reviews                                                 135
          AA  Spivak's OEvre                                               139
          BB  TUGboat, Table of Contents                                   143
          CC  Tijdschriften zusterverenigingen                             145
          DD  EuroTeX 92                                                   147
          EE  `Insights in  TeX' course                                    149
          FF  NTG ledeninformatie                                          151


Table of Contents CD-ROM directory
 maps08_a.ps  : frontpage
 maps08_b.ps  : pp  01-- 12
 maps08_c.ps  : pp  13-- 22
 maps08_d.ps  : pp  23-- 34
 maps08_e.ps  : pp  35-- 42
 maps08_f.ps  : pp  43-- 52
 maps08_g.ps  : pp  51-- 51
 maps08_h.ps  : pp  53-- 62
 maps08_i.ps  : pp  63-- 80  
 maps08_j.ps  : pp  81-- 86  
 maps08_k.ps  : pp  87-- 90
 maps08_l.ps  : pp  91--114   
 maps08_m.ps  : pp 115--134
 maps08_n.ps  : pp 120--120
 maps08_o.ps  : pp 135--150

All (300 dpi) PostScript files are generated on a DOS PC system using 4allTeX.
Small differences could occur with the original printed MAPS version.
