Torus Operator


The Torus Operator is a leaf. It creates a 3D mesh of a torus (basically, a donut shape).









Sets the number of ring sections.



Controls the nNumber of ring section edges.


Loop radius/Outer Radius

Usage and label depends on the radius mode. Please see below.


Section radius/Inner Radius

Usage and label depends on the radius mode. Please see below.


Phase (local Z)

Controls ring section rotation.



Sets a number of ring sections to be ommitted from the mesh.


Radius mode

relative/absolute: Specifies the way outer and inner are used to define the shape of the torus. relative: Uses the Loop radius and Section radius to specify the radius of ring and section, respectively. absolute: Uses Outer radius as the outer bound of the ring section and Inner radius as the inner bound (effectively making the diameter of the torus equal outer * inner / 2 and the ring section diameter equal outer - inner)



Center/Bottom: Defines the initial position of the torus. Center: Creates the torus with its center at the world origin. Bottom: Creates the torus with the center of its bottom surface at the world origin.


Keyboard shortcut


o (when adding MinMesh operators)


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