A long-overdue performance update. And, of course, more bugfixes! ### Changelog #### Improvements - Pressing escape in search field focuses the application list - Moved bug reoporting initialization earlier to catch more potential errors - Lowered rating cache update rate - Added missing pieces of translation updates - Added extra info to errors in SeparateNonDottedCommand - Changed log timestamps to utc for better performance #### Performance - Big speedup of merging results during loading - Speedup of junk detection - Speedup of list rendering; Faster rendering of rating column - Small speedup of list item sorting - Small speedup of app executable detection - Improved rating download speed, less load on the server #### Fixes - Fixed nullref crash in LoadingDialog.OwnerOnMove - Fixed synchronization exception when coyping error to clipboard - Fixed BCU's own uninstaller showing on the application list - Fixed crash on invalid rating cache - Fixed access denied crash in link junk search - Fixed crash when quitting right after sorting - Fixed rating manager connecting to db even though it has nothing to send - Fixed logging crash when main thread exits first - Fixed error in portable version if CleanLogs.bat is missing - Fixed layout of feedback box for some translations [![Download Bulk Crap Uninstaller at FossHub](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/14913904/25586209/a84a224e-2e9e-11e7-9332-5f913a9d7cd8.png)](https://www.fosshub.com/Bulk-Crap-Uninstaller.html)