This is the README file for Net::FileShare, a utility for creating file sharing clients and servers by Gene Gallistel <>.

* Installation

	Please view the INSTALL file contained within this distribution.

* Changes 

	Please view the Changes file contained within this distribution.

* ToDo

	Please view the TODO file contained within this distribution.

* Examples

	See the "examples" directory contained within the distribution. Within this directory are three example scripts, which show how to create a server, automated client and interactive client connections.
	Also, example are listed under the EXAMPLES section in the pod

* Background

	The Net::FileShare mod began while developing an ICB bot. I wanted to develop a file transfer method which could be integrated into the bot. With the development of the module, the bot could then transfer files to remote systems. 

	The initial code base for Net::FileShare reached version 1.5. It had a few serious flaws in design, which I wanted to correct. Thus begun a complete rewrite and this current distribution (as of 030403 - version 0.18). If you currently have an older version 1.X of Net::FileShare, its recommended that you download and install the 0.1X distribution. 

* Description

	The interface and usage for the users of Net::FileShare are roughly the same. The amount of variables needed for the Net::FileShare object construction have been reduced, yet scripts which utilized previous versions of Net::FileShare should still work. 

	The protocol which was used in previous versions of Net::FileShare was innefficient, and has thus been scrapped. In its place is a protocol similiar to the ftp protocol for message passing. This uses numeric flags as well as descriptive messages for the server to communicate with the client. Thus, if a client requests a file, which does not exist on the server, they will receive a numeric message along with a description, such as "File Not Found". The previous protocol implimentation only responded with an acknowledge or rejection. 

	The servers constructed with Net::FileShare are all forking. This was a feature which had not been implimented in previous distributions. The server will fork as many as SOMAXCONN connections.

	The clients constructed with the module now have the ability to choose between an automated vs. an interactive session. The interactive session was a new feature to this distribution.